10 Years Since The Blog Started!

January 18, 2022

Wow. I can’t really believe it’s been 10 whole years, can you?

I’ve been trying to update the blog lately, so I’ve been going back to the archive, to keep looking to find my blank spots in the calendars.

And I noticed that when you look at the years up top, it’s been 10 whole years.

So, I went back and read the first post.

In that post I say I want to continue to have a lot of adventures, and make the world a better place, and become more of a well-rounded person.

I say I want to have an adventure-filled life, and that my life and the blog will hopefully encompass a lot of things.

I also say I have plenty of goals. I lay some of them out in the post, and then I say I’ll talk about some of them as time goes on.

Well, let’s see how things have turned out over the past 10 years.

As far as having varied adventures and hitting goals –

  • I was on three more games shows. (I’d already been on one before the blog started.)
  • I worked for Jon Stewart, which was dope! (In fact, I worked on a number of interesting shows – including with the Jacksons!!!)
  • I finished undergrad, and will be finishing grad school within the next 6 months [edited to add: I finished].
  • I lived in LA and New York multiple times each, and I even did a few-month stint in Mexico for a job.
  • I hadn’t visited Europe yet, and now I’ve been multiple times. And I went to Africa for the first (and second!) time as well.
  • I tackled multiple “52 in 52 projects” – the half marathons, the volunteer activities, the performances, and more.
  • I got back into dance, which I missed a lot. And started doing ballet en pointe!
  • I said on that blog post that I wanted to run a marathon in every state, and I did 7 of them so far. (Would be nice to have more, but not so bad, especially considering we’ve been in a pandemic for the last 3 years).

If I’m forgetting things, please, of course feel free to tell me (if somehow you remember something about my own life I don’t, which would be funny, but also possible).

And overall, I’m sort of doing it. I’m lived a fairly varied life. I’ve had adventures. I’ve let you in on most of it.

And it’s wild to think 10 years have gone by.

I did say in the first post that I wanted to win an EGOT and be a neurosurgeon. And man, let me tell you… I am not even one award into that EGOT. I am not even one *nomination* into that EGOT. So, I don’t know what’s gonna happen with that, if anything, ever. I’ve been on the pre-ballot – to get to the nomination round 4 times. And yet!

And the neurosurgeon thing, that was mainly tongue-and-cheek silliness, but I don’t know how anyone would’ve possible known that on a first blog post, so it was a bit of a silly thing to say, but also part of me still actually thinks I might be a neurosurgeon someday. So who knows! Anything is possible!

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