Spring Braedos! (Barbados) – Part 8 (A Little More Scuba Diving And Just Some Wonky Stuff)

March 28, 2022

So, now we’re up to Thursday, March 17th.

I started with my second day of scuba diving, which we’ve already talked about in another post.

But one little part I forgot to mention – we did our deep dive, we used this rope to help us descend. And as you can see, there’s a bunch of stuff on it.

As I went down, I accidentally cut my thumb, and it looked crazy, because if you pressed my thumb, weird green stuff was coming out of the cut, just bloop, blooping out since it was going into the water.

Ultimately, no weird moss grew out of me or anything, but it looked slightly crazy.

So, after scuba diving, I was fairly starving. I’d skipped breakfast. I didn’t want to be deep diving on a full stomach or anything. (I just wanted to make sure my stomach had no issues during an awesome dive.)

And then I’d gone scuba diving, which can be somewhat tiring, carrying your gear to the boat, doing the deep dive itself (and the shallower one afterward, etc.). So, I was happy that I was getting to the hotel with about 35 minutes, give or take, to spare before the van was coming for us (as Alex said it was supposed to come at 3pm).

I thought that’d be enough time – if I hurried – to eat pretty quickly, and change into something cute.

Now, for whatever reason, even though my phone is usually so reliable and wonderful, and usually works overall pretty great internationally, for whatever reason, it was failing me.

I forget if we’d noticed it the night before, or in the morning. Either way, we noticed my phone was just absolutely not working to save our lives. No service. No matter where I went. It was just kaput. (This was actually never really explained other than ‘things get weird internationally sometimes, and it was working a few days later.)

But anyway, since I couldn’t use my phone, he was unable to reach me, and I promised to come back right after scuba diving and meet him in the room, so we could meet up and have lunch and then go to this cave together.

And I worked out with the cab driver I had to scuba in the morning to to come get me at 2. And I told him if for some reason the boat is not back to please, please wait for me, and I’d pay extra. Because I had to leave as soon as I could to get back to Alex, and I had no form of communication on me.

(Obviously had the cab driver not pulled through, we weren’t far from a Hilton. I could’ve asked them to call a cab, or probably the scuba place would’ve. I could’ve used another diver’s phone. I wasn’t like in the wilderness. But I just wanted to make sure there was as little room as possible for error.)

Oh, also! A silly little cab story! So, I’d pre-booked a cab through the hotel, on my first day of scuba diving (Wednesday), to come at whatever time I needed it in the morning. And when I got to the lobby, there were approximately a billion people there. (I may be exaggerating a little, but you get it.)

And I was like “uuuuuh, do you by chance know where my cab is?”

And some wires had accidentally gotten crossed and the cab wasn’t there. But then the hotel was like, “it doesn’t matter. Take any of them. Everyone is going to the game, so you can jump in one of these vans with other people.”

It felt hilarious to be the one person not going to the cricket game. And when they realized, “oh you’re not going to the game?!”, they immediately got to scuba just fine, and all was right with the world… But that was kind of hilarious to me.

(We’ll get more into the cricket game later.) So, back to where we are now on Thursday –

I jumped in the cab after scuba. I went straight to the room. And Alex was like, “I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I thought it said the shuttle was coming at 3, but we are supposed to be there at 3.”

No worries!

So, we skipped the food. (It’s all right. We could always pig out later!) I literally just threw a kind of flower over-wrap dress thing over my bathing suit, so it looked like I was wearing somewhat normal clothes as there was no time to change.

We whatsapped the cab I’d just been in, asking him to come right back, which he did. We booked it to the front to meet him.

And then we got to Harrison’s Cave. And we ultimately did have time once we got there, but it was a race to do it!

And Alex’s prediction had come true. The one and only bump in the road we ran into was handled like a team (the Sky Team, as we call ourselves). And we were indeed very chill. And we made it!

And I’ll talk about Harrison’s Cave tomorrow!

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