The Process of Playing on Wheel of Fortune! (Part 4 – Standby Tape Date)

May 18, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

I’ll get a lot deeper into the specifics of the day when it comes to my actual tape date, but I will say a few things about the overview of the standby date.

I do have a small wondering of whether it’s an advantage, or a disadvantage, or a nothing, to get to have the extra standby date.

I personally think it all comes out in the wash and isn’t necessarily a huge advantage or a disadvantage.

You could argue you get one more day to get comfortable, but that also may make you more complacent the second time. (And it also makes the process longer, which could be a little rough.)

So, anyway, I went to my standby tape date. And as I was waiting outside, the first person I met was the other standby contestant!

So, we became pals.

Since we aren’t allowed to have access to our phones the day of, Wheel tells us to bring a list of the 4 people they should call for us to be our audience members, should we get to go on.

So, I had my list [and had warned my local friends on the list to be ready, if need be]. (They did not need be haha.)

I went through the whole morning, which we’ll get to on my actual tape date.

They were able to approve my outfit, which was nice. That’s one perk, is since you’re there, they will tell you that what you’re wearing is good. (But they give extraordinarily specific instructions on what to wear. So, I’m guessing that’s not usually a problem anyway.)

Then I got to sit around and watch all the tapings, in case anything happened to anyone during the day.

I was glad I got to watch. The theme “big money” didn’t wholly click with me until I saw the first full episode. I’m used to Price is Right Big Money Week, where it just means everything is more expensive, so I thought it would something special about the wheel, but no. The puzzles had a lot of money themes.

It ultimately didn’t matter that I had a stronger understanding because I didn’t play. But it was good!

It was kind of sad that the 2 people who were now players who had been standby contestants before both only won $1,000. Not a good omen, and I felt kind of bad for them – especially one girl who didn’t tape until the last episode of the day. So she had two very long days and walked away with $1,000 – which yes, is nothing to sneeze at, but it’s Wheel! You want to do well!

And once my standby day was over… it was time to go back in the pool for my official day! And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 3 – Receiving the Letter in the Mail)

May 17, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, basically, the way it works when you’ve been chosen for the show is they tell you that there’s now an 18-month window of when they might call you in to play.

They say that because of the way the making the schedule works, you generally won’t know until about 14 days in advance.

They do try to make super clear that if there’s any reason you won’t be able to play, they’ll reschedule you. And they try to make it clear, that even if that boots you outside of your 18-month window, they’ll do their best to accommodate it.

(Some of the examples they give of life things that could get in the way are pregnancy (you can’t play if you’re too pregnant), illness, military deployment, final exams for college students, etc. etc.)

If you are a California resident! (Which I am!), you first have to do a standby tape date.

Now, if I had truly wanted to argue that I’m a New York resident, I think I could have. I did have an apartment there, and was spending a fair amount of time there, and am in BMI, and all that.

But I didn’t want it to get confusing for tax purposes, and temporary address purposes, etc. etc. So, I went with my true LA residency status, which means that since you live here, and you don’t have to fly in, you have to come to your first tape date as a standby contestant.

There are two standby contestants for every tape date, and basically they’re there just in case someone gets ill, misses a flight, whatever, then someone is there to play.

When I did my date as a standby contestant, someone mentioned in passing that to their knowledge it had been years since one was used. So, I think it’s basically a safety measure more than anything else.

But whenever it does end up getting used, they’re gonna be glad they did!

Now, as far as when I got called to come in and play…

I don’t actually remember all this time later, but I think they might’ve called me to standby while I was in New York, and then I couldn’t do it because the whole point of an LA person doing the standby is that they don’t have to make a trip out there just for that, so they didn’t want me to do that.

(Maybe it would’ve been better to put New York after all.)

But whatever!

Anyway, I ultimately got called in to be a standby contestant for Friday, July 26, 2019.

I was supposed to be running a 5k as part of the San Francisco half marathon weekend that weekend, but I didn’t want to wait any longer for Wheel.

So, I cancelled the SF weekend, and just went to Wheel of Fortune. We were already 10 months out from my acceptance. So, I wanted to get this standby date done, so I could get to my tape date.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 2 – The Rest of the Initial Audition)

May 16, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, when it was my turn and I was in the group of 5 people, I was in control of the board for a crossword puzzle.

I generally absolutely love the crossword puzzles (which is ironic, since I screwed up one, on my actual show). But this one was pretty straightforward and I was pretty proud of myself, because I got it when not much was filled in, and I filled in the whole rest of it, not buying one single vowel. And then I solved – which is exactly how I wanted to/planned on playing the game.

Then, there was one more puzzle for my group.

The person next to me was in control. She got it to FRESH _ A _ A _ A.

Reasonably, she thought it might be banana, so she guessed N. It wasn’t banana.

My mind was engaged, but the day had gone on for a while, and I had slightly checked out a tiny bit. And it felt like I blinked my eyes, and all of a sudden the person right before me had also gotten it wrong.

So, it had gone around 4 people guessing random letters, trying to figure out what _ A _ A _ A was.

Then, they were like “Aurora, take us home!”

Oh my god. I have to get this. My reputation is on the line. And I want to be on Wheel of Fortune so freaking badly!

They’re doing fake spins for us, like we do the motion and they point to the little wheel they have at the front. And they fake landed me on $5,000. And thankfully, right when I needed to know it, I yelled out P, hoping against all hope it was papaya. And sure enough it was.

After everyone had gone, they dismissed us.

And I was flying so high. I hadn’t guessed a single wrong letter, and I’d solved two puzzles. I couldn’t have felt better about the audition.

And then I got the letter on September 24, so about 2 weeks later, that said “CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected as a contestant for Wheel of Fortune!”

How exciting!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 1 – Applying & Beginning Audition)

May 15, 2020

May 8, 2018 – randomly made a video, and I’m pretty sure I sent it in that night.

You only get 30 seconds to say something. I happened to still be living kind of half in New York, half in LA, at the time. Thinking New York would seem interesting to them, I went and taped it in Times Square, not saying anything super special. In fact, I’ll tell you exactly what I said:

“Hi Wheel of Fortune! My name is Aurora. I’m here in Times Square, where I live, in New York. And… I want to be on Wheel, because I’m great at the strategy. I know all about the “What are you Doing” ending in -ing, and… you know, all the good letters to call, statistically what you should call for the bonus round. I care so much. And I really want to be on the show. So, please call me. Okay, bye!”

On August 27, 2018 – I got an email that I was given an audition, to take place almost exactly two weeks later.

I was lucky because, as I said, I was living partially in New York, and partially in LA, and I was already in LA during that time. So, it was easy for me to go to the audition.

They did say if you didn’t live in Los Angeles, they could contact you when they’d be closer to your state. But even if I hadn’t been in LA, I doubt I would’ve wanted to wait any longer.

So, then on the morning of September 11, 2018, I had my audition.

I had a truly great time at the audition.

Basically, you start with checking in at the desk, and turning in an application with a picture of yourself [that they instructed you to bring].

Everyone sat in rows of chairs. They welcomed us in, and we got to take a written test.

There were two different written tests on two different colored pieces of paper, so that you wouldn’t have the same test as someone next to you.

The test was hard, but reasonable. I was slightly nervous because there were definitely some things I missed. I very stupidly couldn’t figure out one of the puzzles that had something  _ _ J _  K in it. I’m like “Bojack [like Horseman]? What would that be in this context? Also, that doesn’t fit. What other word possible looks like that? 

It was Sajak. Like, think about where you are for just two seconds, girl.

But, no matter what I missed, i got enough right to advance to the next round!

It was so funny while they were grading our tests, and everyone was sitting around a little antsy in anticipation. It took kind of a while, but everyone was friendly while we waited.

They listed off the names of people who could stay, and everyone else was sent home.

I don’t have an exact number of people who left/got to stay, but I think it looked like under half, maybe? who got to stay.

So, then they would call on us, and we’d stand up from wherever we were sitting and there was a puzzle on the projector board in this hotel conference room. And we had to call some letters until we solved the puzzle, or they’d seen enough.

I felt so bad in my puzzle because there were THREE 3-letter words. The girl before me guessed “t,” and there was not one T in that whole puzzle.

Can’t fault her for trying T.

So, after only getting to guess one letter, she had to sit back down.

Then it was my turn. Knowing none of those words were “the,” I found some other common 3-letter words (“for,” and “and”).

Here I was thinking I was doing a great job (I like to think I was ;)), but they ended my turn because they’ve seen enough (enough brilliance, I hope! Am I right? *reaches out for high-5*). Anyway, so the puzzles kept going, until it was time for groups of 5-at-a-time to go to the front of the room, and pretend to actually spin, and play the puzzles.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 21 – (The Little Talking After the Show)

May 14, 2020

Picking up from last time –

So, then they took me off to the side of the stage while Pay did the goodbye.

I thought I was waiting for a contestant coordinator to take me back to the contestant area, so I started taking down my hair. I just wanted to hide and get out of there. And get my hair down, and all that.

But then someone came up to me and was like “no, no! Keep your hair up! You’re gonna chat with them at the end.”

I assumed only people who won the bonus round got to chat at the end, but I was wrong.

Anyway, when we all went out there, I said how disappointed I’d been in myself and how my dad joked I shouldn’t even bother coming home if I won anything less than $63,000.

And Vanna was like “well, if you makes you feel better, even getting the bonus puzzle, you wouldn’t have gotten that much” hahahahaha.

Okay, that makes me feel a little better. I talked a little about how I knew every mistake I made and please don’t think I’m an idiot.

And then they didn’t really care about all the twists and turns of anything I did wrong, and instead, they started asking me about BMI, which was actually really nice, because they seemed to have a genuine interest in the program I was doing and my future dreams.

Then when the cameras cut, I was indeed taken back to contestant holding.

And that concludes my game!

I will ultimately talk about the rest of the day (signing the papers, leaving the studio), but it’s all straightforward, so don’t hold your breath.

I’m just gonna start at the very beginning for like the ‘admin’ side of it – from the Wheelmobile, to sending in the tape, etc. – just the whole entire thing. And I’ll do the day through when I leave Sony.

Then we’ll do FAQs, etc. So, I think we’ve still got a lot to go!

And I’ll start in on all that tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 20 – (The Bonus Round – Being a Biiiig Loser)

May 13, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, I’d missed the puzzle.

I then fell to my knees because I always lose my legs when I’m overcome with emotion. (You saw that on The Price is Right. I couldn’t stay standing when I heard it was a car.) So, I just dropped to the ground. (You can’t see this with the camera, but I hit the ground so hard, I got a bruise on my knee after the tape date!)

Pat made the joke about having twins, and I was just so in my own world, I didn’t even clock it at all, like literally did not register that he said it.

I was super nervous for him to open the envelope.

In a perfect world, if I was losing, it would’ve been a car. The money you actually net off of a car is ultimately somewhat minimal (ish, depending on how you think of minimal in the game show world).

(In calculations we did when I won a car on The Price is Right, people were ultimately netting 5 grand, give or take – which, sure, is a lot, but it’s not the same as losing $37,000 [over 6x more than that amount!].

But the next best thing it could be is $37,000 (which was the smallest amount on the wheel that season).

I would’ve wanted to throw up if it had been $100,000 (not that I didn’t want to, losing $37,000 haha)!

So, he opened the envelope. It was $37,000.

Then I didn’t realize how far I’d turned away from him.

I hate the feeling of being embarrassed, and not immediately being able to crawl into the earth, you know?

It’s like I want to hide and I don’t know how.

She he asks if I’m all right, and I say I’m a big loser.

Absolutely hilarious to see nothing has changed from third grade me. Perhaps I should learn how to deal with disappointment better, instead of just trying to always outrun it.

So, then I say “I hope nobody watches this” (I guess really just trying to drive the point home that yeah, I’m embarrassed. I know this was not a great look for me).

And then he goes, “”well, we’re hoping they do.”

And then I let out my first truly genuine laugh of the show.

More than anything, I’m laughing at myself at that point, because in that moment it zooms out from my embarrassment to the fact that this is how all these people make a living!

They need TV shows to keep going! Those people want to keep their jobs, so people have to watch.

So, I’m laughing at myself, thinking, I guess my ego can take a hit for over 100 people’s livelihoods.

So, I did it. I made it through the show. And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 19 – (The Bonus Round – Trrrrrrying to Solve)

May 12, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Okay, so, I’m still just laserly trying to insert letters into my head as Pat’s talking, and I’m glad he talks a little before the timer starts. I’ll take any extra milliseconds I can get.

I also appreciated that he said I could do this. I THINK he said at the taping that I was a good player, but I don’t have the raw footage, so maybe I just thought that in my head, or inferred it from him saying I was a good player.

Either way, sometimes he basically throws up his hands assumes people aren’t going to get it. And the fact that he thought I *might* made me feel like I at least played the game well enough to make Pat believe in my skills.

So, at this point, I’m totally grasping at straws.

It kind of looks like “A Work Order.” Clearly I know it’s not, because R and D would be in those spots. But I’m hoping if I start saying my dumb ideas out loud, my brain will get new good ideas in their places.

“Very” also clearly wasn’t gonna be in there. Wary, maybe. I look so stupid on television saying words out loud that clearly aren’t in there…

But they do tell you to talk it out! I didn’t want to stand silently, doing that all in my head.

Then I started yelling out totally random things at the end that didn’t fit at ALL because my go to things in the bonus round if I really didn’t know it was to think Q words and double-letter words.

So, I just yelled out a Q word (quick) and double-letter word (zipper), hoping maybe if I put my brain on that wavelength, it would start spilling out other Q or double letter words, and one of them would be in there…

That didn’t happen.

It WAS indeed a double-letter word. But, even if I’d assumed the last word was double letter and started going down the used letter board, and got offer, I just wasn’t really thinking an RM word in the first word. I MIGHT have gotten it, but I also wasn’t really thinking an i word. I just sadly didn’t have it.

(I do mumble something with an F right after I said ‘quick’, so F was in my brain somewhere. But I just didn’t have it. I dunno!)

You have a lot of them, but I didn’t have that one. I’d finally found the first “thing” puzzle in my studying that tripped me up – and it was the one where real money was on the line.

My dad tried to console me by saying, “let’s say you’re an A wheel of Fortune player. There’ve been what? Like 5,000 episodes of wheel. Even if you’re scoring a 94%, that’s 300 you’d get wrong. That’s a really high percentage to being with. And even still, you’d get it wrong HUNDREDS of times.

Nobody’s perfect, and sadly that includes me – even though I’d really like to be! haha

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 18 – (The Bonus Round – The Letter Picking)

May 11, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

The puzzle I’m given is

A _ _ R _
_ _ _ ER

So, immediately I start thinking about letters that might end that first word, and what might help me there.

I know I get a little ‘theatrical’ with my side commentary or whatever of “oh, I’m nervous” or blah blah whatever [wasn’t really “nervous,” per se, was just trying to buy time to think].

I was SO hoping I could solve the puzzle, or part of it, without any additional letters – that something would stick out to me. And it just didn’t.

So, D seemed like a good guess. “rd” is a pretty big combination that it could’ve definitely been.

I picked H mainly because PCHO, last I heard, were statistically the best letters to call (and it usually worked out well when I did call them at home). And H gives you potentially a lot of info.

Looking back on it now, H probably wasn’t a good call.

The last word doesn’t seem long enough to have H be at the top for most ‘things’. Hover? Haver? And it’s probably not gonna be revealing a “ch” somewhere, because there’s just no room for it. “RH” isn’t gonna be the end of the first word.

So, I don’t know what I truly expected with H except for the fact that I think I was a little scared to abandon PCHO completely. But for whatever reason, it seemed right at the time.

If I were going to replace H with another letter at this point, I would do K because _ _ RK is also super duper reasonable.

I think at the time, I just wasn’t thinking about M. I thought it was most likely to be P, D, or K that ended that first word. So I thought if it wasn’t D and wasn’t K, I’d sort of assume P, and that I can’t purely just try to get that one letter, so I guessed H. But I should’ve guessed something else.

P was an okay guess, because that could be many places, and RP to end the first word is reasonable.

I will say, I would’ve almost never guessed M or F in the bonus puzzle, and I definitely wasn’t thinking of them for this one.

So, even though I could’ve called something stronger than H, I wouldn’t have called F or M. I still would’ve gotten more info, of something not being there. But *shrug*.

And then I called O, because statistically, it’s good in the bonus puzzle, usually – and in this one, it clearly was good, as it was the only info I got.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 17 – (Commercial Break/Spinning Bonus Round Wheel)

May 10, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

During the commercial break, Pat walks me over to the little wheel. And he’s super nice.

He gives me this little speech about how, “You won the game. The game’s over. You did it. Congratulations. You won. This is called the bonus round because it’s just a bonus.” Basically like be proud of yourself and have some fun.

And then I’m kinda like, “no, no! Have faith. We don’t have to be preparing ourselves for defeat! Let’s believe in me!” haha

And we have a nice little laugh. And he’s basically like, all right then, let’s go get this bonus round.

So, we go up to the little wheel. They give you a practice spin, so you get a sense of what it feels like/know how to spin it (just as they give you multiple practice spins of the real/big wheel).

We come back from commercial break. He asks about my friends. I’m so happy they’re back there. Good ol’ Summer, Connie, and Alec.

[I’ve mentioned before that my dad and B couldn’t get to town. And Alex was out of town. With all the bajillions of people I know in LA, I was a little embarrassed I didn’t have all 4 slots filled, but hey, we were at the top of a global pandemic.

So… I spin, and here we go.

And you know what? I’ll just keep this post short because let’s devote a whole entire post to the bonus round… tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 16 – (Picking The Bonus Category)

May 9, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Oh boy. This is where it starts to get a little controversial, because everyone’s like “don’t ever pick thing! I would never pick thing! Thing is an awful thing to pick!”

But in my opinion, it made sense for me.

I had, of course, been studying Wheel of Fortune wildly.

And I’d tracked how I’d done on bonus round categories.

There was absolutely no way I was going to pick “what are you doing?” Never, ever, ever.

Some recent episodes I’d studied had “fixing brunch” – I would’ve never gotten fixing brunch. That’s just not a phrase I would ever think of in my life.

“Being Goofy?” I mean, generally O is the letter I guess which would’ve been helpful, but I would’ve never guessed G, thinking they wouldn’t put in a helpful g in a puzzle where you know -ing is in there. And so I don’t know that I would’ve gotten that in 10 seconds.

“Lowering the Boom”? Like WHAT?! I mean, I know that’s a thing. And working in TV, you’d think maybe I’d think of a boom mic, but like. I just always did poorly on “what are you doing” because they kept phrasing things in ways I did not understand, that didn’t super feel like things you’re ‘doing’, at least to me. So, that one was ALWAYS off the table.

Event and Thing were two of my favorite categories. I knew going in that if I had just one of those, whichever it was, I would pick it.

If I got an option for both, I was going make a split second decision and/or I would just pick whichever of those two was in the 3rd spot.

WELL… Neither was in the 3rd spot, because “what are you doing” was in the 3rd spot.

So, THEN I ALMOST chose event, because Thing was in the second spot. And 2 is my unlucky number. But then I was thinking, “you HAVE to play strategy if you get to choose between strategy and luck. And statistically you’ve done better on thing.”

Event I had generally done well on. I did feel fairly strong in it. I had gotten “buying a condo” on a show I’d recently watched. But I’d missed “dramatic face-off” and was worried there might be an event I didn’t view as an ‘event’. So, while the ones I DID know, I seemed to know swiftly; the ones I didn’t, I was really lost.

In ALL the episodes I’d studied, I had never missed a “thing” bonus round. I thought I was on a good wavelength with Wheel as what things were. I’d gotten “Obvious Fact” and “Obvious Questions.” I got “A Quiet Voice” and “Quick Comeback.” I was even yelling “Valor and Bravery” at the TV.

Thing just seemed like… the thing, if you will.

So, I picked it. And I tried to really pick it with as much confidence as I could. But you can see right before the picture fades, I look down a little, because I am worried about the fact that I didn’t pick event. But I picked my fate, so it’s time to go to the bonus round.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 15 – (The Final Puzzle Puzzle)

May 8, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, Pat goes to do the final spin. And I’m so nervous about him spinning the $5,000 wedge, because I have a big lead, but not an unbeatable lead. Thankfully, he doesn’t do that.

And I’m something close to $16,000 ahead. So, I think I’ll be safe, but of course a little nervous because nothing’s ever official until it’s happened.

Anytime I look up and to my left, I’m looking at the letter board. And anytime I look just over or down to my left, I’m looking at the score board. (We can see the scores just like the audience at home can, if we look to the left, since we don’t see the view you all are seeing.)

Ben seems to be up there just having a grand time, while I am absolutely doing backflips in my brain, plugging in all the various things it could be.

When it gets to my, it’s:
_S_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ S

So, I guess N, thinking it’s “tions,” and that maybe there’s another N somewhere else.

I’m right on my hunch about “tions,” but I still don’t know it.

I’m getting frustrated with myself that I can’t figure it out faster, but such is life, I suppose.

Once it gets back to me, it’s

_S_ _ _ _ _
_ R _ _ _ _ T _ _ N S

The reason I guess D is because with as long as that bottom word is, it feels like it might end in “dictions” (which is does). And I was thinking if it didn’t, it might start with “DR” as that’s a possible letter combination.

We also don’t know how the first word ends, so it’s possible it ends in D. So, I thought D was safe and would hopefully give some more info. All it gave was what was I feeling which was “dictions” as a stronger possibility, but no surprise info.

I keep trying to plug in words into the top that start with E (or even trying other vowels), because I’m just not thinking PS, and ES feels like a semi-common word starter, and other vowels are definitely possible too. But sadly, I’m not even thinking PS at this point.

You can almost kinda see on my face when Steve calls E and no E comes up in the first word, I’m like “what?” Okay, so we know it doesn’t start with E. Let’s start getting some ideas out there!

I’m really trying to figure out that first word. Of course as soon as Ben calls “P,” I know what it is. And for a split second before he says it, in my head, I’m making sure that I know to call C next, since there are 3 instances of it, so it’d be nice to pocket that money.

But of course he solves the puzzle. And hilariously, he’s like “I lost, though,” when Pat comes over. Ben seemed really laid back and pretty fun. And he and Pat have a little silly banter.

Pat also says goodbye to Steve, and then it’s my turn!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 14 – (The 4th Puzzle)

May 7, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, I get to spin, and the category is “What Are You Doing?” which is awesome, because then we already immediately know 3 of the letters.

I get to spin, and since I land on $700… That’s like a medium-sized dollar amount. So, I think there’s still a fair chance I might do better on my next spin. And I think it’s more likely that there are more Ns than Gs, so I call G first, just trying to strategize a little more money.

Then I call it, and immediately go to spin again, because we gotta get going, you know! There’s only so much time for this game!

And Pat laughs at me a little with the vibe of like ‘see if it’s up there first’ haha.

They put it up and he says, “Now you can spin. Don’t get ahead of things.”

