My 43 Days In Morocco! – Erg Chegaga

June 8, 2022

Aurora on an ATV in Erg Chebbi in Morocco

So, the internet told me that it might be worth visiting both major sand dunes of the Sahara desert in Morocco, because the sand was different, or tit was a different vibe between Erg Chegaga and Erg Chebbi.

And some people disagreed and were like “once you’ve seen the Sahara desert, you’ve seen it.”

I thought “how often are you in Morocco? If I’m making my way around the country, trying to see as much as possible, I should try to see as much as possible. Why not stop off and see this other dune?

And I stand by that decision, because why not. But also, after having done it, I’m in the camp of the Sahara desert is the Sahara desert. To me, there’s no humongous difference between the dunes. If anything, I would pick Chebbi over Chegaga, because it’s easier to get to (and also Chebbi is the one where Mohammed’s family owns the camp, and we’re already bffs).

But! Since I did get to also try Erg Chebbi, I’ll tell you about it.

Basically, we passed a little oasis on the way there, which was pretty cool.

And then as far as the dunes themselves, they are SPRAWLING. I saw nothing but sand for as far as the eye could see.

I had been driven over an hour away from civilization to get to these dunes, and then a man took me out on the ATVs, and I just had to trust I was gonna be able to follow him and get back (and he was fast!).

But I was able to. And it was cool to ride around in the Sahara desert. The guys asked if I was okay when I got back though, because my face was reeeeeed. So, it’s always hotter than you think it is. Be safe out there!

It was pretty cool just riding around in this sprawling-sprawlingness.

And that was really it. Then the driver I was with that day drove me to the camp at Mhamid. And I spent the night.

(I was with other drivers because Mohammed dropped me off at this Sahara camp to see what this one was like. But I was back with him the next day!)

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