Power of Our Mind/Thinking(?) [Mulling Over A TikTok I Saw On This]

August 1, 2022

I saw this Tik Tok.

[If for any reason this link gets broken, or if you don’t want to watch, it’s a Tik Tok by @iamnoravirginia. She basically says that our thoughts have A TON of effect on our reality.
She talks about how there’s a thing called the “tinkerbell effect,” which basically says what you’re believing is what you’re thinking into existence, even if it’s not true. And she gives an example of a study where one group actually got chemo and one got a placebo, and 30% of those in the control group still lost their hair, because they believed and thought they would! And one of her concluding thoughts is, “if you can think your way into losing your hair, can you imagine what else you’re thinking into your reality every single day?”]

It really is wild how powerful our brains are. And I don’t really know what to do with that.

On the one hand, obviously thinking positive thoughts doesn’t always get you positive things. I can think of at least one audition I had where I thought I nailed it SO hard – then didn’t even get a callback.

(Of course that’s just one example. But, you get the gist. Believing in yourself/thinking good things doesn’t always work.)

But often times, it does…

But then also that makes me feel a little crazy, that basically I can just choose how to experience the world.

And I feel like so often, I’m searching what the “truth” is of a situation. What’s the “right” thing to do in this or that situation.

But so often, I guess there is no true “intrinsic” truth. I definitely am afraid of thinking I’m loved if I’m not loved as deeply as I think, but then if I’m suspicious of love I’m shown, that doesn’t really encourage people to love me any deeper, now does it?

But if life is just everything we believe, it makes me feel delusional to walk around that sure of things and choose to be believing all the time.

But I dunno!

I don’t even know if I’m making sense. I just – every time I see an idea like that one in the Tik Tok, it just tickles my brain and makes me a little fascinated.

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