I spin a $650, so less than the first spin, but it doesn’t matter as there’s also only one N in the puzzle. So, I would’ve had the same amount of money either way.

And then I bought an “i,” because you know… “ing.” So, all is goof there.

Now, this is where I’m stupid haha. Since I have the I’s, I see I is right at the top of the word!

Words that start in IN are pretty common. But of course we know it’s not that, because I already have the Ns up there.

So, IM words are also fairly common ish.

But in my head, I was judging myself. “Oh, M’s such a stupid letter. M isn’t a wildly popular letter. You’re gonna look so dumb if you guess M and it’s not up there.”

I wasn’t paying enough attention to the Wheel of Fortune rules I had for myself – one of the very main ones being “if the clues of the puzzle dictate that a letter is likely, you call it. Period. Even if it’s not “popular.” If you have reason to think there’s a Z up there, you just call it.

So, I absolutely should’ve guessed M. This was my bad.

Of course had I gotten M, I would’ve been almost positive that 2-letter word was MY, as that would really be all that made sense in this context. (I doubt I would’ve thought it was “me,” but anything is possible.

After that, I’m not 100% sure what i would’ve called, but RSL (from RSTLNE) would’ve been safe. I think I would’ve been more likely to call letters that RSL before I would’ve been likely to call a vowel (like E, or A, which wasn’t in the puzzle).

I like to think I would’ve called R had all that other information been up, but who knows.

The reason I guessed T here is because you could definitely be doing something to something else, or be doing something to a place [e.g. obv this doesn’t fit here, but like “biking to Grandma’s” (I don’t think that’d ever be a puzzle, but you get the gist.)

There was also a chance you could’ve been doing something *at* a place – [again, not with these letters, but like “swimming at midnight”].

So, M was a *better* choice, but T isn’t completely unreasonable. So, I think I get maybe a B- for this move. Not great, but it’s okay.

Anyway, I lose control of the board (obviously).

Steve goes. He gets an S and buys an E. I don’t really 100% know what he was thinking with E, because we’ve already discussed M is where it’s at. If I drop the ball, pick it up, Steve! haha.

Also, There are so many Is in the puzzle, I just don’t fully see where E would go. But it’s a common vowel, so also not crazy. And also, I’m not here to judge Steve’s choices. And at least we have the info that E’s not in the puzzle.

Now, Ben gets control of the board again. He calls R, and he smartly calls M! He picked up the ball I dropped. He also gets P, and then bankrupt.

He’s having a good time, dancing it out. And I look like the most intense little girl in the world. (I know I’m not actually a little girl haha, but it kinda feels like I look like one on Wheel of Fortune. Maybe it’s the pigtails.)

For some reason, I call V first, before Y. It might be because I think of those two, there’d be more likely to be multiple Ys, although I’m not sure if either of them will be multiples. Then I get Y.

Basically always chip away at the things you ‘know’ (or at least know as much as you can, before they’re revealed) before going out in the world.

So, I get Y. Then, I’m not totally sure what the last word is. I have ideas and letters I want to call. But I’m not sure. So, let’s get that O, just to put ourselves at ease, and verify there are no vowels left after that.

Everything in RSTLNE has been called except L. Obviously “L” looks pretty good. (The puzzle at this point reads “IMPROVING MY S_I_ _ S.)

So, that’s what I would’ve called and… I almost land on $5,000!!! Just a few clicks off. Off. Woulda been SO fun to have gotten lucky enough to be back in control of the wheel and really do something with it, but alas, it clicked on in to bankrupt.

Steve solves and then gets to start the last puzzle, which is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 13 – (The Next 3 Toss-Ups)

May 6, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Oh man, coming off of that high of that sweet, sweet prize puzzle!

How cool to live the ultimate dream of the express wedge and everything!

So, we do the toss-ups.

Okay, so, I clearly jump the gun a little on the first one.

I had it rolodexed in my mind that “tree” was a living thing, because sometimes that can throw people off. And at that point in the puzzle, we were very clearly at a majestic something tree.

I thought we were split seconds away from someone else ringing in. So, I rang in with the hope that while he called my name, I’d know it.

I clearly didn’t haha.

And if I’d just waited for ONE more letter, it became so obvious. So, I really jumped the gun just by like one second. But what can you do?

I know I kind of mumbled out “palm tree” after majestic, just to say something. But yes, I’m aware palm has four letters. I was just thinking show theme (which is silly because by the toss-up rounds, we aren’t really into show themes anyway) and wanting to say something, anything.

But then I redeemed myself a little when “_ _ _ _ _ _ RY TRE _ was on the board.” Clearly it was very likely to be another tree. And I’d seen mulberry used multiple times on the show. So, I just had to go for it and hope, fingers crossed.

And THEN, I’ve seen often on those 3-toss-up things taking the last word and moving it to the first.

So, if it were ____ tree, _____ tree and then the next one STARTED with a four-letter word, it would become “tree ______” (like tree house, maybe, although that might be one word, or you know, something where tree moves from the back to the front).

So, I was looking at that TIN_ SA_LING puzzle so quizzically, because I was expecting “Tree” to be that first word. So, when it wasn’t, it threw me off.

Steve ringing in and getting it wrong gave me the extra second for it to fully form in my brain.

So, realistically, my brain wasn’t really fast enough for that one – that one shouldn’t have been mine. And I got to have it anyway, because of luck. So, that made me feel better about missing the one that might’ve been mine, had I rang in one second later – like we restored the universe of toss-ups a little bit or something 🙂

And we’ll pick up here tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 12 – Winning the Prize Puzzle (And the Joy(?) In That Moment)

May 5, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, if you just want to hear about Wheel of Fortune strategies, and my game-playing brain during the game, I’d say skip this post. This is more self reflective.

If you’re a reader of the blog/someone who knows me/someone who for some reason cares about my inner weirdness, read on!

Have you ever noticed that anytime I publicly feel joy (this is also probably privately true as well. I just don’t have all those cameras on me in private to be able to watch it be played back), I’m not actually really feeling joy. I’m feeling relief.

(And I’m sorry if I’ve said this before, because I may have talked about it on the blog, but if not, I’ve certainly talked about it in therapy hahaha.)

I somehow got it in my head when I was younger that winning is the only option. And if you lose, it doesn’t mean you just didn’t do the best of anyone there, it means you reeeeeally messed up. You might as well not have even gone to whatever it is you lost.

I know I “joke” about “if you’re not first, you’re last” is one of my favorite quotes, but that’s kinda real.

I make these huge life goals and dreams and everything. And when I accomplish them, I don’t think I feel this giant sense of pride. I feel relief that I have another thing off the list done.

So, when I won the trip to Barbados, it’s not that I can’t wait to go to Barbados with Alex. It’s that for almost 7 years [minus 6 days, because my Price is Right episode aired March 19, 2013 and we taped this on March 13, 2020], since I was on The Price is Right. I have been asked about game shows SO much, and one of the things I’m asked ALL the time is to talk about trips! And I didn’t know the answers, because I’d never won a trip on a game show.

It has been my dream to be on Wheel for so long, and I turned down opportunities on other game shows, because I had to hold out for Wheel. (You aren’t allowed to have been a main contestant on any other game shows in the previous 10 years to Wheel, so I couldn’t be on any more, basically, if I wanted to be on Wheel. So, I wanted this to be worth it.

If I had not won a trip, it would’ve been a super bummer. But if I had full on landed on Express in the prize puzzle and somehow not won, it would’ve been a disaster.

So, what you’re seeing when I have “joy” on my face is relief – relief that I won a trip, which was the main thing I set out to do, and relief that it looks like I’m actually gonna win the game. So, even though I had a few missteps (such as honey bun, and others we’ll get to), I could beat myself up a little, but I didn’t have to worry toooooo much, maybe because if you win, you win (kind of – I still beat myself up for mistakes, but at least you won, nonetheless)!

So, anyway, there you have it. I’m not actually sure which feels better – joy or relief, because I feel relief when I should be feeling joy. But maaaaaaaaaaan oh man oh man oh man does that relief feel OH so good!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 11 – The Prize Puzzle (Let’s Go!)

May 4, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, I always think the absolute most ridiculous thing on Wheel of Fortune is when Pat asks someone if they want to get on the express and they say no. Like, why, why, why, why, why, why, why would anyone ever say no? It doesn’t make any sense to me?

I guuuuuuuuuuess if you have the million dollar wedge(?)… like… I dunno… like… maybe. But the chances of you actually getting the million in the bonus round is so infinitesimally small, and you’re much more likely to make it to the bonus round if you have money.

Plus(!) you have to trust yourself! You’re on Wheel of Fortune! You should generally know the puzzles. You’re there to win. Now… I know… big words coming from someone who didn’t know “honey bun” and like, okay, fine, I guess.

But the prize puzzles are all so similar, and I think you should take the chance you’ll know it, because at the very least, I trust myself more than I trust the wheel itself. So, I always think it’s weird when people don’t take the chance.

And I especially think it’s weird when they don’t have something special that they’re gambling (like a million dollar wedge). What are you scared of?! Get on the express!

I GUESS you’re always gambling losing control of the puzzle, even if you have nothing. But guess what? That’s gonna happen if you call a wrong letter either way! So, if all you’re worried about is losing control of the board, might as well make yourself 100% in charge in that instead of leaving it up to the chance of the wheel.

So, when Pat asks me if I’m gonna do the “express thing,” and I say, “of course, I have to,” like… I meant it. I felt I really had to. It would’ve been a thing crazy to not do.

So, again – I play a little more conservatively than I’d imagined before getting there. And the next thing I call is an “i” – wasting $250 on a vowel.

But I do it because I absolutely cannot lose. I am given the freaking golden opportunity. People – including me – dream of landing on express. I was gifted this insane thing that’s so unlikely. If I screw it up, like… oh boy.

So, I go in order of what I’m absolutely most sure of. And while I’m almost certain the bottom word is “location,” I go for “i,” because “tion,” is the thing you can be most sure of in that word. And at that point, I didn’t know the first word, so any information I get in the second is giving me information in the first.

Then I go for L – again, almost sure it’s location. Of the 3 letters remaining in that word (L, C, A,), L is the one in RSTLNE, so it’s the “safest” one (in my mind) to pick of those 3. And it’s exactly where I think it’s gonna be.

Now, at that point, I’m still not completely sure of the first word. You would think I would know “oceanfront” by now, but I don’t. What I do know is that there are only 2 possible remaining vowels. And what I reasonably know is that the second word is location. So, since A is very safe, I go ahead and buy it.

So, if it’s in the first word I’ll have it in the first word. And they tell you when there are no more vowels. So, if U would’ve been in there, I would’ve bought it next, as it would’ve been guaranteed to be in the puzzle if it was the only vowel left and there were to have still been vowels in the puzzle. And if not (as it wasn’t), I would know I’m only going after consonants (which I did).

You can actually see me looking over to the board to see if U disappears when I call A. [I’ll go over that board, in another part of this series, if you’re not already familiar.]

I see U disappear. I look at the board. “Oceanfront location” now becomes clear. You can almost see me solve it in my head.

Then, I clearly know it once I just start calling the last letters.

And then I oh so carefully pronounced “oceanfront location.” They made a HUGE deal about how we had to overly pronounce things. I didn’t want to leave off that t in “oceanfront” with lazy pronunciation or anything.

Oh my goodness gracious. And then if it isn’t just absolute pure bliss after that. You can see that I just seem like the happiest person who ever lived in that moment. My hands are shaking in front of my face.

Then I can’t hug Pat Sajak because of Covid protocols. (We shot on March 13 – the day everyone pretty much remembers as the day that most things shut down. So, we didn’t know what was ahead for everyone, but we knew we weren’t allowed to touch anyone – especially Pat and Vanna, which was sort of awkward, but we all got by!)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 10 – The Prize Puzzle (My Dream Come True!)

May 3, 2020

Picking up from last time –

Ben had set up the puzzle really nicely and I appreciated him for that! 🙂

With only one consonant called (and two instances of it), and two vowels bought, I only “missed out” on $1,500 express-wise. The earlier into the round you hit it, the luckier you are, obviously. So, I was pretty freaking lucky.

[And it was about time, right, after the bad luck of all the big chunk of change I missed out on in the first round when the wheel didn’t have my back? haha (And I won’t say “luck” in the second round got me, since I had some game play issues there.)]

So, I had
O _ E _ _ _ _ O _ T
_ O _ _ T _ O _
when I spun.

As I said in my last post, I was reasonably sure the last word was “location.” I wasn’t 100% (of course; I can’t be until it’s actually there), but I was pretty sure.

And I called the letters exactly in the way I thought made the most sense.

So, first I spun, and landed on express. And watching it back now, it’s funny how many facial expressions I cycle through. I can’t tell you *exactly* when I looked down to see it. I know for the most part, I never looked at the wheel, because it wasn’t all that important to me.

The only thing that was important in the first round was seeing if I could land on $2,500 to get the 4 S’s on that. Other than that, all the dollar amounts were about the same to me (aside from the trip). In the second round, same deal, very few letters on the board.

And in this round, I just wanted that trip, and I was going to call the letters in the order that made the most sense, especially because at this point, I didn’t actually know the full puzzle. I’m sure many people did, but I didn’t.

So, even though I’m usually against playing conservatively, nothing is going to stop me from getting this trip, so let’s all just be super methodical and as sure as we can be.

So, somewhere between him saying “uh huh” and hearing the sound, you can see I looked down and the look of just pure shock is so funny to me. And then, I’m sure it’s mainly the studio lights, but to me, it looks like you can see my eyes light up, because I realize this is really happening, and this is mine to lose.

I have nothing but pure safety. No chance of spinning a bankrupt or ‘lose a turn’. I’m in control of the board. I’m good at prize puzzles. I think I know at least the second word so far. I feel so safe and happy and ready. So, my eyes are sparkling. [I have 1,000 lights on me haha.]

Then you can see me be *just* about to say “N,” when Pat Sajak asks me if I’m afraid of the doppler effect, and as much as I’m trying to be nice, looking at the tape now, I feel like you can’t help but see in my eyes this sort of “I’m trying to play a GAME. Can I call my letters please?” blazing out of my eyes. (Sorry, Pat.)

So, then I let out this super annoying laugh sound because I really just want to yell “N.” [And as I already mentioned at the top of all this, it was a rough day where I was super tired and weaning off pain meds from a recent hospital stay, and blah blah, you already read it (maybe). So, just know I’m not usually that annoying (I hope), and I am sorry for being so weirdly annoying then!.)]

So, I use all the air I had just like dying to escape out of my mouth on this very annoying laugh. (Twitter let me know how much they hated it, so thank you for that haha.) Then, I take in a new deep breath and confidently say N, because I am SO. READY. to do this puzzle.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 9 – The Prize Puzzle (Omg, the Prize Puzzle!)

May 2, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Well, here we go with my game show dreams. Sometimes, I actually kinda wonder if ‘manifesting’ is real. But that’s a thought for another day. Today, I’m just gonna talk about the Priiiiiiiiiiiize puzzle!

So, after I won my car on The Price Is Right, I got the same questions over and over. Of course I got ones that you’d expect – “What’s the deal with taxes?” “What was it like to pick up the car?” Etc.

And one that I got a gajillion times that I didn’t expect was “what’s it like to win a trip on a game show?”


And people have(/had) been asking me over and over for SEVEN YEARS. It was driving me crazy that I couldn’t quench everyone’s deep desires for these answers. So, going into Wheel of Fortune, I was like “okay, there’s a trip on the wheel. There’s a trip in the prize puzzle. There are multiple trips around. This is my chance to finally win a trip.”

So, going into Wheel, obviously winning the show was a giant goal, but winning a trip was HARDCORE something I wanted.

And here we got to the Prize Puzzle.

Now, of course the real dream is to land on Express fairly early in the Prize Puzzle round. Then you have safety to get all your money, while getting your trip. There’s practically nothing better than the express wedge – which is in large part why I wondered if there was a strategy as to not answering the second toss-up of the show, hoping you’d be in the 3rd position.

[That ultimately was deemed too risky, by me/my friends, but, getting to play the prize puzzle is hugely important!]

Now, of course my biggest fear was that Ben would have control of the board until he solved it – and then he’d be ahead, and then we’d just be fighting for the game.

But luckily (for me), he guessed S. Now, I’m not 100% sure where he thought S was… Because in the last word, I would think of S more likely if O was next to T, like OUS. But, maybe he thought it was plural, or maybe he though O _ T was OST.

I’d of course studied prize puzzles, just as I’d studied all the puzzles. And I had a sense that if the last word was an 8 letter word – especially laid out the way in which he had it with T _ O_ at the end – it was probably vacation or location (and you could tell which one after O was called, because there’d be an O in that second spot as well, which in this case there was).

So, I was expecting him to call N, because I thought that was the next most likely letter (hence why I called it when it was my turn next), but I’m sure he had his own strategy. (Well, I’m not sure. But he obviously had some sort of reasoning to call what he called.)

And whatever his strategy was, luckily for me, I ended up in control of the board!

And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 8 – The 2nd Puzzle (The Parts That Make Me Feel Better)

May 1, 2020

Picking up from last time –

So, if you know me at all, you know I’m absolutely ultra-competitive, and I really hate to lose. So, of course I hated losing this puzzle.

Here are the things I try to tell myself to make myself feel better hahaha.

  1. So, I had $2,750 with only one instance of one consonant remaining in the puzzle. Thus far, on my first two spins in the puzzle, I had spun one full rotation plus three spots. On my third one, I guess I had a little more oomph, because I had a full rotation plus 5.

    Even if you go back to how I was spinning on the first puzzle, for the most part, I was doing one rotation plus three spots. That wasn’t on purpose. It’s basically impossible to try to aim the wheel with everything going on – especially because even as giant of a fan as I am, I didn’t have the wheel memorized in any kind of way in which I could’ve actually known what was how many away from each spot.

    But anyway, one rotation away plus 3 from where I was would’ve been bankrupt – which would have been a LOT less embarrassing, but it also wouldn’t have gotten me anything.

    Now, one rotation plus 5, had I been able to do that again would’ve been the free play, which would’ve been cool. But, say that I would’ve called U, then 3 away from that is $800, and 5 away is $650, so no giant money values. Like, my reasonably best case scenario would’ve been getting another $4,050 from that puzzle – which is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. But that’s sometimes an editor’s weekly, so to try to put my brain at ease, I don’t think about how awesome it would be to have an extra four grand. I just try to think of it as an attainable amount of money (that at some points of my life have been much easier to get very quickly than others haha).

    Heck, I ‘lost’ more than $4,000 in the first puzzle when I spun a lose a turn. So, money comes and goes, babyyyy!!!

    Now, there is a slightly more far off possibility – had I landed on free play, then 4 in the rotation away was the trip, and of course that would’ve been nice. But I’m gonna drive myself crazy if I just start thinking of all the things it could’ve been.

    Of course I would’ve loved to have played it out to be sure, but it doesn’t look like the absolute mistake (but man oh man would it have been nicer to spin bankrupt than gotten something wrong, aye, aye, aye.
  2. My dad is amazing at “handling” me (as he probably should be after all these years haha – ever since I was a middle schooler hiding under a bench for an hour, crying over a silver in the math pentathlon, or yelling at him, not to say “good job” if I struck out in tiny girl softball, because clearly, empirically, it was not a good job, so how dare he lie like that haha).

    But, he tried to make me feel better as well, by being like “this wasn’t a puzzle you specifically were super expected to know. You’ve never even eaten a Honey Bun in your life. It’s a phrase you’re not really familiar with. You gotta forgive yourself.

    Good advice, daddy.
  3. Lastly, even if I had trusted my gut and gone with “u,” I still might not have known it, quite honestly!

    I can’t say this with certainty, since it didn’t happen, but I think I’m more apt to think of “honey bug,” like a cute little nickname, before I would think of “honey bun.” [And “honey bug” does have tons of google results, so it’s definitely not just a think in my head.

    I mean, I was thinking RSTLNE, so because of that, I maybe would’ve leaned into “honey bun,” but it’s really tough to say.

So, it’s embarrassing. It sucks. I never wanted to call a wrong letter. But alas, here we are. I did it. Well, time to get our heads back in the game.

(Funnily enough, this isn’t me just trying to put a positive silly thing in the blog, like ‘let’s get our head in the game, everybody!’. It was also something that happened during the commercial break.

Contestant coordinator people would go up to contestants, give us water, and people would come fix our make-up. And they’d be like “that puzzle’s over. Anything can happen. Let’s gear up for what’s next!” Almost like you’re a fighter in the ring with your individual coach.

And we’ll move onto the next puzzle tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 7 – The 2nd Puzzle (Continued)

April 30, 2020

Picking up from last time –

So, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, it was a crossword puzzle. It’s hard to write out a crossword in letter form, but I had B_ _, and we knew it wasn’t Bee, both because Steve had called E, and because BEE was visible in another part of the puzzle. (I’m assuming he called E to get Honey Bee.)

We had B _ _, B E _ _ and B _ _ _ _ _ remaining.

I was reasonably certain B_ _ _ _ _ was “badger,” so I started by calling R because that is a super common/popular letter. So, once I think I know what a word is, I generally want to call either the most popular/common seeming letter, so hopefully even if it’s not that word, it’s somewhere else, or I want to call the most likely letter to be in that word (e.g. if a suffix is “tion” or in this case “er,” so R won on both counts.

I called it, and it was where I thought it was for honey badger. And then, at the same time, I got BE_R.

Now, that is almost certainly bear. I think there’s an even bigger chance that BE_R is “bear” than that B_ _ _ ER is “badger,” so while I make fun of myself for how conservatively I ended up playing, I went ahead and called A, because why not. I still didn’t know B_ _.

And I was hoping the A would either show up there, or let me know if there were still other vowels that needed to be called that weren’t A (so in that case, buying A wasn’t a teeeeeerrible call – that one kinda makes sense).

So, I went ahead and got the A for assurance [even though what else could’ve been there], and for hope for help with the 3-letter-word (though it did not help me). And then, I went ahead and called D and G for badger, in no special order because they each just had one. So, I just kinda went in order of the word.

And then we’ve already talked about what happened after that. I decided to call a vowel. My gut said U. I second guessed myself. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did. (Trust your Guuuuuuuuuuuut!) And I lost control of the puzzle.

And this is where I’ll pick up next time with three more small silly things about this puzzle.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 6 – The 2nd Puzzle (…And I Shouldn’t Have Even CALLED A Vowel!)

April 29, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye.

What was I DOING?!

So, I obviously have watched and studied Wheel of Fortune a lot. And I know that if you don’t know, you should just spin, because in spinning, it will give you slightly more time to think, and there’s a possibility that you’ll land on Free Play.

Like, intellectually, I know that. But, there was something about the fact that I just reeeeeeally had no sense of what the word was. And we still had S, L, and N left of “RSTLNE” and I just couldn’t plug in fast enough which of those I thought it would be – though reasonably, of course it’s N, because BOS and BIS aren’t real words for Wheel of Fortune. And honey BUS isn’t a thing, I don’t think. BIL, BOL, and BUL aren’t words. So, like… Obviously it’s N, and that would’ve been the safest guess. And part of me was even leaning toward saying N, because I was able to work out some of this in my head, in the moment. But I couldn’t “check my work” fast enough, and I also thought it might be something outside of the RSTLNE letters.

