“Berklee Completion Student” – Part 2 (Some Background Info On Catalogue Years & Majors)

September 22, 2020

[Again, this is super in the weeds. If you wanna skip forward, you can go here (to the conclusion post). (Yes, there is no link there yet. I need to link it, once I write it haha)]

Picking up from yesterday –

We’ve talked before about Berklee catalogue years, because every four years, I’ve tried to ‘take a ‘class”.

(Since I left in 2010, the 4-year-thing has happened twice now.)

The first time, I took an ‘internship,’ and just had all the paperwork signed off on by my boss. The second time, I took a private lesson over zoom that I ultimately quit. I couldn’t keep up with it at the specified time once I got a job on The Daily Show.

I tried to withdraw, but I guess the paperwork never went through. So, officially, I have an F on my transcript. BUT, they didn’t say you had to PASS a class every four years. They said you had to ENROLL in one haha.

What I didn’t say last time was that in my last semester of my original time on campus (spring 2010), I got accepted in Electronic Production & Design as well.

You weren’t allowed to have more than two majors. But I didn’t mind officially dropping Music Business. I’d basically taken all the Music Business classes. [I got a waiver to finish out the internship years later.]

Basically, MP&E (Music Production & Engineering) and EPD (Electronic Production & Design) are the only majors you have to apply to get into at Berklee. So, you DON’T want to drop those once you’re in, unless you’re SURE you’re not going back to them (as you’d have to apply all over again and perhaps wouldn’t be allowed in again).

So, while I never actually took an EPD class on campus, I did sign the paperwork to make it so that at the time I left, I was officially a dual major in MP&E/EPD [should I ever come back]. And when I arrived, there was a bit of a brouhaha about it.

And I suppose this is where we’ll pick up tomorrow!

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