Songs When Covid Started – First Up, “You’re Alive; You Are Breathing” (March 2020)

January 21, 2021

While we’re talking songs –

When the pandemic started way back over 10 months ago, which is somehow both an eternity but also not a long time(?) – who possible understands how time works.

Anyway, when the pandemic first started, a lot of people had an initial freakout. Whenever possible, IF I’m gonna have a freakout, I like to wait and not have an initial freakout, but a later one.

So, in trying to be as positive as possible in that initial time period, I wrote some songs, and for funsies, I thought I’d share some here!

First up, “You’re Alive; You Are Breathing.” (Hope you enjoy this silliness!)

[Media to come, when I figure the media out!]

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