The Grocery Store in Morocco!

June 19, 2022

One thing I love in other countries is going to the grocery story and seeing what’s up!

So get this! If you’re American, think about what battery brand you think of as synonymous with a Rabbit mascot, or a bunny, some might say.

Energizer, right? The Energizer bunny?

Not in Morocco! There’s a DURACELL bunny!

Also, Morocco is SO about hospitality and stuff, there’s a guy at the front of the hotel to have tea with you! Not to sell it to you. Not to have you sample it to buy it. Just to have a little drink with you, if you feel like it.

And this isn’t a tiny mom & pop grocery store. This is a chain, a major store, like a Ralph’s.

I didn’t see any microwavable meals! Microwaves aren’t used in a lot of places in Morocco!

The did have Ben & Jerry’s. I got some for Mohammed, as he’d never tried it before. He thought it was good (because of course it was; it’s Ben & Jerry’s).

Hot sauce is not a big thing in Morocco. There didn’t seem to be a lot of spicy stuff – a big change from Barbados just a couple months prior.

Mohammed showed me the various baby products his daughter had used as a baby, like the local diaper brand and everything they used.

And it was just fun to see the differences and similarities in the grocery store!

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