So, right in that moment, I just for some reason thought a vowel would help me more – which I completely own was stupid. I dunno.

And I also thought I would be beyond devastated if I landed on the $10,000 (mystery) space and didn’t actually know the letter. [But we’ll get to what space I ‘probably’ would’ve landed on in a second.]

I didn’t even expect the puzzle to get to me. The person who spins first, it feels like rarely gets to play in the second puzzle. So, I didn’t think it’d be coming to me. And if it did, I especially didn’t think it’d be coming so fast.

Of course I was trying to figure it out. I’m always trying to figure it out. But sadly, in this case, I just couldn’t figure it out fast enough, and I didn’t use good enough reasoning of the right moves to make.

Also, it was kind of interesting because, like I said, I never thought it would get to me. And after watching back Ben’s performance, I kind of think he maybe just called “popular letters.” I mean, I dunno. Obviously, you’d have to ask him. But I don’t see where the T he called would’ve gone, and in the prize puzzle he called an S, when I thought N made much more sense. So, anyway, for whatever reason, it made it to me and –

I played this whole game slightly more conservatively than I envisioned. My goal going into it was gonna be like “vowels? What are those?!” And basically never call them. But gah!

I didn’t call any vowels in the first puzzle, but in this one, I did –

And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 5 – The 2nd Puzzle (The Wrong Vowel (Gah!))

April 28, 2020

Picking up from last time –

Aaaaaaaagh! Yes! I know it was annoying to watch me not know the second puzzle. I was more annoyed living it.

I LOVE when they brought the crossword addition to Wheel of Fortune.

A lot of times my friends and I will play this game where we try to figure out the entire crossword before a contestant guesses a single letter – just by using the clue at the bottom and number of letters in each word. Usually the crossword puzzles are pretty freaking doable.

I was shocked that it even made it over to me – especially when, to me at least, “bear” seemed so clear. And then, after bear, I obviously thought badger was clear [hence why I called those letters].

I was so stoked that somehow the second puzzle made it over to me. Of course I wanted to solve it. But alas, I obviously just merely did not know what that small word was.

*sighs in embarrassement*

Here’s the really embarrassing part – and I don’t even have to share this, since you can’t see into my brain. But, I’m going to anyway!

Whenever there’s a crossword puzzle, before anything even comes up – before a single empty letter is shown – I immediately start rolodexing my brain as quickly as I can for any words that would fit with the clue. And then when the crossword comes up, I see if any of them fit (based on number of letters), and where they would cross, etc.

Well, the first word (the first!) word that came into my mind was “bunches” (like honey bunches of oats). I saw that “bunch” was one letter too short and “bunches” was one letter too long for the spot where badger was, so I threw it away out of my brain.

I didn’t think to take the bridge from “bunches” to “bun.”

Then, even when I was going to call a vowel, U was on the tip of my tongue! I was reeeeeeally really thinking U for some reason! I didn’t know it, but my gut said U (which makes sense in this case! u makes more letters that make sense – bum, bug, bun… those feel like potentially they could go with honey… what was O gonna give me? Honey box? I don’t think that’s a thing, though I suppose it could’ve been, I guess). And I psyched myself out completely.

When I said I was going to buy a vowel, I was planning on U, but obviously unsure. And when Pat said “which one” in the voice he did [which, I know he was just fun-ly mocking me, and it’s all good, I’m not blaming him, of course], but when he did it in that unsure voice, for a moment, I just thought he could see into my brain or something, which of course is a little crazy, but I was like “Pat knows. Somehow Pat knows that I’m about to screw up and guess U. Maybe I shouldn’t guess U. Maybe I should guess O. O is generally statistically more likely.”

So, I did.

But the real problem is, I shouldn’t have guessed a vowel at all!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 4 – The 1st Puzzle (Why Didn’t I Just Solve It When I Knew It)

April 27, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

There was a small part of me that considered just solving the entire puzzle literally before spinning the wheel, because I thought that would be a really fun, silly moment – and that Pat would probably have something to say about it. And I thought it would make for pretty good TV.

Plus, I felt like I was on fire after the first two toss-ups. So, I was ready to just call out another puzzle!

However, a few reasons I didn’t do that (in no particular order):

1) The contestant coordinators tell you all the time not to be in a rush to solve, and that if there’s a consonant left with multiple instances, to at least try to spin until you get that.

[Of course, they may have changed their tune if the other option was someone doing a solve with no letters on the board, because that woulda been cool. But I didn’t really think about the fact that there might be an asterisk to their advice – even though I should know that there’s always an asterisk to all advice ever, and also, like kinda who cares what they prefer while you’re up there – it’s your game at that point haha *shrug*.]

2) This could be the only time I’m in control of the Wheel for the first 3 main puzzles! I’m with some good players. I won’t get to start the 2nd or 3rd puzzle. I need to bank aaaaall the money I can right now, because if Ben lands on express, and I’ve got a total of $4,000 in the bank, I’m screwed.

3) This was a HUGE puzzle. There were EIGHTEEN instances of consonants on the board! Sometimes puzzles are preeeeeeetty short. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! There’s a LOT of potential money on the board. Go grab it.

4) It’s been a dream of mine for a LONG time to play Wheel of Fortune. So play. Spin the wheel. Enjoy it.

So, as you’ve probably seen by now, I got Lose A Turn which was a big bummer. I was worried Steve was gonna spin a few times, but he just spun once (even though there was still another multi-consonants left (S)). He only landed on $500. So, I was still in the lead after the first puzzle.

Granted, he knew he’d start the second puzzle. So, I’m sure that played into his decision in some ways.

Now, I feel like most people out there (who I’ve talked to at least) live somewhere in between “solve when there are no letters” and “solve when there are all the letters” [which is kind of what I’ve been acting like is my only option – because, to me, it kind of was my only option (ish, haha)].

Basically, I kind of said this above, but because I knew Express could potentially be in play, and that a trip would definitely be in play [ironically, these things were in play for me, but they could’ve been in play for Ben!], and I wanted to win the game, I only felt comfortable if I could pad my lead by at least $10,000.

Thankfully, I had a long enough puzzle to potentially make that possible – if I could do it.

Sure, $5,500, or whatever exactly I had, woulda been nice. But you want to win. That was my main goal during the game part – WIN.

You want to be a Wheel of Fortune champ (for the pride) – and also, of course you want your chance at the bonus round!

So, I was playing not to make as much money as possible, but to win. [Those are sort of one and the same goals, but they are slightly different.]

So, that was that. Ain’t no way I was stopping ’til I either reached 10 grand, won the trip on the board, or ran out of letters – whichever came first.

Although, I will say now, seeing how the game panned out, of course I wish I would’ve gone for it, because you only live once! And what a potential viral moment!

It almost felt like it was sort of meant-to-be (which I’ll get into on the behind the scenes posts). So… I regret it now, but that’s because I have hindsight. Had I done it, but then Ben got the 3rd puzzle, and I went home with like $8,000 (after my toss-ups), I’d be kicking myself.

So, I would say you live, you learn. But there’s not really anything to learn. I just did the best I could with the information I had at the time. *shrug*

So, on to the second puzzle we go!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 3 – The 1st Puzzle (Why I Called Letters In A “Weird” Order)

April 26, 2020

Picking up from yesterday – okay. The first puzzle.

So, I know the puzzle quite literally the moment it comes on the board. No letters up, I know the whole thing.

I’d studied, of course. And our theme week was “Surfin’ Safari.”

The Beach Boys’ first album was called “Surfin’ Safari.” So, I thought they might be involved. I studied both their albums and song titles, just in case.

So, as soon as they said song and artist, I thought, “I bet this is The Beach Boys.” And that fit right after where “by” would be. Then if you looked at the song title, obviously “Good Vibrations” fit right away.

It’s one of their super famous songs. It’s 4 letters, followed by a long word. It’s gonna be ‘Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys’.

That’s why I called the letters in a somewhat weird order. Normally on Song/Artist, you’d call “B-Y” first [in any order you want], because you know “by” is in the puzzle.

I called the y, but left the B, because there were 4 Bs available on the board. I was going to keep spinning until I either landed on $2,500 and called B, or ran out of letters to call, and had to call B since there’d be nothing left but that.

[I also would’ve considered calling B had I landed on a vacation, just to end the puzzle and call it a day, because I reeeeeally wanted a vacation!]

So, I started going to the G and D of “good” early, because I knew there was only one occurrence of each of those letters, and I was trying to save my multiples for higher dollar amounts where possible.

So, yes, had I been watching at home, I might’ve wondered what that weird girl was doing, going in such an odd order. So, to anyone wondering that, that’s what I was doing.

You really, for the most part can’t tell what you’re doing with the wheel – or at least, I couldn’t. I think at home, you might think you can kinda understand more than in person, but I couldn’t get a sense of if there was a way to aim (which would’ve been against the rules anyway), or how “hard” to spin it, etc.

But, I did feel like I kept landing close-ish to bankrupt and/or lose a turn, and I thought if I tried to spin it extra hard, that I might finally get a couple of spaces away from that and feel “safer.”

However, at my normal spins, I was usually doing about 4ish spaces below a full spin. Had I kept doing that, I might not have landed on Lose A Turn – which I did when I tried spinning a little harder. So, I mean, that’s all just kind of luck anyway.

But still, part of me wonders had I just kept spinning along to the “plan,” or at least the rate I happened to be spinning, and not changed it up and tried spinning too hard, if I woulda landed on something nicer…

(If I *had* stayed in the pattern of landing 3 spaces to the right after I landed on Free play, it would’ve been $800, then $500, and then $2,500! But you just never know. I’m sure it’s hard to stay in an exact pattern – and it was one I was clearly not aware of while spinning anyway.)

So, why didn’t I just solve if I knew the puzzle?

Well, I guess let’s get into that tomorrow.

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 2 – The Interview

April 25, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, the little “Pat’s chat” part –

Lots of people on the internet made fun of me for being a “theater kid.” And tbh, I probably kind of deserve it.

For the record, I did not super want to talk about that!

Of course I think BMI is cool and everything. I’ve only done, I dunno, about a million-part blog series about it on this very blog. So, yes, I love it.

However, to strangers who don’t know me and are getting to learn a minute or so of info about me, I would NEVER open with what I’m studying. Ever. What you’re aspiring to do is not as interesting – to strangers – as what you’ve done.

But you have to say you “do” something for a living. And it’s not interesting to say you work in TV. They know I work in TV. They made sure I didn’t have any conflicts. I’ve never worked on the Sony lot, or on anything related to Wheel.

But it’s still not interesting when Pat is like “what do you do?” to be like “oh, I’m a TV editor.” So, I couldn’t very well say that. But you can’t just say you do nothing. “Blogger” is not a real job.

So, what we landed on was that I was in my writing program – because I am in it. But if it were up to me, we woulda skipped “what do you do” all together.

I bet I could’ve pushed a whole lot harder for that. But I didn’t want to be trouble or anything. And I just thought it was sort of inescapable, based on all the Wheel interviews I’ve ever seen. So, eh.

One thing that was really fun though, and that I was super looking forward to, is that all the time if someone says they’re “from LA,” Pat will ask something like “but where are you really from?”

So, being a girl who was a baby out here in Culver City – whose parents used to joke about her teeny tiny little sunburned fat rolls (where I’d be tan on the outside of my arm, and you’d push my tiny ‘Michelin Man’ fat rolls on my baby arm apart, and the spaces in between would be all not-tan (a little ‘fun fact’ my parents love to tell haha)) – I was SO excited to say “this is HOME!” Yeeeeeeah! Where are you reeeeally from? I’m a California girl, and e’rybody knows it!

One interesting fact I really liked – and they seemed to too(!) – is that every year on my birthday, I do something I’ve never done before!

Pat even asked me about it. He asked what I did this year, and I was like “bungee jumping forward and backward and in the dark!”

It was fun. But alas, it got cut from broadcast! [Oof haha.]

I’m sorry, America, that you had to learn one of my less interesting facts. Love you xo haha

I’ll pick up here tomorrow!

My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 1 – The First Two Toss-Ups

April 24, 2020

I don’t 100% know where to start, because I know there are a LOT of questions – including wanting to know everything that leads up to showtime.

I really want to do the play-by-play of the show before I do anything else, because I always feel like game theory comes first, and that’s kind of the meat of it all. So, I’m gonna start with the show, and then I’ll get to the rest of the stuff.

So, the show!

On basically every toss-up in the show, until the last one, I ring before I know it. 3 of 4 times that worked out well for me. Once I just got slightly too ahead of the buzzer.

(And once, I didn’t ring early. I rang after I knew it. And I would’ve been beaten by someone else, except he got it wrong. Overall, I stand by ringing early being the best strategy.)

I kind of co-opted Ken Jennings’ strategy which is to trust yourself that you know the answer. Ring in just before you know it. And then hope that in the split seconds of the ring and the host calling your name, you know it.

I was preeeetty sure the first one was Catching a Great Wave. So, I went for it.

The next one, as I rang in, my brain process was like “That second word is north or south, I bet. And that 3rd word – pacific, right? That makes the most sense for the last word, especially in this theme week. So, if it’s with pacific, it’s most likely south. The South Pacific.

Good thing I got it when I did because what I didn’t realize in person, but you see clearly when you watch the tape is that Ben was ready to jump on that. And I would’ve HATED to go second. That’s the worst spot for sure. The whole game could’ve been different in a terrible way (for me) had I gone second.

Funnily enough, speaking of what order you go in, when I was thinking of strategies for the show, I considered intentionally throwing the second puzzle so I would have the opportunity to go 3rd. I think 3rd is the sweet spot – because you start control of the all important prize puzzle.

I asked a couple of my friends who’d been on Wheel if they thought that was a good idea. They both said no. So much is left up to chance, and you definitely don’t want to go second. So, better to take your $2,000 and at least get in the second-best position (which is to go first).

So, that’s what I did.

And I’ll pick up here with more tomorrow!

Okay, Let’s Do It. Let’s Talk Wheel of Fortune – The Preamble of Context – Part 2

April 23, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Now, I say I want to try to take it away because in reality, I know I’m still gonna judge people on game shows and news shows and everything, because we all do. So, maybe that’s just my lot in life for this episode – to have chosen to go on at a pretty inconvenient time for myself, and so then I get memed (or sort of just video-clipped I guess). That’s… fine, I guess. So be it haha. It hurts a little, but it’s just the internet, I guess.

*Note: I will say Wheel DOES give you the option to forfeit and go back in the pool of people. But I didn’t want to do that for reasons I’ll get into, since clearly this will be a series (like the other game show series’).

Also, I had like way too much in my heart riding on Wheel of Fortune. So, when it didn’t ‘live up to my own expectations,’ it was a pretty huge bummer for me. [The Happiness Lab says basically not to preplan big dreams in your life for this exact reason – although on The Price Is Right, it came true, so I dunno.]

Some of the reasons I’ve hyped it up so much in my head are – as you’ve seen on my blog, I took a very long hiatus after a ‘traumatic event’. And I thought Wheel was gonna be my “big return!” People love game show series’ on my blog! I’ll win. They’ll love it. I’ll feel triumphant. It’ll be the beginning of my “new life,” where I sort of have my confidence back, and my momentum will be going, baby!

Also, I’d gotten pretty fat after said traumatic event, which was very embarrassing (for me, at least, especially having already had a weight loss journey earlier in life – I didn’t want to do that again, but a deep depression grabbed ahold of me). I’d gone to a bunch of therapy, become myself again, and lost a toooon of weight. And I really wanted plastic surgery to get the excess skin and stuff removed. So, I wanted to win all that sweet, sweet dough on Wheel. It was gonna be my big “final nail in the coffin to my trauma!” thing. So, I wanted to win the bonus round, so I could pay for said surgery – and keep all this new triumph going!

That was the plan. – be triumphant, win the bonus round, get the surgery to finally officially finish the “fix” of my past, and talk about all that triumph, in my triumphant return to blogging.

(Is that enough time saying triumph? ;).)

That obviously did not happen haha

But. I’m still skinny (ish), and I’m back to blogging (maybe also ish, since it’s only day 2 back), and I’m alive. I have enough money to live.

So, I didn’t get the exact picture I wanted, but here we are, and this is still good in its own special way of embarrassing myself on TV, and also winning the game still (yay!).

We will SO get into every little detail. Let’s do it – starting tomorrow!

Okay, Let’s Do It. Let’s Talk Wheel of Fortune – The Preamble of Context – Part 1

April 22, 2020

Since the internet is a little aflutter, I guess I’ll start with the elephant in the room. I don’t want to be weird or have a little cloud over Wheel of Fortune, but I do probably have to address it, so:

Everyone thinks I came across as a little crazy on my episode – and I definitely see why.

Not to be full of excuses, but – at the time of the taping, I had a semi-perfect storm of a lot of things not going great for me. In addition to how people’s lives wave up and down and I wasn’t particularly on a great upward wave… but aside from normal stuff, here were two semi-big things.

  1. I was working a night job at the time. You had to wake up at something like 5am to tape Wheel of Fortune. So, I had to start my day, just a couple of hours after I normally end it. Putting your sleep schedule on its head doesn’t usually allow for a greeeeeeat outcome with a beautifully functioning brain.
  2. We taped in March, and in February, I was in the hospital for like 3 or 4 days, because for the first time in 11 years, my heart was acting up. (And to some extent, so was my stomach.) Ultimately, I’m fine, but it was a long few days, with some tests and small procedures, and I was still weaning off some pretty intense pain meds that made me feel wonky (cannot have been good for focused game play). So, health wise, not the beeeest place.

So, this sleep-deprived, recently intensely-pain-medicated, wee-ly stressed out girl went to play Wheel of Fortune.

One thing I want to try to take away from this experience is a bigger sense of empathy for people who are strangers. It’s so easy to watch someone on a show and be like “what an IDIOT!” But you have no idea what they’re going through. Maybe their dog died that morning and they’re distracted or something. Maybe they just got a cancer diagnosis, and on and on and on. We don’t know.

(I mean… it’s also possible they’re just bad at the game. And if you’re just sitting at home, it’s okay, maybe, to have a little superiority for funsies. But, as far as how you’re actually gonna think about that person, if you remember them, or as far as what you say on the internet… just something to think about [especially for me, as I think I may have broken down people losing games on this very blog at some points].)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, There You Have It – I Was On Wheel!

April 21, 2020

I hardly even know what to say! I have a lot of feelings about it – and so did the internet!

[If you missed the episode, you can watch it here.]

I was both loved and hated on social media – but I guess I’d rather be polarizing and memorable than forgotten about/forgettable.

*spoiler alert* also, by the way haha

Obviously I’m upset I didn’t win the bonus puzzle. You saw that. How do I acknowledge I was lame for not getting it while still being grateful and not seeming like a spoilsport? Oh boy.

Also, I think my expectations were a liiiiiiittle high hahaha. I’m kinda in the “game show world.” It’s in my heart, and my friends and everything.

I know 3 people who’ve been on Wheel – they’ve all won. So, I kind of expected to win, a little. I know a LOT is up to luck. But I studied pretty hard! I thought I’d do well at the toss-ups, and hooooopefully keep control of the Wheel when I had it.

I’ve been watching Wheel daily with my dad, and he’s always impressed at how quickly I solve things. THREE different people in my life – completely on their own – have joked about how I was gonna be the “Ken Jennings of Wheel.” Was I the “Ken Jennings of Wheel?” No I was not! Not even close to it. Aye, aye, aye.

[Althoooooough, perhaps I could’ve gone on to be, if we got to come back when we win! He had some not great episodes too. So, if we wanna see the bright side, I mean… hey… at least I did win! haha]

Anyway, starting tomorrow, we will go through every bit of the show – what was in my head when I called certain letters and all that jazz. I’ll also tell you what happened in commercial breaks, how I auditioned, and answer any questions you have.

You can let me know your questions any time. And if you want to know everything about Wheel, come back here nightly at 11:33pm Pacific!


Talk to you more (and veeeery in depth haha) soon!

BUNGEE JUMPING!!!! (June 25th, 2019’s Something New) – Part 2 (I JUMPED OFF A BRIDGE!)

June 28, 2019

Picking up from yesterday –

So, I’d tried to get psyched up before going. I’d stood in front of a mirror in my apartment and pretended to jump (as if that helps at all? But maybe!)

And for my first jump, I was so hyper-focused.

Basically, there were two easy jumps that you had to do before you could do any hard ones – you could go backwards off the bridge or forward.

I went backwards first, just, I dunno, for fun.

And I did such a great job of focusing in.


I wanted to be all smiles, and not afraid. So, I did it. (Ka-blam.)

And it was invigorating, and terrifying, and fun!

The scariest part was not the fall, but if you watch the video, it’s how much I bounce up toward the bridge at the end! It truly feels like you’re gonna hit it every time. To me, that’s the only part that really felt dangerous-ish.

When they bring you up, they do the hand test, where you hold out your hand, and see how much it’s shaking.

Again, I stayed focused and my hand was preeeeetty still. I wanted to be the perfect little bungee-jumper. (I want to be the perfect everything, as I’m pretty sure we all already know haha.) And that includes being teacher’s pet when it comes to bungee jumping as well.

So, I turn around, and I jump forward! And I’m focused on all the same things – just going forward.

Face the correct way(!). Try not to hold the red thing on the way down. (I failed a little at that – especially the first time – but it’s right there!).
Count down from 5, and make SURE you go. Don’t stand there like a doofus.

And I concentrate and I do it all!

The fall is magical, and terrifying, and fun. And I feel like both of them are just like a second and a half longer than you expect them to be. “I’m falling, cool. When am I gonna feel the catch though… But like really… But like, I’m STILL falling? Aaaaaand there it is.”

So, an amazing first two jumps. [I’m killing it at being teacher’s pet so far… Well, at least one of them. Alex is doing even better than I am. Because we jump one, and then as soon as one person comes up, the other goes, as two are strapped in and ready at one time, so there’s no lag between jumps, as you get ready for you next time.]

But anyway! It’s going great!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

BUNGEE JUMPING!!!! (June 25th, 2019’s Something New) – Part 1 (Here We Go!)

June 27, 2019

Aurora and Alex at the Bridge to Nowhere after Bungee jumpingThe sky team is back at it again!

[Not to start this on a weird note, but just to address the elephant in the room, as you know, the last couple of years, my life fell apart, and everything was affected – including me starting to do stuff alone on my birthday (as I wanted to be alone for a lot of things, plus my friendships suffered, etc., etc., etc.). But FINALLY, the SKY TEAM is back in business, and I could NOT be happier about it!]

Oh my goodness gracious.

So, Alex and I went bungee jumping off the Bridge to Nowhere with Bungee America.  I cannot recommend it highly enough – truly.

Even from the first phone call where I booked the fun expedition, everyone at the company was so fun, helpful, adventurous-sounding, and just all around great.

