Hmmm… I Think Maybe We Should Maybe Be More Careful Who We Take Advice From/How We Take It (Re: Lens On The World Epiphany)

September 5, 2022

I was just thinking about what we’ve been talking about – with the lens of how people see the world.

Obviously to some extent, I’ve always been somewhat aware of that lens. But it’s just really showing more and more to me everyday on that app.

Because there are videos where we’re all LITERALLY watching the EXACT SAME THING – and there will be some people being like “that’s a red flag!” with others who are all, “That’s insanely sweet.”

There will be SO many people on SO many videos with incredibly differing views.

(Of course some are more easily generally agreed upon than others, but not all.)

And so to know I can be watching the SAME thing someone else is, and maybe one of us is disgusted and one is delighted. Or one is scared and one is excited… It just makes me think – maybe we shouldn’t lean so much for others on advice.

Depending on the thing, I can really be a ‘should’ person. Oh, I “should” do this or that. I can should myself to death.

Sometimes when I’m really on the fence about something (or if I have made up my mind, but it doesn’t seem like the thing I “should” do and I’m kinda hoping to be talked into or out of something), I go to people for advice.

But I think it’s REALLY important to like really, really, really, really, really, REALLY remember that EVERYONE is viewing the world through their own lens. Even people you admire. People you generally agree with. Each lens is so unique.

I just hope I remember that the next time someone’s advice doesn’t seem to make sense to me – they may be viewing my situation/the world through a lens that doesn’t quuuuuite work with what I need right then (even if many times we wear the same prescription).

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