My 43 Days In Morocco! – Ziplining!!!

June 22, 2022

Okay, this was maybe my favorite day in Morocco!

So, basically, Mohammed and I were going to Akchour to hike, and on the way there, we saw this cool looking place with this big bridge, and a zipline and everything.

And as we were passing it, he was kinda like “do you think you could do that?” And I was like “I think I could. I think we should. Do you think we should?”

And he turned around and we decided to go ziplining!

You could go on 3 ziplines, and go on the rickety bridge and stuff for only $10 [US].

We ended up going with this big group of guys, who were going at the same time.

So we all successfully went on the first zipline. And going into the second one (the longest one), I was next up and the zipline guy was talking in Arabic. I asked Mohammed what he was saying, and he was translating basically like “well, since she’s just a little girl, she might be scared because the wind is really bad, so if she waits until the end, I can go down with her, so she doesn’t have to go alone.”

And I’d learned a teeny tiny little bit of Arabic from hanging with Mohammed.

And so I whipped my head around to the zipline guy and was like “Ana las tu Heiffa!” [Again, no idea how to spell that, but that was the gist of how it sounded.] But anyway, it means, “I am not afraid!” in Arabic.

And I was so proud of myself for knowing just the correct phrase at the exact right time. He was a little taken aback that I could say that in Arabic, and he let me go next!

We successfully finished the rickety bridge and the other zipline.

And it was fun little silly morning! Yay!

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