We did the campout option!

To my knowledge, it’s the only way you can book on a weekday. (Plus, it was fun.) So, that’s what we did.

We got so many jumps!
[Spoiler alert, I only used 3 of mine. (3 was plenty for me! haha). Alex used all 10 of his, because he’s incredible, brave, and so dope.]

So, we start out with this long hike that traverses through a river multiple times.
(Again, thank goodness for Alex, because we hiked back the next morning by ourselves, and if it weren’t for him, I’d still be there. I have no sense of direction at all, and with multiple river crossings, it was not a clear hike that you could just meander back on. You had to know what you were doing. So I’m glad I was with someone who did [pretty much… we figured it out together (but mainly him haha)].)

So, we hike in with a small group of strangers. We only went on a weekday because my birthday fell on a weekday, but we learned that apparently weekdays are totally the thing to do, because on the weekend there are like a bajillion people (or at least that’s what we were told). So, weekdays were chill, and fun, and (from what I hear) a much smaller group.

[They only offer weekdays if someone has booked a campout. So, I guess we kinda, sorta saved the day for everyone else who wanted to come that day. ;)]

Our hike leader was so fast. Our group was huffing and puffing, with her always being a little in the distance. She was ready to get us up there! And we were…. well, we were all not quite as fast as she was, but goodness, did we try our best.

So, we finally get to the Bridge to Nowhere after miles of hiking, and then we get a big tutorial about how it all works – which things are connected to which things, all the safety precautions. And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAKE SURE YOU FACE THE RIGHT WAY WHEN JUMPING.

This is drilled into us a bunch of times. You HAVE to face the right way. You HAVE TO, by golly. Because your trajectory has to be correct to not hit the bridge. So, look to the flag on the cliff across from you and jump!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow (although, I won’t worry you [spoiler alert: we face the right way, and everyone is fine])!

Producing on Living with the Jacksons (2014) – Overview

February 13, 2019

Picking up from last time –

So, I went back to StaffMeUp, and got a job producing on Living with the Jacksons. That’s right. The Jacksons. Jermaine’s ex-wife and the kids she has with Jermaine, and the kids she has with Randy, and the son she adopted.

If you been around this blog at all, you probably know I loooove Michael Jackson. Love him. So when I had the opportunity to work with his family I was like *giant-eyes-surprised-face*.

They were having a very skeleton crew on this show. So, I think they wanted someone hungry – which I was. Ready to take on this next level by storm!

I was the only producer other than the EP, and an AP who helped with cast stuff. So, I booked every venue and every guest.

It was SO much work in such an exciting (but also insane) way. I was given so many tasks that seemed next-to-impossible, and completed them all.

Also, I was able to get my friend Chloe a job! She came out to LA, stayed with me, and had her first job in TV. She was a SUPER star.

Ultimately, the show ran out of money. We never got paid for our final weeks of work. And it never saw air. But I have a number of pictures, and there are all the articles saying we were gonna have a show… But we didn’t.

And I’ll talk about a few of my favorite stories from the show over the days!

Voting For Myself For An Emmy Nod (June 25th, 2018’s Something New)

June 25, 2018

So, this year, I became a full-fledged member of The Television Academy! That also means it’s the first year I was eligible to vote for the Emmys!

For anyone who doesn’t know – obviously we always end up with Emmy nominees, which is a very small group that’s made public. But before that group, there’s a ballot of, I think in my category, it’s usually like 50(?) people…

So, first, everyone votes from the ballot to get to the nominees. And then, people vote from the nominees to determine the winners.

This year, I was on the ballot for something I did from The Daily Show. So, I got to vote for myself!

[Side note (maybe unnecessary, I dunno)]: I usually like to make my new thing I do every year more active, not just sitting at a computer screen. But, you know from the fact that I’m still technically on my “official” break from the blog that I haven’t consistently been in the super best place emotionally (and I’ve been having some physical health problems too). And weirdly, I got suuuuuper sick on my birthday this year. I spent the vast majority of the day sleeping and (ew) puking. I don’t know what happened there. I used to get sick SO rarely. But in the last couple of years, I’m a mess. (I’m sure it has to do with everything that’s been going on, and not working out as much/taking care of myself as much (which I’m working on), etc. etc.)

So, anyway, it was hard to do much of anything. But I did have the ability to sit on my couch and press a button to vote for myself, and even though it may have just taken place in my living room, I still thought it was pretty darn cool.

[Updated to add: I ultimately didn’t get nominated from the ballot stage… I don’t think anyone really thought TDS was in contention for editing this year, so it wasn’t a surprise… It was still cool to vote though!]

Bikes Have So Much STUFF!

February 23, 2018

Okay, I’ve got a lot to tell you about bicycles in my life.

We will totally get to the story of how I got a bike and what I’m doing with it. But for right now, I’ll just tell you about going to pick it up and getting it outfitted.

Bikes. A lot of stuff. I had no idea.

Attached to my bike (and also easily detachable) – a front white light and a back red light (mandated by law). An emergency repair kit (Velcro-ed in under the saddle) in case I get a flat (with a small pump velcroed in along the side as well), a water bottle (in the bottle cage), and a cell phone holder at the front for navigation (and probably music; let’s get real).

If you plan on leaving your bike out anywhere, you’re supposed to take all of that off(!!!). What?

For the time being, I’m just leaving my bike in my apartment because I don’t want to be locking it up every night and taking off the lights and everything else, then putting them all back on when it’s time to go out again. Aye aye aye.

I mean, okay, you could probably be okay going out with none of that.

But I’m trying to have a proper bike and be prepared. (I know. Me. Prepared Who’d’a thunk it?…. The girl who ran out of gas on the way home from the Grand Canyon has a bicycle tire repair kit ready to go, just in case, for her new bike?)

(The cycling group I’m training with technically requires that you have one… I doubt they do checks and send you home if you don’t, but in the literature, they tell you.)

Anyway, in conclusion. Bikes have a ton of stuff. And it took me sort of forever to successfully put it all on and take it all off my bike… Maybe I’ll get better at it – or maybe I’ll just always keep it all on my bike, and keep my bike in my apartment. I’ll figure it out.

This is gonna be an adventure!

Elizabeth (Liz) Swaney, Baby!

February 20, 2018

Elizabeth Swaney holding her board at the Olympics
(Credit: Getty)

Okay, I love the Olympics.

So, I don’t know if you’ve read about her, but Elizabeth (Liz on instagram, where I totally follow her now) Swaney is an olympic freestyle skier who came in last in the halfpipe. She represented Hungary (but was born and raised in the US).

To me, she’s fascinating. She wanted to be in the Olympics, so she kept looking for routes to get there until she got there.

She tried to compete for Venezuela for a bit. She tried skeleton…. She just kept going until she found a way! And I think that’s pretty dope.

She’s kinda fascinating, and I sort of think trying stuff in life is her jam. One of the articles I was reading said she tried out to be a “Raiderette” (Oakland Raiders cheerleader.) She got her master’s degree from Harvard. She even ran against Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor…

Some (apparently many?) people think she’s ridiculous. (She’s getting seemingly a lot of social media hate right now… And even a number of the articles I’m seeing have something along the lines of “schemed her way into the Olympics” in the title.)

It’s weird because when I was reading articles about Pita Taufatofua the other night (who took up cross-country skiing within the last few years, specifically just to be in the Winter Olympics, and then did very poorly (and stated one of his only goals was to finish before they turned the lights off)), a lot of them were just this kind of jovial “haha, isn’t this crazy? What a fun dude.”

And now, for Liz, it’s like, “You’re a disgrace to the Olympics and the sport! How dare you wiggle your way in?!”

Does it have something to do with her being a woman? Maybe. Or maybe her ride that basically had no tricks is easier to notice than just a slower cross-country skier who doesn’t have the spotlight directly on him. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I think(?) he’s really from Tonga, and she’s an American representing Hungary. I don’t know what the deal is, but I do know that I personally think it’s super lame.

I love both of their stories. I love stories about anyone who made something happen. She’s not hurting anyone by being in the Olympics! Life is really short. If you can go live in the Olympic Village and represent a country your grandparents are from, I say have at it!

(And to all these people commenting such mean things on her instagram (about something that truly doesn’t affect them one bit)? Well… She’s an Olympic athlete. Be mad all you want, but she’s truly living her life!)

So, anyway, she’s my kindred spirit because I’m totally gonna go to Harvard and be a Pacemate and an Olympian and then I can swap stories with Liz and we can laugh in exotic locales while angry people on their couches complain about it.


#JanetJacksonAppreciationDay and #AGoodGame

February 3, 2018

I’m totally late to post this, as I always am, ’cause I’m the worst. But anyway, pretend like it’s the day before the Super Bowl hahaha. (And still feel free to give your #AGoodGame  pledges, even if you decide to make them after the fact.)

Well, well. Justin Timberlake is returning to the halftime show. I don’t know if I’ll ever not be furious about the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake fiasco. It really felt like she was punished and he was not. (I didn’t even know until recently that apparently a nickname went around back then of “Teflon Timberlake” because nothing would stick to him.)

He can’t singlehandedly change society, but he could’ve used his position of power to help, and to loudly call our the hypocrisy of punishing the woman who was undressed in public and not punishing the man who did it. (I don’t really think either of them needed to be punished after that – especially if it was an accident as they said, but whatever happened to them, I think, should’ve happened equally…) But no, after worshipping her when he was growing up (he used to kiss her poster at night on his wall) and dreaming of working with her – as soon as he did, and things went wrong, it was all “Janet who, what now?”

The way we treat women – and especially women of color – in this country is oftentimes not fair. And this was a bright shining famous example of that. And to make matters worse, here, now, in the “year of the woman,” when we, as a society, are supposed to be thinking about how we treat women, we bring back Justin Timberlake?!

So. Two things are happening tomorrow.

1) Janet Jackson appreciation day on twitter. @MatthewACherry came up with it. He wants to get it trending, with our favorite Janet movies/gifs/and things. So, enjoy that and post away.

2) Josh Gondelman and his friend Emma Sandoe came up with this thing they do every year called #AGodGame. It started out for Patriots fans who felt conflicted about some of the Patriots politics and also some of the problems with the NFL. You pledge to give a certain amount of money to charity based on whatever you want – # of FGs, # of TDs, points in the game, number of beers your drink, whatever. And it’s supposed to help offset (at least a little) watching a “problematic” team, or a “problematic” sport.

So, I’m giving $5 for every minute Justin Timberlake is onstage to Black Women’s Blueprint, with an extra $50 if he dares trot out the Prince hologram.

Feel free to join, and have #AGoodGame!

Welp, That’s a Wrap on Project 882

January 17, 2018

[Again, an old post. So, sorry; we’re just catching up here!]

Welp. It wasn’t all for naught. We finished – doing what we set out to do. And in the process, we raised over $10,000 for charities I believe in.

I took my first international trip, which was cool. I met some cool people. And I forced myself to get out of the house, even when I didn’t want to.

There were tribulations throughout the year, but at the end of the day, I finished.

In a perfect world, I would’ve done bigger races and ended in bigger ways. It would’ve been as triumphant as the 52 half marathons. But there will be future run projects, and maybe those will be even better still!

Thanks for coming along on the journey!

A Bunch Of Charlie Alewine Races (for Project 882)

January 14, 2018

Hey there!

Just trying to finish memorializing the races.

As you can tell on the schedule, I ended up swapping a LOT of races. It was just a struggle of a year. It started strong. Then I had an ankle injury. I didn’t have a lot of great mental health, which hurt things. I switched jobs, and the show I switched to got cancelled. So, money and personal schedule stuff changed.

The year didn’t work out as one would hope, but I just had to get in those miles. And Charlie Alewine does these great races in Long Beach that are incredibly relaxed. They’re small with no time limit. And the people are nice. So, since I just wanted to make sure I finished, I loaded my schedule up with doable, possible races.

The people were SUPER nice. I loved talking to them in the mornings. I’m glad they hosted these races, as that really kept making this possible.

But I don’t have much more to say about hanging out in Long Beach for 13.1 or 6.2 or 3.1 miles at a time!

Sorry I don’t have a giant ending note for this! xoxoxo

New Year’s (Night) Race 5k!

January 9, 2018

I love the New Year’s race – running through downtown!

My favorite part of this race was that as I was at the little afterparty area on the lawn with music, someone started yelling “Aurora!” “Hey, Aurora!” “Aurora!” as he got closer to me.

So, then I’m trying to look and figure out who this is, ’cause I don’t recognize him. Turns out – there’s a little girl really close to me who’s name is Aurora!!!! That was just her dad. We had a big laugh about it. And Aurora and I ended up dancing much of the night away. It was so cute!

2017 In Review (By Month) – Part 1

December 31, 2017

It feels like every year I do this. And every year, I’m like, “I need to stop doing it by month. That’s not the best way.” And every year I do it anyway. (Skip down if you want it broken up by month indeed.)

Anyway. I really didn’t want to do the review this year, because in some ways, I think 2017 was potentially the worst year of my life. I mean, from about September 2016 – September 2017 was about the worst year of my life. So, not all of that is 2017. But it’s a lot.

[And I’m sorry because this post is pretty Negative-Nancy of me… But I don’t have much good to say. If you want to avoid the pity party(?), you can skip this one.]

[For anyone who’s reading this randomly, this is part of the sexual assault series.]

I know I tried my best to push through everything. But I think of all the days I sobbed, feeling like “I can’t possibly get out of bed.” Even after I started Project 882… I thought that would change something. but it didn’t change the PTSD symptoms. (I think projects can help you if you’re just feeling low, but if you actually have a disorder you’re dealing with… turned out it wasn’t a magical fix.)

I remember how incredibly hard Project 882 was (and it’s not even done, but we’re almost there). I think about the physical pain, the mental anguish (which was everywhere – not just in running). I remember how hard even just going to work was, how hard talking to other humans was – just how hard everything was. It was all SO. HARD.

I think I am finally – finally – getting my act together (at least a little) now toward the end of the year. So, heaven-willing, my 2018 will be different. But no matter what “accomplishments” I put here, the thing I remember most from this year is a lot of pain. Thank goodness gracious it’s ending. Dear 2017, go ahead and let the door hit you on the way out.

Anyway, here, as every year, are some highlights(?), sort of roughly-ish separated by months.

January – Started Project 882

February – Did my “marathon of the year” (Every year I do a marathon in a different state. In February, I did one in New Orleans.)

March – I was the National Anthem singer for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series. In this month, I sang in Washington DC, but I sang in multiple places around America throughout the year, which was cool. (Also, in March I used my passport for the first time when I went to Mexico!)

April – I went to Europe for the first time! I had a lovely surprising trip to Portugal when a layover turned into an adventure.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

December 7-Day Series

December 17, 2017

Well, another 7-day series where I just did what I could. Some days that was a half and a 10k. On one, it was just a 5k.

And I know I’m probably supposed to be saying how freeing or amazing or whatever all of this is. That probably make a better “story.” But, tbh, I don’t even really know what the point of this is anymore.

It’s not freeing or fun. As I’ve stated, I’m dealing with the never ever ever ending injury of the sprained ankle And so now what?

I’m out there struggling through 11 hour long(!) “half marathons” (with a lot of work on elliptical machines because it’s easier on my ankle, which of course makes me feel weird because how real is that anyway?).

So, I’m struggling with these ridiculously long time because of pain or exhaustion or movement issues or whatever – and to what end?

i think about the ways the project and sexual assault are tied together – as obviously sexual assault was the springboard for the project in the first place, and the 882 number is significant. And so, what have I learned? Nothing?

Is the sprained ankle thing showing me that yet again when all signs are pointing to something being wrong, I just plow ahead with the plan (like how it took me almost half a year to go get therapy for sexual assault, because even though all signs were pointing to a complete breakdown “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine!”).

Or, is this showing me that for some reason I need to put myself through even more pain and misery than I’ve already experienced?

I mean, I know I’m being a Debbie Downer here. Maybe it’s supposed to show that no matter what, you can finish what you set out to do, I guess…

Maybe it’s not even meant to show anything. There is no larger meaning, and it’s like, “just get it done.”

I will say I’ve become super obsessed with The Good Wife. So, at least I like that part.

I’m just – I dunno. I’m disappointed. Thus far, my other 3 projects I feel like really helped me – expanded my world, showed me new things, did generally what they set out to do, plus even more on top of it.

And technically, this one expanded my world in that I got my passport…. But, I dunno. It didn’t do the things I think I wanted. It’s nearing the end, and I don’t have some kind of sense of power or achievement or “I have my life back!” that I think I thought I would. This wasn’t some cool journey from devoted to fulfilled.

I’m still devastated some days. I haven’t made a complete return to my “normal” life. Things are harder than I thought, taking longer than I thought, and as much as I hate to just be saddy sad sad Aurora, being a sad lameface oh so much of the time since January 2016, that’s just how I feel right now.

So, anyway, another hundred something miles down. Another 120 or so to go.

So, How Did My Foot Get Hurt?

December 1, 2017

Well, my foot’s gotten hurt. And I got the official results from my orthopedist today.

It’s a sprain!

For a hot second, we thought it was a stress fracture, but the MRI has told us it’s actually a sprain. This is the 3rd time in my life I’ve sprained this ankle. So, maybe I have a weak ankle! Looks like my dreams of Olympic figure skating might be crushed. (I’m kidding, of course. I don’t really think I’m gonna be an Olympic figure skater, but “I, Tonya” is still on my mind because it’s such a fantastic movie.

Anyway! I’m hurt. Got a sprain. They recommended physical therapy and said I should consider using my crutches for a while.

So, how’d it happen?

I don’t have some amazing, or harrowing, or tragic story. I think it was just general overuse. Maybe I twisted it in a weird way at some point.

I’ve been limping at the end of races for months now – always with this ankle hurting. And I just figured it was the general “marathoners limp.” People are mildly limping all the time because their muscles are tired and maybe they’re slightly undertrained. I didn’t think it was all that big of a deal.

But being that one very specific part of my body always hurt the most and that it was hindering my races and making them progressively more painful, I should’ve seen a doctor sooner.

And now I have. And here we are.

So, what does an injury mean for the end of Project 882? Well, I’m definitely gonna finish it. It’s just gonna have a fairly severely adjusted schedule!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon

October 14, 2017

I just, like… I can’t go to Brooklyn.

I mean, I can and I did. But I don’t handle it well. I can’t even think of a time I’ve been to Brooklyn in the last year (since the last Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn). I know it’s weird to have a whole borough out of my life. But that’s my life, at least for now, I guess…

I didn’t do well there. We drove by an area of Brooklyn in the morning uber that I did not realize we’d drive by, and I was like, “Ooh! I wanna get out!”

But, I couldn’t. I’d already signed up. I was basically already there. I had to get in some miles. I also was tapped to run Rock ‘n’ Roll’s snapchat for the event (which was super fun!). So, I had to go.

But I dropped down to the 5-miler, because I just was not in a good headspace for 13 miles. So, it was weird because every time I think, “Bam! I’m better!” it’s like, “WHOA. Maybe I’m not.”

I walked the 5 miler with this super nice woman from Florida. We talked the whole way, and it was all fine and lovely. Then, I did a bunch of snapchatting and then went home and slept.

And then cried. I was supposed to go to a friend’s show that night, and I didn’t. It was the first time in what feels like a long while that I cancelled on something because I wasn’t in a good headspace. So, it felt like a bummer, and like I “lost” the little daily war today. But I guess I just have to try to be better tomorrow.

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose 5k and Half Marathon

October 8, 2017

So, I got to have an interview with someone from competitor magazine, which was pretty freaking cool!

He seemed super nice, and I’ll definitely let you know when the article is up!

I got to sing the national anthem for both races. And remember back in Chicago when I talked about the “finding my voice” montage? [You don’t remember that, because it’s in my drafts. But perhaps, if I ever catch up, someday people will have read it. And they will remember it. Or you’ll read it later and be like, “this is what she was talking about haha]

Anyway, I found it, I guess!

People seemed impressed. I felt it was a spot on performance – really hit that high note well, and all that business. It was great. I felt great.

It was a tiring race, but they all kind of are. 13 miles seems far sometimes. But that’s the way it is, I suppose!

I lucked out and stayed in a hotel super close to the race. (It was even where the rock ‘n’ roll people themselves stayed! I kept seeing them in the elevator. So, it was definitely the place to be.)

I know this is a short blog post, but I don’t know what else I have to say – good, nice people; fun magazine article; performance I feel good about. Bam, bam, bam. Done and done! (Another 16.2 miles in the books!)

I’m No Longer Going For The Plaque With The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series – Part 4 (The Conclusion)

September 25, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

So, because of all that, I think it’s very sadly time to give up chasing the plaque. It was fun. It was good while it lasted. But it just doesn’t feel good to chase it anymore.

I’m grateful for what the chase has given me… After being sexually assaulted (which is what was so hard about my last year and a half or so), I reeeeally struggled with whether to stay in New York or leave, so I did a half stay.

I “stayed” and worked here. But I escaped every weekend. And I think that was ultimately the right choice(?). I didn’t feel good, or safe, or happy being here all the time, and I needed to escape (a lot).

But I’m glad I kept roots here, because it is the dream, and I don’t know if I would’ve come back otherwise. So, going for the plaque was a great road map in how to escape on many weekends. It gave me places to go; I went to Europe for the first time!

It was really nice that as my world started to feel so much tinier, as it started to kinda of feel like I lived inside this metaphorical glass box, unable to feel anything or touch anybody, my world at the same time was expanding. I had no idea it was so easy to travel to Europe! It feels so exotic, but time-zone wise and travel-time wise, it’s similar to just going to Los Angeles.

Basically, it kinda feels like the world became more accessible to me this year – at a time when I needed it most.

So, I appreciate the journey.

And the journey to the 882 miles will indeed continue on. But the journey to the plaque is coming to a close. There were six of us in the running. So, I wish the best of the luck to the final five!

I’m No Longer Going For The Plaque With The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series – Part 3

September 24, 2017

Picking up from yesterday (and whether I’d want a plaque that means nothing) –

This kind of makes me think of the time I volunteered for something with the Mayor’s Corps in Los Angeles. And they ended up not needing me.

I walked basically across the street and signed in, and they were like, “actually we’re overflowing. You can go home.”

But because I had signed up and showed up, I got this amazing, huge, beautiful certificate from the Mayor for my “work” that day. It was gorgeous, and I would’ve loved to have displayed this gorgeous praise from the Mayor, but ultimately, I threw it away because while it’s a nice decoration, there’s not a real story there to me.

I could see someone arguing to keep it – they blocked out their day, and did show up ready to work. And maybe they’re being thanked for doing that. But I didn’t want to hang up something just for showing up and walking away.

I didn’t mean to tangent us so much or randomly get into a tiny almost throwaway story, but basically, I was just thinking of that as an example of a time when I got a nice thing I didn’t feel I earned, so I threw it away. And if i keep going for this plaque in a year where I’m only even sort of making it by the skin of my teeth, how good am I gonna feel about that? Not good.

