2018 In Review – Part 4 (Nov/Dec & Overview)

December 26, 2020

Picking up from last time!

November – The midterms, baby! Just trying to get word out, get people to vote, get some democrats elected. Obviously, I voted as well. I went canvassing for Aftab Pureval, and he actually stopped in while I was there. So, that was super cool!

December – I got to experience the ball drop in* Times Square for the first time. [*I was really very directly outside of Times Square for most of it.] But I got to dance with the huge crowds, and have the confetti rain down on me and everything. It was fantastic.
And then… I’m preeeeeeeetty certain this was a year I worked as an elf at Macy’s. [Again, the years sort of run together. So, I’m doing the best I can! haha. But I think I went back to Macy’s this year, and it was cool because I was grandfathered in to using my elf name ‘Vixen,’ as they’ve disallowed reindeer names for anyone new – but not me, an old timer from back in the day (when I was in college)!

So, yeah, that basically wraps up the year. It was a transitional-ish year, just kind of exploring new (or sometimes old, in new ways) things – trying to expand athletic stuff [though I still don’t super know how to ride a bike], trying to move forward on improv/performing stuff, working to get in the pool of another game show, getting more involved in politics [necessary in 2018], trying to be successful at BMI, as it was so now or never this time around.

You know just… I dunno, making it through, maybe trying to be a ‘rebuilding’ year of sorts.

We’ll move on to 2019 tomorrow!

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