Working On The Carlos Watson Show!

October 2, 2020

While we’ve been talking about how I’m spending all my time, and being in school and everything – this is what I’m doing with all the rest of my time!

Working on a talk show, baby!

I have LOVED working on The Carlos Watson show. Loved it.

You know how much I love political talk shows. I have come in guns blazing! I keep getting to edit these episodes with all these awesome people! Pete Buttigieg! Anita freaking Hill!

And… Cory. Booker.

Doing Cory Booker’s episode was the coolest. They let me produce & edit it myself.

And it was cool because since I have the in with Cory, I got to ask the campaign if they had certain photos and videos that didn’t seem to be available online.

I just feel like life is happening! I’m doing something I love. I’m getting to do more all the time. I’m editing stories of people I have great interest in. (Thankfully they keep assigning me the democrat political people. And I love them for that.)

So yeah, that’s what’s going on, on the work front!

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