In addition to that, in order to get this plaque, you almost certainly have to do this China to LA trip in one weekend. And I was so proud that after hours of research, I found the flight that should work to get to LA with plenty of time to do the race. I was working on getting my visa to go to China. I was ready for this super awesome exciting feat!

But. I’m about to start a new job – a job that only goes for 8 weeks! It’s pretty hard to take a vacation during a job that’s only 8 weeks long. I miiiight be able to convince them to give me just that Friday. But even that would be hard to get, and I feel like it’d be annoying for them.

And also, what? I’m gonna go all the way to China for about 13-ish hours just to do a race and leave? I’d be on the plane longer (each way!) than I’d be actually in China.

And I’ll pick up here one more time tomorrow!

I’m No Longer Going For The Plaque With The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series – Part 2

September 23, 2017

[This is just organizing old blog posts. I’m sorry if you’re getting a notification about this one!]

Picking up from yesterday –

[And again, we’re really in the weeds on this one haha]

So, even if I have a little buffer, 3:30 is the shortest it’s gonna be able to take me [and I don’t even think I can do that, tbh]. I understand that 3:30 is a slow half marathon time that isn’t a lot to ask of someone… But, as we all know, I was really depressed for much of the last year and a half. I’m only kinda just now really getting better. So, for kind of a long time, I’ve been holed up in my apartment a lot and not working out so much. aka, I gained weight and lost and fitness. As sad and embarrassing as it is, I don’t really have a 3:30 half in me right now. (Eep!)

I also talked about how during recovery I felt this very intense apathy. But now that apathy is diminishing, because I’m getting my brain back and I’m getting me back. And I’m thinking about how I had to take sort of a version of the Rock ‘n’ Roll shuttle for a small bit in Mexico City. I know I argued back then, “Well, they dropped us off farther than they said they would and you just did that mile before the race.” But that’s working hard to justify a ride with the motorcycle dude.

We can argue that that’s technically “within the official rules of Rock ‘n’ Roll races.” But is it within my moral rules? My brain, and moral compass, and internal fire is all coming back as I start to feel like I’m being re-put together as a person again.

In Canada, they also might let you take the shuttle. (There’s some back and forth on whether the shuttle nudges you forward or ends your race.) Or they might divert you, but still let you ‘finish’. But is that what I want this year to be? Do I want to see that plaque hung across from my bed and think about diversions, and shuttles, and not really being able to accomplish something? Do I want to just stare at the “excuses” plaque?

[I mean, no. The short (and spoiler in the title) answer is no, I don’t. But nonetheless, I’ll talk about this a little more tomorrow.]

I’m No Longer Going For The Plaque With The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series – Part 1

September 22, 2017

I am of course still doing Project 882. I will finish those miles before the end of the year. That is not changing.

But a sub-goal of that was that I was trying to get this plaque thing with the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series.

[And this is all a kind of in-the-weeds post, so if you’re not interested in being in the weeds, feel free to just keep on scrolling haha.]

In order to get the plaque, you have to do the most races of anyone that year (or you have to tie with that person (or those people)).

It basically means that you have to do every single possible race in a year (because every year at least one person does “all of them”). [I put all of them in quotes because it’s impossible to do all of them, as some are held in different cities at the same time – but someone does all that are possible to do.]

I was on track thus far this year. I’ve been to Europe 3 times. I did the Tex-2-Mex two countries, two races, one day thing. I was pretty excited to go for this plaque…

But, alas, I think it’s time to bow out of the running.

I was supposed to do the Rock ‘n’ Roll Montreal half marathon this weekend. The time limit was going to be 3 hours and 45 minutes. I’ve been doing most of my half marathons this year somewhere around 4-ish hours (many longer than that).

And on a 3:45 time limit (from when the last person crosses the start), there’s a little buffer for you (as long as you’re not in the literal very back). So, I should’ve been able to do about a 4-hour half and call it a day. (Also, there was a full marathon concurrently. So the finish line would be open for about 6 hours anyway.)

But because of a hot and humid weather forecast, the full marathon was cancelled, and the half marathon time limit is down to 3 hours. (My understanding is they don’t want people in the sun past 11am.)

I Don’t Leave My Bed In The Morning Until I’ve Called A Senator About The Graham-Cassidy Bill

September 20, 2017

[This is a backpost from last week, that’s less relevant now, but I think still relevant nonetheless.]

For me, it’s Rob Portman. That’s who I call every day (as I’m sort of, kind of, from Ohio-ish, and I don’t reeeeeally know which senators we are supposed to call and which we aren’t. Because some people say, “Just call Murkowski and Collins anyway!” And others say, “Don’t waste your time or a senator’s time. They’re only listening to their constituents.”

I’d sort of argue that we are their constituents when it comes to a giant national healthcare issue… We’re all Americans, and it’s going to affect all of us. (But, I also do understand that in real life, technically that’s not reeeeeally true.)

Buuuuut we all can donate to their challengers, no matter which state their in. So, maybe they will listen to us. I don’t know who they’re listening to. But I just know I’m calling. One thing I know is whether we consider me mostly living in California or mostly in New York, either way, I’m pretty sure Gillibrand and Harris (and Schumer and Feinstein) don’t need me calling them. (I mean, maybe just to keep tallies up so they have something to say on the floor if they need, but they’re voting how they’re voting (in the right way). And I assume they’re busy, so I wonder, “Eh. Should I bother them, just to make sure I’m tallied? Maybe! But I haven’t been…

So, anyway, I call Rob Portman’s office everyday.

I have a new little rule where I can’t leave my bed until I do it. Wake up. Grab my phone. Call Rob Portman.

I put his office number in my phone from the last healthcare thing. And now he’s always right there in my recent calls. So, it’s pretty simple. I call and leave a message.

Tbh, they’ve been a little rambling lately. “Hey there, Aurora De Lucia again asking you to both vote no and come out publicly in opposition to the new Graham-Cassidy bill. I’m sure I sound tired. I am. Aren’t you tired too? Can we maybe just stop this? Like, could y’all stop putting forth healthcare bills that are so terrible, and also, could you start coming out in strong opposition to them if they are put forth? I know this is so fun, becoming super bffs and all with a daily phone call. But how great would it be if you were’t getting mailboxes full of these? Aren’t you tired? I’m kinda tired… But not too tired to keep calling! I won’t be worn down. I’m certainly not too tired to make sure I donate the maximum to whoever your challenger is in the next election if you continue to make such terrible decisions like supporting these healthcare measures that want to take healthcare away from so many people who desperately need it.” …Or something like that

But I ramble all the time in my day-to-day life. Why would we think it’d be any different when I’m calling a senator?


The point is, I’m calling a senator everyday. I’d encourage you too as well!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia 5k & Half Marathon

September 17, 2017

Well, well, well.

If it isn’t me trying to fill in a blog post years later that I just left open for myself at the time.

One thing I can tell you is I LOVE Philadelphia. I can never get enough Philadelphia. Philadelphia my jam.

So, I am sure I loved this very much as I caaaaaaannot every get enough Philadelphia!

Oh My Goodness Gracious… HILLARY CLINTON Sent Me A Letter!!!!!!

September 15, 2017


Okay, so as you heard, I went to her book signing (because, of course). While I was there, I gave her a letter. It is basically kind of the gist of the back post y’all just got – of being faced with all these decisions and wondering “What would Hillary Rodham Clinton do?” I thanked her for being such an incredible role model. Aaaaand, yeah.

That was Tuesday. On Tuesday, during an incredibly large and busy press tour, I gave her a letter, and by Friday, I had a letter in my mailbox from her. (What?! :-))

(a letter from Hillary Rodham Clinton to Aurora De Lucia)

Do you see that?! HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is “in awe of my strength and resilience”



Anyway, this is the best.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach 5k, Mile In The Sand, & Half Marathon

September 3, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 5.10.02 PMThis was a really fun race!

For most of these races, I won’t be going back next year, because it’s not a realistic pace (for me, at least) money-wise, time-wise, energy-wise, improvement-wise, anything-wise to be able to keep up this many races. But this one is one I’d really like to return to.

It was a short, not-too-expensive flight. It was a fun long Labor Day weekend. The people were super nice. The scenery is fun. The race even ends right at Dairy Queen!

People were so sweet to the back-of-the-packers. I was super slow. (What’s new?) But even if you’re nearly last, people cheer for you as if you’re a rockstar. That was super cute.

Also, at the end of the race, I got my big “Hall of Fame” heavy medal for doing 15 Rock ‘n’ Rolls this year. I have hardly any concept of time. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been doing this project forever, and sometimes it’s like, “Whoa! I’m at 15 already?”

In addition to the half, the day before there was a nice little 5k followed by a mile on the beach. They made it really easy to do both, as the finish of the 5k was practically right by the start of the next one. And the timing worked out to even if you came in very very late in the 5k, you still had about 25 minutes or so to make it to the start. (They also had a number of wave starts on the beach. So, if you came in even later, or needed more time between, you woulda still been able to make it.)

For the beach one, I thought I’d wear shoes. (Who knows what’s hiding in the sand.) But it was hard and lame, and almost immediately I went to the side and took off my shoes. And I heard that most people who wore shoes did the same.

It was fun and different and interesting and cool to do a mile in the sand – a nice little change of pace from road (or even trail running). (And a great reason to come back to Virginia Beach!), because it was so unique!

So, it was a good weekend, in a cute, laid-back place. I’d definitely put this on my “happy to do again” list!

Another 17.2 miles down for the weekend!

A Hilarious Twitter Thread On Michael Jackson’s Birthday

August 29, 2017

Today is Michael Jackson’s birthday! And I ran across this hilarious thread on twitter. (I’m going to embed the screenshots here, but I think it’s probably better to just read the tweet thread.

(Also, if somehow you have lived without seeing the original Michael Jackson video…

[And then I have a few more comments after all these embedded photos, if you want, but they’re not necessary if you don’t. The point is, just enjoy this hilarious creative thread!

Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:

[The comments I said were down here: I sometimes have a little extra moment now before I share things wondering if it’s “responsible”? This guy talks about violence in here, and how if another man came for his Queen, that man would be executed… And while I don’t think we should be spreading the idea of violence as good or funny in general, or like a woman should belong to a man… I don’t think this is totally about that. I think anyone would be upset if their partner in royalty was doing this right in front of them. I don’t think that has to do with ownership. And also, a Pharaoh, I think(?), does have the power to execute? I don’t think it’s literally like, “if a man get’s close to my woman, he’s done.” I think it’s just like this is Pharaoh life… So, it’s a funny thread (in my opinion). I want to be responsible in the comedy I share. But also, I can’t over-analyze every single thing to the point of it not even being fun to just read and live anymore… So, anyway. That’s that. A thread that had me for real, in real life laughing out loud in my office. I had never considered it from the Pharaoh’s POV when I was a kid. Good thread. And happy 59th birthday to one of my heroes (RIP, MJ… Great video :-)).]

San Francisco (2nd) Half Marathon (July 23, 2017)

August 16, 2017


Okay, I’m writing this from the future – years later.

As we well know, I was struggling in 2017. So, there were a number of blog posts in 2017 that I just left blank for myself to fill in later, thinking I’d get to it.

Granted, here I am getting to it. But there are so many holes in these experiences now. I don’t remember a bunch of details and everything…

So, I went looking for pictures of this to try to remember what the trip was like…

I can’t find any!

Usually in San Francisco, I spend my time with my friend Jaime. I think I have pics from all my other SF trips with her. But I can’t find any from this one…

So… I have completely forgotten this. I did it. I have the medal and my results are there.

But I do not remember the specifics. If I find anything else, I’ll let you know. Sorry for the nothingness, but this is all I’ve got right now! (Eep!)

A Trip To Northern Ireland

August 15, 2017

So, since I was already in Dublin, I went ahead and checked out Northern Ireland as well, because why not?

And most importantly, I met a cool friend – Victoria – on twitter! (Man, I love twitter.)

Now, one thing I think is kinda funny is as you may have seen around these parts, some of these posts I left empty for myself to write when I was feeling in a better headspace. But for some reason, I wrote the nachos story while I was in Ireland. So you have this super detailed nachos story tomorrow – a story of nachos is more detailed than the whole rest of the trip! hahaha

But as far as what I remember all this time later, as I’m trying to fill this in – Victoria was SO nice and SUCH a gracious host. And everyone in Ireland was super nice. If you meet people at a bar, they’re like your family. They’re ready to share food and drinks. It’s a friendly city.

Victoria took me all around on a long walk to show me the very divided country of Northern Ireland. You could see the divisions in the houses and everything. They were divided along lines of religion.

And those are kind of the points I still remember now. I’m sorry I didn’t fill this in sooner! Hopefully it’s something I get better about in the future. xoxoxo

A Silly Nachos Story In Belfast (That Kind Of Made Me Feel Like I Was In My Own Personal Episode Of Seinfeld!)

August 14, 2017

So, my new friend was taking me all around Belfast yesterday.

And we stopped off for a quick bite, and I got some nachos. I was gonna just eat them with salsa, but I learned that, to me, salsa in Ireland tastes like barbecue sauce. (Any other Americans out there feel the same, by chance? I wanna know if I’m crazy with that opinion.) So, I gave up on the salsa and went for the cheese.

And I had chips left when I ran out of cheese. So, I went to ask if I could have an extra container of cheese. And they would not give it. I offered to pay, of course, but they have a hard and fast rule, they do not sell a side of cheese by itself. So, then… a whole order of chips and cheese was only about 2 pounds. So, I was like, “okay, how about then I just order a whole complete order by itself. You guys can just keep the crisps part of it, because I don’t want anymore. And I’ll just take the cheese.”

“Oh, no. No. We can’t charge you 2 pounds for cheese!”

“…But you won’t let me buy it as a side?”

“Well, no, we don’t sell it by itself.”

“Okay, well, I’m just hungry still, and I have all these uneaten crisps and they’re very good. I don’t mind paying the 2 pounds, and just takings the cheese.”

“But if we give you the cheese by itself, our ratio of crisps to cheese will be off.”

Now, I don’t reeeeally wanna take more crisps, because that feels pretty wasteful… And they don’t seem to particularly want to sell me a second order anyway. So, I give up and return to my seat and Victoria and I laugh as I recount the story to her…

Then we talk it over and decide I’m gonna go back up the counter and buy and buy a complete other order – crisps and all, and we’ll take the leftovers home and her roommate or one of us can eat them later.

I kid you not, when I went back up there and ordered another order, they said “would you like extra cheese?”

I almost burst out laughing!

“I’m sorry… Um… what?”

“Do you want some extra cheese? It costs 50p.”

What kind of Seinfeld sketch am I living in here?

Apparently there was this rule that they could give you cheese when you order it – only they have to put it directly on the crisps.

I found that out because she offered to put it directly on, but I didn’t want the crisps to get soggy, as we were gonna be saving some for later. So, I asked, “could you put the cheese on the side?” “Oh, no, extra cheese has to go over top of them.”

“But what if you just put the same amount you would be using just on the side instead?”

“No, extra cheese must go on top.”

So I gave up on extra cheese, and practically cackled with laughter when I got back to the table.

[And one of the things that made this so bewildering and funny is that originally when I thought it was just chips and salsa, basically, I didn’t even realize cheese came with them. I asked for extra salsa and they gave me an extra side with no problem.]

In conclusion, that was such a very silly hilarious fun restaurant story. I just wanted to share it as a little piece of my trip from Ireland!

Chris Murphy Is A Dope Senator

August 13, 2017

So, it feels a little weird, kind of, to be talking about anything but fasicism, with the recent death of Heather Heyer. But I don’t know what to say/how to say any more about that, that hasn’t been said all around the internet. So, I acknowledge and recognize the terror and sadness…

And now, I’m gonna try to talk about something nice happening in the world.

Chris Murphy is walking across the state he represents! And we can all follow along on twitter!

I actually only just now kind of realized that I don’t even know if I have a whole entire blow post about this – I just think it’s so cool for a senator to traverse his state on foot and meet his constituents!

Sure is gonna be tough (but nothing is impossible!) if I’m doing this in California someday, when I become a senator. 😉

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dublin 5k

August 12, 2017

The airport in Dublin is really cool.

The people are very cool too. The 5k ended at a really gorgeous park, which was nice to walk through. Everything was relaxed in Dublin.

My cab driver didn’t understand how Trump could’ve possible won, when he said every American he met was like, “Yes, I’m American. Please don’t judge us too harshly. I’m so sorry. I didn’t vote for Trump.” He’s like “every American I met didn’t vote for him. So, how did he win?”

And my answer was basically, in answer to that specific question, people without passports voted for him.

Aside from that, I stayed at sort of a fancy hotel. Dublin felt fancy. I’m sure there were places that weren’t fancy, but it felt fancy to me.

Dublin was cool!

(Sorry, as with some of these 2017 posts, they were bookmarked to write, and then actually written years later. So, sadly I don’t have as many of the details, but I’m memorializing what I have! xoxoxo

Cory Booker Answers “How Do You Want To Be Remembered?”

July 29, 2017

[great news! This is not a post on sexual assault!]

As you know I’ve been trying to catch up on this blog. And while I maybe have a handful (or a couple of handfuls?) more things to say about sexual assault and that story to feel like I’ve “closed out that chapter,” or what have you, I’m kinda (at least at this moment), tired of talking about it. So, for the time being, I wanted to talk about some other things instead. One of them being this amazing thing from a Cory Booker talk I went to.

As you know, I quite enjoy Cory Booker. And I’ve heard him talk a lot. So, sometimes little tidbits, stories, and inspirational quotes aren’t super new to me, because I listen and I’ve heard them before.

But at this talk he had in New Jersey (that I went to, because, I live all the way out here, why not?), he said he was pretty sure he hadn’t ever talked about this publicly. My ears perked up, and his new wisdom did not disappoint.

He said someone asked him, “How do you want to be remembered? What do you want your legacy to be?”

And he said, “I don’t think I’ll be remembered.”

And from there he talked about how he didn’t know the name of his great-great grandfather. (I don’t know mind. Do you know yours?) He explained that he doesn’t work to be remembered, because he thinks in 200 years, no one will know the name “Cory Booker.” But that ultimately, what we put in the world moves forward. He focuses on putting good energy in that can be felt and built upon.

He gave an example (a story he has told many times) about the lawyer who helped his family get a home. The lawyer had just started helping black families who were being discriminated against. It was a giant deal at the signing that a white family didn’t show up. I think a fight broke out. Cory’s dad was attacked by dog.

And later, when Cory was researching his book, he found a lot of people from his childhood to ask them questions, basically to fact check his own book. And he found the lawyer to see what his account was (since he’d always heard it from his dad).

And when he asked the lawyer why he chose to take on these kinds of cases (and potentially put himself in harm’s way and everything), the lawyer told him that he’d seen the march in Selma. And he told his law partner they had to go down there immediately and help. But they were just starting and didn’t have the money to do that. They couldn’t afford to shut their practice down for even one day. So, they decided, “If we can’t go do work there, we have to figure out how to do good work here.”

And Cory said that he didn’t know the name of barely any of the marchers. (Who could?) [He later learned the name of some in a medal ceremony celebrating them.]  But that the energy of those marchers radiated up to New Jersey and indirectly was responsible for his parents getting a house… which he then attributed to all being how he grew up in a nice life with good schools. He said had it not been for his parents and that lawyer, had he not gotten to live in that nice neighborhood and have all of the privileges that followed, that he potentially wouldn’t be a US Senator today.

He also compared it to how some of the stars we see are actually dead. But because of how long it takes light to travel that far, we are still it so many years later – and that maybe that’s how we as people could work too – that we radiate long after we’re gone.

And I just thought this was such an interesting concept. I feel that almost everyone at one point or another has thought, “How do I want to be remembered?” But I thought it was such a beautiful, mind-opening answer to hear, “I don’t think I will be remembered.”

[Another Cory Booker post coming soon!]

A Lil’ Change To The Running Schedule

July 28, 2017

So, I know the whole schedule is all subject to change and everything. And I don’t think anyone is super invested in what my final race is for the year.

But for anyone who happens to be interested in the scheduling, I was going to end on not only the Dopey Challenge, but then also do the Castaway Cay 5k on that Tuesday.

So, like a bajillion race medals, ending on a cruise, on the beach, having a grand time. It sounded cool & fun & such to me.

But alas, then I got my job on The Daily Show [*triumphant trumpets sounds and such*] and you know, when you work at a long-running place that already has like 10 or whatever weeks it is of vacation a year, it feels weird to ask for an entire other week and a half. I just feel that it seems a little excessive. So, alas, I’m not gonna go for the big Disney ka-pow, ka-bang ending anymore…

On the one hand, maybe this is a good thing, because it will make it feel more different than my 52 half marathons in 52 weeks after open-heart surgery… I ended that by doing the Goofy Challenge. And, I always said I wanted to go back and do Dopey (since I happened to do it in the final year where Goofy was the largest offering – before the official Dopey Challenge existed). Also, I didn’t do the cruise last time. So, it was going to be “different.” But it also was going to be very similar…

BUT I also had the time of my life last time. So, why wouldn’t I want to do that again?

… But also, it was so awesome, why encroach on a great old memory.

So, alas… I’m gonna pick a different thing and end a different way… The latest day I’m allowed to finish is January 13, 2018 (but I’m leaning toward trying to finish everything out the weekend previous to that). It might be fun to finish on the Star Wars 5k in Disneyland on Friday the 12th… Fridays aren’t that hard to work around when I’m on a M-Th show. But getting to California and getting my packet and all that jazz in time… I dunno…

So, there’s a half marathon or 10k in Death Valley that seems pretty interesting to me. That would probably be fun. I’m leaning toward this Citrus Heritage Run. It definitely feels right to end at home or at home-ish at least in SoCal. After all, one of the charities I’m running for is SoCal specific. And National Parks are nice. So, my guess is, it’s gonna be the Citrus Heritage Run.

I’m taking suggestions and stuff if someone has other ideas. I’m also obviously not prohibited from running a bigger race as a “celebration race” or doing another project of any kind of the future. So, I really probably shouldn’t be too concerned about which race this project ends on. But there was something nice about ending the last one with a whole bunch of pomp & circumstance and fireworks and all that business that a cruise to the beach felt like the fun way to go… But not this time. *shrugs*

I guess we’ll see. I’m sure whatever happens is gonna be lovely! Anyway, onward, onward, here we go!

Hillary Clinton Is Not The President

July 27, 2017

In yesterday’s post, I talked about how life is incredibly unfair.

I know just yesterday we said a lot is unfair. And I don’t wanna compare Hillary not being President to any other global or national or local atrocities. Just today, it’s the one I wanna focus on.

Hillary Clinton gave her whole life to us. She has been in politics forever. She has fought a giant uphill battle, including having men shout at her before she took her entrance exam for law school, saying she should leave and leave spaces for them. After all, “if she gets in and they don’t, they’ll be drafted.”

Imagine all this pressure, and all these voices, and all of this, when you already have pressure because you’re trying to get into law school!

That was one teeny tiny piece of what she had to deal with. She was pressured to take her husband’s last name for the optics of politics, even though she didn’t want to.

