How Much Do Influencers Truly “Influence”?

October 10, 2022

As you all know, I have the best dad. Fight me, I don’t care.

And so, since he is the best, he takes a big interest in my interests. And you know what that means – we talk about TikTok a lot, as it is basically my favorite thing of the moment.

He was wondering how much influencers truly ‘influence’ – like how many people actually try things, or buy things etc. because of an influencer.

I kinda think it might be a lot?

And I dunno. I guess I’m posing the question to you. Do you try things because people on the internet tell you to?

A big example for me recently is I went to Disney Paris because of a tweet.

Now, I didn’t FLY to Paris because of a tweet. I was already in Paris for a 16-hour layover. But what I chose to do on that layover, I did because someone tweeted about Tower of Terror. And someone was like “this picture must be old. It doesn’t exist in Disneyland anymore.”

Someone else was like “it exists in Paris.”

Boom. All right. Yeah. I wanna go see it.

So, I’m reasonably ‘influenced’, I suppose! Are you?

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