Personal Reinventions

September 7, 2022

Okay, I *think*(?) this is the last post inspired in part by all the random Jaxness on my TikTok. (Though I do have more about TikTok and just all this stuff).

But I’m kind of fascinated at the way so many of us have fully, incredibly different stages of our lives.

(I mean, I guess obviously fashion and technology and our ages are gonna change.) But think about how different Madonna is between her albums. Janet Jackson. Britney Spears. Christina Aguilera.

And I do kind of wonder if for pop stars, specifically, they are trying to really brand each particular album. [I mean… probably, I’m guessing.]

And what does that mean… is it chicken or the egg in that case? Like, are they HAVING to do something new/interesting/different every few years, so they have to do a new brand? Or, are they feeling a sense of metamorphosis/new chapter, and they need their brand to change to catch up? [Probably a mix of both.]

But to some extent, we all can and/or have done this.

People were talking about it a lot when it came to Jax. On American Idol, she was sort of ‘punky’ with a little temporary tattoo-like thing on her face. Now she is SO different – to the point where numerous people have commented some version of “I did remember Jax from American Idol! I just never put 2 + 2 together that they were the same person!”

And I guess I just wonder… do a lot of people’s changes happen because they’re seeing change and are actively trying to cultivate this new change [probably, as it’s probably hard to change otherwise]. Or do they just keep moving forward and slowly become a new person and realize it as they look back.

I bet in many ways Drew Barrymore didn’t realize the cute daytime-talk version that she is now would’ve been who she would become.

She just kept making steps to heal things in her life. And now she’s here.

I think oftentimes I’m kind of chasing a version of myself from 2015 – the probably best time in my life thus far. But maybe we never do get to be our debut or sophomore or whatever albums again…

And maybe that’s okay because how else would we get all the new bangers if we didn’t put out more albums?

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