If I think it’s hard to navigate the world as young woman in 2017, imagine what it was like when Hillary was my age. I don’t really want to.

And she pushed and pushed and pushed and persevered. She’s had a nice career. She has broken some glass ceilings, and especially because she was up against Donald Turmp (someone so terrible who has no idea what he’s doing), she should’ve been the next President of the United States.

It seemed like the biggest comeback story of all time after the Obama upset in the primary so many years ago. You know how yesterday I was talking about how I used to think that everything always just kinda worked out in the end? This was one of the things that was supposed to show me that! That she got smarter and stronger in 8 years and she’d win.

It was glorious to see her campaign.

And then it was over.

And now she is not the President. And I really can’t see a scenario in which she gets to run again. And it is heartbreaking. It shatters my heart – imagine what it does to hers.

When you look up life not being fair in the dictionary, this is one of the giant glaring examples.

And it hurts so deeply.

But what is she doing? She’s writing a book. She’s hiking. She’s figuring out how to become more re-involved with her charity. (We all thought she’d need to step away from it as President, but alas….) She’s backing a new media (website? outlet? I don’t reaaaaally know what verrit is…) She’s given speeches. She is not quitting. She is not hiding. She’s living her full life and trying to find out if she can’t have her dream, how else can she help?

Because while I definitely get the sense (super, super much so) that she wanted to be President,  I also get the sense that the giant overarching goal above that is to be a great public servant. And she’s figuring out how.

I thought her 2016 campaign was going to be the ultimate “anything is possible” story – and while I will still always say that anything is possible, and will preeeeeeeetty much believe it in my heart… it might’ve more been the “when something’s impossible, find what is, and make it amazing, and make it yours” story. I dunno.

Anyway, I love Hillary. What a role model. (Looking forward to her book!)

I’m Not Doing The SF Marathon… Oooooor Am I Doing The SF Marathon?

July 22, 2017

Okay, so I’m not doing the SF full marathon. But I am writing you from the plane on my way to do one of their events. (I’m doing the half.)

The SF Marathon is one of my favorite running events in the world. It is so fantastic. I adore it, and I have a mini-goal to do it as many years in a row as I can.

I had signed up to do it this year. I signed up last year – I’m pretty sure before I’d even decided on Project 882. It’s the SF Marathon. Of course I’m gonna sign up.

Originally, I had had a goal to do the 2nd half, then the following year do the 1st half (those went fine), then the following year do the full (that was last year), and then do the ultra.

Seemed simple enough. I saw a ton of improvement from the year I did the 2nd half to the one I did the 1st. I figured I’d keep improving to when I did the full.

So, last year, I did the full. And as you well know, my life had totally fallen apart. I was depressed. I was struggling. I was certainly not getting out and running and working out. I was pretty darn undertrained. And I *struggled* and it was a *mess*.

And I remember talking in therapy that week (something I’ve talked about here on this blog too) that it just feels like I’m not present, I’m not here, I’m not around.

I talked about how it wasn’t even until I was about halfway through when I heard someone say thank you to a volunteer that I even kind of realized “oh, I’m in the middle of a race. Wow, I have really not been paying attention to a lot of what’s going on around me.”

And I talked about how painful it was to go through the motions of things I knew at one point to be my *favorite* things.

And then I thought, “I need to get back on the horse. I have to just do it again. I love the SF Marathon. I can’t let it become this thing that I’m too afraid to do, because I’m afraid it will never be the same.”

I wanted to sign up for the ultra (as that was in my original 4-year plan), but I knew for me that I didn’t think that kind of training was gonna be able to happen for me this year. I knew that no matter what kind of training year I could conceivably have, that having had *such* an iffy no-good marathon that I wasn’t going to feel confident upgrading. (How can I upgrade to the ultra if I can’t even get the full right, amIrite?)

So, I signed up for the full. Let’s do this again.

And then I started Project882.

And I think it’s good and important and to some degree at least somewhat helpful. But I also think I took on a *lot* on a body that wasn’t necessarily ready for so much (not just physically, but mentally too). And I’m surviving, but I’m not getting faster. I don’t have enough time to recover, *and* I am only *just* getting my personal life together enough to actually properly workout and eat and everything during the week. So, I’m just not ready to tackle the San Francisco full.

And I argued with myself. “That just can’t be true. I can do it, can’t I? Can’t I do it? The SF Marathon is my happy race! The best finish picture I have that I always use is from the SF 1st half. How can I be sliding so far backward?”

But I am/was/hopefully will stop.

[Side note: I also don’t want to be *too* precious with myself, but I only *just* felt freed/healed from everything. I don’t want to have an awful race and feel like nothing is changing – when I *do* feel like things are changing, but they can’t overnight. So, back to what we were talking about…]

I embarrassingly wrote with my head down and metaphorical tail between my legs and asked if I could change to the second half.

And I was told I was past the change deadline. I could go to the expo and ask, and *maybe* they could help me if spots had opened up for the half. But it wasn’t guaranteed, and was a long shot.

Okay, well, I love adventure and I love San Francisco… But I don’t think I can fly out just for a chance – and a small chance at that. I’m already traveling so much for Project882. Something’s gotta give somewhere, or I have to learn how to print money. [I’m sure you know I’m joking, but juuuust in case – I’m not ever actually going to try to print money, friends.] Anyway…

I didn’t want to miss the cancellation deadline. I didn’t want my name ending up the results with an empty time or something. (I didn’t know what they did with people who just never showed… Maybe they don’t list them, but just to be on the same side….) About a month ago – just before the canceling deadline, I sent my email in to cancel my entry.


I never got a confirmation that my entry had been cancelled. I didn’t worry about it all that much. “Maybe they don’t confirm that, they just take you out.” “If I get in the results somehow with a blank time, I’ll just worry about it then.”

And then this weekend started and of course I saw everyone talking about The SF Marathon.

“Uuuuuugh, I can’t believe I’m gonna miss it. I know I have to do what I’m capable of and stuff, but this hurts. I’m gonna have to start over going toward my 5-year swag when I’m already 3 years in. That’ll be gone. (And this would be year 5 if I hadn’t taken 2013 off when I also was afraid I wasn’t fit enough, etc. (which seems kind of silly in hindsight). Also, the 40th anniversary! I’m gonna miss the 40th anniversary and the special medals and all that jazz. Guuuuuuuuuuh”

And then I looked just to see – “I know I tried to cancel my bib out, but do they still have me in there?” [Types in the confirmation page on the website.] Huh. Right now I am listed as a participant… My email must’ve slipped through the cracks, or not gone through or something.

And then I posted to a running group asking if anyone at the expo could check if there was indeed a bib there for me, and if I could change to the half after all.

Thankfully, someone there *was* able to check for me, and they WERE INDEED able to get permission for me to run the 2nd half (what I think is the easier half and definitely the one with the longer time limit).

So, I immediately bought a flight, scurried to JFK, and got on this plane. Of course I wish I were doing the full, but I’m happy to be there at all. And while in a perfect world, I’d be doing the ultra this year; and in this world, I’m doing the half; hopefully I’ll be doing the ultra before you know it – in a year or two or even three, and hopefully then we can forget that all this ugh blugh guh not-goodness in my life happened (maybe not completely forget, but at least be so far away from it that it won’t seem to have mattered so much).

So, there you have it. I’m off to SF!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon

July 16, 2017

(Yeeeeah, that's Katherine Switzer!)
(Yeeeeah, that’s Katherine Switzer!)

I went into this race pretty excited. Now that I have a chiller job I actually get to sleep, even with all my traveling, so that’s pretty great. (Yay, sleep!)

Also, this is my first race after taking such a turn for the great in therapy.

I’m like, “watch out, world! I’ve got this now!”

The people of the city of Chicago seemed super nice. Even at the expo, I talked to the pace group people, and they had a pacer doing 3:30. I complimented them saying how it’s rare that a pace group will offer 3:30 for a half (as it’s pretty slow), and they were just like, “Oh, we wanna be there for all runners! Are you from here?” And I said no. And they were like, “Too bad, ’cause you could’ve come joined us anytime!”

So, Chicago’s nice. The people are nice. The ambiance is nice. It’s all nice. My life is nicer. I am ready to do this.

Responsibly, I wake up early and warm up my body and voice. I practice the National Anthem a few times. It might be 6am, but my high notes are feeling good!

I get up to the stage and first off, the announcers are so cute. I think they take some stuff from my social media profiles and one of them says, “You might know her from The Nightly Show.” Well, let me tell you, I am almost certain that you do now “know” me from The Nightly Show. Like, maybe if you follow my stuff you’re aware it was totally the best job I’ve ever had (as I literally said that in an instagram caption). But if you were just a fan of the show, you never saw my face, and I’m guessing you didn’t memorize the credits. But what do I know? Maybe you did!

Anyway, I personally found it very adorable that they said you might know me from The Nightly Show.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago 5k

July 15, 2017

As you may have seen from some of these posts, I left them empty and am trying to write them from the future.

The main things I remember this time later is that the route was cute. The river was lovely. I went to the bean while in Chicago, and ate delicious Native Foods cafe.

The big stories were more with the half marathon.

The Summer 7 & Blast The Coastline (June 28 – July 4 & July 8, 2017)

July 10, 2017

Hello from the future.

Because I was under such tremendous stress at the time, sometimes I just left these empty posts for me to fill in later. And I have to tell you that sadly, some years later, I do not remember this that well.

However, I still want to kind of memorialize the project, so let’s just try to piece together what we can.

I remember that I was pretty heavily relying on Charlie Alewine races because they have no time limits. They’re just on a walking path in Long Beach, so nothing has to be shut down.

I was really struggling, but just had to get the miles in.

So, there are pictures from nighttime. Some of these half marathons took me all the way into the nighttime.

I also have some pics of just exploring Long Beach, and then one of a full on Bloomin’ Onion. So, I found some place down there that had it, and I guess pigged out as I was very hungry and exhausted.

And that’s all we’ve got for this race. So, here it is (sort of) memorialized on the blog now!

Layover In Moscow

July 6, 2017

[For anyone somehow getting these notifications and reading this now, know this is from 2017. I wouldn’t be in Russia now.]

I flew through Russia!

I tried to see if they’d let me roam around during my layover. They would not. They don’t let you leave the airport (as an American) without a visa.

So, I just roamed around and looked at all the things written in Russian. Also, Russia (in the airport at least) had the best scrambled eggs.

Is that a Russian delicacy? Why is that a thing? Who knows. But the eggs were good!


July 5, 2017

I stayed at this very cute hotel in a random area.

And then I had no idea how to get around the next day. I couldn’t get an uber. I couldn’t find a cab. I was in the middle of nowhere. And I ended up hitchhiking, with someone who barely spoke English.

But they got me to Grotte de Han.

I took a little tour of this cave, and for a while I was just trying to follow along when I couldn’t understand anything. But I asked the guide if he happened to speak English. He did! And he started translating things, so I got to hear more about the cool cave.

I also got to take a little train-type-thing ride around the spacious beautiful outsides where they played this cute little song a lot.

And then I basically headed to the airport.

And that was Belgium!


July 4, 2017

Since I was in Europe, I went around to a couple countries, because why not, right?

So, I took a quick little detour into Luxembourg. And I think of Luxembourg as luxurious. I just kept seeing a bunch of fancy stores – like the fanciest, you know? Louis Vuitton, all that stuff.

And I ate at the fanciest pizza hut I’ve ever seen. The servers were just fancy, and the place had the air of a high falutin restaurant.

Fancy, fancy. And then it was off to Belgium!

The Isle Of Man!!!

July 3, 2017

While we’re back on the Europe vacation – what an absolutely wild trip this was.

Full disclosure: I did just leave this spot open on my blog for myself to come back to later. So, coming back to it later, I don’t compleeeeetely remember on which leg of the trip I ended up in the Isle of Man, or if my flight got changed to later, or what exactly led to all this happening.

But I do know that somewhere in this Liverpool vacation, I had a layover and I ended up with my flight out of Isle of Man not leaving until the next day.

And it was a rule that you couldn’t spend the night in the airport there. It’s a small airport, and they kick everyone out at night.

So, I had to find a place to stay.


Apparently, there is a GIANT motorcycle race every year in the Isle of Man – just this absolutely huge deal motorcycle race. And I just so happened to be flying through on giant motorcycle race weekend.

So there was not one hotel room available. NOT ONE.

So, then I’m like frantically looking for an Air BnB, and there is ONE available. One.

I grab it as quickly as possible and make it there.

Turns out, one of the owners of the Air BnB is also a tour guide! He takes me around the whole entire island – including this special place where I guess two tectonic plates meet. And the woman of the house let me borrow her clothes while she did my laundry!

They were so hospitable. It was so fun. It was so relaxed. The place feels very community-oriented, since it’s just a little island.

And those are the main beats I remember. What a hoot!

Having Fun In Manchester’s “Gay Village”! (And Answering An Interesting Question)

July 1, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 11.29.32 AMThere are a couple drafts of things from Manchester I never talked about, so why not talk about it now?

Picking up from last time

So, I’d wandered around by Canal Street, which is apparently the famous gay area of Manchester.

And my new friend from the street welcomed me  on in, and I got to meet his friends, and have these fun random conversations – one of which revolved around the question, “If you had to choose to live without music or color, which would you pick?”

I said I’d live without color because music is the soundtrack to our lives.

Imagine your favorite shows or movies without music. Every time it sets the scene, builds the tension, amplifies the happiness, etc. – that’s all gone. Musical theater, and all your favorite popstars don’t exist without music. Did you grow up as a screaming fan for Michael Jackson? Have a good memory of an amazing concert you saw? Do you love the cast recording for Avenue Q? That’s all gone now.

You’re now exercising without music for the rest of your life (and some studies even show people actually run a little faster when they listen to fast music). Every band you hear at a marathon, gone. Every song you put on in your iPhone to get you through a tough workout? See ya.

Even when you do CPR, they teach you to do your compressions to the beat of “Staying Alive.” So, have fun just feeling things out without beats guiding your way.

Your big life moments that seemed marked by songs of the time? …You don’t get that nostalgia when you hear that special song. So, if you had a song that helped you deal with a death or a breakup or even good things – that helped you celebrate a promotion or whatever… they no longer exist.

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 11.29.49 AMYour favorite middle or high school dances (or even dancing at galas when you’re an adult) – they no longer happen… or they happen in some weird silent way. I know I maybe take color for granted. And it is certainly used for some important things, I can’t imagine a world without music…

Then again, how would I feel if everything were grey? The person who made the case that he couldn’t live without color thought that basically happiness would be gone. He’s like, “Can you imagine basking in the sun without seeing the yellow? What about sunset or sunrise? What about the way stars sparkle in the sky? What about looking deep into the eyes of the person you love? You no longer see that brown or blue or green or whatever color they have. What about food? What about all the things you use color for?”

While I generally agreed that it would be very odd to be at the beach with no color, I kind of made the argument that technically it’s vitamin D that is supposed to be giving us good feelings from the sun. But he rightly made the argument that, “Have you ever experienced vitamin D from the sun without any color? How could you know what that’s like?” (And I don’t, of course.)

Also, colors generally give us information. We can have clear street signs without them. We can know the bottom light means go and the top means stop. We can know the octagon means stop… And we can still read and have different shades of grey. But still. Colors can be helpful.

And just as there are studies that music helps with certain things (and music therapist is even a job), there are also studies that colors make people feel certain things.

It seems they both would be tough worlds to live in. But obviously there are people who live in those worlds every day because they’re blind, or even colorblind, or because they’re deaf. And you can obviously thrive as a blind or deaf person. So, they’d all be handle-able. But if they whole world changed to be without color or be without music, things would change. Jobs wouldn’t exist. Places wouldn’t exist. (Would we need music stores? My college wouldn’t even exist… Dance studios? Do we dance with no music? Maybe we do. I don’t know.)

Anyway, it was an interesting question and I enjoyed my night talking with the guys. (And I’d love your thoughts on music v. color in the comments, if you’d like to give ’em!)

My First Game At Fenway! (June 26, 2017)

June 27, 2017

AaagagaggagaghGuh! (Hopefully you heard that as the excited scream it is.)

I went to my first Red Sox game (as the title states)!

I lived in Boston for a while (as you may know) while I went to school there, and I always thought/talked about going to a game, but I never did.

But now, for my birthday (and going off of the super amazing amazingness that is Pitch and my new mini-obsession with baseball related things), I went to a game!

First things first, I passed this info table. I stopped by and they gave me a first game pin! (They even put the date on the back, which is pretty cool of them!) And they gave me a happy birthday pin. (The woman there was so very nice.) Then I went off to a merchandise stand where I bought a hat and shirt, and the man said I was officially in Red Sox Nation now!

I headed to the bathroom and put on my new shirt, and it is the comfiest thing ever! I’m falling in love with the Red Sox a little more every moment.

Then I went to my seat and the person next to me struck up a conversation with me. He was so nice and he and his son knew all about baseball, and had multiple facts to add to my experience.

Then, this older man in front of us overheard about how it was my first time and everything and he was so excited. He loves the Res Sox. He told me he started going to games in 1946!

He was also there with his son (I think – it seemed, at least). And the guys behind me were also father/son.

I wonder if I just happened to be around dads/son, or if that’s a big dynamic throughout the ballpark.

Anyway, it was just so fun. We WON! There were a whole bunch of great plays. And we got to see a rookie have his first hit! (So, we got to see his batting average as 1.000…. it went lower by the end of the game, but it was cool go a hot second!)

I also loved that we got to sing Sweet Caroline.

(Speaking of singing, during “take me out to the ballgame,” I started singing “root root root for the home team,” but you’re supposed to say “Red Sox,” not “home team,” which seems really obvious, but there you have it – learning experience from my first game. (I’m getting it. I’ll get there!)

In conclusion, I don’t know why I never thought of a baseball game as a fun thing to do on a night off. (Maybe ’cause when I lived in Boston, I basically never had a night off – but I did when I was having surgery all the time! I lived within *walking distance* of Fenway park. Such a simple ballpark to get to, and I just didn’t. Crazy.

But, now I have. It was an amazing experience. And happy birthday to me!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Half Marathon (June 18, 2017)

June 26, 2017

Aaaagh! Another post from the future. I’d left this spot open to fill in later. And I am not filling this in years later.

So, let’s just try to guess the specifics from the pics I had.

So, I have this pic of all of us walking alongside buses. I think there was probably crazy traffic or a road block or something.

Oh and then I have this pic of SafeCo Field, which I think(?) if I remember right was where the “VIP” stuff was, which I got for singing the National Anthem at the 5k – extra food and all that jazz.

And those are basically the only pics I could find.

I like Seattle and I like Rock ‘n’ Roll events, so I’m sure I loved it!

If you were there and have anything to add, please let me know in the comments. Otherwise, sorry this is devoid of details, but at least I’ve finally memorialized it (sort of) in the blog!

I Have So Many Tabs Open Online – All Starting From Pitch

June 23, 2017

09/23/2008 - Dr. Frank Jobe, Tommy John and Orel Hershiser - 2008 MLB - San Diego Padres at Los Angeles Dodgers (1-10) - September 23, 2008 - Dodger Stadium - Los Angeles, CA, USA - Keywords: Dr. Frank Jobe, left, flanked by former patients Tommy John and Orel Hershiser is honored before game against the San Diego Padres at Dodger Stadium. - False - - Photo Credit: Image of Sport / PR Photos - Contact (1-866-551-7827)
Dr. Jobe – the inventor of the Tommy John surgery being honored Photo Credit: Image of Sport / PR Photos

Day 3 of the Pitch-a-thon!

Will we ever stop talking about this miraculous show? I don’t know! But goodness gracious, it is so good.

If you’ve met me in the past week, chances are nearly immediately after introductions I’ve said, “Have you ever seen this TV show called Pitch?”

Also, almost no one has heard of it. Like, I remember thinking the market was saturated – that I was seeing that billboard everywhere. But people don’t say, “Oh yeah, I uh, kinda remember, but no, I never saw it.” They say, “What’s that?”

Nobody knows! How did we all not know? This is a travesty of this world.

To my understanding, MLB was, I guess a producer(?) on the show. I think they were involved in some way. And that was smart! ‘Cause I’m into baseball now!

I’ve gone down this whole rabbit hole of the internet. It’s like, “Oh, what is Tommy John surgery? …I thought Tommy John was just an underwear brand!” And I guess that pitcher played 26 years in MLB – with people all the way from Koufax to McGwire. Dr. Frank Jobe, the person who came up with the surgery had a whole Reddit AMA about it!

In other baseball facts “news” (news to me ’cause I’m just learning it all, but old information in the world), did you know there was a man named Billy Bean who left the majors in large part because he was gay and now he wrestles with if he regrets it, and now he’s the ambassador for inclusion at the MLB!

Also, according to the internet, there was this woman named Jackie Mitchell who struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in one game! And then the baseball commissioner voided her contract and said women weren’t fit to play?! How?!

So, anyway, baseball is pretty fascinating and if MLB wants us all into it, bring back Pitch! I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize. I didn’t know. But I care now! Bring it back. Let me hear more about how waivers and trades work. I’ll pay attention. I’ll go see a Padres game!

Unrelated to MLB, there were also other things I learned like Mark-Paul Gosselaar has 4 kids. What?

Also, I got the sense from Franlkin & Bash promos (which wasn’t all thaaaat long ago) that he was like some youngin’ having fun, and already he’s like the grizzled “old guy” in Pitched? What is life? But then in real life, he’s still sporting his beard (as far as I can tell) and he has four kids! So maybe he is some super grown up. What do I know?

What Is My “Writing Aesthetic”?

June 22, 2017

PITCH: Kylie Bunbury in PITCH coming soon to FOX. ©2016 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw / FOX
PITCH: Kylie Bunbury in PITCH coming soon to FOX. ©2016 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw / FOX

This is a short post, and potentially the end of all the Pitch love (for now). But if you asked me what kind of something I want to write – it’s Pitch.

I don’t know if I ever will write something that great. But it is perfect.

The strong girl in a “man’s place” idea that was not heavy-handed, but very inclusive.
The cast is diverse. (I mean, there were a lot of men, but that was necessary… But our lead is a black woman, and there were various ethnicities and ages on the show and we did have a number of great women, even if by necessity there were all these men (on the team and in management and such – but spoiler alert(!) there was a woman in super high management… So, I thought visibility/diversity was great!). The music is great. The storylines are great. The show transports you to another world (one I knew nothing about)… And as cool as shows are about doctors and lawyers and the entertainment industry are (I watch ’em!), we got something else. And that just felt unique and refreshing and interesting and amazing and cool.

As I mentioned before, our lead girl didn’t even go on one date until the second to last episode of season 1. That is not what her life is about.

I could not love Pitch more than I love Pitch. And even this post doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of its amazingness.

And would I like to write things that aren’t Pitch? Yeah, sure. Of course. I like a lot of other shows. Not everything has to be the “odd woman out.” We could have it set in a place where women are welcomed, and she could still be plenty happy and strong. We could also do storylines about romance, and that’d be fine.

