My Last Job Before The Nightly Show (2015)

February 22, 2022

Picking up from yesterday –

Originally the Job or No Job people sweetly asked if I wanted to roll onto another show. But I politely declined because while I loved their vibe, I was reeeeeeally hoping I was going to get into BMI. And I didn’t want to leave them high and dry, knowing I wouldn’t get to give much notice at all.

Plus, I had an offer on the table for a union gig. Money toward my pension. Health insurance weeks. The whole thing. And the money was pretty good for an AE salary. (I’m pretty sure it was around ~$1,850/week, which seemed very fair for AE stuff, at the time.) Plus, it was a reasonably simple job that wasn’t as complicated as shows needing to sync a million cameras, etc.

So, that seemed smarter to take. [I did need to take something. I had to live as though I wasn’t going to get into BMI – even though I was hoping I would.]

I took the night union gig, feeling all grown up that my boss who gave me my first AE gig was seeing me as not such a newb anymore.

And then I got BMI. But! I happened to work a Tuesday night – Saturday night schedule. And as crazy as it sounds, it seemed more financially feasible to stay in my affordable apartment in LA and fly out once a week (most weeks) than to spend all the money to move to NYC.

So, that was my plan!

…But then I got The Nightly Show, which I had to take. And which was the best dream of my life thus far.

That has been covered very, very much in detail on this blog. So, I’ll drop a link here to where you can check that out, whenever I organize this blog (if ever haha aye aye aye). And then tomorrow I’ll pick up with after The Nighty Show!

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