Working At Quibi (On “Your Daily Horoscope”) (2020)

March 5, 2021

I’d finished my current job literally I think a week before the pandemic started. Then I had something that was supposed to start March 16th…

But nothing started March 16. We were told to hold tight. (Eep!) The beginning of the pandemic was slightly nerve-wracking.

I gave up hope that the new job I was supposed to do was gonna come thorough. And I didn’t know what else might become available…

‘Oh man, if production of things are shut down, are long are we gonna have footage that’s ready to edit?’

But then… I got hired on a cartoon! My first cartoon. How lucky!

We basically had two rounds – first, an animatic. Then we’d get the actual animations (based on the animatic we made).

Put it all together and there you have it – a fun new experience!

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