So, I love a lot of things. I’d be happy to write a lot of things. But if I could write anything in the whole wide world, I’d want to write something like Pitch.

And I think it’s a travesty of the universe that they don’t have a shelf full of awards and a show that lasted a bullion seasons.

Nobody Told Me About The Amazing-ness Of Pitch

June 21, 2017

Ginny on the bench in Pitch
(Credit: Fox)

Picking up after yesterday‘s love letter about Pitch, I’ve got more!

[Again, spoiler alert. But if you haven’t watched it yet, what are you doing?! Go to Hulu!]

A friend of mine was asking me why I hadn’t watched it in the first place. I had misconceptions! I thought maybe it was gonna be all about baseball. Or be heavy-handed with “girl power.” This is my looong text to him!

Nobody said it was about thrusting this girl out into the world who didn’t go to college and now wrestles with wanting to be a “normal 20-something,” but also realizing even though that’s fun and she wants that, she obviously would rather be a professional ballplayer living her dream. Or that it was about navigating hard family dynamics as you become wildly famous. Or learning how to avoid scandals, and figuring out who you’re gonna be in the public eye – are you gonna be willing to talk about a scandal in the track world when a girl was assaulted by a teammate, because you’re “supposed to” because you’re a “feminist icon,” or are you gonna stay quiet because track isn’t your sport and your teammates aren’t getting asked these questions… Plus, you’re trying to navigate life in the locker room and you’re more concerned with being “one of the guys” playing ball and doing a great job rather than trying to be a voice for all women…

And when you go on Kimmy Kimmel are you gonna be willing to do ‘Dugout Decorating Tips’ because you’re trying to poke fun at yourself and your stressful (though of course super amazingly cool) situation and be human, or is that too much of a sexist bit, setting you apart from your team in a way you don’t wanna do…

Nobody told me it was about the inner-workings of baseball and budgets and clauses and waivers and trades and statistics, and how there were so many different political dynamics at play between the manager and owner and coach. Or that it would be about the complicated dynamics of a manager/client relationship. Or that it would be about such deep friendships that had nothing to do with blossoming romance, which is a really special and cool (and rate) thing to watch on TV.


And that concluded my text, but I still have more to say about it.

Oh my goodness gracious. Like, legitimately, I just barely even know where to start.

For one thing, I like that the “girl power feminist” stuff really didn’t seem heavy-handed (to me, at least). Ginny’s (female) manager got to give this speech about not feeling appreciated enough, and then later, her (male) assistant got to give her practically the same speech! And it was like, “Huh, yeah. We can all empathize with Ginny’s manager. We see her a lot. But did any of us think about her assistant!? He’s not getting his due either!” So, I felt it was very equal-opportunity to be put down and put up.

I loved that the men were kind of keeping themselves and each other in check with questions like if they’d be so hard on Ginny if she weren’t a girl, but then turning around and asking, “Well, would you be so protective?” These were interesting questions that got me thinking.

Also, in the midst of reasons why she’d be behind the guys (biologically just not being able to throw fast enough), we also learned reasons she actually has an advantage (more flexible (ligaments? is that the word I’m looking for?), so less likely to get hurt pitching extra innings)!

I love that the one and only one time I thought the woman thing was a *little* heavy handed was when someone said, “Thanks for mansplaining that to me,” but then they even self-corrected that in the script calling the awkwardness of that line out when the character says, “I always wanted to say that.” So, if she has been waiting to say that (and never has), of course it’s clunky!

I also loved how Ginny’s manager got to be really strong. She was caring and kind and good to Ginny, so she wasn’t strong without layers. But she also really stood up for herself – both in a romantic relationship on the show, and with Ginny. And her romantic relationship just ended when it wasn’t working. Period. There was no drawn out let’s try again or will they/won’t they. It just wasn’t working, so they were done. And then with Ginny, she stood up for herself and warned she’d walk out and when Ginny said go, she did. And then when Ginny got hurt, she didn’t come back. She just got on that plane anyway!

It just seemed like people really went for what they wanted and thought was right and they meant what they said. It wasn’t constant cow-towing to each other, but there were these big deep bonds there. So they were there for each other and loving while getting to be their own people and have their own wants and needs.

I literally can’t say enough good things about this show. I love this show oh so oh so very much.

I can’t believe I didn’t hear more hype about this! Where were you all telling me to watch it?! I want 40,000 more seasons.

Pitch Is One Of The Greatest Shows To Have Graced This Earth

June 20, 2017

The Pitch posterHow did I miss this shooooow?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh my goodness gracious.

I am dead serious when I saw Pitch is one of the greatest shows of all time. And of course it got cancelled, because we are not deserving of this gem on earth.

[This paragraph is just how I found it. If that’s boring to you, skip it!] On the plane, on the way to Seattle… Thank goodness I took American. There was an American flight and JetBlue flight that were the same price and I almost picked JetBlue, because it’s “cooler” or whatever. But JetBlue does not have Pitch (as I learned going through withdrawals on the way home). And American, oh American had it listed in TV shows. I thought, “I’ve never seen that, and I saw so many billboards. Why not try it?” And then, as I got sleepy into the cross-country flight, I didn’t care, because I had to watch more Pitch!
I watched all the episodes they had on board. I watched more during the half marathon Sunday. Then I’ve been watching anytime I have downtime. Am I eating? I’m watching Pitch. Am I brushing my teeth? Oh, I’m watching Pitch. Except now. Now I’m not watching Pitch because it’s over. I’ve finished it. *Cries 1,000 rivers*

I don’t even know where to start to try to explain why I think this is the most amazing show.

First off, I thought it was gonna be more a show aimed at baseball people… And as I’m talking about nothing but Pitch recently, I’ve heard from some baseball fans that they do like it. So, I guess it’s not not for baseball people. But I’m not really a baseball person (though I might be now), and I looooooved it.

In the first episode, a character sets up that Ginny (our lead girl) is like “Hillary Clinton but with sex appeal; like a Kardashian, but with talent.” The general idea is that she’s super strong and smart and sexy (but not tooooo sexy – they make a point of that) and everything. And she’s being thrust into the spotlight, but she super deserves it because of all her hard work.

Also, the music for this show is spectacular.  You better bet that I downloaded music from Black Violin (my new favorite band?), because it makes me feel like I can take on the whole world.

The rest of this post is gonna have SPOILERS. So, if you haven’t seen the show, you should just go watch it. right now. Just do that. Don’t even read my spoilers. It’s not worth it. But if you have seen it (or are reeeeeally sure you’re not gonna (which is a total mistake, in my opinion)), go ahead and read on.

For one thing, our lead heroine didn’t go on EVEN ONE DATE until the second-to-last episode of the season. She didn’t sleep with anyone until the FINAL EPISODE. (Granted, there was a flashback of her dating someone in an earlier episode. But you know, backstory and stuff…)

So, this show was not at all about who she was in the context of a man (except maybe sometimes who she was, I suppose in the context of her relationship with her father). But you know what I mean… It wasn’t about her in a romantic relationship, which I loooved. We were too concerned with how she interacted with her family, her teammates, her business manager/staff/colleagues, her friends, her fans – everyone but a boyfriend. And I loooooved it.

Also, while they did have an almost-moment with her and the catcher, I looooved how super slowly they let it develop. It felt so super real. If you told me the writers had just been writing and the relationship kinda happened to develop throughout the season (rather than them having planned it), I would believe you. It felt that flawless.

And the best part is, they didn’t just shove that storyline forward. (Again, suuuuper super spoiler here). The catcher went back to his ex-wife!!! He went to someone super age appropriate whom he has really deep bonds with. (Also, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, man! He has a big beard and it’s crazy. And he’s so good. And of course, it’d be ridiculous to mention him and not Kylic Bunbury. She’s perfect. And I believe she is Ginny. Oh my gosh! The show is so good, it hurts!)

I hardly even know what to say to tell you the glorious amazingness that is Pitch. (But I do have a little more to say tomorrow.) In the meantime, you can watch Pitch on Hulu. And I’m devastated I didn’t find it time to very loudly be a part of the campaign to save it.

My First Moment Of Zen!

June 19, 2017

Practically everyday feels like something a little cooler from The Daily Show!

Today I got to do my first moment of zen!

That doesn’t entail much “editing,” per se. But your girl (that’s ME!) put the mortise on! *dances* Eeeeeee!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle 5k (June 17, 2017)

June 18, 2017

Hey from me from the future. I left this blog post open to fill it in. And now I don’t super remember the race. (Eep!)

I sang the national anthem, and we ended close to a flight museum that I walked all around.

It was a simple, fun day. Another 3.1 in the books! Sorry I have no memory of anything more specific than that, but here I am memorializing the race in the record blog.


Odds & Ends From My First Week At The Daily Show

June 15, 2017

(that cake (Donald Trump's inauguration cake) lives in our lunchroom)
(that cake (Donald Trump’s inauguration cake) lives in our lunchroom)

[It is actually the end of my first week. But I never posted this draft. (Sorry!) So, without further ado, here it is!]

I love it here. Of course, you know that.

So, here are a couple little things that didn’t make it in other posts:

1) On my first day, I couldn’t find out how to turn my computer on!!!

It was so mildly stressful. Seriously. I’m looking all over the room like, “uuuuuuuuuuuh, is this a test? Oh my gosh. What kind of editor are they gonna think I am if I can’t turn. on. a. computer?!

Well, turns out you have to turn my computer on – in another room!

What? Who would’ve ever thought that you turn it on in another room and then work on it in your office? Crazy, right?

Anyway, so that was kinda interesting, and thankfully, a crisis averted.

2) The hallways here are cool. When I worked at Nightly, there was Nightly stuff everywhere (which totally made sense, and is usually what happens with TV shows). And even my room is like that – a bunch of “Aurora” stuff eeeeverywhere. I kind of thought that one day you “grow up,” and you get rid of your Michael Jackson posters (and screensaver, etc.) and you replace it with stuff from your own life. (For me, personally, that was when I worked with his family so they wouldn’t know I was the most giant fan on Earth hahaha. But, nonetheless, I just thought “idol time” or whatever was over. But NO!

Walk down out hallways here. Sure, we have a bunch of Daily Show stuff (of course). But we have all this outside inspiring stuff too – a person standing in front of tanks, John Lennon, Muhammed Ali, MLK Jr., and more. We’ve got the greats inspiring you everyday as you walk down the hall to your office. And I kind of love it. (Kinda super love it.) I’m gonna rethink everything I know about decorating… And I’m gonna love our hallways… (And I’m gonna put some Hillary Clinton stuff up in my office for sure!)

Looks Like We Maaaaaaaaade It!!! (To The Daily Show!)

June 14, 2017

It is kinda funny to be working here now.

Some people recognize me around here because I’ve been around. I saw them at soccer. There’s one person here I texted with multiple times like a while ago (before I got my promotion on The Nightly Show), because it kept seeming like there might be extra assistant editor work to do here on nights or weekends. That particular thing never worked out, but I think she was well aware (partially because of how much I told her ;)) that I wanted to work here!

I saw people here who I met when I came to a taping. And then there are a couple of Nightly Show alums. There’s even one person I met through a friend of a friend and grabbed appetizers with one night because I wanted him basically to know I was alive haha.

I just wanted to get in somehow to TDS. So I was meeting people where I could. And then an opening fell out of the sky. And it was like, “Oh, that girl who wanted to work here is here!”

And it’s so surreal, and it’s so cool. It was always a bit of a pipe dream, but now it’s happening. It’s really really really happening right before our very eyes.

Life is so weird, right?

I guess potentially what I’m learning in life is just keep working and working and working and then keep working even a little longer than everyone else would or does and then it happens…

So, I guess what that means is expect my EGOT somewhere around 2048?

“Oh My Goodness. Is Somebody Watching The Daily Show?”

June 13, 2017

(Just another Daily Show picture :-))
(Just another Daily Show picture :-))

I just wanted to share a very silly semi-embarrassing story that nobody was even around to see, as I was in my office alone… And yet, I’m sharing it with you anyway.

So, that trumpet (at least, I think it’s a trumpet) that kind of announces The Daily Show’s open… It brings like a Pavlovian response from me. I stand a little straighter and my eyes open wider. It’s just so exciting… The Daily Show!!!

I heard that the other day, toward the end of my workday. And I did the thing where I look like a dog you’re asking to play fetch. And I looked back like, “Is someone watching The Daily Show?”

And then I cracked up laughing, because yeah… Obviously. Of course. We are literally making The Daily Show here. I was working on the show all day long.

I think my fan brain and my work brain haven’t totally melded together quite yet. Because it was so surreal, “Oh my gosh! Someone’s gonna play The Daily Show at work!” ….


“Oh my gosh! The Daily Show IS work!”

Anyway, I thought that was funny and I wanted to share!


I’m Officially In The Daily Show Family!!!

June 12, 2017

(Just a fun picture I found. Credit: Comedy Central)
(Just a fun picture I found. Credit: Viacom)

Welp, originally they asked if I wanted to work two weeks and hold another two weeks for them.

Then, already, last Wednesday (just my 3rd day in), they started talking about the possibility of full-time.

Thursday, I was told it was gonna happen, everything just needed to be finalized. (And then I had to be quiet about it all weekend!!! *Wide-eyes-unbelievable-face*)

And ta-da! Monday, we finalized the deal. And I’m on the staff as an editor!!!

I can hardly even believe this happened. Like… what?

It was very sweet, even as my supervisor was talking to me about it – telling me she wanted to “welcome me to the family.” I have felt so very welcomed. Apparently, she asked practically everybody here who had even the tiniest bit to do with me, and everybody said to hire me. (So, yeah, I pretty much feel like the belle of the ball!)

It’s a nice group here, and I’m honored and proud to be a part of it.

So, there you have it. The dreams of 16-year-old-me’s heart are coming true, and it is pretty darn amazing!

Diva’s Half Marathon Toronto!

June 11, 2017

(Hey everybody. I’m on a long flight right now. So I’m doing my best to catch up on some races. I know not everything is in order, and I’m sorry about that. I’m just cranking out what I can while I’m in the air.)

After doing a full marathon the week before this in San Diego, I was still a little beat, and wasn’t 100% sure if I wanted to go for the full, or if I’d just drop down to the 5k again (as I have in my other Divas races).

But obviously I need the mileage. 882 miles is a lot, and I gotta keep working toward getting there!

Also, I did go all the way to Tornoto, after all. And my friend Ryan is getting up oh so early to drive me there. Like, I should probably make it feel more worth it to everybody by doing 13.1 instead of 3.1.

I was slightly afraid yet again of the time limit and making sure I out-ran (or at least out-walked) the shuttle. But I’m going for it. Here we go.

Ryan was so great. He’s a friend I know aaaall the way back from the 1st game show I was ever on (1 vs 100). He picked me up from the airport. (He even came inside! What am I? A big time celebrity or something? Dang.)

Then I got to stay in his guest room. And he drove me to race morning! He was so cool and funny and excited. He was taking pictures and seemed to really enjoy it! I loved hanging out with someone who seemed to view it all as an adventure instead of a chore ??

The race was so very hot. That was one of the main takeaways about this one – the sun.

But the actual real *main* takeaway is the niceness of the people. People are not kidding when they make all those jokes about super nice Canadians.

Even the shuttle people, I was so afraid when they caught up and started following me somewhere around mile 10. (Dum dum duuuuuuum [scary chords]) But they were soooo nice! I kept looking behind me like a murderer was coming up behind me.

And they were just like, “You’re doing great! You got this!”

And I was the last person to pass the tiara station, and they seemed *just* as excited to dress me in a tiara and boa as they probably were for anybody hours earlier.

Aaaaand! At the very end, there was a woman selling divas hanging bars for your medals. And she gave me a free one, ’cause she wanted to give one to the last place person to finish. My goodness gracious!

And, even after so many hours (like 4), Ryan was waiting for me at the finish and cheering so much! It was great!

Just every person was exceptionally nice. I loved it in Toronto!

And after the race, Ryan took me to Fresh – a declisouly amazing vegan restaurant. AND THEY HAD VEGAN POUTINE.

Poutine was never a staple of my diet (and obviously shouldn’t be, as it’s totally unhealthy). But I loooved it when I tried it in New Orleans and was a bit bummed that it was something I wouldn’t be able to have as a vegetarian hoping to maybe someday be a vegan. But I CAN have it in Toronto. What’s up, world?

Oh and one last thing about Toronto – when I looked sad about not getting a passport stamp since it’s just Canada, they were just like, “we got you.” And gave me one!

…And when I got back to NY, there was a dude being suuuuper rude and impatient in the aisle and he bullied his way in front of this other guy just to get like 5 feet further than before (as there was still a big line to get off the plane). And that behavior was especially jarring since I’d just come from potentially the nicest place on earth. And when I saw the stereotype incarnate of the [heavy accent] “hey I’m walkin’ here!” New York caricature, alas, I knew I was home. [Deep sigh]

Anyway, let’s not end on a sour note though. Canadian, niceness, poutine, eh? ??

Day 4 At The Daily Show! (It’s COMEY DAY)

June 8, 2017

(The end of this gif is "How dare you? ... Tell us things we already know! ... We didn't pay to drink for this!"
(The end of this gif is “How dare you? … Tell us things we already know! … We didn’t pay to drink for this!”

Ooooooh goodness gracious. I’ve been craving working on a political show again!

And I’m getting it!

The other night on Rachel Maddow, she said, ‘I’m not that kind of doctor, but I’m giving a doctor’s excuse to all of you to stay home tomorrow to watch the James Comey testimony.’

Yeah… At a lot of places, watching the Comey testimony would’ve been a distraction from your work… But here… This was my work!

When I walked into work, it was on in every person’s office. (And I turned it on in mine.) And mid-hearing a producer walked on with the first montage I got to build!

It was a crazy day with montages built and montages cut. But I was just so happy instead of grabbing a little politics while I worked – to have it be all intertwined up together.

I’m really happy here 🙂

Day 3 At The Daily Show! (I Just Feel So In Control)

June 7, 2017

(and old pic of me and my new boss :-))
(An old pic of me and my new boss :-))

I won’t just be doing “Days at The Daily Show” posts forever. But I’m doin’ ’em right now!

It is truly amazing to feel just so right at home at the Avid… When I worked on The Nightly Show, I thought I was plenty competent, and ultimately things always worked out. But sometimes I got a little flustered here and there – trying to remember all the little things you have to do before you turn in a roll – but having to do it at the last minute as we’re adding stuff so quickly…

And sometimes being asked questions that it felt like it took me a little too long to figure out.

I was good enough to do the job, but with any job there’s a learning curve and I was in it.

But now, I know what I’m doing!

Even though every single person at The Nightly Show treated me with oh so much respect (and like an editor after I became one), it never changed the fact that I still just was the baby editor. That’s who I was. I was the newest editor still learning. And people were patient and kind and lovely. But it feels a lot nicer to be “the girl who’s done this before.” “Oh, she cut headlines at The Nightly Show.”

It feels good to feel in control at the computer – like I can do whatever it is people need me to do. I can keep up with the pace okay. It’s more like second nature now.

And I just love it!

Until tomorrow…

Day 2 At The Daily Show (And My New BFF From Lunch)

June 6, 2017

Okay, I didn’t know if I was gonna talk about The Daily Show in real-time here on the blog, but I just wanted to share a story today that tickled me a little.

I’m still meeting people on staff. (It’s a big staff, and I’ve been here exactly one day. So, of course I have a bunch more people to meet.) And in the lunch line, I asked someone for his name and he told me. Then after he asked for my name and I said, “Aurora,” he said, “Are you an intern here?” (The summer interns also recently started.)

And I said, “Oh, I’m an editor.” And he was said, “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! You just look so young! I figured you had to be an intern.”

And now we’re best friends forever (obviously).

So, I’m Working At “The Daily Show” For A Bit!!!!

June 5, 2017

*gaaaaaaah!* 16-year-old me totally and utterly freaks out. So pumped.

I was on a train in Europe on my way to the Brussels airport when I got an email out of nowhere that The Daily Show was looking for someone to fill in for a few weeks and they were talking to my old boss at The Nightly Show, and she recommended me! (*screams internally, externally, screams everywhere*)

I responded immediately, and before I was back on US soil, I’d booked the gig!

I’m sure there will be more to say at some point. For now, though, I’ll just say I’m so into working here! Everybody’s nice (of course). My office is really lovely.

Jordan Klepper is 4,000 feet tall. Like, I never realized watching the show… Is he in the shot alone a lot? Or is everyone always on apple boxes? Or am I just wildly, wildly short? Like, I don’t even know if we could fit in the same photo frame together. (And I didn’t try, as I’m not gonna nerd out like quite *that* much on my very first day here.)

It’s crazy how sometimes dreams just fall from the sky (or through your email while you’re in Europe).

Potentially more on this later. But for now, yay!!!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon – Part 2 (The End & Post-Race)

June 5, 2017

Picking up from last time –

At the end, I passed the massage tables to go get my heavy medal and marathoner jacket.

This was dumb.

I didn’t even think to ask what the deal with massages was. (They were free and closing soon!)

I was lucky enough to have a VIP wristband from RnR for singing at the 5k, and there are always massages in the VIP area. And there a number of different groups post-RnR races – different charities and things that offer various things (like massages or special tents), so I thought these massages were for somebody else.

I went and got my heavy medal (the gold record as big as my face for doing 10 in a year). They don’t give those to you at European races (something with customs or shipping or whatever?). So, that’s why I got it here instead of Liverpool, for anyone counting along at home and wondering.

Anyway, the medal was so heavy! They are not even kidding when they say “heavy medals.” I put it around my neck and was like “nope!”

Then the VIP tent was closed (of course – what did I expect when I was practically last place?). So, I headed back to the massages just to see what the deal was. But then they were closed! Aye aye aye. Medals could be sent or picked up in the future, but my body was hurting and I’d passed my chance at a massage. Oh well.

I still had a little bit of touristy-time before the airport. It was too late to do a full-on San Diego thing (like the zoo or Sea World or what have you). So I racked my brain. I’ve been here multiple times and I have kind of a running list of things I didn’t hit before. One of which was Richard Walker’s pancake house. I keep hearing about how famous it is, and I’ve never been!

BUT, they were closed! [*cries 1,000 tears into my non-existent pancakes*]

So I made a quick stop by Balboa Park to give kind of an ambiance feeling of San Diego for a few medal pics.

And then it was off to the airport. [I thought I’d stay a few days and check some more things off the list… but alas, I had to go get on a plane and head back earlier than planned, because… I was starting work at The Daily Show!!!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon – Part 1

June 4, 2017

I was very (very) slow. (Shocking, right?) But I made it.

There was this weird kind of – I don’t know how to describe it, exactly, but like a visceral remembering (remembrance?) of last year.

For basically my first hiatus after being assaulted, I came to SF.

And I was *not* doing well. The suffering was in full force. I was not only mentally having a hard time getting out of bed, I also was physically really sick with a fever and on antibiotics and everything.

And I just remembered feeling so crappy in every way during the race last year. And things have changed, but not enough.

