It’s Just So Very Nice To Be Home, And To Be Done (With Grad School)

July 5, 2022

It feels so wild and so excited to be… done.

For anyone who hasn’t been around, I’ve now been in school for 7 straight semesters [starting summer 2020, then fall (2020) spring/summer/fall (2021), and then spring/summer (2022)].

I went back to undergrad after years away because of the pandemic. And then I rolled straight into graduate school. And in many ways, that’s been very cool. But grad school especially has felt a little exhausting.

It’s not that grad school was incredibly hard, per se. I think it was actually easier than undergrad.

[Undergrad was out of my usual wheelhouse – engineering/math/all that. Grad school, was stuff I knew well (musical theater)… But it was time consuming.]

And even though I had some weeks off between semesters, it felt like there was always something. Like, in undergrad, I had to complete saxophone proficiencies I had to study for between semesters. And I had to work on thesis projects for my majors and minors. And in grad school, it was all geared toward our final thesis.

So, this is the first time in 7 semesters (a bit over 2 years) that I get a real and true complete break. No homework. No projects. No nothing.

And while i don’t like to have nothing to do for too long, there is something that’s always so nice about a liiiiittle bit of time to decompress after a big project. And it’s been really nice to just… watch TV. I’m gonna catch up on a lot I’ve missed, and I dunno. It just feels so good in this moment to relax and do whatever I want… including nothing for a second.

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