The previous year, I cried basically during the whole race. This year, I didn’t cry even nearly as much, but goodness, I cried!

I am so unbelievably sick and tired of not being able to be alone with my thoughts in a way that isn’t harmful or devastating or just – I don’t know exactly what words to use, but awful.

And yes, technically this year, I was able to do double the distance. But it was really slow and mildly painful!

I’m doing better, but I’m not doing great. I’m more functional, but I’m not “Aurora.” I’m not wildly happy. And I’m so sick of suffering through at such very slow speeds.

But anyway, I made it.

I pretty much kinda narrowly escaped the shuttle.

A giant part of the race was on a major highway, so had the shuttle caught me, I would not have had an easy time trying to be stubborn and move to the sidewalk – ’cause there as none.

Thankfully, I never even saw it on the highway. I did see it driving behind us back-of-the packers at the very end. Thankfully, by that point, I was home free!

And this is where I’ll pick up… after we talk about some kind of exciting things this upcoming week!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego 5k

June 3, 2017

I stayed in Europe until practically the last minute. I was at a layover in Moscow at some crazy time of morning just the morning before the 5k. I flew into LA – pretty much for the main reason that I wanted an LAX passport stamp. If I had JFK, I had to get LAX (or not, because that didn’t happen [which is the story for another post]). I mean, I also wanted to stop at home and check my mail and maybe see a friend or two and just be at home for a hot second… But I totally could’ve just flown into San Diego – especially because I thought I’d be in LA for the next week… Granted, that didn’t happen, because on the way to the Brussels airport, I got an email asking if I wanted to work for The Daily Show, and we finalized everything while I was in Moscow, which was amazing. 

So, maybe it’s better I got to fly into LA, since I didn’t get to go back after San Diego. Anyway, none of this really matters.

I got into San Diego not long before the race started – enough time to check into my hotel and shower and basically that was it.

I headed on down to the 5k. I was a little worried about singing the national anthem since my body had no real idea where I was or what time it was. I’d warmed up a bit in my hotel room and practiced by myself once I got to the race. I was like “I feel iffy, but I’m sure this will be fine. Jet lag isn’t a real excuse for anything!”

But alas, I think I was slightly thwarted from jet lag. I like to believe in my head that I’m some amazing performer who can always pull something out, but I don’t think that’s the actual real, real-life truth…. because I cracked a little on the top note, aaand it was even in a low key. I started too low and sounded kinda breathy on the low notes, ’cause they were too low for me. It just felt like a mess!

And I didn’t even get to get another shot right away, as I wasn’t the person singing the following day. So, I had to wait a couple of weeks for a chance to redeem myself. (We’ll see how that goes soon enough at Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle.

Anyway, I did the 5k, then went to the expo and got my stuff for the next day.

I hung out for a bit. I knew I wanted to go to bed early, but did I want to go to bed 11-am-early? I didn’t want to get up around 1am and have hours of nothing. I wanted my best shot to get on at least a kiiiiiinda normal-ish sleep schedule.

So, I hung out at the expo for a hot second.

[Side note: I don’t aaaalways wanna be talking about how things relate to assault and my recovery, but I remember feeling so overwhelmed by the expo in Dallas, and here I felt fine and free. So, maybe it’s a sign I am getting better? Or at least was better on that day, who knows. I felt like the normal Aurora who loves crowds, not the new weird Aurora I don’t like who’s scared of people. So, yay.]

Then it was off to bed, super early – like, super early haha. I slept for something like 14 hours and weirdly it still didn’t feel like quite enough. But off we go to RnR San Diego Marathon, which I’ll talk about tomorrow! 

Sightseeing In Manchester! (Part 2 – Museums, Sports, & Food)

June 2, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 7.27.13 PMPicking up from yesterday

Next up on the sightseeing tour, I headed to The People’s History Museum. And it was AMAZING – so inspiring.

It had all this very accepting stuff. There were displays for equality for the LGBT community and for women, and basically you could just see these fights and resulting progress of various marginalized groups and I was ready to march out of there and go join a resistance!

(Well, join it harder. Obviously, we’ve all been in the resistance since Donald Trump was inaugurated.)

Speaking of Donald Trump, it was kind of funny how often people heard that I was American and then asked me some version of, “How could you let Donald Trump be your President?!”

(I don’t know. It will forever be bewildering. But in conclusion, Europe is against him too.)

I wanted to stay at the People’s History Museum all day, but alas, I wanted to run over to the Museum of Science and Industry before it closed.

…And then it turned out to be 100* buildings large.
*5. I believe it was five.

One of them was closed, as there were still a few things in Manchester closed due to the bombing. (But not much! That city was like, “We ain’t sitting down! Come to our museums and fun things!” …A huge soccer game even happened just 2 days after the bombing (a cab driver told me).)

After all the museums and things were closed, I went over to this big open area where people were watching the Manchester Great City Games. There were these sports just in the streets! They’d shut down streets and laid out tracks and things, and I thought that was such an interesting way to show off some elite sports. So, I hung out with the crowd (and had some of the best nachos I’ve ever had at a place called “Home Sweet Home”).

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 7.45.57 PMThen I swung by an outdoor phone booth, because, you know… England, and grabbed a compulsory tourist photo. (I was gonna stay “mandatory,” but I’m using some of my new proper English vocabulary!)

And then I headed to this bar that had opened high up on a hotel. People were touting it as “the skyscraper of Manchester.” I think it had been hyped a bit too much for me. I spent about all of 2 minutes there. The skyline didn’t look, I guess, specific(?) to me…. I don’t know if I don’t recognize the city well enough, or if they don’t have enough tall buildings to make a super recognizable skyline. But instead of feeling like I was getting this amazing view, I just kinda felt like I was in a sort of high up bar. So, okay. Can’t win ’em all, then!

Then, I walked around until it was time to play this crazy interactive game that’s definitely getting its own post in a bit. First, I gotta write about some races! Until next time!

Sightseeing In Manchester! (Part 1 – Libraries)

June 1, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 8.09.14 PMSo, when I was walking around on the way to Rush (the night before my big sightseeing day), this nice older man saw that I was kind of looking confused around at street signs. So, he struck up a conversation with me. And he told me while in Manchester, the thing I *had* to do was go to John Rylands library.

If someone on the street is that excited to share something in their city, I’m gonna go.

So,  the next day (when the library was open), I went. He told me it would be like Harry Potter. I’ve never seen Harry Potter, but I can say that library was magical!

I went into this reading room, and thought that was magical enough – but then there are just more and more floors and rooms. It like this adventure that feels like it’s never gonna end!

I will say, I didn’t give myself a *ton* of time for sightseeing… I had a hard time deciding what my deal with sleep was during this trip. Even though I like to imagine I’m super cool and impervious to jetlag, that didn’t necessarily seem to be the case this time around. So, first, I tried to get to sleep around 1am when I got back. But I couldn’t sleep.

So, by the time we reached 3:30 or so, I just tried to just stay up aaaaall night and into the day after my fun first night out.. Then I was just gonna try to stay awake during the day and then crash that night.

But that’s not at all how it went. As I got into the wee, wee hours of 8am or so, I couldn’t keep it together and I totally fell asleep. So, when I woke up in the early afternoon, I had to run around to fit everything in before businesses/museums and things closed around 5pm.

I went to the visitor center for the low down and the guy gave me a list – and that list, I followed. I went to this kinda secret (not that secret) library above a bank called the Portico Library. It was small and beautiful, and had a gigantic clock on one wall with a gigantic wind dial thing on the other. The librarian wasn’t sure why there was a wind dial on the other one except for that the library people were trying to keep up with the Jones’ libraries back in the day, and apparently it was pretty posh to know which way the wind was blowing.

Then I headed on over to Town Hall. Someone was getting married there, which I thought was interesting because I don’t know exactly how their politics mirror ours, but I haven’t seen anybody get married (like hardcore wedding married, married – like wedding party, kids everywhere, a bunch of guests, the whole she-bang) at City Hall.

I mean, then again, how often am I hanging out at City Hall? Not often. But anyway, it sounded like people like have full weddings at Town Hall over there, with the place reserved for them (or at least that was the vibe I got).

So, yeah, I saw basically the front hall kind of area of Town Hall and a bunch of dressed up kids kids who were being kept out of the ceremony running around (with adult supervision).

Agh! These posts go by so quickly. I still have more sightseeing to cover! But as this post is getting a bit long, I’ll just pick up here tomorrow!

Sightseeing in Liverpool!

May 31, 2017

The Beatles.

That was pretty much the deal in Liverpool. There also was a Titanic thing.

Gaaaaaah, I’m sorry ’cause I know this has been try of a bunch of posts around this time, but I left blank posts for myself to come back to later, when I was in a better headspace and more able to write… but by this time, I’ve forgotten a lot of what I did, but I do know I went to a museum about the Beatles. I went around the town and found out about the Beatles.

Beatles, Beatles everywhere.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool 5k & Half Marathon – Part 3 (Took A Full On Meal Break)

May 30, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

At some point, I stopped off at this place to grab a little food, and I saw this man outside just decked out in Donald Trump gear. Oh no. Where am I, and how was I transported here?

Thankfully, he was merely part of a stag party and was wearing it for a laugh. Phew! (Why would I imagine for even one second that anyone in England would actually like Trump?)

I went inside and asked how long food took, and it was gonna take 25 minutes, so I was leaving to go back on the course when the guys said, “no no no. Stay with us!” So I did. I ordered some food and took a beak hanging out with this stag party.

The food was exceptional. The company was hilarious. And soon enough, I was on my way.

They pointed me in the correct direction, and then I reached this area that kind of had this out and back loop-y stuff of the half marathon. And I wanted to make sure I didn’t go miles out of my way.

So, I asked a spectator nearby if she could tell me which way was which on the map. And then, because it became confusing as to why I’d wanna know that if I was some random person, I just blurted out that I was trying to find a friend in the race.

She was being so helpful like, “oh, I have the tracker app! What’s your friend’s bib number!”

“I uh… I don’t know.”

“That’s okay. What’s their name?”

“I’m sorry, could you just tell me which way is the right way to be on the path to the finish?”

“Well, let’s just see where your friend is! Maybe they haven’t passed this point yet.”

And this is why you don’t lie, kids!

You find yourself in a very uncomfortable weird semi-non-argument with a person trying to be so nice.

And I totally, by this point, didn’t think I could say I was in the half.

Eventually her and her friends just told me the path that led to the finish (not the turnaround), and I’m sure they thought I was SO weird (and they so have every right to).

And I kept moving forward.

When I was coming in at the end, I felt bad because the crowd was *electric,* and I just wanted to be like, “you probably shouldn’t be cheering this enthusiastically for me when I run by you, as I have walked until this point and I’m only doing 13.1.”

I’m sure all the marathoners loved it! Go them! That energy was dope.

And then, that was it. Half marathon complete.

I had one more day in Liverpool, and I’ll talk about that soon!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool 5k & Half Marathon – Part 2 (Traffic On The ‘Opposite’ Side Of The Street Applies To Walking As Well)

May 29, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

I didn’t realize until someone told me race morning… you know how in America, running etiquette is that when you walk you do it to the right? Well, in England, you go to the left (of course – but that hadn’t even dawned on me).

Although, running anything after the first few corrals seems to be a little loosey-goosey in England. When I asked what side I should walk on, everyone was very much like, “it doesn’t matter.” People didn’t seem too concerned about time or anything. It was suuuuuuuper laid back – definitely a change from how it had been in Spain (my only other European race experience).

I walked the whole thing. I was just kind of exhausted. I know jet lag isn’t a great excuse and people can argue it’s not a real thing, but I was just tired! I’d been burning the candle at all ends with the running project and work and therapy and everything. So, I just walked.

The time limit of the full marathon was 6 hours, and they started an hour after us, so technically we had plenty of time – especially because our course was basically the last half of the full course. So… I wasn’t terribly worried about time – except.

It did state that there would be a van for both the half and full marathon. And I just thought “how?!” The course overlap so much how will you tell and why will you?

Thankfully I had my full marathon bib, due to the happy accident of signing up for the wrong thing at the beginning of the season. So, at least if someone had to look (if I had to pull up my layers), maybe they wouldn’t question me.

I was so scared of a shuttle (that never came), that I went to the sidewalk and tried to just look like a pedestrian walking along.

(I later learned that a human being acted as the “shuttle,” and walked along with the last person at the pace they set. So, it all would’ve been fine even if I hadn’t been hiding sort of in plain sight.)

I did go onto the road to make sure I hit all the splits, and yet none of them showed up in my results! I’m guessing it’s because my bib didn’t change from marathon to half in the system quickly enough, so it wasn’t equipped to do that. But that was kind of a bummer.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool 5k & Half Marathon – Part 1 (Expo, Getting There, & Small Overview)

May 28, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 8.49.39 PMI still hadn’t figured out my deal with sleep. And I still hadn’t even made it to Liverpool.

(Kind of everything was done at the last minute with this trip. My Liverpool hotel was literally booked while on the train from Manchester.)

Was I gonna stay in Manchester and go in the morning, or go to Liverpool the night before? Ultimately, I just stayed in Manchester and went in the morning. I checked into my hotel, and even had time to grab a little breakfast there before heading over across the street to get my bib.

There seemed to be pretty big increased security (because of the bombing in Northern England earlier that week).

So it took a while to get everyone into the expo, but I think everyone got in… and there was a second start of the 5k, I think half an hour later. So even if people didn’t get in quite in time, they could still do the race.

After bib pickup, I headed to the start. There was a moment of silence for the bombing victims and in this crowd of sooo many people, you could hear [what’s a more original way to say you could hear a pin drop? ‘Cause that’s what you could hear.]

As far as the race itself, I don’t have a lot to write home about. I just finished without falling asleep, so I call it a win.

You got to end running into a stadium which was pretty fun!

Before the race, you could only pick up your 5k bib, and you had to go back afterward for your marathon or half bib. So, after the race, I did that.

I had accidentally signed up for the full marathon, and thankfully they let me go down to the half. (I’ve heard there can be way more issues with this in the international races, but it was all cool.)

However, they let me keep the full bib, which came in handy the next day… but… I’ll talk about that tomorrow!

The funniest/cutest thing I saw here was a hen party (that’s what they call a bachelorette party in jolly ol’ England). The group was all dressed up and they pushed a cart (like a baby stroller) that was full of alcohol they could drink throughout the course ?

And they would stop and dance to the bands. It was very cute.

1st Night In Manchester

May 27, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 11.29.20 AM(I’m sorry. I know I’m wildly behind. I think I can finally catch up! So, I’m gonna keep writing this last trip sorta like it’s real-time. So, go with me like it’s the past by 2 or so weeks. xoxoxo)

Picking up from last time

At Rush, the people were quite nice, and we talked about life in Manchester and such. I asked if there was anything to do that time of night (I think it was coming around 9), and they said the only thing they knew about was Junkyard MiniGolf.

I walked around for a bit. I found an escape room that had the last game at 9:30pm. But alas, you couldn’t do it alone and there were no strangers around to ask if they’d play. So, I kept walking. I met some police officers who told me more about life in Manchester (ways the police force has been changing, life in a place with exceptionally strict gun control, and all that). They weren’t even from Manchester, but police were being brought in from all surrounding cities to give an extra presence after the bombing.

As I walked around, I saw a number of spots with flowers and cards. Of course it was pretty emotional. It was an exceptionally sad attack, but really moving how the city was coming together.

One thing that was slightly weird, and I feel weird pulling back the curtain on this probably very mild secret… I saw people shooting “sad broll” outside of the arena… Like, I saw a camera crew giving a count-in and taping a pre-determined thing of someone walking by looking sad and wistful around the arena… I didn’t realize they manufacture sad b-roll. I mean, of course it makes sense… And it’s much nicer than taping unsuspecting mourners. And maybe it doesn’t happen all the time. Or maybe they were doing that for something else, not just bombing broll. But it was just a slightly odd thing to witness.

I did eventually make it to Junkyard MiniGolf. It was this indoor place that was felt themed all rough and tumble or what have you – kind of like what I imagine a biker bar would be like in a movie… Kind of like the almost Disnified version of tough (like, not actually Disney themed, but like a fake scariness almost). Anyway, I don’t know if I’m making any sense at all, but the point is that it wasn’t really my scene and I wasn’t in the mood to do a round of mini golf alone in this super loud place. (Sometimes I jokingly say “my baby ears!” ’cause I’m not always great when music is suuuuper loud… I don’t care if you call me an old lady for that. We only get one set of ears!) So, I took my baby ears and moved along.

Then I was just walking around aimlessly with no plan, and that’s when I met this man on the street who was a liiiittle drunk and walking around saying out loud (to nobody? to everybody?) how hot it was. It was warm indeed, but didn’t seem exceptionally hot. So, I asked, “is it not always this hot?” He erupted in laughter and started taking me around to different people, asking if it was always that hot. Then everyone started laughing, and started exaggerating how, “Why, it hasn’t been this hot since 1973!” So, I got the lesson in how it is always rainy and never hot.

Then, this guy and I started talking about his love for American politics and Hillary Clinton. (So, obviously he’s my new best friend.) And then I ended up going to this gay club with him and meeting even more cool people. And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

I’ve Landed In Manchester

May 26, 2017

I’m doing the Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon this weekend, and I’ve always planned to fly into Manchester (’cause it’s cheaper). Then obviously there was the bombing on Monday, but I didn’t see any reason not to continue with my plan to land there Thursday (meaning earlier today). And I wondered how to talk about Manchester, because it feels like maybe I should talk with a tone of sadness, but really people here are so resilient and lovely and determined to live their lives with joy. All the news coverage might be sad, but the feeling in the city is this kind of joyful defiance.

There are of course still more somber moment though. There was a moment of silence at the airport. Apparently someone didn’t hear the announcement in the area where I was, because there ended up being a moment of silence except for one now super loud conversation. Imagine being in an airport and just every single person stops talking, people stop bustling about and whatever your conversation was is all that’s heard.

In my head, it would feel very disorienting, but that person didn’t even notice.

Anyway, moving on, I’d had a mad rush to leave New York. I was trying to accomplish a whole bunch of stuff before I left. Thankfully, I pretty much got it all done, but goodness was it a race to the airport and the plane. So, when I got to the airport, I took a second to catch my breath, arrange my stuff inside my luggage a little better, grab some pounds (since I didn’t have time to get them at JFK), and also book a hotel. (Yep, hadn’t gotten around to that part either…Yeah… Not the super best well-prepared.)

So, I got a hotel and made my way there.

The taxi driver was really nice and let me sit in the front seat… I asked if I could so I could enjoy the view of this backwards driving set-u from what I’m used to. (After all, I’d never say in the front left side and not been driving before.)

It’s funny, because I knew intellectually that in England they drive on the other side of the road. But it is surreal actually experiencing it. There are times when you do a turn or something that feels crazy and wrong and for a split second it feels like you’re gonna get in an accident because you think a car’s about to come from a way that it’s not going to.

I thought I did a really good job of not showing any of those silly moments, but he tells me he gets Americans all the time very thrown by it. (So, at least I wasn’t alone – even if we imagine that perhaps I wasn’t as cool as I thought.)

The hotel was cool. (The signs to the elevators said they were the signs to the Lifts!)

Of course I wanted to sight-see immediately, but I was also preeeeeetty tired. So, I figured I’d just take a little nap – and then I totally woke up in the early evening.

After that, I went and got my hair done at this awesome hair salon called Rush. [Edited to add: My sleek, healthy looking hair lasted for many days after that, like the longest a lil’ upkeep do has lasted for me. Amazing. Highly recommend Rush.]

(Most touristy things were closed and after my week of a bunch of miles a day/fitting everything around that in, my hair was just a wild mess. So, I needed help getting through it and thought, “Why not feel super refreshed at the top of this trip?”)

And this is where I’ll pick up next time.

“3 Days At The Fair, 144 Hour Option”

May 21, 2017

So, more like 6 days at the fair. But, it was originally called 3 Days At The Fair. So, that’s what it’s still called.

But now they have a 6-day option. And I went with it.

I didn’t bring any equipment for camping. I figured I’d stay in a nearby hotel. “Nearby” ended up to not super exist, and it was like next to impossible to get an uber (or a cab) in this middle of nowhere place in New Jersey. So, sometimes I slept in a hotel. Sometimes I slept on the ground. At least one night, I slept in the extra tent of someone who very sweetly offered.

I went back to Manhattan twice for various meetings and things I needed to go to. So, I didn’t stay on the fairgrounds the whole time, as many did. But you could come and go as you please. The place was open for 144 hours, and you were on the course as much as you wanted to be.

I basically wanted to get my belt buckle (which means at least 100 miles), plus I wanted to get at least 100 more miles for Project 882. So, I needed to get in just under 17 miles per day. Sometimes this felt harder than others. I mainly walked at night when it wasn’t crowded or hot. (Though sometimes, it was downright cold!)

I sometimes walked during the day with everybody else.

They had a snack station that would make you all the grilled cheeses you wanted. And I had way too much to eat! Some other people were putting in 50 or more miles a day. So, they needed fuel. And here I was, doing roughly 17, give or take, just being like, “oh, grilled cheese. Cool!”

The people were incredibly nice. And everybody had interesting stories. I loved passing the tent of the father and son who’ve been doing at least a mile a day for decades, and decided to do this race together.

I caught up on a lot of TV and podcasts, walking around the fairgrounds in the middle of the night. If you haven’t listened to Black on the Air, I’d recommend giving it a shot. Larry Wilmore is awesome and is always such an incredible champion of women.

I also listened to a bunch of the Pod Save guys’ stuff.

One night there was fireworks. That was nice.

Basically, it was a really fun time with wonderful people. And we’ve got another 100 miles down!

Diva’s 5k Myrtle Beach

May 7, 2017

Did you know there’s a “Myrtle Beach” and a “North Myrtle Beach?” …And they’re not exactly super close to each other? I know that now, but I didn’t know that before…

I thought i was soooooo cool, staying just down the street. But in the morning, I went to what I thought the race start was. And nothing was set up. No one was there. So, I started googling stuff, and also walked into the nearest hotel lobby to ask some questions of the person at the front desk. Once I’d gotten the mix-up figured out, I walked outside and there was a group of women all starting to congeal together looking for the start. I quickly told everyone we weren’t in “North Myrtle Beach.” People started piling into cars. I grabbed an uber with a small group of women, and we all went there as fast as we could.

The race had started. We missed the start. But I was still able to get my packet. I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch up to the half marathon, so I walked the 5k to the best of my ability. (I’m not positive I did the exact course, as it was being taken down, but I followed what I pretty much thought it was, and did over 3.1 miles. I got the tiara and medal and everything. But, because we started late, they wouldn’t give official finisher times.

Another thing I didn’t realize is that there’s a whole “tourist season” down in Myrtle Beach and a number of fun-seeming attractions weren’t open. I was just a couple of weeks, shy it seemed.

So, be careful about what time of year you plan your trip to Myrtle Beach. And also, know the difference between run-of-the-mill Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach…