Rock ‘n’ Roll San Francisco Half Marathon (March 26, 2017)

March 27, 2017

So, I’m so sorry, but this one was mainly just sad. This is the race that inspired yesterday’s post.

I’m supposed to feel so at home and so in love in San Francisco.

And to think that I can’t even go to my favorite places and feel happy… I don’t know what it’s gonna take. None of the things that I usually do to feel better are working. None of my normal “escapes” are working. And feeling like nothing is working makes everything even worse. So, San Fran was a super giant struggle. And I don’t know much else to say except just that. I’m sorry.

#Tex2Mex Challenge (Part 3 – Rock ‘n’ Roll Mexico City)

March 21, 2017

Aurora filling out her custom forms at the Mexico City airport
(stretching (always stretching) while filling out my customs form in the airport)

Picking up from yesterday

I don’t see a single American around me anymore. Let’s all remember, I don’t speak Spanish. I’m holding all my luggage (and a coat). And I have no idea where to get my bib at his giant place in Mexico…

So, I’m running around from tent to tent, trying desperately to find someone who speaks English. But I can find no one.

Then I find the VIP tent. Well, okay, right?

I mean, if any tent is gonna have a) all the info b) people who speak some other probably popular-ish languages, it’s gotta be the tent for VIPs, right? (No.)

I get waved in by someone who turns out to be the wife of someone in our group. She has the same idea that this seems like a place that might have answers – or at least has a little bit of space, if nothing else.

Also, she probably wasn’t actually even waving me in, come to think of it, because her husband came in closely behind me. And we had a third American coming in at the same time as well.

So, we’re asking around and no one speaks English… until! Someone does. We explain the situation and he says he’s gonna figure it out for us. He calls in on his walkie. No one answers, so he goes on foot to check things out.

We finally take a tiny breather after all this running around with our luggage and we take turns in the port o’ potties. (Might as well use the bathroom while we (barely) have the time…

But English-speaking-dude never comes back!

The race is starting any minute, and we’re getting in a little bit of trouble for being in the VIP area without wristbands. So one of our runners runs over to yet another tent by the start line, while I send out a desperate email and Facebook message to the group asking if anyone knows where we go.

And my new runner friend gets an answer at the start line. We have to haul butt to a tent in center-field where they have our bibs. I get there before him and am told we have to sign a waiver at the table. I’m shown exactly where to sign. (I know it’s generally the same place, but we’re not thinking an in a hurry (and for all I know it’s in Spanish. I was paying no attention. They could’ve gotten me to sign my life away).) Anyway, I get a pen ready of him. As soon as he gets there, I point exactly where he has to sign. We sign and run.

I am carrying my bib and safety pins with me – didn’t even put it on, because we had no time. The race had already started!

Then, when I reach the start, there are barriers surrounding it – and not the barriers like at the US Rock ‘n’ Roll races where we can actually get through, but like these full barriers you can’t climb under. So, then I’m pushing through the crowd – saying excuse me, but I’m not 100% sure everyone can understand me because I’m just some dumb American being pushy. Then I leap up on top of the barrier and flip over. (I do not have an easy time with these at Spartan events. But dang. I go over this one like this is my job. I guess anything’s possible when adrenaline is flowing.)

Then I start jogging.

Now, I just have to outrun the shuttle. (Dum dum duuuuuuum [*scary chords*].)

So, I’m trying to outrun the shuttle, and let me tell you… it is not going well.

People keep asking me if I’m okay, and trying to encourage me to just get a little boost, but I just keep refusing and trying to hard to stay up with the time limit.

And then…

Ooooh, and then…

Somewhere around the section where we’re going into the highway, this guy on this scooter/motorcycle-y thing is trying to explain to me (again, in a language I lamely don’t speak) that I need to get on his scootery-motorcycle thing. But I really don’t want to. (Of course.)


I don’t really speak the language to argue. I don’t know where I am. They’re opening the road to traffic, and I see cars coming on. I’m gonna be lost and in trouble if I stay out here like this.

I don’t know how to say much to him, but the only thing I do know how to say is “poquito!” I just keep saying “poquito, poquito” while holding my fingers very close together – like “you’ll only take me a liiiittle little bit, right?”

He says poquito, and I try to just look at it as a new adventure. I’ve never ridden one of these two-wheeled vehicles, so I hop on and hold on and go on forward, holding onto him.

I feel the wind whipping through my hair and if you’re gonna do something as awfully lame as get on a shuttle, I suppose this is the way to do it.

He drives me forward about 3 kilometers, and then I join in with everybody else again.

AS the race gets closer to the end, it’s starting to feel painful – like the end is never going to come.

It doesn’t help that there are so many turns and turns and turns (and turns!). Every time you think you’re going toward the finish line? You’re not, friend!

The one part that was super the coolest though was that the course had you run right between the band’s stage at the finish festival the giant screaming crowd. So, you got to feel like a huge celebrity for a minute.

So, finally I “finished,” and of course I put that in quotes because I had to ride for part of the race and I’ve never done that before.

And I know the Aurora we all know (and maybe hopefully love), you’d think would grab that medal and throw it. (And then she’d go retrieve it and give it to charity, but certainly not keep it.)

However, I don’t know if I’m just getting soft or too apathetic or what, but I was kinda like, “Weeeeeeeeeeell… If you look at my phone tracking, I did the 3 kilometers in all the running around (with my bags!) before the race. Like, it was part of a whole day event that didn’t run the way we were told and this was me improvising the best I could.

Of course, fitter people were able to do it better/faster… They weren’t stuck on any vehicles (even if they were super cool ones).

So, this probably shouldn’t count as a half marathon when I couldn’t my lifetime half marathons… But I am kinda like, “Eh, come on. You did the best you could in a situation you didn’t know you’d be in…” And now I’m just rambling in a circle.

The most important thing is how I’m gonna count it for Project882. And I’m counting 10 miles. Instead of just taking off 3 kilometers, I’m taking off 3.1 miles to be on the safe side, but I’m gonna count the 10 I did because this is a lot of miles, y’all. And I gotta count what my feet are doing on the ground! Even if counting the whole race is iffy, those 10 miles were real and so hard and they’re going in the total.

After the race, I had a hotel room, though ultimately, I’m not 100% sure why when you really thought about what time I was getting there vs. what time I had to leave.

I got up to my room I think around 11:30pm. My flight was around 5am the next morning.

When I peeled my poor socks off, my feet were bleeding from who even knows what – shoes, blisters, whatever.

Even planning for the day, it was still super hard. But I showered, changed, ate some vegetarian tacos in the restaurant with some of the people who’d done the race, and then I went to the airport.

And I sat on the ground as I waited to check into my flight, ’cause at this point I could barely move. Once I landed, I went straight to work and somehow hobbled through the day.

Another some miles down! And onward we go!

#Tex2Mex Challenge (Part 2 – Let’s Go To Mexico!!! (My First International Flight!)… And Once We Got There… Oh Goodness)

March 20, 2017

Aurora on the plane to MexicoPicking up from yesterday –

So, the Dallas race was over. I had found my uber driver even in the craziness of tents and trucks and everything that is the remains of a half marathon.

And I’m like, “Hey, new friend! I need to get to the airport liiiiike as fast as we can go.”

And we take off and he tells me we need to get gas… Of course.

I’m all, “Isn’t there aaaaany way that maybe just maybe you could get gas after the airport?”

But no. He’s not confident we can make it to the airport with the gas we have.

So, he stops off for a super quick trip. I felt bad that he didn’t even have time to fill the tank, but appreciative that he only got what he needed since we were on a time crunch.

I ate some food in the backseat and took a couple of selfies with my medal, and small talked with Juan (my driver).

Before you know it, I was at the airport. And when I walked in, I might as well have had one of those chorus of angels sound effects play. Because the line for the American Airlines ticket counter was empty.

I go up there and start to hurriedly (scardly (not a real adverb, but I’m using it)) explain, “I keep trying to change a typo of one letter in my last name. Please help me!” And Kim sweetly says, “You’re fine. You’re here. You’ve made it. Take a deep breath. We’re gonna get you on the plane.”


She’s training someone. So, I kind of hear them talking about options of what they do when there’s a misprint on someone’s name. And ultimately, what she does is write a note on my boarding pass to security that it’s off by one letter, but I am Aurora and they should let me through. And she leaves her gate agent number or whatever is it airline employees have. She signs it. And off I go. I’m told I’ll probably get extra screening (like a pat down or a bag check), but whatever. I don’t care.

So, I go to security. They tell me my pass isn’t good there. “How do we know you didn’t just write this yourself?” They won’t get me go through. So, I go back toward the counter.

Kim is either getting off her shift or taking a break or something because I see walking away from the counter. “Kim! They won’t let me through!”

“Oh yes they will!” she says as she comes to escort me.

She comes over to security and a security supervisor is summoned. Everyone is looking at my documents and boarding pass, and finally, I’m allowed through. (Thank you Kim and everybody! …It was especially nice of her to take time to escort me when it seemed like she wasn’t even on the clock anymore.)

Aurora at airport at #Tex2Mex stretching
Just putting my foot in my face as I stretch out before the flight

So, I get through security. Now that I’ve taken that pair of half marathon shoes off, I don’t put them back on again.

When I grab my stuff, I change shoes and socks. I also have some blisters and a couple of little cuts on my foot (I guess from dry skin or blisters that popped. (Ew.))

There’s one of those little spa right next to security. So, I go ask them for band-aids, and they give me some! They also let me sit in a comfy chair. And one woman, whom I tell about my big fundraising effort, even gives me a free 10-minute foot massage!

Then, it’s time to run to the gate, ’cause as awesome as this all is, I don’t have time for this.

I get on the plane, and every single person in business class is a runner. (Cool. In the words of High School Musical (which I’ve never seen, but certainly have seen memes), “We’re all in this together.”

The flight attendant has left gigantic water bottles for all of us – which I greatly appreciate. (I end up going through 3 of them(!)… and using the bathroom twice. Gotta hydrate. It was hot in Texas. I am slightly worried about over-hydrating. But not really. With a plane ride coming off a hot race, I don’t think I’m actually in any real danger of that.

We also get food. (I could get used to business class!) We get warm nuts. (Yes, those are actually a thing – not just a thing fancy people in movies get to eat on planes.)

And there was this awesome salty chocolate they had… I don’t super love chocolate, but I do love salt. And the really nice seatmate next to me scored me an extra piece when I was in the bathroom. (Super cool, right?)

Also, when I got on board, I got one of those little things to fill out for customs. Any international business was new to me, ’cause it was my first international flight!

So, I filled out the thing and when you get to Mexico, somebody checks it and then you fill out another thing about your bags. Then you click a button that tells you whether your bags have to be screened or not. (It feels like we should have things like that in America to make random searches a little more actually random, no?)

Anyway… So, Mexico. We did it. We flew. We napped. (The flight attendant even made a comment about how the people in business class got sleep, but in coach, they did not… Take your party class, y’all! I was happy to nap.) We landed. We made it through customs.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll series had a couple of people with a big sign waiting for us, as they had arranged a shuttle for us. So, we followed the sign, we got on the shuttle.

Aurora's feet on the plane
(just a pic of those mystical warm nuts (and my stretching) on the plane)

I love the Rock ‘n’ Roll series. So, when I tell you the beginning of the Mexico City race for this American was a total mess, please don’t take that to mean I don’t love them… I’m hoping you can take it for the love/hilarity/silliness/ridiculousness with which it is spoken.


We’re on this bus. And the race starts in this stadium/horse-race track place. My understanding is that the bus is supposed to be able to drive into the middle area. (I later find out there are indeed buses there, and that our bus picks us up from there later that night. So, it seems like it could’ve been super possible indeed.)

But instead, we end up getting stopped in a parking lot. I don’t know where the miscommunication was or who was really in charge of what… because I guess that horse racing place has some ownership or at least autonomy of some kind when it comes to parking. And I think there’s another international company that’s helping Rock ‘n’ Roll put on the race – like, I don’t think the Rock ‘n’ Roll series actually runs everything and has the final say in everything… Because…

I’m only sort of kind of getting the story (in large part because I don’t speak Spanish). But someone who does speak Spanish is translating as best they can what they can hear from outside the bus. Apparently the parking people are asking for money even though the bus people are trying to explain that we’re supposed to have permission to go on the field.

At first, we’re all pretty strong in this feeling of, “We’re not doing a long walk with our luggage! Let our bus through!”

…Aaaaaaaand then we all realize we don’t have any power at all and when they tell us to get off the bus and grab our luggage, we do as we’re told.

So, here we go.

I’m now carrying a heavy duffel bag and bookbag (’cause they have all my stuff for an international trip that includes two races (plus a dress and such because I stopped in Ohio for my grandma’s 90th birthdya on my way to Texas)).

And we’re going. We’re moving through crowds, trying to figure out which way to go (as the crowd is not all going in the same direction since some are maybe going to their cars or who knows where).

And we come upon this woman from the race standing blocking the path to move through barriers toward the race. Again, I don’t speak Spanish. (Goodness, I should learn!) But someone in our group is explaining to me that she’s saying she can only let people with bibs through…

But we were told we were going to get our bibs once we got there… We don’t know where our bibs are, but they’re somewhere past where she’s standing, and we don’t have them.

So, there’s talk back and forth and then someone from our group has the idea – what if we show our vanity bibs? We got these fun bibs that say #Tex2Mex (even though they don’t actually mean anything). But, they show we’re from a group our something. And there’s more talking back and forth and begging until she reluctantly agrees.

So, everyone is fishing through their bags, and we all get through – or at least, I think we all get through.

It seems like with nearly every step we take we’re losing someone off of our gigantic group who disappears into the giant crowd around us.

We keep walking, walking, and then we go down some stairs which leads us to this giant track and field with tents and people everywhere. And I look around and realize – uh oh… I’m one of the people who’s been lost.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

#Tex2Mex Challenge – (Part 1 Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas 5k & Half Marathon)

March 19, 2017

Aurora at Mile 6 of the half marathonHere we go! The first race of the #Tex2Mex challenge – that means Texas in the morning and Mexico at night!

[And there was a 5k on the weekend as well. It was fun and lovely.]

I have tried to be very deliberate in my planning of this weekend.

I tried to get a pretty good amount of sleep (for once, with my crazy work/travel schedule :-P). I got my ankle KT-taped at the expo (just to be on the safe side). I have a second pair of shoes I changed into after security at the airport. Like, I am doing everything I can to be ready for this crazy adventure!

This morning, I woke up and stopped over to the VIP bag check. (Thank heavens for the sweet Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series giving me the awesome VIP treatment for singing The National Anthem.) I wasn’t 100% sure on the luggage rules, but I was hoping to goodness the Rock ‘n’ Roll VIP place would take my duffel bag, bookbag, and coat, because as soon as the race was over, I wanted to grab that stuff and get in an Uber – no time for this walking to some hotel and getting it from behind a desk.

Thankfully, yes. They took my luggage. Then I went over to the start line where all the “Los Locos” (members of the #Tex2Mex challenge) were hanging out. We took some pictures and warmed up and all that jazz, and then I sang the National Anthem. Then, bam! It was time to start! We all got to start up in the 1st corral(!), since the Rock ‘n’ Roll series knew we all had to catch our flights. (That was super nice of them.) It was crazy starting behind the elites! Hello great start line view!

Then I went along and did the course. The bridge was pretty. The weather got kinda hot. And I ended up spending the last number of miles on the phone(!). I’d been having trouble checking in for my flight, and I’d found out it was because somehow there was a typo in my last name. (Dum dum duuuuuum – scary chords.)

I was on hold alone (not even counting talking time) somewhere around 50 minutes during the race…

Aurora in the back of the uber with her medal covering her mouthful of biscuit
in the back of the Uber, documenting the day/medal while covering my mouth overflowing with biscuit – trying to “carb up” for race 2 on the way to the airport

I had tried to get the problem fixed before the race

First, I’d talked to an agent at the airport when I first landed in Dallas. I saw I was having trouble checking in, and she said it was because it was more than 24 hours before the flight. Oh, duh! That made sense to me, of course. (Apparently I’d somehow forgotten how Friday and Sunday work and that they are not in fact within 24-hours of each other.)

Because that was such a simple, normal explanation, neither of us thought to look for anything else, or noticed the typo.

Then, when I tried to check in within the actual 24-hour period, I couldn’t. So, I called in to American Airlines. That was when I was told about the typo problem, but said that it couldn’t be fixed over the phone since we were within 24-hours – I’d have to wait ’til I got to the airport.

As the race continued, and I thought about how relatively little time I was gonna have at the airport, I called American asking if I could upgrade to first class. All I could see in my future were lines and lines – to the ticket counter, through security, and I wanted to try to bypass them (’cause I thought I might not make it to Mexico otherwise.)

Turns out, I was already in business class! (And the flight didn’t have a first class, so I was officially good to go.) I don’t know how that happened. But shhhhh, try not to move and hope it all just stays that way!

Then, since we were already on the phone, I asked if there were any way at all the typo could be changed while I was on the phone…

She said no, but that since I booked through Priceline, they could help me change it.

And this is where that super long hold time came into place.

I felt bad because I totally snipped at the woman who was just trying to do her job. (“We’ve been on the phone for nearly an hour and you can’t help me change one letter in a reservation?” Or something along those lines is what I annoyingly told the poor customer service agent who probably gets snipped at all day every day.)

So, we got off the phone, and I finished the race. As I was turning the corner toward the finish, I made a mental note of the intersection where I saw cars/taxis being able to drive because I knew I’d want to put that into Uber very soon.

Crossed the finish line. Went to pick up my Remix medal. They were out. (They’re gonna send ’em out to everyone who didn’t get one.) I did get my Lone Star for doing San Antonio last year and Dallas this year. Then, over to the VIP tent to grab food and my stuff, and on my walk over there, I ordered an uber (knowing it would take at least a few minutes for the uber to get there in half marathon traffic).

I grabbed my bags and some food. (Yet again I felt bad because I dropped a biscuit and a couple of pickles on the grass, but did I pick them up? Nope. I was like, “There’s too much stuff in my hands and I’m in a super hurry. I just let them sit there… Apparently this is the day where Aurora’s just a big jerk…)

So, I took a new biscuit and pickles and hurried across the field to meet my very nice Uber driver… Who informed me we needed gas. (Dum dum duuuuuum!) And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

I. Have. Traveled. So. Much. This. Week. (November 14, 2016)

March 16, 2017

I guess technically, I didn’t have to fly so much, but goodness, did I.

[Sorry, this is just a random draft I never posted, and now I have space for it!]

I started the week in California. Then on election day, I flew to Ohio to knock on doors for Hillary Clinton. Then on election night, I flew to New York to be close the Javits Center. On Wednesday, I was about to go to the airport, when I got the news I could hang with Cory Booker. So, I called and changed my flight. And on Thursday, I went to Jersey to see Cory. Then I got on a flight (back in New York), and flew to Ohio to get the perfect dress for the Marine Ball.

I was having such a hard time finding a dress… I’m sure I could’ve found a place in New York or New Jersey to buy one, but I had to pick up some stuff from my parent’s house anyway. Plus, there was a perfect dress place there. Then Friday morning, I flew to San Diego for the Marine Ball that night.

I Marine ball’d it up and had a fantastic time. And then Saturday I flew to Boston. Sunday I did the Spartan Sprint in Fenway Park. Then, I bussed down to New York where I started a long stint at work on Monday.

Oof! It just felt like a lot of flights and buses and such and a lot to keep straight… It felt like the time I was first moving to New York haha

And I just thought I’d share! 🙂

Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon

March 11, 2017

[Still catching up!]

[lip smack – I couldn’t decide between Oof! Aye aye aye! Phew! Woo! etc… So, let’s go with one of those lip roll raspberries thing, because I don’t know what sound I want… Anyway…]

My bus was delayed, and I got in preeeeetty late (or early in the morning – however you wanna look at it).

I made my way to my friend’s house, and we went to bed.

Then, it was time to get up suuuuuper early in the morning. The marathon started, I think an hour or so before the half, and I was singing for both.

The cool part about singing twice in one morning – and having a good friend of mine with me – was that he recorded my performance for me, and we went over it between performances, so I could pick out little things I wanted to do better.

After the first performance, we got to go have VIP breakfast. (Yum!)

We met a number of interesting people there – some also tacking big projects of running in all the states and all kinda jazz.

And then it was back out to sing again and then take off.

Fareed is lovely, so lovely. And he stuck around with me, even though I was quite slow until we got to mile 10. I had to toooootally slow down, as I was way tired, and he had a full day of some things he had to do. So, he went ahead with my blessing.

But it is embarrassing as all get out that I can’t keep up with my friends!

Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye.


Then once I got back to his house, I slept for approximately 80,000 years. And then he and his sister and I all went out to dinner and eventually I bussed back to New York and slept some more [laughs exhaustedly].

Another 13.1 down. And onward we go!

Ft. Lauderdale A1 Half Marathon – Part 2

February 21, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Also, look! A sweet, sweet chance to use one of the million port-o-potties down there. I wanted to pee at the airport, but I’d been too afraid of time constraints and missing the race. But finally, there was room. The lines were not crazy. I was safely at the race. But alas, now they were all out of toilet paper. Eep!

Aaaanyway, soon enough I made it to a Starbucks where I totally used the bathroom (and bought something small – I’m not about to be ruuude, if I can help it).

The sunrise and palm trees were gorgeous, as per usual. (When are palm trees not gorgeous?)

I slowly (slooooowly) made my way around.

I was the last person to cross the turnaround timing mat for the half. “Look who it is! We’ve been waiting for you!” (They were nice and silly and we had fun.) I felt bad and apologized to the people manning it, being totally sorry they had to wait for me. But they were soooo nice about it. “Hey, we’re here for you! No worries!”

And slooooowly but surely, I made it to the end.

The medal was great and I got a long massage. One of my ankles was really really stiff and not moving like my other one. That’s probably not good, but here’s hoping it clears up soon enough.

Then I hung on the beach for a small bit ’cause it was beautiful and yay, sand and all that.

And then, boom, I was off to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Ft. Lauderdale A1 Half Marathon – Part 1

February 20, 2017

Oh goodness, goodness gracious.

This was crazy.

So, I did Divas Temecula the day before this one. And then I got on a plane and flew to Florida and right when the plane landed, I was booking it out to my uber.

Thankfully the race was small enough that there wasn’t craaaazy traffic trying to get there. My uber driver was able to get my really close pretty quickly.

I checked my bag, and tried to use the bathroom, but all the lines were so long I figured I’d do it somewhere along the course.

And I semi-narrowly made it to another half marathon on the opposite side of the coast (going the “wrong” way time-wise (or at least the less helpful way to me).

I didn’t stretch at all. (I made basically this *exact* same mistake 5(!) years ago after I got off a long bus ride from Florida to Louisiana. Back then I was like, “Don’t ever forget to stretch before a race if you’ve been in the same seat on public transportation for a while.” And now I’m like, “Stretching? What’s stretching?”

Like, oh my goodness, gracious. Learn a lesson, Aurora.


The time limit on this race was long, because it was the same for the half and the full. So, thankfully I had 6 hours. So, being sore didn’t matter all that much in the grand scheme of things.

One thing that was funny was that very soon after we all took off for this race, we got stopped at train tracks that just took foreeeeeever. (I mean, obviously not literally forever, because I’m not writing you from the train tracks now.) But it took a reeeeally long time – long enough that the person in charge of the race walked down the street and announced that we all should come back to the start, and they’d re-start the race so people weren’t losing so much time!

That was sweet of them.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Diva’s Temecula! – Part 2

February 19, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Weather forecasts called for all of that the next day too. It was supposed to rain during the whole race. So, I went in my full coat (as I did for the San Antonio Marathon in December – it poured there and that coat kept me going!).

But alas, it just kept not raining. It was so hot.

During the 5k, I whipped my coat off as I could not bear to wear it anymore. I ran across the street (in the lane where people were turning around), and hung it on a fence post – thinking that someday, when I get to that turnaround, I’ll just grab it.

Or not.

It was nowhere to be found at the end of the race. I asked the race people if they had any idea where it could be. I told them I was well aware it was my fault it was gone and I can’t expect to leave something and have it be there. But I was just hoping maybe since it was hung, not thrown, and since it was a big winter coat – just maybe it would be around?

Even if it had been picked up – I hoped maybe clothes wouldn’t have been taken in yet to whatever place they were donating them to… And I could rummage through whatever was there. But alas, my coat was nowhere to be found. So, that was a bummer. It had some stuff in the pocket that would’ve been nice to have (including a little cash and a credit card).

BUT, I’m the idiot who just left my coat there. I see how I could’ve been hopeful, maybe, since there was a turnaround… But, I also see how I was willing to take the gamble because I was so very hot (on this day that was supposed to be miserable with rain).

So, that covers it – ran through dirt, but around leftover mud, got a really cool medal, lost my coat (and the Divas staff was very nice and forgiving about it). Made a new friend randomly through social media.

After the race, we went and ate together. Then when I got home, I jumped in the hot tub and one my best friends in the world came by and joined me and we had dinner together.

California was so very beautiful and I really cannot wait to tell you all about it. But first…

After dinner, I went and got on a redeye. That’s right. I have a race tomorrow in Florida. So, it’s bedtime now!

Diva’s Temecula! – Part 1

February 18, 2017

Aurora before Divas TemeculaMy first Divas race! (Finally.)

I’ve been hearing about this race series since the 52 half marathons in 52 weeks. If you do 5 in a year, you get this “Supreme Diva” plaque. And I was like, “yeeeeeeah, I’m not gonna do some if I can’t do 5, because I might as well just get the plaque.”

And alas, now we are in a year where 5 makes sense. I was barely able to fit them all in the schedule with the various Rock ‘n’ Roll races I need to do, but exactly 5 can fit. (Although, now with the cancellation of Queretaro, I actually have 6 available Divas races available. Wiggle room. Cool.)

Anyway, I heard that if you’re gonna do a Divas race, you gotta do Temecula. Apparently it has the coolest medals and nicest swag. (As of now, it’s the only one I’ve done. So, I have nothing to compare it to. Ask me again in October.)

Originally, a friend was going to take me to Temecula, but he was called away on business. So, I posted in this random running Facebook group (that I recently found this year and love), asking if anyone was driving from LA to Temecula. And a sweet girl wrote me back, offering to drive. (Yaaaaay!)

I woke up around 2 am, and we ended up leaving around 3ish. (So. Early.)

You had to get there early to take a shuttle from the parking lot to the vineyard. They were pretty intense in the race instructions about getting there on an early shuttle to be sure you had time to get your packet (if you hadn’t picked it up the day before). So, we obliged.

We had a nice drive talking about future races and goals and all that fun stuff.

When we got our packets, everybody got race jackets (not the thin loud ones, but just like a zip-up warm thing), and pink light-up tutus.

As for the race itself, I was actually wondering how I could talk about it any differently than I did about the races I did in wine country from the 52 half marathons. ‘Cause it felt kind of the same – animals, quiet, scenery.

We had to walk over some wooden things that kept mud away from us, so it was nice those were down. That was something random and different about this race…

And that leads to talking about the weather – which leads to talking about losing my coat! And that’s what’s different about this – the race where I oh so irresponsibly lost my coat.

It rained like craaaaaazy in SoCal the day before this. A video was posted online about how outdoor steps at a parking garage had basically become a waterslide. Sinkholes were happening. It was crazy. People were saying they couldn’t even make it to packet pick-up. Driving seemed too dangerous (or maybe even a little impossible).

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon (I Was Literally Last Place) – Part 4

February 10, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Someone (I think one of the guys taking the sticker off the ground) says something like “she’s fine. She’s right here. Just let her finish.”

And the woman says emphatically, “she’s not a runner!”

And I yell out “I am!” Weirdly enough some people around me also yell out “she is,” even though I guess they don’t actually know any more than she would. So, I don’t understand why they know or why they’re so caring, but I’m glad they are.

Anyway, she’s like “where’s your bib?”

Thank goodness I was able to pull it out of my pocket. And I went on.

And I could hear that woman behind me saying “I heard them say the last runner was crossing, and she didn’t have her bib. How was I supposed to know?”

And I felt really bad that she seemed to feel bad like she messed up or something, because her point was very valid.

Anyway, I went on down that last little stretch, and then I saw Annie. And she was like “wait! One more runner! I know you.” And she was saying nice things about me in the mic. And she came to greet me. And I said, “The timing’s mat’s still down, right?! I’m gonna get to finish?!”

And she was like “we got you!”

She said into the mic, “Keep the timing mat down for one more!” And I ran on through and got my medal and the remix medal and the jacket – oh that illustrious marathon jacket…

(And the woman in the van did not have a happy face on that I refused her orders *and* still got to finish, for anyone who’s wondering.)

If it had  truly come down to it, I suppose I would’ve rather finished the actual distance and not gotten a medal (if that really had to happen – even though that would’ve had some dire consequences on the year-long-plan, oof…) than the other way around… but thankfully, I got both! (Yay!)

(By the way, I know I was being a little selfish, and I did take longer than I should have. So, while this is sort of a story of persistence and stubbornness and finishing, it’s also possible the story of an entitled girl who expected bent rules. So, I am sorry to the extra strain I put on the people around me. And THANK YOU so much for letting me finish! And onward we go!! :-))

(We’re now 45.5 miles in to this project! :-))

And I’ll finish here next time.

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon (I Was Literally Last Place) – Part 3

February 9, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Just as I was about to the final bit – At the white barriers that lead you into the finish line, I heard “I hear we have our last finisher coming in!” – about the person right in front of the race vehicle (the race vehicle driven by the woman who’s mad at me – all other race vehicles are still tailing me).

Oh my gosh. I am SO close! I can literally see the finish. I bet I can get in before the timing mat comes up…

Then, just as I’m about to pass the guys pulling up the “New Orleans 2017 sticker off the ground” (like, I am SO ridiculously close at this point), a woman’s like “you gotta get out of here”

She’s very firm about it, basically literally blocking my path with her body telling me I can’t be in there.

And I’m thinking “wow, they were not kidding about that forfeit thing. I *barely* didn’t beat the van and they are cloooosing down the finish line”

But then the guys taking up the sticker (and someone else by the barrier) are all like “she’s fine. She’s fine.”

And so I say thanks and start to move forward, but the woman’s like “you can’t go that way!”

And then I’m asking how I leave the barriers (still hoping to figure out a way to run over the timing mat before they take it up). And it’s very confusing ’cause I’m getting down to crawl out from the barriers and keep moving forward. But she seems to be suggesting I turn around and leave the area completely, just not going toward the finish.

And I don’t 100% understand why she’s acting like not only closing down the finish line, but not letting a runner go anywhere near it would be totally normal and not frustrating for a runner… Like, she seems to not understand why I want to keep going forward… So, it’s this whole bru-ha-ha of confusion that no one really understands is happening until…

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon (I Was Literally Last Place) – Part 2

February 8, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

And I wanted to make *sure* I still had my bib on me, in case I could pass the van (or even come in after it, before the finish line is down).

So, knowing I was falling behind, I put my bib in my pocket when nobody was looking. And when that woman told me I had to give it up, I was like “a friend came by and took it for me,” which doesn’t really make sense any sense at all, and also I was a big liar, and I’m 99.999% certain she knew I was lying. (Go listen to my appearance on the Runner of a Certain Age Podcast, and you’ll hear more. :-)) But even though she knew I was lying, since she couldn’t see my bib, and I guess maybe felt she couldn’t ask to see my pockets, she angrily passed me by.

I tried to stay out of the way, and on the shoulder and sidewalks and stuff, but, even still, a huge caravan of vehicles followed me.

I almost made a wrong turn at some point, and the cop told me I had to turn right to stay on course. And this wave of gratitude and hope washed over me. “He’s helping me to stay on course? He wants to help me and make sure I finish?”

“Are they gonna let me finish,” I asked full of hope. And he told me yes!

As I said, originally, the race vehicles were trying to convince me to board the shuttle. (It’s funny because after refusing, I later caught up to (and passed) a spot where they were boarding a ton of people – but then I fell behind again when they drove right passed me, ’cause you know… they were in a vehicle, and I was not.)

And the one woman was not happy that I was refusing. (I get it. I’m sure it was annoying for her.) But the other sweeping race vehicle, just joined on board with my pursuit and even asked me if I wanted water. (Isn’t that sweet? :-))

And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon (I Was Literally Last Place) – Part 1

February 7, 2017

Aurora with her New Orleans marathon medalPicking up from yesterday

So, once I got to the halfway point, I was around 3 hours and 30 minutes – not ideal, but close enough that I thought, “I can do this. I’ve gotta do this.” So, forget that out I gave myself to just do the half if I wanted. I kept on going on the full course.

Between mile 23 and 24, a woman slowed down beside me in the race vehicle and started to tell me she was gonna “give me a little bump,” and I was like “nope.”

And she seemed really taken aback – like apparently no one else had fought with her (or at least her reaction would’ve made you think that).

I felt if I could get to mile 23, I’d be safe – because we were back in the park. They weren’t holding up major streets anymore. So, I felt safer in the idea that if I fell behind, it might not be the end of the world.

When she tried to convince me, I was like “I’ll just walk on the sidewalk. I’m a pedestrian now.”

And she said “if you get in, you’ll still get a medal. If you don’t, we’re not responsible for you. You forfeit your right to be in the race”

And I was like “okay. I’m not getting in.” (‘Cause that’s not a marathon if I ride part of the way.)

Then she was like “well, I have to take your bib if you’re forfeiting…”

I’d read that if someone chooses not to board the van, they had to give up their bib.

Well, I want to keep all of my race bibs. Plus, I was still preeeeetty certain that I was gonna get to the finish before they’d totally torn it down – even if they had torn some stuff down… it was a gamble, but I know they don’t just snap their fingers and all of the sudden the timing mat is up – and I wasn’t *that* far behind…

So I took a gamble…

And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans 5k (& Marathon Sort Of) (General Race Report/Thoughts) – Part 2

February 6, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

But that meant, if I didn’t do this one, I was painting myself into a corner. I’m leaving no space for a bad day or a sick day or what have you in any of the three possible ones in the future (the ones that have the long time limit – San Diego, Savannah, and San Antonio). And quite honestly, I’m kinda hoping I get the three marathons in before San Antonio so I can switch down to the half (since I’ve already done the full), and have more time to enjoy the city.

Anyway, I knew a marathon was preferable, but a half was possible. And of course, as I keep saying lately, work had been busy, life had been busy, whatever. My sleep schedule was a bit messed up (as per usual).

I’d heard from a number of people that you the New Orleans full is awful – that you split off so close to the half finishers that you can *hear* them finishing and all the cheering and everything… and that the back half is lonely and boring – many spectators aren’t around, etc.

I mean, I heard it over and over and over from so many people. “That’s the worst half of the series. Don’t do it.”

But I thought, “It cannot be that bad.” And in my opinion, it really wasn’t. I don’t know if it’s because I was told to expect the worst of what. But I didn’t think it was so bad.

I mean, yes. I did hear the half finishers. But that happens in other marathons. That tooooootally happens at my favorite marathon (the San Francisco marathon). You know. It’s whatever. And yes, technically, it did feel like there were fewer spectators in the second half. But there was this out and back that had awesome blaring upbeat pop music. I felt they were really making a party, as much as they could, out of those back miles.

I actually felt I really found my stride around mile 19. I saw runners coming back from the other way, so I felt their energy. The music was great. I got a jolt of energy!

That super energy did not last though…  As we will get into next time.

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans 5k (& Marathon Sort Of) (General Race Report/Thoughts) – Part 1

February 5, 2017

A sign at a marathon that says "alternative fact: You're almost there"
(My favorite sign. This was taken at mile 7 of 26.2 hahahaha)

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans, baby!

I remember loving this one from the 52 half marathons in 52 weeks. And it was just as lovely as I remember it…

I mean… I’m pretty sure the route had to be different, because I remember some streets that were something that wasn’t normal road – cobblestone maybe or something like that?

Anyway, the point is, I don’t remember seeing that this time around. I know my last Nola race was 5 years ago, so what would I know really about the route? But I think there was a change and somebody can tell me if I was right – if they want. 🙂

Aaaaaaaaanyway, the gist was the same though – all those fantastic jazz bands. Horns everywhere. I love the vibe.

I also forgot how much New Orleans wants to eff you up – even early in the morning. The alcohol is always flowing. There was a stop with vodka martinis. There was a stop with a sign that said “Beer free, water $5.” There was a stop with mimosas. (All unofficial race stops, just for the record.) But if you wanted to be drunk while you did your marathon… New Orleans had your back!

The crowd was great. Bands were great. Everything was great.

Since I did the half last time (and wanted to do something more/new/exciting), and since I’ve gotta get 882 miles in this year, I was going after the marathon!

I did mentally give myself a *bit* of an out. I knew that if I switched down to the half, I could still make up those miles. (I’ve got room in my schedule.) Also, I’m trying to do 3 Rock ‘n’ Roll full marathons this year (because they have a sweeeet new heavy medal for doing 3 in one year). And I knew I had 3 other marathons that were possible…

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 9

February 4, 2017

Picking up from last time –

I also think it’s such a silly thing to say, “Who would register and not follow your social media”? Um, lots of people. Think of all the people who do over 100 races in a year. Do you think they follow every race? Do you think even if they do that they get every notification? What, people are supposed to live on Facebook? That’s what twitter’s for. 😉

And so I’m trying not to go respond on Facebook because I know it probably won’t lead to anything good or people so staunch in their “Facbeook was enough!” view to see things a different way… But then if I only talk about it here, am I now the one sub-blogging, I suppose?

Aye aye aye aye aye.

Also, I do just want to throw one little note in here that as much as I’m annoyed that I don’t feel like I’m hearing the “voice of reason” or whatever in the comments of that thread, I still am happy the race has people to back them up. I mean, I’d love some admission they could’ve done better. But I am happy the people who run it seem to have a strong support system in the middle of them feeling attacked (whether we meant to “attack” them or not).

Anyway, if you have opinions on this, I’d love to hear. And if not, that’s cool too! Have a great night! The end 🙂

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 8

February 3, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

I mean, I know it absolutely might not be about me, of course. But it feels a little like it is since I got such a big response. You read the literal exact screenshots of the exchange. Did I come off as rude? You can tell me if I did.

I wasted hundreds of dollars for no reason. I’m *not* mad at them because the city forced them to cancel their race. Their hands were tied. How could I be mad about that? I’m mad that they had information for over 9 hours the day before the race without sending an email about it (the easiest way to make sure everyone would know). I’m upset that my flight didn’t leave until after 6pm. There was ample time for me to find out and not have to go. (And I was not the only person with a story like this.)

And I believe I have a legitimate right to be made about that. But again, please tell me if you think I’m being unreasonable.

I just personally don’t think it has to be an “us against our mean customers” thing. Just an apology for mishandling the situation would’ve made me feel approximately 1,000 times better than just continuing to defend something that could’ve been done better.

And then there’s a big string of contents just totally defending this place. It is totally taking way too much self control (which might not last forever) to not go on there and trying to give a piece of my mind – especially to the person who said, “In this day and age who would register and not follow your social media? It happens!! Get over it! Hurricane Matthew caused cancellation of vero beach in Oct. we are alive…we will live to run again!

Because I just want to explain, “We’re not upset about the weather! We’re upset about ruined weekends and lost money – that didn’t have to be lost. That’s the big part. Had the race found out at 9pm, and we were all already there. Okay. What else could they have done? But that wasn’t the case. They knew for more than a full workday and couldn’t write an email…

And I’ll finish this out soon!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 7

February 2, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

I’m sorry to get so worked up about arguing and social media here. But they did one more Facebook post.

One of the things said in there is: “Soon after, I started seeing posts on Facebook wondering why they hadn’t received email notification earlier, as if to suggest we were hiding from our athletes, or not being open to them in making our announcements. Some complained right here on Facebook that the “only” word they heard was through Facebook, leaving me to wonder, “wasn’t that enough?””

I don’t want to act like the whole world revolves around me, but I feel a little bit like I’m being sub-Facebooked there… And if I happen to be in the group of people he’s talking about, I certainly wasn’t meaning to suggest he was hiding anything. I’m just saying, I feel like I’m allowed to be upset that an email and website update wasn’t done in a timely fashion.

And the whole “if they’re saying it on Facebook, then they’re reading Facebook” thing… I can’t speak for everyone else, but I was on Facebook because I’d already checked my email and the website and twitter. And heard nothing. And when someone who worked for the hotel and a runner in the lobby said the race was cancelled, I went to one of the only sources I had left. And in answer to the question, no. Of course Facebook isn’t enough. You can’t assume people are on FB all the time, or even that they will see all of their notifications. You can’t assume everyone even has FB. (Someone in my hotel didn’t.)

Just, this idea that there were so many runners to deal with that they didn’t have time for the email… It just makes me think, “You’re not dealing with the real underlying problem that will help you not have people confused over and over…. If you had a big cut in your arm and blood was pouring down, you wouldn’t constantly keep wiping up the blood that was falling onto your forearm (or kitchen floor or whatever). You’d bandage up the source. You’d stop the bleeding. Then you’d clean up. (Otherwise, where are you getting?)

Also, the other place I feel potentially sub-Facebooked is here. “My only regret in how I handled this difficult situation is that I responded to a small handful of overly negative posts and emails, when I was extremely upset after being called a fraud in an email remark.”

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 6

February 1, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

This was actually a gigantic point of contention with this year’s Dopey Challenge. I wasn’t there, but I read about it. The half marathon was cancelled. So, some people went out and ran 13.1 miles in the middle of their multi-day running adventure, because they wanted to feel they earned their Dopey medals…

And there was soooo much back and forth on running message boards.

Some people were like, “Disney gave me no choice! They cancelled it. And I still wanted to finish. Therefore I went and did it on my own. And I’m counting myself as a Dopey finisher because I did the mileage – even at the location – on the day I was supposed to. That’s gotta be enough.” (I’m inclined to agree with them…)

But then others chimed in. “So you ran around 13 miles? Even with a group of people, that’s a training run, my friend. Races are races for a reason. There’s adrenaline. There’s order. You can’t count every time you run a half or marathon distance as doing a race. That’s ridiculous.”

And I can see that side too.

To me, there was no magical consensus as to the “right” answer. People are choosing to view it however they want.

But because there is so much controversy around the idea of counting it, I chose not to run 26.2 in Clearwater by myself and count it as a marathon.

I do not begrudge or judge the people who do. Again, I’m more in that camp than the other one.

But because I’m doing a gigantic project (and it’s for charity), I don’t want anything that happens to have an asterisk next to it of any reason why it maybe wouldn’t be counted as actually real.

For me, I thought that day could be better used to catch up on sleep – which is what I did.

As far as the t-shirt and medal, my best guess is that I’m going to give it to charity – unless I decide to display it anyway (in however I display all the medals for the 882 project) for the memory of the race that wasn’t.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 5

January 31, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

And that’s when I tried to slow down, and still be nice, and just say calmly that I really believed him that word probably did get out quickly in Clearwater. But the people who most needed to know as quickly as possible were the out-of-towners (because they have more plans to potentially change).

Aaaaaanyway, even when I said how the email would’ve helped the people who needed it most, he just told me that he bet I was one of only a few people – and that most people who traveled probably came on Friday. (The race was on Sunday.)

And I said that of course I don’t work for the city or the race. So, I don’t have the data to back this up, but anecdotally, at my hotel, there were numerous people I’d met who’d left for Clearwater after 11:30am (the time he knew of the cancellation).

And he still didn’t really care. No matter what, he was right.

So, we just have difference of opinion on which I guess we just can’t meet in the middle.

I stand firm that based on all races I’ve ever done, email is used as the main communication form. (I set up an entire email address that I just use for race registrations because I know how many katrillions of times they email you.)

I’ve had races cancel before. I’ve had races move the start times because of weather advisories. And do you know what’s happened every single time? I’ve gotten an email. (Or 2. Or 5…. Sometimes they reeeeeally wanna drive it home.)

Anyway…. I was accidentally about to re-lay-out my points here. But you’ve heard them. I think you get the gist.

So, I dunno. The point is, it was a bummer. I could’ve been with my friends in DC, not rushing off, not wasting money. But alas, I was not.

I do always adore any chance to sleep in a hotel bed, though. And I looooved the amazing breakfast at my dope hotel. (Residence Inn for the win.)

p.s. What did I ultimately do with the medal and stuff? Well… here’s “part 3” (if they were separated out):

Some people decided to do their mileage that morning to “earn” their medal. (Quotes because that’s how people have been phrasing it – not because I’m making a value judgement on whether that’s real or not.)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 4

January 30, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Now, a smart person would’ve immediately corrected course and figured out the race within a two-hour radius that day and done that one.

And someone did point out that race on Facebook. And I started to look into it a little. But I was tired and didn’t know the easiest way to go so far – seemed too expensive to take a rideshare vehicle. And I was so tired, I didn’t think it would’ve been super safe for me to get get a car and drive it. And on and on and on. Blah blah blah – stuff that could’ve been figured out, but I didn’t.

Instead, I went down and got my packet, and talked with the man from the Facebook comments.

He was nicer in real life. (Of course. People usually are.) But he still held his ground a bit.

He kept explaining that there wasn’t time to send an email until many, many hours later because
a) He had to order and pickup the sign for the expo.
b) Packet pick-up was so swamped that they didn’t have the time during those hours.

…But here are my two issues.

  1. Who cares about printing a sign? Having a sign printed, I feel, is one of the least of your worries. Write something huge in sharpie if you need to. If the sign is keeping you from sending an email – an email is so much more important.
  2. Packet pick-up is now a moot thing. There’s not even a reason to have it anymore. My feeling was that if people had actually known the race was cancelled that I would assume only half or even fewer people would actually show up. (Because why would they?)

Basically, we just had very differing views of the situation. His view was that he was trying to problem solve as fast as possible, and to him the way to problem solve was to turn the race into a “virtual race.”

It sounded like he made the assumption everyone would still want to do it – they’d still want their shirt and medal and would just do the mileage on their own.

I mean, okay. I guess I kinda sorta see that, maybe. But I’m not paying tons of money to fly to Florida just to get a medal for a virtual race. That seems very silly and kind of defeats the purpose of a virtual race…

Also, as he re-explained to me how a bunch of people who do most (or all) of his races are his Facebook friends, and that word spread quickly among the Florida crowd.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 3 (Trying To Get Out Of DC)

January 29, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

I was going to try to write out here how I felt or how that conversation went… It’s so much easier to just post the screenshots.

FB post 1FB post 2FB post 3FB post 4I didn’t really super want to get my shirt and medal for this race, because what in the world am I going to do with it?

But, I was already all the way there in Florida within walking distance of the start. I might as well go down there and grab my stuff – especially since I was still up at 5:30am after all the all-night complaining/commiserating haha.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 2

January 25, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

I didn’t want my second race weekend into the project to be me procrastinating. I know how hard this year is gonna be. And this is a full marathon. So, I need to get these miles in…


I get to the airport just baaaaaaarely in time. In fact, not even in time. Because I feel like a total jerk weaving through all these lovely people in pink hats at security. “Hi! I’m so sorry! It was so hard getting through the march. I have 25 minutes ’til my plane leaves. Could I pretty please cut?” And everyone was so so so sweet about it. (Of course everyone was in a fantastic giving mood after such a lovely heartening day.)

And I know that I always let the people in a rush go through. I know it’s not the end of the world, but I still felt bad doing it. But I did. Because I had to. And thankfully people allowed it.

And I made it in time.

Then I got on the plane.

And there happened to be a woman on my flight who was already sitting (which I was in the backed up line in the aisle) who was doing the race! And she told me she heard a rumor it might have been cancelled.

What?! I wondered. We didn’t really get a chance to go into it because the line started moving and I moved forward away from her seat.

So, I checked my emails to see if I’d been alerted. Nope. Checked the official race website to see if there was any notice on that. Nope. I even gave twitter a quick check. Nothing there either.

Okay then. Well, it’s almost certainly not cancelled then, right?

I know sometimes rumors get slightly out of hand and spread a little. And runners can get nervous sometimes. (After all, we train and pay to do these races, and make plans that surround them, and tell our friends and families.)… So, anything that threatens the weekend we had planned doesn’t feel so super great.

So, I think a rumor has just spread. But it’s gotta be fine…

medal still wrapped upI hope.

I sleep through the flight. Get to the airport and then book it on down to the hotel. (I wanted to get there as fast as possible, because I just wanted as much sweet sweet sleep before the race as I could get.)

And when I checked in, the front desk clerk told me, “You know the race is cancelled, right?”


I ended up running into some runners in the lobbies. Everybody was upset. One woman even checked out and just left for the airport – even knowing she couldn’t get another flight for like 6 hours, at least. “I just don’t want to be here anymore.” And she left.

It was fun to commiserate, at least. And since we didn’t have to be up early, a bunch of us stayed up pretty late.

Once I got to my room, I took a little looksie on Facebook to see if anybody was talking about everything.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Welp, The First Marathon Of My New Project Was Cancelled… – Part 1

January 24, 2017

So, the women’s march was insanely ridiculously unbelievably crowded. And it was really hard to weave our way through the crowd back to Fareed’s house – but we did.

I basically had enough time to pee and grab my bag and get out – because I had to catch my flight.

By the time we got back to his place, there was basically no room for error.

Taking public transport was gonna take too long. Phones weren’t working quite as well, I think, because of the incredible amount of people overrunning DC all using their phones at once.

So, I couldn’t even get my uber app to open. So, I tried Lyft. And because of the giant(!) (GIANT!) surge prices, it was going to be $200(!) to get to the airport.

It was going to cost me more to get to the airport than it was to fly from DC to Tampa. (Eeesh.)

But at that point, I really had no other options. It was very cute because Fareed and friends went into overdrive googling and trying other apps, seeing if we could call a cab, all of that. And we couldn’t get ahold of a cab company. It was too late for a Super Shuttle. I was out of options.

And at that point, even though I did not want to spend that money, I’d already registered for the marathon, and booked the hotel, and bought some plane tickets.

Actually, because it was a pretty inexpensive trip (and my outbound plane ticket could be changed, because it was Southwest…), and because I knew I had room in the schedule for other races later… I almost just gave up and stayed in DC and called it a day.

But no.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

The Washington DC Women’s March! – Part 2

January 23, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

Anyway, we went out and honestly kinda sorta had no idea where we needed to go (ish). I mean, my friends are super knowledgeable about DC. But it just felt like once we got to where we thought we needed to go it was so crowded that nobody could see the monitor anyway, so we just kept going around to different places.

Men: Listen To Women sign at the women's marchAnd nobody seemed to truly be able to tell when the march actually started – since we couldn’t see or hear a monitor. And then we saw some people going down some streets chanting. So, like, is that chanting and marching just happening? …Or, is the march officially starting and all?

(Eventually we did make it to a monitor where we could see and hear, and we saw the last speaker. And then went forward for the official march part.)

It was amazing to see so many fantastic signs and outfits.

And it was really cool to have so many men there being truly supportive with incredible signs, and chanting and all of that. I know that it’s so annoying when people praise the men too much for a march put on by women… But when a group of people from the group doing the oppressing comes out to support the oppressed group and stand alongside with them… It was special. And helpful. And I appreciated it. And I loved hearing a sea of mean around me as the chant, “Her body, her choice” (echo) “My body, my choice” happened.

It was a really magical day and I am so honored that I got to be there for a part of history.Now, I just need to get one of those pink hats!

The Washington DC Women’s March! – Part 1

January 22, 2017

Trump Makes Me FuhreriousHow incredible to witness history up close!

Friday night, I ended up working late. So, I didn’t have time to go home and grab a bag or anything (like I thought I would)… I mean, I almost packed before work. I just didn’t think I’d be getting out at 1am.

So, I went in the clothes I had figuring I could get through a crazy exciting/full weekend. (I mean, stores exist, right?)

I rushed out of work close to 1am, and got to the Port Authority – which was packed with people going down to DC.

One of the Greyhound workers was telling me that apparently they have 3 buses that usually do that route through the night (on a normal tonight). Tonight? Over 20.

We all filled the buses and went on our way.

Once I got to DC, there were people all over Union Station at such an early time of morning/night. It was so cool to see people on the ground making signs and new friends. I liked hearing empowering conversations and feeling great energy.

I headed to my friend Fareed’s house, and on the way I stopped and bought a couple of women’s marches shirts. (See? I didn’t need to pack clothes after all! :-))

woman at Union Station in DC fressed like the statue of liberty in a pink pussy hat before the women's march
(woman from union station in the morning)

I went and took and quick shower, and dropped off my bag (because of all the rules of the march of not being allowed to have a bag with you unless it was very small or see-through, etc.).

I didn’t realize that he and his roommates and gotten a whole group together. It was so cute seeing everybody in the morning milling about his house, looking out for each other. People packed each other snack bags and made signs for themselves and each other. I gave Sheeva (Fareed’s sister) on of my shirts.

A bunch of us wrote in sharpie on our arms the phone number of a place that could give legal help if we were arrested… I did it, but thought it was a wee bit silly of an idea because:

a) I couldn’t imagine being arrested for peacefully protesting.
b) I could only imagine the police being super helpful if I were arrested.
…And that means I’m super privileged. And I guess I was slightly worried that if I wrote the number on my arm, I’d be looking ridiculous, like someone knowing she’s privileged taking extra steps to “look like a protestor.”

But since I really didn’t know what was gonna go down, I wrote the number on my arm.

[Spoiler alert: Nothing “went down,” but this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!]

I’m Running 882 Miles In A Year To Represent 882 Sexual Assault Victims EVERY DAY

January 18, 2017

Aurora DeLucia posing with her medals at the end of the San Fran 1st half marathonEdited to add: While you’re more than welcome to read/learn about the project here(!), a whole new clearer website has has been built just for the 882 project!

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Here we go! My new project!


I’m running 882 race miles in a year to represent the 882 Americans sexually assaulted every *day*. (Statistics from RAINN.) We will get into this more later, but *most importantly:

I explain in a moment why there are 3 options, but I want to give you the links first:

1) To donate to Peace Over Violence (a fantastic organization in Los Angeles), go RIGHT HERE! 🙂.
Or text AURORARUNS to 41444.

2) To donate to the Crime Victim’s Treatment Center (a wonderful place in New York City) RIGHT HERE 🙂.

3) To donate to RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network – so, as it says in the title, a national organization) go RIGHT HERE! 🙂.

*Important note: I just want to be super duper clear that not a single penny goes toward any of my expenses when it comes to running. None of your money pays for a race entry, a flight, a hotel, nothing. It all goes straight to the charities doing great work. Thanks! (So, go on and give! (Links above).)

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Now, onto why there are 3 – I am giving 3 options because I know people feel differently about whether they’d rather their money go to a big national organization or a smaller local one.

While I love and believe in RAINN, and I think important things get done at a national level, I also think that smaller local places can sometimes really feel the difference a lot more with this amount of money.

Aurora's Philadelphia Marathon finish picture at the Rocky stepsI do believe in small and local places. And as someone who lives in New York and Los Angeles, I was happy to find places on both coasts I really, really believe in.

And if you live on one of those coasts and want to see your money go into your own community, bam! Go for it.
(Or even if you don’t live there, still feel free to give to either!)

But not all of you live in New York or Los Angeles. While I believe helping a woman (or any survivor) anywhere is helping women (and other survivors) everywhere, I also could see how you wouldn’t want to put your resources in a local place where you don’t live (where you may not feel the return as much). So, I’m happy to give RAINN as an option, because they’re very helpful too!

Now let’s get more into the details of everything!

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  • WHAT: What’s my new project? Well, thank you for asking! I’m running 882 miles in a year to represent the 882 American’s sexually assaulted every day. That’s right. It will take a year to represent the people sexually assaulted every day. (That’s one every 98 seconds – statistics from RAINN.)

882 miles is the equivalent of running from Los Angeles to El Paso, Texas or from New York City to Milwaukee, WI. (Or it’s running over 33 marathons or over 67 half marathons in one year… That’s an extra 15 half marathons from my last running project (or an extra 200 almost miles).

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  • WHO am I raising money for? All 3 organizations are established 501(c)(3) organizations with great track records.

Peace Over Violence (Los Angeles) an organization helping victims of sexual assault and domestic violence for over 46 years. They work on prevention and on helping survivors. You can read more about what they do here.

On a personal level, When I was sexually assaulted last year, and having the hardest time dealing with it, I called a national helpline [RAINN’s] that happened to route me to Peace Over Violence because of my area code. And the volunteer there was SO helpful.

I had recently moved to New York, and being that this organization is west coast based, she didn’t have resources on hand. But she asked if it would be okay if she called me later. So, she did research and found different options of places that may be able to help me…

Aurora after finishing the 50-mile raceAnd she followed up with me again about a week later to make sure I went and got help. When she called me, I hadn’t yet reached out to any of those places, because, well, I was pretty depressed, and even reaching out for help felt like a lot of work. But this sweet volunteer checked in on me and made sure that I got into some good hands, and got help and got therapy and all of that.

I’ve read about experiences other women had there, and I’ve been helped personally. I really believe in Peace Over Violence, and am happy to raise money for them.

Crime Victim’s Treatment Center (New York)
This place is amazing. It’s New York based and if you know a victim of sexual assault in New York, I can wholeheartedly recommend you send them there.

They offer individual therapy, group therapy, even acupuncture. They have a psychiatrist in case you need to be evaluated for medications. Basically anything you need in your recovery, they can either help you, or they can help you find it.

I’m hesitant to talk too much about my treatment out here in New York, because I’m still going through it. But I can say that the staff at the Crime Victim’s Treatment Center is amazing, and they’re basically saving my life. I have seen firsthand the work they do, and I feel 100% confident that money going toward them is money worth donating. (And I would love to see them get tons of money!)

You can read more about everything they offer here.

RAINN (National)
RAINN was how I found out about any of this stuff in the first place. It’s the immediate place I turned when I needed help. It’s important to have one hub that can help lead you to these places you may otherwise not know about… Plus, they obviously do soooo much in addition to that. This is a famous organization, so I’m sure you probably know some about them already. But in case you don’t, check them out here.

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  • WHY did I choose this running project? Well, I ran 52 half marathons in 52 weeks after open-heart surgery plus a year in-and-out of the hospital for a weird congenital heart defect. That was the way I knew how to deal with this life-altering thing that was hard for me to deal with. And now that another life-alerting hard-to-deal-with thing has happened, this is the best way I know how to deal with it… I dream of someday volunteering with survivors of sexual assault. I am not to that point yet. I am still in a therapy program. I am still triggered too often. I know that I could not be a rock solid steady volunteer that these people need… So, I can’t help one-on-one yet, but I can run for sexual assault survivors. I hope it helps others – and hopefully also helps me to feel whole and strong again! [Rargh!]

As far as I know, that covers everything. If somehow I missed something, please let me know! Write a comment, or send me an email to WriteToAurora [at] gmail [dot] com.

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Oh, yeah, and WHERE do you donate? (The links are up earlier in the post. But since we’ve gotten so far down here, let me give ’em to you again):

  • 1) To donate to the Crime Victim’s Treatment Center (a wonderful place in New York City) [GO HERE ].
  • 2) To donate to Peace Over Violence (a fantastic organization in Los Angeles), go RIGHT HERE! 🙂.
    Or text AURORARUNS to 41444.
  • 3) To donate to RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network – so, as it says in the title, a national organization) go RIGHT HERE! 🙂.

    It would really, really mean a lot to me if you give. Every tiny bit helps. And the more money we get now, hopefully the more people will pay attention… And the more people pay attention, hopefully the more money we get! So, please give right now! [Click those links!]

And tell your friends!

(And you can follow along with progress here.) xoxoxo

Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona 5k and Half Marathon

January 15, 2017

[Edited to add: This hadn’t been announced quite yet at the time, but these were the first race of Project 882.]

I’ve done Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona a few times now. And I’m sorry, I don’t know how much more new I have to say.

I stayed with a super nice family. I struggled a bit on the half distance which isn’t a great sign for a full year of this. But yeah, I really have nothing new to say. I’m sorry. A sort blog post for a short girl. *shrugs*

The New Year’s Cleanup!

January 3, 2017

street-cleanup-in-times-squareIt probably should’ve dawned on my that Times Square would take a whole lot of cleanup – but I don’t think I realized how much cleanup.

I went to view the ball at 3am, to be in Times Square snapchatting my friends in California during New Year their time.

And there was a crane taking down a stage and all right there around my intersection were 3 people with leaf-blowers and two street-sweeping vehicles.

I could still hear the sweet-sweepers going down my street at 7am.

Also, that photo of the street above is from a full day later. This is taken deep into the night of the first/morning of the second.

In addition, it’s funny if you look up, there is confetti lining the bottom of the balcony of the Marriott Marquis (in the same way salt would line a glass of some drink). A safety officer in Times Square told me that confetti will randomly fall for months – a little here, a little there in certain winds.

He also told me that’s where some people stood to drop the confetti. I don’t know where I thought confetti came from, but I didn’t realize it was people hurling it out from roofs/balconies around Times Square. I guess I thought there was one big machine or something.

Anyway, I don’t have much else to say. I guess just, even with a huge crew working all hours, this cleanup takes a whiiiile. (There’s still plenty of confetti in the entryway to my building.

And the party don’t stop!

New Years Eve *Just* To The Side Of Times Square – Part 3

January 2, 2017

screen-shot-2017-01-01-at-6-32-07-amPicking up from yesterday –

I asked someone why he left Times Square (someone from France, by the way! Traveled across an ocean, and still didn’t stay in Times Square proper for New Year’s).

He said that since all of the performances are meant for television, not the crowd, that you can hardly see anything. And you’re squished with no idea what’s even going on and not really being entertained… That was interesting to me.

As it got closer to midnight, I decided my best bet was the roof.

Police actually moved people farther back than the original barricades (from which you still couldn’t see the ball). I saw some people try to make a run for it and cops stop them in their tracks. It was getting serious around midnight…

In fact, I was a little worried the officers patrolling the streets all night might get antsy if someone was on a roof. But thankfully everyone started coming out on their roofs (including the people across from me). And then I was no longer worried.

I got to hear the huge countdown and see the people, but not the ball.

BUT, confetti made it over to us with no issue. It was a beautiful storm of confetti. While there were people on roofs around me (and we all shouted Happy New Year to each other), I was the only person on the specific roof where I was standing…

And it was this weird, interesting, super cool, surreal feeling to get to dance alone on this roof – with all this space, almost in this fun confetti vacuum – while technically in the company of thousands of people. As I spun around in the confetti, Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York” played and it felt like the world sang along. And I just thought, “Yeah. We’re really here. I am really dancing on the rooftop of my dream apartment right smack dab in the middle of New York City, being covered by all this gorgeous confetti (with some balloons flying in to).

I always thought about watching the ball drop. I never realized there was this incredibly adjacent cool experience that I wanted… The moment I realized I could have it was the moment I got it.

New Years Eve *Just* To The Side Of Times Square – Part 2

January 1, 2017

Picking up from yesterday –

  1. When I got home from work Friday, it took forever to walk through Times Square going home. Stuff was already happening on the stages around 8pm on the 30th. I don’t know if it was rehearsal or what. But crowds were insane (even though we weren’t kept out of anywhere by barricades yet – many barricades were set up, but not all, and no streets were off-limit as far as I could tell… I don’t know when that starts).
  2. There’s more than one countdown! There’s a countdown to the ball being lit. (I didn’t know that was a ceremonious part. I just heard it from my apartment.) And there are countdowns to the hour practically every hour. I’m not sure why – practice, celebrating in other time zones… I don’t now. I just know I heard a countdown over and over and over again.
  3. As far as I could tell, the street to the side (the 40s) work as a staging area! How did it never occur to me – someone who literally makes her living working in entertainment – that all of the performers and crew members and such would need a place to go for equipment or costumes or even food or a bathroom. There were multiple trailers of some kind on my street. And when I was walking around around 3-something, I saw a crew hanging out on my street as well.
    It’s a bit of a weird feeling that it’s a zoo just not all that far to your left, and a semi-zoo way down the street to your right. But there are so many barricades and so much is blocked off that it’s almost like a ghost town right in front of you…

I went downtstairs and walked in the area I was allowed to a few more times in the night. And I walked on the roof again. There has to be a way to see it, right? (Well, I didn’t figure it out.)

One more thing that was interesting to me was that I saw multiple people in our little barricaded area with the Planet Fitness hats that seemed to be being given out in Times Square! (Also, for such a cheap gym, what a huge marketing budget, right?)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

New Years Eve *Just* To The Side Of Times Square – Part 1

December 31, 2016

This was such an interesting experience to me – to be so close and yet so far.

I don’t want to give my exact address (’cause you know, safety and stuff), but as I’ve mentioned, I live here in the Theater District proper (in the 40s between 6th and 8th avenues) – and I live closer in to the center than I do to 6th.

In the 3 o’clock (pm) hour – so like almost 9 hours before the ball drops, we already were not allowed to walk into a ball-viewing area of Times Square. As far as I could tell, there were at least 3 stops of barricades on my street – the two others coming from 6th were behind me… But I was stopped at the last one of getting into ball-drop view. I was like literally a 20 – 30-second walk to the corner, but alas, was not allowed to walk there…

The police officer was asking people where they were going, and if they had room keys to a hotel past him, they could go. Otherwise, no.

To anyone who didn’t have a room key, he said we could walk up to 59th. And then, I guess they were gonna let people file on down into Times Square from there…

I didn’t do that. I went back to my apartment.

Then a friend of mine called, and as we talked about this, she said to go check it out from my roof – which I did. Again, so very close and yet so far.

I could *almost* see the ball.

I found a ladder, set it up and walked on it. Nothing.

So, I went back to my apartment.

I could hear the festivities throughout the day. There were things I didn’t know about Times Square before – so many things, really.

And that’s what I’ll tell you all about tomorrow!

Bob’s Burger’s Table Read

December 26, 2016

I’m I’m totally going to compare this to a Simpsons table read, because I have no other frame of reference for animation table table reads. (Sorry.)

When you go a Simpsons read, you go on to a big lot and walk by stages and such for other shows. When you go to the Bob’s Burger’s read, it’s just at a building that’s all completely for Bob’s Burgers. Their animators, sound people, everybody – the whole shebang – seems to be hanging out in that building.

Also, at The Simpsons, they totally have an assortment of bagels and fruit and donuts. And I was really impressed by it. But at Bob’s Burgers, they have breakfast burritos! Hot food, what?!
(And they have the other stuff too.)

At The Simpsons, the cast and writers all sit around a gigantic oval table in the middle of the room, surrounded by the crowd.

At the Bob’s Burger’s read, everyone sits facing the same way at a large rectangular table – out toward the audience. And they all have name cards in front of them.

The Simpsons read just starts. If I remember correctly, I think it’s usually Al Jean who just starts with the title or stage directions or something.

In the Bob’s Burgers read, the EP gets the energy going! He introduces the whole cast like they’re a basketball team. “And playing such and such, we’ve got [name putting in extra syllables because of all the emphasis]”

Random note I wouldn’t have known/though of otherwise: The person who’s Tina has to use a microphone because of all that super quiet ambivalent-sounding voice stuff they do.

The read was so fun. Lots of energy and laughter in the room. It was a great time. And then the sound supervisor took me and my friend around to see the edit suites and a room where stuff could be recorded and all of that jazz.

It looks like a really fun place to work, and I was so happy to get to hang out there for a day!

Another… ANOTHER Simpsons Table Read? You Betcha! (November 3, 2016)

December 25, 2016

I mean, goodness. At this point. Shouldn’t they just hire me? 😉

On this trip to California, I was lucky enough to get to go yet again!

I won’t re-trace all the things I’ve said before. So, I’ll try to only say things specific to this day.

For one, this episode is SO good. I know that applies to all days. But specifically this episode is not only good, but so timely with all things Donald Trump. I can’t give anything away. I’ll just say Yay, ladies! (Granted, The Simpsons always respects the ladies. After all, Lisa Simpson is my role model.)

Anyway, the episode was great. And at the end, Nancy Cartwright hung around and signed scripts! That was super nice of her.

After the read, I went to the commissary area. I always say I’m gonna go in the commissary and I never do. But today I did.

First, I met two people int he gift shop next door. As I was talking, I said I’d been to a read before. And when I talked, the woman said, “Oh, funny. I read a similar story in a blog.” And I was like… “Aurora’s Blog?”

She’d read my blog! Which I thought was so funny and serendipitous.

Then onto the food. I met this woman working in the commissary who was super nice and told me about history on the lot and the fancy restaurant just to the other side that anybody can go to. Apparently a bunch of execs eat there. Sounds cool. But alas, I did not sit alone in the fancy place on the lot where I didn’t work. I’ll try to fit in and make new friends and all, but that seemed a bit on another level for the day.

Soon enough, I went back home and took a nap. I needed to be up early again for the next day – to go to a Bob’s Burgers table read!

Texas State Capitol (In Austin) (October 20, 2016)

December 22, 2016

screen-shot-2017-01-01-at-7-08-08-amWhen I went to the State Capitol, it was because it was one of the top things to do in Austin. I don’t know how in the world I forgot that THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE WENDY FREAKING DAVIS DID HER FILIBUSTER!

She’s the one who inspired my whole dressing like a different inspiring woman every year for the Rock ‘n’ Roll LA Marathon! She was the first inspiring woman I ran as (and I ran in those pink running shoes she wore).

Funnily enough, when the tour guide took us to the room, and I asked if that was indeed the room, she said that they weren’t allowed to use the word filibuster or tell us which desk was Wendy Davis’ (even though thankfully, a nice person working there did indeed tell me).

Aaaaaanyway, so I took the little tour and felt inspired in the room of Wendy Davis.

The tour is very short. So, then I walked around the rest by myself…

I saw a secret tour group get to go up to the dome (which was roped off to the rest of us). I don’t know how they got that honor. But now I want to too – haha!

I actually tried to sneak up with them, but the person at the rear of the tour group was not having it.

One thing I thought was interesting about the Capitol was that every time there’s a new governor, they rotate all the pictures (even with ones up to the top floor), so everybody can stay in order and the newest governor can be downstairs at the end… This makes total sense. I mean, how else would they do it? But it was just interesting to me.

Then, I went to the cafeteria place downstairs. (It kind of reminded me of the one by the Senate.) It felt like there was a lot of Texas-y Texas food – meat, fat, cheese. It felt a lil’ “‘Merica” up in there.

But I had a delicious meat-free taco salad. Mmmmmm.

I also met a nice man who regaled me with stories of working for the government down there.

Goodness, I love meeting strangers (and eating in cafeterias).

The Austin Duck Tour! (October 21, 2016)

December 18, 2016

When I asked around what were the most fun things to do in Austin, practically everybody said I should take a duck tour. So, I made my way over on my last day there, and got to it!

Dell had given a bunch of employees a half day so they could all do this fun work thing together. So, I was one of the only few non-Dell people there.

Our tour guide was really fun! We all got these duck quacker things to wear that made noise. And our driver would have us quack at various people on the street.

I learned all this fun stuff about Austin and Texas, but now that I’ve waited months to tell you about it, I’ve kiiiinda forgotten a lot. (I’m so sorry.)

But it was a fun ride around the city!

On the water, our guide asked if it was anyone’s birthday. And no one piped up… Any anniversaries? Nothing. Any celebrations? He started looking for any reason that made that day special. Everyone was still quiet… So, I said, “Well, I lost my job!”

And he let me captain the boat. I drove it in the water. And everyone sang, “Happy unemployment to you” (to the tune of Happy Birthday).

So, I guess this is what I’m doing now – my unemployment tour, or steering boats, or something… who knows!

What’s The Move-In Process Like In Times Square? – Part 2

December 16, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

So, basically, it has been interesting to say the least. And wonderful to say a bit more.

I love it there…

Yet again (just like last year), a slow move-in is happening… Not one as slow as moving from California without a place for live for the first 3 weeks. But slow, still…

The way the storage unit worked was that I needed to commit to three months, so I have it ’til the end of December no matter what. And with starting a new job (and trying to cram all my stuff into a tinier apartment than I had before), I’m taking my time… Doing a little more each weekend (and on the days when I have time to do things after work).

So, yeah. There you have it.

Where do I get groceries and stuff? (And any other questions you may have?)

That’ll be its own post in itself. [Edited to add: I made that post here!] Also, please ask any questions you have that I’m not thinking of. xoxox.

What’s The Move-In Process Like In Times Square? – Part 1

December 15, 2016

Funnier than I imagined it to be. That’s for sure!

I was very lucky to have some friends reeeeeally help with my move-in. (And it’s awesome that the storage place I used let’s you use a free storage taxi, which has been wildly helpful.)

But once we got a huge van of stuff to my apartment, it became almost like playing frogger. There were so many people walking down the street that it became this game of dodging and weaving. And what was really funny was people’s looks as we moved furniture into this non-descript door tucked away like, “Wait! Somebody lives there?! There are apartments there?!”

I found that to be so funny.

Also, my goodness, the traffic (obviously) is terrible.

And there are all these rules about not being able to turn left in certain places (even if you’re turning from a one-way street to another one-way street).

Things seem to settle down a little in the middle of the night… I think the traffic would be easier to maneuver around 3 in the morning… Traipsing stuff upstairs and into your apartment at 3am though… I’m not 100% sure how that would go over with your neighbors.

Granted, it’s Times Square. It’s basically never quiet. So, it actually might not go all that poorly. Even still, I try to abide at least somewhat by normal neighbor rules.

Thankfully on the nights I’ve had big furniture moves, the streets have been open. But there was one night where I came back with 3 semi-heavy boxes… They were just big enough and just heavy enough that it was the most I could’ve carried down the street alone… I didn’t think I would have to – that’s why I paid for an uber to drive me some tiny distance like a mile… But with some street closures, I had to make it down the street carrying the boxes at once.

(And I couldn’t maneuver anything else. So, some stranger in Times Square closed the car trunk for me. Thank you!)

And this is where I’ll finish up tomorrow!

So, What’s It Like To Live In Times Square?

December 14, 2016

Besides being the greatest thing ever?

It is, I think, exactly what you think it’d be like.

The number one most important thing when I moved there was to get curtains – I’d say that’s even more important than a bed (though I did get a mattress very quickly, and the bed itself is on the way)… Obviously, there are lights. So many lights.

It’s cute because even when I put my quilts up as curtains, you can still see light that escapes through the top of them and dances colorfully on the ceiling. It’s gorgeous, especially since (because of the quilts), it’s barely there… It’s not enough to be distracting. But it’s just enough to remind you, “There are neon signs outside… I live in the greatest place on Earth. Cool.”

Also, of course, there is sound all the time always.

I actually live above a bar (which is partially why I feel like I’m in my own sitcom… It’s funny. We pay rent to the bartenders… Already there’s been a night where I’m on my way upstairs and there are tables and chairs in the stairwell you have to squeeze by… Just all these cute little things that make me think, “Look at all this fun quirkiness! I am living in my own little sitcom!”

So anyway, the bar itself is kind of loud. But sometimes, random music will be coming from somewhere and you won’t even know where! It’s like, “Hmmm, that’s not coming from the bar… Where is it coming from?” And the answer is “who knows?!” Neighbors? Another bar? A store? I don’t know, because there’s stuff everywhere and I love that.

I also have been home while a protest marched through the streets. There’s always something happening in Times Square.

I truly love the walk home because I get to pass all these tourists in Times Square. Sometimes I see people struggling to get a great selfie, so I offer to take the picture for them. (That’s gonna be in the opening sequence of my sitcom…. It’s really fun in real life though.)

It’s also fun because once I came home at just the right time to maneuver around this crowd of people. When I asked what they were waiting for, it was to get their playbills signed! I figured. But it was just so funny to be like, “Oh yeah. I’m here right by a stage door. This is too cool.”

The crowds. The lights. The noise. The tourists. I live for all of this! I have dreamed of all this for so so long. And now I get to live it everyday.

It. is. too. cool!

I Found A Place In…(Drumroll, Please) …Times Square!(!!!!!!!)

December 13, 2016

I’m doing it – checking off another one of my childhood dreams!

I have always, always said I wanted to live as close to Times Square as humanly possible… And now I am doing it!

It’s funny, I think somewhere on this blog, I talked about how bummed I was when I was moving here last year that I didn’t pick the apartment that was on restaurant row…. “Just think of how close I could’ve been to Times Square!” I moaned…

Even this time around, I found a beautiful apartment (a one bedroom!). It seemed SO spacious. …Like… New York spacious. Still so tiny.

But the way the layout was – because there were two small closets and a bathroom between the bedroom and the “living room” (that was like maybe 7 feet wide) – there was a hallway. This gorgeous hallway. So, having to walk down a hallway to your bedroom just seemed regal to me.

And I ended up not getting it. (Someone else narrowly beat me to it – getting the mounds of paperwork in before I did.)

But thank goodness that happened…

That apartment was between 8th and 9th. (Still totally close to Times Square, right?) But in my dreams, I wouldn’t go past 8th – in my dreams, I would live in theater district proper (between 40th & 49th and 6th & 8th Avenues). And that’s when I found it.

I walked from my new super Times Square apartment to my storage unit the other day, and I passed the regal place. And while it’s definitely closer to Times Square than my Columbus Circle-ish apartment, it feels SO far from my place so close to the heart of it all…

I’m a little unsure if you can live any closer to the Times Square steps than I do.

I didn’t realize (’til I was searching for an apartment in Times Square) that there are actually apartments above the M&M’s store… That’s pretty darn Times Square like, right? And I think technically, measurement-wise, even those are farther from the Times Square steps than I am.

I am living the dream! In a tiny walkup.

(To answer the question that always comes… No, I don’t have a view of the ball-drop. I’m sorry. There are all these other things I have – the biggest subway stop in the city being my stop, being walking distance to Times Square (and all surrounding things) and Rockefeller Center – all that beautiful jazz… Getting to see the excitable tourists day in and day out. It’s magical. And I see the ball everytime I’m walking home from anywhere uptown… But no, I don’t have a view of it from my apartment. Wah wah.)

But anyway, forget anything that even sounds like a bummer at all.

I feel like I’m living in my own little beautiful sitcom premise. And I’m sure I will mention that again soon. (Yay!)

What Happened To Your Old (Nightly Show/Columbus Circle-Ish) Apartment? – Part 2

December 12, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

This was somewhere around just a couple of weeks before September was over. But I agreed to get back to New York (I was off in the midst of going off somewhere, I think LA), and get out of the place.

(I think I could’ve conceivably fought this, but being that I was already looking to leave and wanting to leave, and with TNS cancelled (the whole reason I lived there), it wasn’t worth fighting.)

And he wouldn’t give me a letter, even just stating I paid my rent on time. And my realtor wouldn’t give me any other way around getting in that one last thing – the last thing I was missing (I think, especially, because some other tenant turned all their stuff in). I would’ve potentially tried to fight to get it from someone in the office or see what my legal rights were to what he could or couldn’t say if someone called and asked.

But I never got to that point since someone else got their paperwork in…

So, I put all my stuff in storage and had no idea what to do next.

I didn’t even know if I could another get a job in New York. Maybe I’d go back to LA and get a little break… As we’ve all read, New York felt a little suffocating (even though I used to love it so much)…

So, I just still half-looked for apartments… At this point, I only wanted to move again if I moved to a place I planned on staying in for a whiiiile. (I’m so over broker’s fees and all that jazz. Oh, New York.)

And I mainly looked for a job – in either New York or LA. And I landed a job in New York.

And I landed my dream apartment – which we will talk about tomorrow!

What Happened To Your Old (Nightly Show/Columbus Circle-Ish) Apartment? – Part 1

December 11, 2016

I’ve mentioned moving so much in previous posts, but I never really told the story of what happened…

So, as well all know (because I won’t shut up about it – sorry), I was sexually assaulted in my bed/apartment earlier this year. That was the main reason I wanted t get out of that place.

Also, I did not really like my landlord (and really didn’t want to pay him money anymore).

So, I started hardcore looking for apartments.

We all thought we were going to have jobs through September. (Our season was ordered ’til then.) So, while I was indeed looking for a place, I was very chill about looking – no fire under my butt…

And then we got cancelled. And the race to find a place happened quickly because soon enough I was going to stop having incoming paychecks… And you need so much paperwork to secure a place out here.

I found what I thought was a pretty perfect apartment – a one-bedroom (not just a studio!), and a closer to Times Square… It was between 8th & 9th, a little closer to 9th than I wanted… But as long as I didn’t live past 9th, I didn’t care…

But before I asked my current landlord for a letter (one of the many required documents), he contacted me to say he knew I was airBnBing out my place. Now, was I? I would be remiss to admit that here in writing on the blog, if I was airBnBing after the last day to try to make extra money since I had no idea what was coming next (and since I had no reason to be in New York right then)…

Anyway, I asked what kind of proof he had. And he said he wasn’t going to play this game with me. I either got out at the end of September (a month early), or he was going to take me to court and perhaps I’d get an eviction on my record. He also told me if I was out by the end of September, I’d get my security deposit back, otherwise not.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn (October 8, 2016)

December 10, 2016

aurora-singing-the-national-anthem-at-rock-n-roll-brooklynGoodness gracious there is so much to catch up on from the past couple of months. So, here we go. Let’s start with Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn. I got to sing the National Anthem for approximately 12,000 people. (Woot woot!)

I rolled outta bed soooo early to make sure I had plenty of time to get to Brooklyn (especially because I was all the way out in Jersey, baby, staying with a family from The Nightly Show)… Aaaaaaand, I had to stop by my storage unit in midtown to grab my VIP bracelet for the race and my Who’s Bad?” hat.

So, I left super early, stopped by the storage unit, and made it down to Brooklyn.

And even though I gave myself sooooo much time, between the car traffic and foot traffic, I still made it to the stage with only minutes to spare. (So, thank goodness for building in extra extra extra time for myself).

I sang the National Anthem. (I forgot I have to take my hat off, so I felt so naked without it, like “Uh oh! It is early in the morning and my hair is not cute.) Oh well!

After singing, I ran the race… Quite honestly, I mainly was all over twitter during the race. I was not wildly present. It was a big twitter weekend. Oh, Donald Trump not respecting women. Eesh.

The race ended in Prospect Park. This whole time I’ve lived in New York, people have told me I should go, and I didn’t. So, it was nice to be in Prospect Park.

The medal was cool and beautiful.

And then I headed over to the VIP tent!

(I got a VIP entry for singing the national anthem.) And oh my goodness was it amazing.

Free massages, hot foot, all the Gatorade you could want. And cell phone charging stations (thank goodness, as mine was on it’s last leg!).

I am so spoiled now. VIP all the way, baby!

In conclusion, Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn was a good way to start the morning!

Presidential Debate Party (October 19, 2016)

December 9, 2016

aurora-at-the-hillary-watch-partyI know it’s a little moot to talk about this now, right?

Election’s over. We didn’t get lovely Hillary. That unfortunately did not happen… Sigh.

And I didn’t talk about this in real-time, because I was going through posts I felt were important, and wasn’t ready to take a break in them yet…

And while there is more sexual assault stuff that I do think is important, and that I do want to talk about… I think I’d like to spend at least a couple of weeks catching us up on all the super fun stuff that’s been happening, and then we’ll get back to sexual assault soon enough. (Sorry… At some point, hopefully I’ll be in a place where I barely want to talk about it…


So, during the 3rd Presidential Debate, I was in Texas – that’s right. Red state Texas…. But, Austin. Blue city in the red state.

I was on an email list to tell me Hillary events all around the state. (Her official list seemed to only give me stuff close to my zip code. But come on. I travel a lot and I LOVE her…) So, I found a list that would tell me about everything. And I saw this watch party in Austin (while I was in Austin). So, why not?

Here was the best part.

I feel like plenty of watch parties are done at bars (which are totally fine – why not, right?). But this one was done at a craft place!

So, I wanted to go so badly to see what in the world that even entailed.

And they had the debate streaming onto a big wall, so we all could easily see – and they had plenty of Hillary-themed crafts. We could make bags, or decorate cut outs of women with pantsuits. It was pretty darn dope.

And Hillary, of course, did a spectacular job in the debate! (When did she not? … how did she not win, again?)

And it was so fun to hear the whole room full of gasps and laughter during certain moments…


So, I know the point is moot now, and the night has passed. But it was such a fun, cool, beautiful night/experience, I just wanted to share it. 🙂

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon! – Part 3

December 7, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

And he said, “Okay, then you better start running. You’re about 5 minutes behind pace.” He pointed to a stoplight not terribly far in the distance (but far enough). He said, “Just make it to that stoplight. Not that first one, but the one after. We need to close this street. You turn at that stoplight and if you can make it there and turn, I won’t pick you up.”

So I run as though I’m trying to get on the Olympic team… Having the sag wagon behind me feels the same as having a terrifying villain behind me in a horror movie. I go for it.

And [eeeeeeeew, gross alert]. As, I run faster, all my blisters start popping. I can feel them in my shoes. Ow, my feet.

Thankfully, I made it to the stop light and turn. The sag wagon drives ahead of me and lets off the people it’s picked up. But I eventually catch up to most of them.

Once I get see mile marker 25, I know it’s all celebration mile from here. I love the final mile.

The sag wagon cheerleader guy even passes alongside of me and looks back, kind of winking/waving and says something like, “Great job,” in a really fun/inside joke kind of way.

I feel so bad that I came off so mean. But he seemed to agree that it made us best friends. So, yay!

At the end of the race, of course my phone was dead all over again. (Hence, why the finisher pic I had of myself is me in the hotel jacuzzi.)

I got my remix medal (for doing the 10k and marathon in the same weekend). And I got my sweet finisher jacket they were giving out. This is the first marathon I’ve done that gives out free finisher jackets – and I. am. into. them!

Then I went by the medic tent to ask if they weren’t too super busy if they wouldn’t mind helping out with my feet…

[Ew alert again.] We all were pretty surprised at the amount of blisters on my feet. And apparently something about all the wetness everywhere in the world from all the rain made them even worse. But they very nicely bandaged my feet up.

Then I headed back to my hotel. As I waited for a cab (at a hotel by the finish), I asked the taxi stand guy (I’m sorry I don’t know the name of that position, really) what I should do if I’m from out of town. And he was like, “it’s so rainy. Just go enjoy your hotel.”

It was rainy. Even Sea World closed. (Not that I was going to go to Sea World – especially for a half day or less, and especially after I’d already gone in San Diego…)

Either way, San Antonio was tired. i was tired. I went back to my hotel, hung out in the hot tub, pigged out on some food, and went to bed. then I flew into New York and went straight into work the next day.

Another race complete! Woot!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon! – Part 2

December 6, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

I was slightly scared about this race, because I’ve heard many times if you can’t keep up in Rock ‘n’ Roll races that they rope off parts of the course and divert you. So, you’re cutting off miles before you even know it.

And being that I’ve promised myself I’d run a marathon every calendar year for the rest of my life – and that I couldn’t, in good conscience, count a marathon toward that goal if I knew it wasn’t truly 26.2… and being that it was December(!)… I was gonna be in trouble if I didn’t make it to cutoffs in time!

My phone is on its very last leg, and had totally died during the race (even with putting it on airplane mode and being fully charged in the morning). Thankfully when I made it to mile 19, that was the beginning of a loop that came back around. And the person manning the 21 mile timing mat had a van with him and charged my phone while I looped around.

I was so happy to have music back once I got to the 21-mile mark. Yee haw!

I was doing pretty okay-ish for most of the race, but I took what felt like forever to get through that loop.

The miles felt longer (even though almost certainly they weren’t). It just felt like that loop was never ending.

And – yet again – as though I didn’t learn my lesson in SF to not use the bathroom, I stopped to use the bathroom! (This time there was no line, though.)

I don’t remember usually stopping during marathons to use the bathroom. I gotta start eating differently, I guess… Anyway.

At least what felt like my two longest miles were the ones in which my phone was charging. Let’s just say my lack of energy was all on purpose so I could let my phone charge as long as possible. Why not?

I got my phone back and started blasting my jams (Carly Rae Jepsen a lot) as I went the rest of the way.

And then, I saw the sag wagon behind me.

It was scary how it just came up behind us all.

I always thought I’d have more of a warning if that happened… I mean, I did see it in the distance. So, I tried to run away from it. And yet, one minute it seemed pretty far away. The next it seemed within striking distance of me. dum dum duuuuuuum [scary chords]

In between mile twenty-four and twenty-five (so we are seriously nearing the home stretch here). This man comes out of the sag wagon to collect us.

He runs up behind me with a really cheery peppy attitude and nicely says, “Hey, I’m gonna give you a.. [oh, I forget what word he used… boost? nudge? – something positive-ish sounding, but we all know it’s not…]. And even though he was being the nicest, I whipped around and turned my head to him as though I was in that movie The Exorcist. I yelled at him, “I’ll die first!”

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon! – Part 1

December 5, 2016

aurora-with-medal-in-the-hot-tubI did it! Oh my goodness, I did it.

5 years strong and going of 26.2’s in different states!

Usually before a marathon, I make sure to have my pre-marathon meal of chips and salsa.

This year, I just needed to sleep.

I’d been going seemingly non-stop with lots of work hours and moving into my new apartment and just all this stuff.

So, I needed sleeeeep.

After the 10k, I grabbed some nearby food, picked up my marathon bib for the next day, and headed back to the hotel.

There was a pantry place where you could buy snacks. So, I bought a few packs of Doritos and went back to my room and slept. I slept practically the whole day and night away, just getting up every once in a while and eating Doritos.

(I didn’t want to overeat… But I knew I would need fuel for the race… And I didn’t have that many packs of Doritos.)

Finally, the morning came and I was a little unsure what to wear.

It had been so wet outside the day before, and the forecast called for even more rain.

I have Under Armour gear that I love. Heck, I did a 50k in it in the rain and hail.

But it was so cold in San Antonio! And so consistently rainy. I was worried that wouldn’t be enough.

So, I put on multiple layers – and wore my coat.

Thank goodness I had a coat!

Had this been a year where I was living (full-time) in Los Angeles, I wouldn’t have even thought to bring one. After all, I didn’t own one at the time. And I was going to Texas. Who would’ve though it would be cold?

Well, it was. So, thank goodness for my coat.

The one thing I wasn’t wearing, that I felt a bit of sad nostalgia for not wearing, was my friend’s bandana from the time he was fighting in Afghanistan. I’ve worn it in every marathon since my first one. And in the midst of moving and having some stuff everywhere (in a storage unit, some stuff in my new apartment, some stuff with friends, even in other states, and on and on, I just wasn’t able to get it before I went to Texas.


But also, everything’s a mess and it happens. I mean, I barely was able to find my “Who’s Bad” hat in the midst of everything in storage. (And Ty wasn’t mad in the least about his bandana not getting one marathon.)

Singing the National Anthem before the race started was really fun. I met the City Manager who’d come out to support everyone. And she was very nice.

And before you knew it, it was time to start the race.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio 10k

December 4, 2016

screen-shot-2016-12-27-at-4-44-20-amThank goodness for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series.

Every year, I do a marathon in a different state. And this year, I chose to do the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon, because they let me race for free since I was singing the National Anthem.

The 10k wasn’t even on my radar until they asked me to sing for it. And I thought, “if I’m getting up early and going to the start line, I’m sure to goodness gonna just do the 10k. Let’s get real here.”

I got there with plenty of time to spare. I felt that the last few times I sang the national anthem, I got there with not much time beforehand. And I don’t ever want to stress anybody out. I want them to see me there and have no worries.

I also underestimated how small this 10k would be. I have no idea how many people did it – I’m sure still kind of a lot ish. But not as many as do a half marathon or marathon.

There wasn’t a stage set up for the announcer. He was off to the side with a mic. It was smaller in every way – from number of racers to personnel… to number of miles we run, I suppose haha.

So, there wasn’t as much traffic (both foot traffic and traffic, traffic (as in cars)) to worry about. Meaning I got there way early – like close to an hour early, I think. Which was fine.

I got my bib. I told the announcer I was there, then walked around…

It was pretty cold that morning, so that part was a bit of a bummer. The sweet Rock ‘n’ Roll series even gave me VIP status. So, the next morning, I could’ve gone inside somewhere. But VIP status worked for the marathon, not the 10k. So, this morning, there weren’t any indoor places in the vicinity to be found.

So, I huddled around shivering with other runners until it was about my time to sing.

Then, as I waited, Olympians Jared Ward and Meb Keflezighi came over to kick off the festivities. And I got to get a selfie with them! What?! So cool.

As far as the 10k itself, I just slowly walked the whole thing.

It was surprisingly a struggle to make sure I kept such a slow pace for the whole thing. But I knew with a full 26.2 the next day, I just wanted to be as nice to my legs as possible. I’m not in peak training shape or anything. So, even just another 6 miles was still something I thought I should at least be semi-careful about.

It rained.

A lot.

It got even worse after the race when I went to pick up my packet at the expo…

Oooooh goodness, what’s gonna happen in that marathon tomorrow? If it’s anything like today, I need to prepare to be soaked.


We Got Bumped From The Dr Oz Show (in Favor of Megyn Kelly)!

November 22, 2016


We got an email that they are bumping us for Megyn Kelly. Her segment went long and they want that to be the whole show. They said they are still planning on airing our segment. So, we’ll see! But… maybe don’t check your local listings after all… Or if you did, sorry. We weren’t there. (Eep!)

We’re Talking Aaaaaall About Sexual Assault On The Dr Oz Show

November 21, 2016

Aurora De Lucia at her dressing room at Dr. OzI’m appearing on Dr. Oz tomorrow (or I guess today when you’re reading this) – Tuesday, November 22nd.

It’s a show about sexual assault (which, obviously, is a very important issue, and something I’ve been talking about a lot lately).

If you came to my blog looking for posts on sexual assault, this page has my posts on it.

If you got here looking for other stuff (such as the 52 half marathons in 52 weeks, or the volunteer projects, etc.), then this page will help you find all that.

Check your local listings for the Dr. Oz airing. I will give you full deets of the whole day and everything soon!

But Really… What Happened With That Election?

November 15, 2016

I’ve now been talking about the election for a full week. So I’m ready to stop (ish), I do have one more related (ish) post coming out this week about hanging out with Cory Booker…

But, as for my last thought for now…


What happened?

I know lots of places have tried to break it down. But none of it makes sense to me. People say she’s unlikable. I don’t understand why.

I don’t understand why the James Comey letter happened. I don’t understand anything.

Don’t we remember the debates? Don’t we remember the Al Smith dinner? The conventions? Hillary has been killing it! She’s performed at the top of her game.

What happened?

We may never know…

On the one hand, I want answers. On the other, I feel like I’m living inside of a Saturday Night Live sketch. So, how can I get answers to something when it can’t possibly be real?

(Speaking of Saturday Night Live, how wonderful was that cold open with Kate McKinnon?)

I just… I wish I had something wise to say here, but I do not…

I’m just so confused!

… What happened?

The Outpouring Of Love After Hillary’s Loss Has Been Beautiful

November 14, 2016

Well, at this point, we all know Hillary Clinton (the love of my life) lost…

And I’ve had people reaching out to me with the same sincere love and worry as if someone died… I really appreciate the way people care. And it’s been great to receive the love. I’ve been trying to give it as well.

Some of my friends are practically inconsolable… And as devastatingly sad as it all is, it’s almost nice to share the sadness together. I hope Hillary is getting this amount of love a million times over.

So, thanks for everyone who recognized my love for her. It’s nice to be remembered and cared about and I’ve really, really appreciated the love. I will do my best to pass it forward. xoxo

This Election Taught Me Women Don’t Matter

November 12, 2016

…And obviously many (most) other groups too. (And it’s devastating.) But today, I’m going to talk just from my perspective (as a woman)…

As you almost certainly know if you’ve been following this blog –

This year, I was sexually assaulted by someone I knew and cared about… After it happened, I spent *months* wondering “was I loud enough/clear enough?”

I kept trying to bring it up to him. He kept either giving me the silent treatment, or gaslighting me, pushing me aside, etc…

Until finally, I got to have a straightforward conversation with him about it about 6 months later (that’s months of nightmares, problems, therapy, etc.).

I asked him, “Was I not clear enough? Did you really not know?” And he said (verbatim), “I knew you didn’t want to, but you needed to.”

He was “helping me.”

Once I got that admission, I tried to report, but to no avail.

So, for a quick recap: we have the man, the police and the legal system who are either apathetic or just can’t help me… (It’s been exhausting)

And NOW the man who holds the HIGHEST OFFICE in our land not only doesn’t think sexual assault isn’t a big deal – he brags about it.

I don’t know what to say after that… America has now told me LOOOOOOOOUD and clear “women don’t matter.”

(The millions of people who voted for him told me through their votes, ‘It doesn’t matter if he views women as objects. We can sweep his views on women under the rug because they just aren’t that important.’)

So that is *one* reason *one* woman is more than just disappointed her candidate didn’t win. She now fears for her safety even more.

Roller Coaster Election Day (From My View) – Part 3

November 11, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

It was reported that they stopped showing the results at the Javits Center – which actually made me happy not to be there.

I just kept thinking, “There’s no possible way. There’s no way it’s gonna be Trump. There’s no way.”

“There. is. no. way…… …… RIGHT?”

In the wee hours of the night/morning, once it looked like she was going to concede (ugh, so sad), and the Javits Center had started to clear out (because everyone was so disappointed), I thought about going down there to at least see her concession speech live. It would be heart-wrenching. But, at least I’d see her speak in person. And we’d all be there for each other.

My friend didn’t want to go, but of course he was all, “Please don’t let me stop you!”

So, as I was just starting to get ready to go, John Podesta came onstage (on the live coverage we were watching). And he told everyone to go home…

Well, all right then.

Cory Lewndowski started angrily taking about how, ‘If that had been Trump, it would be unacceptable!’ …

But the results hadn’t been officially called yet! She wasn’t going to concede before it was over, and he wouldn’t have either.

I thought it was totally a fair thing to do.

I stayed up to watch Trump speak…

I had friends who refused and I think that’s smart. But I just wanted to see how it went down…

It was physically painful to watch a man who has tried to totally decimate women’s rights stand up there and talk about how he looked forward to being Vice President to (sigh) Donald Trump.

And then Trump gave his speech. It wasn’t really presidential. But at least it also wasn’t offensive (which I guess is saying something for him?)

I sobbed…

I remember feeling just gutted when OBAMA (who’s pretty awesome, ultimately) won the freaking primary against Hillary. So, this was just… It was beyond words.

I sobbed until I went to sleep.

A day from the highest highs to the lowest lows…

As I quipped that night… It just shows, truly anyone* can be President.

*as long as she isn’t a woman.

(Sobs some more.)

Roller Coaster Election Day (From My View) – Part 2

November 10, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

Even at the airport, I sat down, opened my laptop, and made calls until we boarded.

I flew to New York because at the end of the day, I wanted to go to the Javits Center and see her victory speech.

Just as I wanted to be in Philadelphia for her convention, I wanted to be in New York for her presidential nomination.

I had a layover in North Carolina. (I actually got to choose from two flights that were about the same price and time. But I specifically chose the one with the swing state layover, to see if being there would give me any kind of feeling at all…)

And the group I met at the airport bar where I got my vegetable tacos loved Hillary. I know that’s a ridiculously small sample size of 3 people. But those three people were so excited!

We’ve got this. We’ve obviously got this, right? We have to have this…

When I got on the plane, I had a really hard time connection to the wifi (Oh no!) As soon as I landed I tweeted that I’d been on a plane and asked for an update… And someone told me Florida was way too close. And I started catching up. And I started getting ever so slightly nervous. But, come on. We know she’s got this…

I jumped in a cab and went to my friend’s place in Harlem (as that’s pretty close to LGA) so I could put my stuff down and such…

I texted my friend who was at Javits, and not surprisingly it was packed. It didn’t seem like they were letting anybody else in. So, I decided I’d watch a few more returns in Harlem – wait until it gets close enough to her speech and see if we can sneak in…

And then it started to look more and more like a President Trump was possible…

(OH NO!)

And this is where I’ll sadly pick up tomorrow!

Roller Coaster Election Day (From My View) – Part 1

November 9, 2016

knocking-doorsI woke up with those big wide musical theater eyes. This is it. THIS IS IT! I’ve been waiting for Hillary Clinton to be president for at least 8 years  – probably more (with primaries, and the lead up to the primary and all of that).

I LOVE Hillary. (I’m sure we’ll get into that so much more soon enough…)

I thought to myself, “This is going to crack the list of the top 10 days of my life.”

I put on my white dress (as an homage to the suffragette movement) and I headed to the polls. Shockingly, there was almost no line for anyone whose last name started with D. (There were lines set up based on the alphabet.) And I got to go right up and vote.

I was so nervous in that voting booth. I knew every single vote mattered so much! What if I accidentally pressed the wrong candidate? (Of course, I can change it ’til the confirm page, but still!)

I read her name. I read it again. I took a deep breath and smiled so big and I pressed that button for Hillary. Then I voted Dems down ballot. On the confirm page, I read her name one more time with the big check mark beside it. (I even took a picture just to make sure it was real.) Our moment was finally here!

After I left, I changed out of my big white dress into something more walking-around-the-neighborhood-suitable. And I went to a campaign house.

Great news! Once I got to the campaign house, they had finished their packets! That’s how many volunteers Hillary had had. They were able to completely finish canvassing by election day.

So, they sent me to another campaign house, and I got a packet. (My high school theater teacher went with me, which was so lovely (and got a separate packet so we could cover more ground).)

As I went around knocking on doors, basically nobody was home. The few people who were, were either proud to have voted or on their way out to vote. (And everyone was so nice and enthusiastic.)

I even saw another canvasser (for a state-level politician). So, that was kinda fun, seeing other people out there who really cared.

Soon enough, I had to drive back and turn in my finished packet, because I had to get to the airport!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Election Night

November 8, 2016

Aurora De Lucia in her homage to suffragettes dress
After voting for Hillary Clinton! (In my white dress as an homage to the suffragettes)

Welp, it’s 11:33 California time – the time this blog posts daily [hahaha, yes, I know it’s been super sporadic lately, but that’s the time it’s supposed to be posting….]


I was so excited to post all these fun stories from election day (and the day surrounding it)… Fun people I met canvassing, doing a crossword puzzle with a Trump supporter on a plane… All of that. (And maybe tomorrow I will.)

But I thought the day was gonna have a super happy ending…

And now, Trump is *almost* President-Elect… It hasn’t officially been called at this time, but it seems it’s about to be…

And it’s surreal.

The day took *SUCH* a weird turn – from waking up, SO excited to vote in my white (homage to suffragettes) dress to meeting people at my polling place complimenting my hat and saying they were with her too, to flying to New York with the hope of being in the place where it happened…

And then…


Sigh. I guess… more tomorrow.

I cannot even wait to vote for Hillary Clinton!

November 7, 2016

(On my flight, after the safety announcements, the flight attendants asked that we don’t discuss politics ;))

We made it to election day!

(Or technically, just barely election day eve as this is posting.)

I am so in love with Hillary Clinton, it practically hurts. I think I basically know what being in love is because of her. Haha!

When I listen to her speak, I am mesmerized. When I see her moving campaign ads, I cry. When I look at her face on twitter, etc. I am filled with basically the emotional embodiment of the heart eyes emoji.

I wanted her to win against Obama in the primary 8 years ago… She didn’t (as we all know). I was devastated. (I can only imagine how she felt!)

And I waited so excitedly for her to return.

And then she did.

(If you don’t totally remember, watch this gorgeous, perfect video.)

Every small win she’s had to me has been amplified, knowing what a tough road it’s been – and remembering the heartbreak of 2008.

I feel as though this is almost the ultimate comeback story (or at least, hopefully it will be after tomorrow).

The words “lesser of two evils” echo all over the internet, but when I go into that voting booth tomorrow, I will not be voting for the lesser of two evils. I will be enthusiastically voting for the best presidential candidate I could hope for!

As has been said many times, she is the most qualified person to ever run. She’s brilliant. She’s a great listener/compromiser. She has done oh so much good for the world.

She is my role model. And it will be my honor to vote for Hillary tomorrow.

4 years ago, I wrote a post encouraging us all to stand behind whomever is elected. I stand by that old post… As much as it physically pains me to imagine a Donald Trump Presidency, I think I will stand by my words of respecting transition of power… (After all, it was a question posed in the debates and we all said we’d respect the outcome…)


Last time, I respected Romney. I didn’t agree with him on issues, but I still think he probably would’ve been a generally fine President.

Trump is dangerous. I truly believe (without hyperbole or exaggeration) that he is dangerous.

Please don’t elect that dangerous man.

I gave money to Hillary. I made some calls. I dressed as her for my inspiring woman costume that I do every Halloween. I talked to family and friends in swing states (sometimes at length) about why Hil’s the one for whom you should vote. I am voting in the morning, then I plan on knocking on doors (or at least making more calls if anything should keep me from knocking on doors).

I tried.

I could’ve tried harder, and sometimes I feel bad about that… But I put work in… And I’ll put work in tomorrow.

After 8 long years (or more, even), I cannot wait to see Madame President Hillary Rodham Clinton announced tomorrow night. (Eeeeeeeee!)

Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 2016 (Hillary Clinton!) – Part 4

November 2, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

So, I got down there before the race (as a normal person normally does). It still took me longer to walk through the crowd than I thought it would… So, I only got to the front with 3 minutes to spare.

(I know this because when I apologized for cutting it so close, the guy laughed and said “Eh, you’ve got 3 whole minutes to spare! Relax! Take a load off!” haha)

I sang the national anthem, watched some corrals past, and eventually made it on my merry way.

Along the way, I had random people run up to me and ask for a selfie. I felt a little famous. It was pretty fun!

I also had people yelling from the sidelines things like, “Go Hillary!” or “I’m with her!”

Usually, I just yelled back, “Don’t forget to vote!” There was a point on the course where this group with signs kept talking about repenting and fire and brimstone and all of that. When I passed them, someone yelled out, “You’re in a man’s suit! A man’s suit!” (Which, I don’t even know what that means… Technically I wasn’t in a suit at all. Ailys just made it look like one.)

Then they said, “You must be Killary Clinton!” And they just kept yelling. Some women then basically surrounded me. “We got you… Do you need help?” And we just jogged out of there as a pack strong together. (Just like Hillary always says, “stronger together,” right? :-))

I also met Katie along the way – she was dressed as a “personal email server.” She was happy to find her Hillary. We laughed, stuck together, and did the rest of the race together.

This was a really fun morning.

Another one in the books. Can’t wait to go as inauguration Hillary next year. I’m sure she’s gonna be gooooorgeous!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 2016 (Hillary Clinton!) – Part 3

November 1, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

As I walked around the expo, I called Super Cuts and they wouldn’t cut synthetic hair. Thankfully, one of my roommates is a hairdresser. She was booked all night for some event, but she was able to help me out at 4:30 in the morning before the race!

After I picked up my packet, Ailys came by in the late afternoon (with the original non-closeable costume) for fittings and such. She went home and altered everything, and then she came back around 1:30 or so in the morning.

…Thankfully I had amazing people around me doing work. I can only imagine how exhausted they were, because I was exhausted just getting up at all these weird early hours.

So, once it was around 6:15am and the costume and wig and everything was done, I threw on some mascara and lipstick, and headed down to the race.

Quick note about the costume: I will say, the only thing I felt a little weird about this year is that, you know, I’m a little bit fat (and I’m pretty darn curvy). And if I wear the right thing, I can look not quite so fat and try to just accentuate curves… But if I wear something a little more boxy, then I start to look a lot more fat…

I’m NOT saying Queen Hillary (;)) is fat, btw. I’m just saying I can’t pull off her red suit. So, that was a little… um, not like disconcerting, but.. it was just a little uncomfortable… a little weird… a Little something.

Also, Kate MicKinnon always looks amazing in Hillary garb. So, maybe it’s just me being fat and not the suit’s fault! Could be

Anyway, whatever, man! More important to pick a great inspiring moment and try to get it right than to look super pretty or whatever. (She is gorgeous, btw. Gorgeous… That just doesn’t mean that I will be in her clothes, if that makes sense…) Anyway, race time!

Usually, hearing the national anthem is my cue to get my butt down there if I haven’t already.

(I live so close, I can just run down at the start, because it always takes at least half an hour (usually longer) for all the corrals to go through… LA is a treat that way, in that I can really take all the time I want…)

But this time, I was the one singing the National Anthem!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 2016 (Hillary Clinton!) – Part 2

October 31, 2016

I enlisted the help of Ailys – the woman who helped me find the Caitlyn Jenner outfit last year.

Of course the suit didn’t just exist as is (because as I said yesterday, approximations of Hillary’s clothes at the consumer level are practically impossible to find).

So, Ailys found this coat-ish thing for the top. It was like a… I don’t totally know how to describe it. But originally, it just came to together at the very top (under the neck), and then that big front opening fanned out to the bottom.

So, even if you got a bigger size than you needed (which we did), you couldn’t just pull the sides together. It wasn’t built or designed that way. So, she found similar fabric at a store, cut the sides of the jacket, and added fabric panels in a V-shape to make it so the top would close like Hillary’s.

She also moved the pocket flaps (that had faced sideways) to facing downward (like Hillary’s). And, she found red pantsuit-pants, and even cut off the top and made them of a jersey-type of material so they’d be easier to run in, but look like a pantsuit to anyone who’d see me.

She also found earrings to match Hillary’s. So, thank goodness for Ailys (and TaskRabbit, where I met her).

As far as the wig was concerned, she didn’t have time for that business with all the work she had to do on the costume.

I did a little searching online, but all the wigs I saw labeled “Hillary wigs” looked kinda cheap and not totally like her/her haircut.

I kept kind of putting the wig off because there was other stuff to do (in life in general, not just with this race).

And as I was on the plane to Los Angeles, the day before the race (to pick up my packet), I got wifi and hired a taskrabbit to get the wig. He kept sending me pictures, and the women in the seats on both sides of me helped saying, “Too golden,” “too short,” etc. until we all agreed – that’s generally the color. It’s long, but I’ll just get someone to cut it.

Now, looking back on it, it was perhaps a dumb decision to get someone to cut it because wouldn’t it have been easier to just have a wig that was already the right length and not add an extra step? Yes. Yes it would’ve been.

But it just seemed like a good healthy looking wig and the right color. So, how hard could cutting it be?

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles 2016 (Hillary Clinton!) – Part 1

October 30, 2016

hillary-side-by-side-with-aurora-laughingIn case you don’t know, every year, I run the Halloween half marathon as a different inspiring woman.

I’ve been wanting to go as Hillary for years. Heck, if it were up to me, I might go as her every year, because Hillary amazes me. To me, she is the ultimate inspiring women. I almost went as her last year after she totally kicked butt in the Benghazi hearings.

Buuuuut, it was kind of last minute. And approximation of her suits are nearly impossible to find. She has these very interesting cuts and colors. For the most part, she doesn’t have anything for which you can just go get an approximation at Macy’s or something… And last year, I felt there was just too much going on to make it happen.

Plus, I figured, “Why not wait until she’s the Presidential nominee officially? That’ll be even more inspiring! (As if somehow she can be even more inspiring… but let’s get real. She will be when she’s Madam President)”

There were people at that point who were like, “Well, don’t wait! What if Bernie Sanders wins?!” (I mean, I know anything is possible, but I was preeeeetty confident in her.)

So, I waited a year.

Then, this year, she has absolutely killed it in so many moments. I could’ve dressed as her from the convention, or from any of her debates. But I just looooved the way she came out in that power red for the first debate. (You are doing this girl! Get it, Hillary!!!)

I started trying to look for suits, and came up against the same problems… They still were hard to replicate. I still was doing this last minute-ish (but not as last-minute as last year!)… I thought about just going as swimmer Katie Ledecky or gymnast Simone Biles (both humongously inspiring). After all, I can’t go as them next year…

And think about Hillary’s inauguration outfit! I’m sure it’s gonna be so gorgeous! Wouldn’t it be fun to go as her when she’s actually President, and not just running?

…But I can’t keep putting it off every year. Even if I go as President Hillary Rodham Clinton next year, I can still go as candidate Clinton this year. And she can be the first person I dress up as two years in a row. I looooove her. (And quite honestly, I should’ve gone as her last year too. So, time to stop waiting!)

Time to get that impossible suit…

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

Missing My Job SO Much (For This First Presidential Debate)

September 25, 2016

So, I’ve had about a month and a half to process The Nightly Show ending. I have blogged about it at length here. I’ve traveled. I already worked a week on another show. I thought I was too the point where it didn’t hurt quite as badly anymore…

And then the Presidential Debates came up. The first one is tomorrow.

How am I supposed to enjoy the debates without my Nightly Show family? I loved going in on days after big events – seeing the script change throughout the day, and generally in the hall hearing everybody’s hot takes and hilarious jokes.

I liked passing the TV in the hall outside of Larry’s office (across from his assistant’s desk) with cable news always going… It just felt like our world was fast-paced, and stuff was happening, and we were paying attention.

It was an absolute dream come true to work there… And now I don’t have that built in group of genius people to bond with after big events like this… (Thank goodness at least we’ll always have twitter, but still…)

I knew I was one of the luckiest people on the planet to have my job… But I knew I was somehow even in the high echelon of lucky compared to that, because not only did I get to work at TNS, I got to work there during an election year.

We had fun while we were there. But I imagined covering the election. There is no where I would’ve been on election night (other than if somehow in some universe I got to hold Hillary Clinton’s hand as the results came in, but other than that, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than at my desk working for a political show I believed in).

And now we miss out on that.

And it’s a bummer.

And I knew the election night part would sting. I’m bracing myself for that day…

But I forgot how much this stuff would come up – how much the Presidential Debate would hurt… Not in an intense way or anything. I get that life moves on and other shows will cover it beautifully and I can talk to my friends (not just on twitter – but in real life too! Imagine that.)

The point is, I wish – I wish – I got to be in the company of the funniest, smartest people I know (some of the funniest, smartest people in the country).

So, I still love you, TNS…. And Hillary Clinton, I looooove you. Go kick some butt!

Nightly Show Giveaway Day!

September 13, 2016

Now that we’ve all been away for a few weeks, we all got to come back for one more day!

Our production staff worked hard sorting things, returning things, all that jazz.

And then we all got to come in and grab props from the set (or even things people didn’t want from their offices).

Since I only live 4 blocks away, I got to take a fair amount of stuff (and some of the big stuff).

It was pretty funny, because when we first walked in, there were these rules – “nothing more than what fits in one tote bag!” And as we reached the final hour, staff members were basically begging us to take things. “Can you take this box of hats?”

Yeah, sure.

A friend of mine is a huge fan of the show, so I got a whole bunch of stuff for her (the Rosa Parks award, some stuff from the set, etc.). Then I also got a few things for myself (a huge teddy bear that was on the set, a giant picture of Larry Wilmore/The Nightly Show logo that I used to pass on my way to my office everyday)… And I got my computer! (Eeeee!)

Then I got a freaking ton of swag – some of which will be sent to people on twitter. Some of which will be given to my family. Some of which I have no idea what to do with… (So, I guess write me if you want some!) I’m gonna end up with a freaking Nightly Show closet. (And I love that! Come on in and grab some swag!)

Most, most importantly, I got to see my TV family again and get some hugs.

As we came up the outside stairs, we saw the set being loaded out of the bottom door. (Awwwww!) It’s sad, but you know… we’re moving on!

Lastly, there was such a wonderful, beautiful, sweet act of kindness given to me on the last day.

There is this incredibly lovely woman who worked there… On my very first day, she saw my trying to take a selfie close to the set and ripped the cover off the desk, turned on the stage lights, then took 1,000 photos for me haha. And on the last day, she heard me say how much I reeeeally wanted one of those dark mugs from the set. And SHE SAVED ONE FOR ME!

She handed it to me at giveaway day like the sweetheart she is.

I know you may know this… but this was the best job I ever had with the best people. Even if I never work another day in my life (though, please don’t let that come true), I am still one of the luckiest people to set foot on this planet.

It All Came Full Circle (At The Nightly Show)

September 12, 2016

Aurora De Lucia in her editing chair, looking behind her shoulder at Nightly Show[This is a backdated post from September 12, just fyi]

Welp, as far as I know this is the last thing I have to say about The Nightly Show for a while… I may mention it here and there if things come up. But, other than giveaway day tomorrow, I think this is the last in my big block of posts about it.

What an incredible, beautiful, sweet, wonderful ride this has been.

It’s crazy to think that the room where I interviewed ending up becoming my office! (I took my boss’ old bay, as she moved out of the edit to do more senior producer-y running around stuff.)

I also wore the same dress to my interview as I did to my first day as an editor, as I did to my second-to-last day of work… Because on my last day of work, I wore the dress I bought at Macy’s when I moved to New York with no clothes on a whim to work on The Nightly Show.

Same dresses. Same chair. Same office. Everything just really worked out beautifully… Except of course the losing my job part.

Other than that, this was an absolute – a really true fairy tale. And I was so very super lucky to experience it.

…Thankfully, They Did Take More Pictures

September 11, 2016

Nightly Show class photo silly optionI said I wish I’d taken more pictures.

Well, thankfully, The Nightly Show did.

I don’t know who decided on the professional photographer. But I’m glad someone did. There are all these lovely wonderful pictures from the last week of work. (Yay! :-))

My Week Working On Dancing With The Stars – Part 2 (Marilu And Derek)

September 10, 2016

marilu-henner-derek-hough-and-aurora-at-rehearsalPicking up from yesterday –

People kept getting to shuffle around between producers and dancers. So, while I love having a rapport with one team, there was something nice about working with multiple people while I was there.

Marilu is incredibly full of energy. And she’s so fit and gorgeous. My goodness. I wish I moved and acted like her. After meeting her, I feel like age is nothing anymore.

And yes, her memory thing is super impressive. And it just comes out at random times if someone mentions something random, or asks her a question, etc.

Derek is also very nice and really down to earth. They both made sure to introduce themselves to everyone in the room – as if we weren’t going to know who they were. It was very kind of them.

They were nice enough to take selfies at the end with me. (Derek took them and led the way for us to make a bunch of different faces, which was fun.)

At one of the breaks, I told Marilu what a big fan my dad is of hers, and after rehearsal, she asked, “Can we call your dad?” What?!

She offered that up. And she talked to my dad like a complete and total sweetheart. It was such a fun day.

Now that I’ve gotten all the celebrity stuff out of the way (since I figured that’s what you’d kind of care about), I also just wanted to remember how fun it is to be an assistant in the field again.

Even on America’s Got Talent, I felt pretty confident the more cities I went to. But here, I felt really pretty confident. One of the producers I worked with seemed surprised (and delighted) when I’d already matched my computer’s time code with his camera before he asked.

I know the job was only for a week, and was really just for fun more than anything else. But I wanted to do the very best job I could. And he seemed to notice that, and I appreciated it.

So, there you have it!

Oh, last thing. I did get to meet Vanilla Ice after all at the end of my last day! He was next up in the room. I said, “Hi, I’m Aurora.” He introduced himself as Rob. We shook hands and then we watched this internet video he’d been showing everybody.

It was a great week. And who knows. Maybe if they’re in New York again next season, I can go hang for a bit again! 🙂

My Week Working On Dancing With The Stars – Part 1 (Sharna and James)

September 9, 2016

screen-shot-2016-11-16-at-7-36-37-pmHey everybody! I know we’ve been talking about such serious subjects lately. So, let me do a fun backpost (though, warning, there is of course more sexual assault to come…but not right now!).

[Here’s a backpost. Pretend you’re reading this in September.]

Once upon a time (a few weeks ago), I worked on The Nightly Show and loved it.

We got cancelled – when we were already supposed to have a two-week hiatus. So, those two weeks felt weird…

And the day before I was supposed to come back (had the show been coming back, that is), I got to start a week-long gig of some New York shoots of Dancing with the Stars.

I guess they were filming out here for the week because of press junkets (including Good Morning America) and stuff.

So, I got to have a week as a story assistant. It was really pretty fun. It’s been a while since I’ve worked in the field on something. And what a blast this was!

The first email I got said I’d be on Vanilla Ice’s team. Ice, ice baby! I was so ready!

But then I got a last minute schedule change that my day started 4 hours earlier and I’d be with a different team. (Aye aye aye. A call time before noon? How shall I ever survive? *she says as dramatically as possible*)

I ended up being with Sharna and James on the first day.

Basically, my job consisted of taking notes on my laptop for the producer with time codes, so if they loved something someone in the couple said, and it’d be good for a package, they could refer to the notes to know where it is.

So, hopefully the notes were helpful.

I haven’t done a ton of work in the story department on the field side of things. (I know editing and story are related in post… I mean, it’s all related everywhere. But… the point is, I haven’t been the one taking notes in the field, I think back since my first job on America’s Got Talent like a million (6) years ago. And it was so fun to do it again for a week!

You know, there’s something about the energy in the room that’s nice.

I talked to Sharna more than James. She is so super smart and really fun to talk to. She also was nice about taking photos for me/with me for social media (’cause she’s so into social media too :-).)

Basically, everyone was nice. I had a lovely time, and tomorrow, I’ll talk about working with Marilu and Derek.

Another Voice On The Nightly Show Ending

September 8, 2016

(Yet another sad selfie we took for my boss off at maternity leave)
(Yet another sad selfie we took for my boss off at maternity leave)

I’m sure there are plenty of places where you could read articles or listen to stories about The Nightly Show ending.

I know I’ve obviously been talking about it a lot. But if you want to hear someone else talk about it, here’s a podcast with one of our senior producers.

I really loved working with him. I always said he was one of the funniest people in the building, and I meant it. So, if you feel like grabbing his take, it’s right there for ya! 🙂

“I Wish I Had Taken More Pictures”

September 1, 2016

duncan-maisha-and-auroraAs I sort through everything I have from The Nightly Show…

I’ve started singing that line from “I Wish I Could Go Back To College” from Avenue Q (in a puppet voice, of course)… “I wish I had taken more pictures.”

It’s funny, because I took a lot of pictures!

I remember even thinking throughout the whole run – not just the last week – to take pictures! Document this beautiful job!

And I did.

I have photos of myself on the set, and from ’70s day, and with Larry. I commemorated special days (such as my first day as an editor, first day on the job, all that jazz…).

But I don’t have a ton of pictures of me and other people on the crew…

Maybe that means I’m selfish? “Sure! Get me in Larry’s chair!” But then I don’t have many pics of me and my friends…

Or maybe it just means that it felt more normal to ask for a picture in Larry’s chair (of course everybody wants that) rather than to ask my co-workers, “Will you take a picture with me?” (which I’m 99% certain almost any of them would have).

alex-and-auroraIn the last week, I was so busy giving thank you cards and hugs and having sweet conversations, I didn’t even think to ask for photos! There was too much happening.

Even the wrap party was fully of the sweetest goodbyes and monologues to each other. And I just didn’t think to take more pictures.

And I’m sort of glad I didn’t. For once I actually just straight up lived in the moment. It wasn’t about social media or documenting things for my blog or myself. I was just taking every single moment. And I loved that.

But I also miss my photos haha

But then! I realized I actually do have photos with a lot of people on staff due to my boss’ maternity leave project. I used to send her a sad photo everyday so she’d know how much we missed her. And I still have all of those.

And they’re actually all very apt now that we lost our jobs – which is a bummer!

Also, someone was going around taking photos on the last day, and I can’t wait to see them all!

There are plenty of pictures… Everything is fine.

“But Aurora, That’s How TV Works”

August 31, 2016

I know!

…I know that when I so publicly cry out my sadness about losing my job that I am inviting people to say things to me. I get that.

I also understand that when people say things along the lines of, “Stuff gets cancelled all the time. That’s TV,” that I really believe they are coming from the best place and trying to be so super helpful. And I love you all for that.

So, I hope I don’t come off as super annoyed or anything…


I am well aware that that’s how TV works. Yes, I’ve worked on tons of shows and bounced around a ton. Totally. I know it’s part of the game.


I had finally made it to a Jon Stewart late night comedy show – a total dream.

The Daily Show has been on for something like 20 years and counting. Colbert was on for something like 9 before he chose to leave (and took a bunch of his staff with him!).

We are in. an. election. year.

I was so sure – so very sure – I had my job through November, if not longer. I was SO excited to help cover the election.

It was the greatest job I’ve ever had on a million levels, and in every way. I realize there’s more great stuff out there, and I’m excited to see what’s next.

But I just want to be granted a bit of grieving time, if that’s okay?

Does this post make sense? 😛


We Were Already Supposed To Be On Vacation…

August 30, 2016

This is probably not even worth a full post. But this is something random that it seems not everybody knows that I just thought should be mentioned.

We already had a scheduled two weeks off. Our final show was supposed to be our final show – before a two-week break.

So, a bunch of people already had vacation plans.

In fact, a bunch of us had vacation plans that we ended up needing to change.

For instance, a producer I worked closely with had gotten permission to leave on Thursday instead of Friday. Of course, once she learned Thursday was everyone’s very last day, she had to change her expensive (international) flight, because who would want to miss her last day at The Nightly Show?

I had a much easier experience. I was supposed to fly to Ohio Friday morning. But I had to now work Friday, because I now had to wrap everything up. There were things due to the network from Thursday’s show (if not previous ones), and there was personal stuff I wanted to export. (I kinda talked about that in a different post.) So, I cancelled my flight. (I gotta try to make sure I use that Southwest money ’cause it expires soon!)

Anyway, I cancelled my flight, stayed all day Friday and tried to wrap things out. Then I ended up taking a bus to Ohio Saturday morning.

Now, obviously, these are some of the most first-world problems ever. I mean, boo hoo. I had to change my travel plans for my 5th(!) (and 6th!) weeks of vacation this year – wwwwaaaaaa.

But that’s not the reason I bring it up. I bring it up because it feels weird to lose your job, and immediately go on vacation… I mean, not super super weird because in the past, in LA, when a job would come to an end, I’d go on vacation sometimes. (Heck, there were about 2 months that I traveled around for my 52 half marathons.)

But the endings of those jobs were always planned (and sometimes the vacations weren’t haha!). So, to switch those – to have a planned vacation and an unplanned job loss… People were confused as to what to do.

I mean, I guess not confused… But people (outside of the show) kept asking what I was gonna do. And it’s like, “I dunno. I guess leave, as I always thought I was gonna do. And then come back.”

It’s counter-intuitive because the thing that potentially would’ve made sense would’ve been to stay in New York and take interviews. But you make plans, you buy plane tickets. (You AirBnB out your place.) So, I left.

(One person, for example, was going on her honeymoon! I’m sure she’s having an amazing time ’cause she has the most positive spirit in the universe… But imagine losing your total dream job and then going on a two-week celebration. It seems weird to me.)

So, I dunno, there your have it. Our weird happy/sad/weird vacations.

Still more Nightly Show wrap up coming at you tomorrow!

That Nightly Show Loss Hit Me Harder Than I Was Expecting…

August 29, 2016

Aurora's sad selfie in her Nightly Show gearNote: Before I even get into this, can I just say… I know that everything seems like life or death to me when I write about it, because I care about stuff oh so much…

However, with this, it seems like people are actually legitimately worried about me. So, let me state unequivocally that I am fine. I am functioning. I am applying for job… I cried about Nightly Show a couple of times (as almost everyone on staff did). But this is not a traumatic incident. I am sad. I am about to express that – and that’s all. Now…

When I first got the news that The Nightly Show was ending, my initial reaction was to immediately text everyone I knew in the industry. “I need a job.”

That’s what happens when you lose a job in TV. You *immediately* look for the next one, ’cause that’s how TV works… It’s just part of it. No big deal. I didn’t take this as the heartbreaking blow it was at first…

I didn’t cry (immediately… I did pretty shortly after haha). I went into “work mode” (“gotta find another job, gotta find another job”)

And then I spent the rest of that week enjoying every moment I had with the people in that building… So many memories…

And now… Now it’s really hitting me. I didn’t just lose a job. I lost a family… I lost a dream… I had my freaking dream – making the kind of TV I wanted to make in the place I wanted to be with the people I wanted to be with… I literally felt I was living in a dream…

And now… Now, I’m sitting at home in LA, surrounded by pizza boxes, listening to Sam Smith on repeat.

I am totally heartbroken… I know I will get over it. But I was in loooove with my job – so head over heels in love. And I was already supposed to have this week off… But I don’t get to go back on Tuesday… I don’t get to go back…


I have always felt more emotional in movies and plays and everything when a dream or a job is lost rather than someone’s breakup… I SOBBED, and I mean freaking uncontrollably sobbed my freaking eyes out at Little Miss Sunshine. I won’t spoil it for you, but my goodness…

So, this is my true heartbreak. Losing my little Jon Stewart dream is slightly devastating (in the take 2 weeks to relax and get over it – you will be fine – but my goodness, go ahead and cry a lot) kinda way.

The end.

It Was SO Nice To Be Able To Say, “I’m An Editor On The Nightly Show”

August 28, 2016

Auroras First Editor Credit
(That’s my name there, in the credits!)

I mean, obviously no one can take that credit away from me. That doesn’t just disappear.

But it was so nice while I was working on a semi-high-profile show, at a pretty high-profile level to be able to say the sentence, “I’m editor on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore,” when people asked what I did for a living.

There was this kind of built-in level of respect… Industry people who may necessarily give me the time of day otherwise would be more likely to because, “Oh, she’s legitimate.”

Even just, forget the industry! No matter where I went, people would think I was a legitimate TV person… At the mentorship program I participate in (where we mentor high school students)… Even at bars, or anywhere. It doesn’t matter.

I had a legitimate job, and that felt amazing.

And I totally understand that people should judge others based on what they do for a living. That doesn’t necessarily speak to their character. But I also understand that I live in a world where opportunities became more readily available to me once I was editing on a Jon Stewart produced show on Comedy Central.

Also, as has been mentioned a few times (and will be mentioned again a few times in the upcoming weeks, I’m sure…) this year was a pretty tough year for me in a few ways…

But whenever things were tough, I always had this one beautiful, spectacular thing to hold onto… That I was an editor on The Nightly Show. It gave me a sense of power as I walked down the street.

“Okay, I may be struggling with this or that. I may have cried this morning. But as I walk outside now, I get to hold my head high because I am a girl (in her 20s, even! – age doesn’t really matter, but that impresses people nonetheless) editing on The freaking Nightly Show. I’m doing my life pretty correctly. It is going pretty darn well…

And it’s a bummer that that’s gone – a bummer I will expand upon in a post coming up soon wondering, “What the heck happened this year?!”

It’s Really Starting To Sink In… We Don’t Have Jobs Anymore

August 27, 2016

Remember that time I had the most beautiful job of my life? (last week)

This week, I had to buy my own tampons! (Actually, my dad happened to pay for my tampons since I went grocery shopping in Ohio together… But still… I had to buy tampons!)

And I’ve had to buy food.

I was so unbelievably spoiled. So many free tampons. SO much free food.

Heck, someone used to walk into my office (my beautiful office!) around 4:30 every night and ask me what I wanted for dinner. How will I ever learn how to order my own smoothie? 😉

I know. I know. It sounds like I’m so spoiled. (Because I WAS!)

Not only am I gonna miss the lovely perks… I’m gonna miss those freaking lovely sweethearts I worked with day in and day out. Those people were the best.

And the money. The whole being able to live comfortable in New York thing… Really gonna miss that. Really, really, really gonna miss that.

And the whole insanely reasonable hours thing – like more than reasonable, in fact. Just spectacular. On Fridays, I got to come in whenever I wanted as long as my work got done. My hours were stable and I could have the best job in the world that was exceptionally fulfilling, and an incredibly full beautiful life outside of it as well with my wonderful, amazing hours.

And now I’m applying to a bunch of jobs… And that’s hard. It’s hard remember what it’s like to apply, apply, apply for gigs that last a few months at a time, that don’t give me such incredible freedom with my time. (Not that they need to, but goodness, it was nice!)

It’s not like I haven’t done the hustle before… I have plenty of times… I just – I thought this would be my job for the next 3 – 5 years, if not longer… And it’s just crummy that it’s not. And I realize that a little more with every moment of every day…

*Sigh* Also, buckle up. Because this is probably what we’re gonna be talking about the majority of this week. I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I know I’m gonna get more jobs. But I have a feeling this week’s gonna be about grieving. (Yay, grieving!)

Did I – Me – Really… Meeeee… I Got To Work In The Jon Stewart Family? (ME?!)

August 26, 2016

Jon Stewart selfie with Aurora De LuciaIt doesn’t totally seem real that I get to blog about all this…

It is so weird that this was my life.

I dreamed for so long about working in the Jon Stewart family… It always seemed like a small bit of a pipe dream.

I mean, I believe 100% that big dreams are achievable and you can do things you set your mind to. So, it’s not like I thought it couldn’t or wouldn’t happen…

I obviously thought it could, or else I wouldn’t have applied, and kept reaching out, and come into interview and all of that jazz…

But it actually happened.

It actually in real life really happened. Not only did I get to have a job there – I got to have an exceptional, incredible job there.

I got to be an editor and have my own office and get on the Emmy ballot and all that jazz. It was incredible. Everything about it was just… beyond words. I mean, how many times can I say incredible?

So, when I write these posts about Jon Stewart being the greatest human, or Larry telling me how awesome it was to have me around the office, or running on the floor after the final taping… all of that… it seems like stuff I’d love to read, hardly being able to fathom someone’s gorgeous, brilliant, beautiful life…

But this isn’t just something I get to read. This is something I get to live. And it’s just weird and surreal and amazing and beautiful that it happened to me.

I Always Feel Like… Somebody’s Watching Us?! (Nightly Show Closing Party)

August 25, 2016

Our cast/crew closing party made the tabloids! (What?!)

I don’t actually have much to comment on this one… It’s just weird… to work for a real show that people are really interested in – so much so that it’s being covered in the tabloids.

It’s also weird to hear about my own night that I was a part of from a third party… I mean, I did notice the place seemed to be shutting down-ish. But I didn’t realize they were already supposed to be closed.

Can you blame us for not wanting to leave? I didn’t ever wanna leave. (Sigh again. Best job I’ve ever had – as if we could even call it a job…)



Oh The Sweetness (About Nightly Show Being Over)!

August 24, 2016

Picking up from yesterday

As I said, I sent those exports out to the staff. And I got a whole bunch of emails back about how much that meant to people and how they loved having them. And it warmed my little heart.

(And made me miss everyone already – even though we weren’t even scheduled to work again until after Labor Day!)

Between the sweet email responses and the monologues we were all giving each other at the party, I feel like I have never received so many compliments.

Not to mention just the staff and crew, but strangers on twitter were saying the absolute nicest things! We were hearing how the show affected people and gave a voice to people who felt they were voiceless…

When I started this post, I thought I had a complete idea – what I wanted to say with an idea and everything… But I might not, ’cause I don’t remember what the point or end to this was. (Whoops!)

The point is, there was sweetness. It was beautiful. And it makes it all the much harder to leave these people/this job… Siiiigh

(But at least we’ll always have precious, sweet, loving emails!)

My Last Day In The Nightly Show Office

August 23, 2016

Aurora giving a sad face in her office
(Giving a sad face in my Nightly Show gear at my Nightly Show desk)

While I was sad on the last taping day, I was happy in knowing I got to come in the last day…

I forgot to mention this in my post about our last taping day. But I thought I’d be pretty okay… And then I literally cried as I walked out my door to go to work.

I remembered when I left my apartment on my first day as an editor – when I turned on my music and got amped up – ready to go.

And when I turned on my music to get amped up for this special day, that editor day just flashbacked to me so hard.

It seemed like yesterday!

And becoming an editor was one of the best things that ever happened to me… So, to know that was the last day was so sad…

So, on Friday, I didn’t amp up. I just quietly went to work. I was one of the first people there (’cause I had a lot to do).

I’d already cleaned out my office. I put up the last video on Facebook (from the previous night’s show), and delivered some paperwork to the network.

In the middle of the day, as things were exporting, I went down to the storage room and stocked up on just a wee lil more swag.

Then, I did some exports for the crew. I figured since they were things I want, other people might want them too.

I sent out Jon Stewart’s speech to all of us during rehearsal, and a bit he did. And after the taping, everybody hugged each other on stage. And I sent all the camera angles of that so everybody could find their hugs. (There were some really cute ones in there.)

I saved a bunch of episodes on my computer for my own reel. Basically, it was my last day to get anything for myself and others, and to turn anything else in to Viacom. It was busy, and thankfully I got everything done that I needed – just barely.

As I left 15 minutes late, one of the lovely security guards lovingly joked, “It wouldn’t be the last day if Aurora wasn’t working late!” – which was so true.

For my first months there, I was just always there and the last one out so often. So, it all really came full circle.

I even got to finally give that security guard a hug (since usually that’s against protocol – but I don’t work there anymore!).

And then I left. I walked down those steps one last time, looked up at the awning, and went home and cried.

I know I mention crying a lot. (We all cried a lot. This wasn’t just me being emotional…) But you know, it was all sad. And great. And weird. And bittersweet. It was just a lot. I dunno… Sigh.

My Final Taping Of The Nightly Show

August 22, 2016

Aurora and crowd from Franchesca's snapchatMy heart is breaking even writing about it.

So, after rehearsal, rewrite happened (as per usual). Also, free margaritas in the alleyway happened (not usual).

There were no changes in my rolls, so I didn’t really have to do anything during rewrite.

Before you knew it, the show started.

I thought I was gonna be a wreck from moment one, but I was surprisingly calm(ish).

But once act 4 started, when Larry was doing his speech about the map being upside down, I cried – totally sobbed standing up (leaning over) in my bay.

Then, at the end of act 4, I saw the contributors run onstage… And then the staff ran on. I didn’t think I was gonna make it down. But I ran down to the studio anyway. I was a little late, of course. But I ran onstage too. It was magical to get to go town there.

I took a little video of the audience and everyone hugging around me. (Even though they cut the take, the cameras rolled to catch us all hugging and I feel silly taping stuff instead of hugging people… But other people were doing it too.)

I just wanted to take in and remember that moment.

Then I put down my phone and looked around with just my eyes, seeing this whole audience there for us for the last time as Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds (“’cause every little thing is gonna be all right”) played in the background. I wanted to live in that moment forever.

I started crying (of course) and I went around hugging people on set (and then backstage once we were all shooed off the set).

Then I went upstairs ’cause I actually had to do some work. And then I came back downstairs to grab my guests who’d come to the taping. (Naturally, they were people I met through twitter – who else would they be?)

I had exports going as I showed them around the building. They left. We all continued to do a little hugging. And people were taking things home from their offices.

And then we all met up at the final party – where there was mainly laughter and only slight bits of crying.

When The Nightly Show came on the televisions, people cheered so loudly.

It was a beautiful night – people walking around giving gorgeous monologues about what it was like to work together.

I left when the party started to seem like it was really dying down. I took one last look around as I walked out the door. And of course I cried a little on the way home – looking around at New York as I passed through it – thinking of all my memories of moving to the city, and the show, and all that jazz.

And I had one more day of work, which I will talk about tomorrow.

My Final Meeting With Larry

August 21, 2016

Aurora and Larry on 70s day
A throwback to ’70s day at work

While we’re talking about my talks with our famous senior staff on my last day of work…

Earlier in the day, when not a ton was going on, Larry had left his door wide open and sat at the big table in there, facing the door, ready to talk to people in and out (without us having to go through his assistant, as we would on a normal day – not ’cause he’s untouchable at all, but because he’s busy).


When it was my turn (I was walking to my office, but he was free, and called me in there as I passed by), I went in there and said I wasn’t sure if he’d gotten my card from Nicole (his assistant) yet. He hadn’t. But either way, I just wanted to reiterate that it was truly the best job I’ve ever worked.

I’d met Larry a few times before this – at the Christmas party, on ’70s day, and he came into my bay sometimes to watch down cuts. So, he knew my name and everything. But we weren’t like super pals – not non-pals or anything, I just hadn’t spent a ton of time with him.

When I told him thanks for everything, he thanked me for everything!

He told me that it was wonderful having me around the building, and that he loved the bright & energetic spirit I brought to the building.

Then he laughed as he reminisced how into ’70s day I was. (What can I say? I love costumes!)

So we had a nice little laugh, a nice moment, and someone I was always slightly intimidated by (not because he’s intimidating in the least – in fact, he’s quite nice, but you know, he is the host/EP/and all that jazz)… anyway, someone I was kind of intimidated by gave me beautiful compliments.

Also, I asked if he was gonna go back to LA. And he said no – that he’d split his time there still, but that New York wasn’t gonna kick a brother out so easily, so fast. And I felt so inspired. I was all, “Yeah! I feel the same!”

Then we talked about LA a little. And then, alas, it was time to do other stuff…

Now, getting back to the rest of the day… this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

MY AWESOME JON STEWART STORY – Part 2 (But Like, We’re Kind Of Best Friends)

August 20, 2016

Jon Stewart and his best friend AuroraJon was such a delight – walking around, and giving hugs, remembering people’s names. Just so lovely.

So, we’re in a late rehearsal. And I know the day is gonna be busy.

I thought maybe I’d try to hand him his card after the full staff picture. But figuring I didn’t have any time to lose, as he might get whisked away by a million other people then, I left rehearsal between acts 1 and 2, sprinted upstairs, grabbed my card and came back down.

At that point, I could still get in the back/side stage area that we see whenever we go in the studio, but with cameras and everything now in place for act 2, I couldn’t really go to the seating area – which is actually fantastic, because now I’ve just accidentally trapped myself side-stage with Jon Stewart.

He’s talking to the contributors who are about to go out. Once they all leave, he’s standing there alone. And they’re just showing a clip package in the studio, so I’m not interrupting much to talk to him.

I walk up to him and tell him I’ve written cards for everyone on staff, and here’s his.

He makes this fantastic big facial expression. “I get a card?!” he says enthusiastically. “I didn’t do anything though,” he adds.

“Well, you helped make the show possible!” I tell him.

Then he tells me he’ll humbly accept the card.

And this is the best part!

I tell him, “I say this in the card, but I also want to tell you, I’ve said to many people now, ‘Jon Stewart changed my life,’ and I’m so happy I finally get to say those words to you. So many of my dreams came true here, because of this show, and in large part because of you. You have changed my whole life.”

He told me that was very sweet. “Thank you, Aurora. But no. You changed your own life. You earned your spot here.”

He then went on and told me, “Every person in this building is some of the best at what they do, and that includes you. Your tenacity. Your creativity. Your talent. Your personality. You worked exceptionally hard to get here. You earned your spot here. You got yourself here. It was you. It wasn’t me.”

And I almost cried because it was the most beautiful mini-speech I’ve ever heard.

Then I asked for a picture and we looked around. Everyone was a little busy, so he suggested we selfie it. He thankfully took  beautiful angle so my face didn’t look humongous – because he seems to be one of the sweetest people on the planet.

One of the absolute top days of my life. Best mini-speech ever. Coolest moment. *Contented Sigh*

MY AWESOME JON STEWART STORY – Part 1 (Spoiler: He Shows Up to Our Rehearsal)

August 19, 2016

My letter to Jon Stewart
(My thank you card to Jon Stewart)

My head is exploding. It happened on Thursday, and even still, I still don’t know what to say.

Jon Stewart is my new best friend. (That sentence isn’t really true, but the rest of this post is.)

So, I go down to rehearsal. (After all, that is where we left off yesterday).

Jon is supposed to get there at 5:15. I consider bringing his thank you card down to rehearsal. “You never know. He might be way super early.” Then I was doing some running around the building for various stuff, and trying to get something finished before I ran down. So, I just thought, “Forget the card! Get down there! You don’t want to miss a second of rehearsal! And he won’t be here yet.”

In the script, it says that Jon will come out and the audience will go wild.

This is hilarious to me, because we’re just stating that they are going to go wild – ’cause we good and well know they are. (It’s Jon ‘America’s-sweetheart’ Stewart.)

In the rehearsal, our head writer, Michael, is playing Jon.

I almost never have my phone camera going when rehearsal’s happening because I don’t need to. Sometimes cool, interesting, funny (and of course, never-makes-it-to-air) stuff happens. But what am I gonna do with all that video? I want to just sit and enjoy it, so I do…

Except today.

I honestly do not think Jon Stewart is coming. (No one does.) But one of the crew members informed our EP before rehearsal that they’d set up the dropbox above Larry to have tampons in it and some other old stuff, and they wondered if he wanted them to drop the box for the fun of it.

“Sure, after Michael comes out as Jon, go ahead and drop it. Why not?” he replies.

So, I grab my phone to try to get a fun last day video of Larry being kinda pranked.

And sure enough… Michael comes out as John… but then(!), he gets this look in his eye as it catches something (or someone?) behind a wall. And Jon Stewart himself surprises all of us!


And of course(!) we go insane (just like it says in the script).

He came in, said hey to Larry, and the first thing he said when he addressed us as a group was, “I hope you guys know, you did a hell of a f*cking show.”

Anyway, he did the bit with Larry and then he gave us a beautiful speech about how wonderful we all were. (Thankfully, I have the whole thing on video! I’m so glad I happened to be recording when he came out!)

And then… This is where I’ll pick up next time.

My Final Morning At The Nightly Show

August 18, 2016

Aurora modeling on the set of The Nightly Show on the last dayThe perfect day.

The day started with a gorgeous staff meeting. Our EP gave us a beautiful speech about how we shouldn’t consider ourselves failures at all… It was kind of along the lines of what aired. He basically felt the same way about Jon Stewart – that cancellation is not failure.

I totally teared up. (But who didn’t?!)

Then people even started making jokes about how when we get to the wrap party, we should try not to cry the whole time… You know, “change it up a little” is what people said… Try to get some laughter in there too. (Which, spoiler alert: we did.)

I didn’t have that much work to do on the final day. (I mean, I did work Friday. So, I suppose I could’ve tried to get that work done early. But that’s not important here… I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to have one last day of talking to people around the building and taking all my last pictures and any last video tours to try to remember the place.

Aurora on a hoverboard on her last dayI even finally rode one of those hoverboards Rory and Ricky are always riding. It’s a little harder than I thought, but I didn’t fall! (Yay!)

Usually, the set is covered during the day. But on this day, it was uncovered… I don’t actually know why, but part of me guesses it was perhaps a nice little kind bonus since the crew maybe figured we’d all want our final pictures on the set. Who knows?

Aaaaanyway, people were milling about the studio during lunch. We soooo don’t usually just walk around set. (They work hard to keep it clean and working and all that jazz.) But today was a bit of a fun free-for-all.

After all the hoverboard riding, hugging, and picture taking, I went upstairs and actually kind of did my job for a little bit. I did the Ellen roll, and the Rick and Mike bumpers (in case you were wondering).

Then, I did a little actual more work. (See, it’s not like I didn’t do aaaany work. I did some stuff so I wouldn’t have to do it Friday.)

And then, alas, it was time for rehearsal.

And this is where I’ll pick up next time.

It’s Coming To A Close…

August 17, 2016

Control room wall
(I don’t know if you can see, but my name is under one of the monitors – they have our names up under the monitors of our Avids!)

[Note: This is a post that was meant for Wednesday… but I was busy doing my job haha. Sorry!]

It’s all so surreal.

I’ve been taking stuff home every night. My office is slowly but surely getting more and more empty – which is weird.

My office feels more like my home than my apartment.

People don’t know what to do with themselves when they walk in and my huge Price is Right poster is not up.

…And I don’t know what to do with myself either!

It’s sad. It’s really sad. But doing it a little at a time is somehow, I think, making it less sad for me… (Of course, I don’t know how sad it would be otherwise. But the point is, this feels good… Well, as good as I can reasonably feel in this week.)

I passed out my thank you cards today. And there was a big sense of finality in that. I thought Wednesday would be better than Thursday because I had no idea if the very last day would be insane or chill or what. Also, it takes a long time to pass out thank you cards. So in case I couldn’t make it to the whole staff and crew in one day, I figured I should do it on Wednesday.

I thought I was just going to be dropping people’s cards at their desks. But no. Oftentimes we’d stop and chat and reminisce. It was lovely… and again, kind of surreal.

It also was hard to catch everybody (though I had a pretty good idea of when each department had the most downtime) and still get my own work done and all that jazz. (Although thankfully, my job is one of the jobs that got easier this week. Some got much harder. Some got easier. Mine was one of those.)

We also all hung out as a staff/crew together even more often than normal this week. Everyone keeps staying in the building basically until it closes. A bunch of us had the most fun at this 4th floor party last night where the EP kindly opened his office to anyone who wanted to join and talked all about his 20 months on the show.

Tonight was the one night people finally went home to rest (for the most part). We have a huge show and party tomorrow – plus, so many people have to pack! We were supposed to have a two week hiatus coming up. (Little did we know that hiatus was gonna be indefinite.) But a bunch of people (including me) had made plans and had plane tickets and all that jazz. People have to pack sometime!

I have moved stuff by a day and will pack Friday. And tonight, I stayed to get a little extra work done. (‘Cause tomorrow, I just wanna hang out. Let’s get real. ;))

It’s Weird To Have Your Job Loss Be National News

August 16, 2016

Almost as soon as the news broke, I started getting messages from people.

Someone in New York merely sent me a heart and I asked why I got a heart, asking if he saw me outside crying – haha! But alas, no. He’d read in the trades somewhere that the show was no more.

I had only just found out myself minutes before. I hadn’t even had a chance to check twitter yet before I started getting messages! (So, it must’ve been pretty fast.)

It’s nice to be able to tell I really was working on a show people were at least somewhat paying attention to – that I was indeed part of a national conversation.

I’ve had jobs start and end many times, but have never really experienced this news getting around thing like this.

(I mean, there was some news with the Shahs of Sunset picket line and pushback and all of that. But why are we even talking about some reality show here? Let’s not. Moving on…)

Anyway, everyone was messaging me – from people I haven’t talked to in a long time, to close friends.

[Edited to add: It almost became as though I didn’t think I had to tell anyone, because so many people were texting/tweeting/etc. I assumed news had gotten around. So, when I’d make a comment to a friend about being unemployed, or having a rough week, and they’d be surprised, I’d think, “Oh right. I can’t expect all of my friends to hear about my life just from the news!” …People were literally still calling me on Friday after the final taping saying, “I just heard!” It was really quite sweet, and it’s been interesting, and really quite lovely, to get messages all week.]


Another thing that’s been super nice is that for the most part, I’ve never interacted with any fans of other shows I worked on. But on this one, I started seeing so many people on twitter truly incredibly bummed that we were leaving. And that totally warmed my heart.

Of course there were some haters. (And I engaged sometimes, even though I know that’s not smart…) But overall, there was all this love and affection. And there were so many kind comments – over and over people saying they felt they had a voice, or thanking us for bringing up important conversations. There were people who said they laughed and learned – laughed and learned! That is *literally* what I said I wanted to do, when I was talking about the great, wonderful, perfect television I wanted to make.

I am the luckiest for having gotten to work here.

This Was The Best Job I’ve Ever Had

August 15, 2016

Aurora at The Nightly ShowAs you probably heard, The Nightly Show was officially cancelled today. This will be our last week of shows.

I know that it is so cliché to talk about how it’s better to have had something and lost it than to never have had anything at all…

But I feel that way.

This was truly amazing – just everything about it.

I talked about how I always felt like I was living in a dream, and I meant that.

I’ve already talked at length about my time on The Nightly Show:

My First Day There

Becoming BFFs With The Daily Show My First Week In Town

The Christmas Party

Editing My First Episode

My Promotion

My Boss Being The Best Ever In The Universe

’70s Day

Really Being a Part Of It

Daily Show vs. Nightly Show Soccer Game

Still Living In A Dream

And those are just some of my posts about it…

One thing I looooove is that… no matter what happens or what I work on, for the rest of my life… my first job as an editor will always be on a Jon Stewart-produced show that made people laugh while starting important conversations.

(In fact, I also talked about how Jon Stewart changed my life.)

For yeeeeeears, I applied to work under the Busboy Productions umbrella. And not only did I finally get to do it, but I got my first job as an editor here.

Yes, there were tears shed today. It’s been an interesting day in the building. Some crying… mainly laughter.

I have had many, many jobs. But this is the first one that really felt like more than a job – this was a lifestyle. This was a family. This was magic.

And I count myself as one of the luckiest people in the world to have been able to experience it.

I look forward to loving our final shows!

The San Francisco Marathon – Part 2

August 1, 2016

Picking up from yesterday –

I whip out a map on my phone to try to stay on course. We do our best – all of us various groups of runners. There are so many right turns! We just keep going farther and farther out. (I never realized how seemingly-late that cool garage comes in this race… Granted, the first two times I saw it, I was only doing the second half. So, of course it felt like it came much sooner, because it did.)

This year, I didn’t see the cupcake people I’d seen in a past year… Maybe they weren’t there, or maybe I was just that far behind!

So, me and these other runners run and run. Thankfully a water stop is still open and the person tells us we’re doing fine and to run straight down from there until we reach the water, then go left to the finish.

And we do just that.

We do kind of reunite with runners, but we’re also reuniting with this huge crowd headed to a baseball game at the stadium. Who even knows who’s who anymore.

Toward the end, I see a sign – not like a sign somebody made, but one of those big lit-up highway signs that you’d think would be there to say something important that said, “Hella yoga butt” instead. And I thought that was hilarious.

Finally, I get to the actual end. They had taken the big finish line down, but thankfully – oh goodness thankfully – moved the timing mat to the sidewalk, those sweet angels.

So, ultimately, I don’t feel great about this race. I know we kept following a map and kept seeing landmarks and water stops and vehicles, but I do not feel 100% confident (or even 50% confident for that matter) that I ran the course actually exactly as it was supposed to be run.

Every year, I do a marathon. That’s a promise I made to myself. This was not my “marathon of the year.” So, thankfully there wasn’t anything “technically” on the line with this one – even though, obviously, I never want to screw up a marathon. (But it could be worse, I suppose, is the point.)

Anyway, I don’t know what to do with my medal – since I most definitely did the “spirit” of a marathon, and my phone says I logged over 26.2 miles… It’s like maybe I could display it. dunno. I’m iffy about it all…

But either way, I had a nice time. And I saw my great friends who live out there and we had pancakes. And all was well in the world. And you can bet I will be back next year with a vengeance!

The San Francisco Marathon – Part 1

July 31, 2016

Aurora standing with her bib in front of a sign at the San Francisco Marathon expoI always love the San Francisco Marathon. I think it’s one of the best-run events in the country, and I come back year after year. So, it was great to be here.

However, goodness was this race a mess for me.

I knew I’d be really slow this year. I hadn’t trained like I wanted. Etc. Etc. Let’s not get mired in excuses. The point is, I knew this would be a tough run…

And it was.

I tried to keep a good-ish eye on how I was doing with the time limit. I did a mix of jogging and walking.

Once I made it to the Golden Gate Bridge, I jogged that whole part, because the bridge is breathtaking and powerful. (Also, it’s crowded. So I get a little nervous about walking any part of it, as I don’t want to be in anyone’s way.)

And once I made it to the other side, I decided to stop to use the restroom.

I really had to pee, and I thought I could hold it, but I knew if I didn’t stop then, it’d probably be a while before the next restroom… I almost never use the bathrooms during races. And I really think I could’ve made it just fine without doing it! But I was lured into the working bathrooms they had by the visitor center. And with the long line of women (that I kind of underestimated time-wise), I think I lost at least over 15 minutes in there.

And 15 minutes isn’t the end of the world, but I wish I would’ve saved them…

I jogged back across the bridge and then got into Golden Gate Park.

Once I make it past the halfway point, I’m feeling pretty good.

I still haven’t seen a sag wagon, or balloon girl, or whatever/whomever is bringing up the rear in this race. So, I’m cool, right?


Because I make it out of Golden Gate Park and all of a sudden me and all of the other runners are running onto San Francisco streets re-opening up to the public.

Uh oh.

I was fully prepared to try to pick up the pace if someone came behind me and told me I had to…

I was not prepared for coming out of the park in panic and having no idea how far behind I was from the end. (Gulp!)

For the rest of the race, it was just running with groups of other runners trying desperately to find our way back. I knew I was on track when I saw a timing mat being taken up – but also, darn! That means my chip isn’t getting a time here.

“Oh crap, does that mean I’m gonna miss the finish mat too,” I wonder.

Aye aye aye aye aye.

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

I Got To Go To The DNC Afterparty!?

July 29, 2016

Last night, Hillary Clinton made history and accepted her nomination for becoming the democratic candidate for President of the United States.

I have been waiting for this moment for so long. (Granted, not as long as her, of course.) But my goodness, I have been dreaming of this for years.

The Daily Show is live from Philadelphia this week, but alas, we’re still taping out of New York. Thankfully, Thursday was a good show with a quick edit and I got out early. I thought, “Philly’s only 2 hours away! I need to be in the city where it’s going down. I want to feel that energy!”

So, I got on the bus down there. On the way, I watched the live feed of the National Democratic Convention. Once I got there, Hillary’s speech was happening. So, I jumped in a cab and asked the person to please take me to the Wells Fargo Center!

I didn’t know how close I could get, or what would happen. But I just wanted to try to be around there.

The perimeter of the place was HUGE. We couldn’t get anywhere close to the place. So, I tweeted how far away I was and asked if anyone had any parties to go to.

Lo and behold, someone tweeted me! They asked if I wanted a ticket to the DNC afterparty to see Snoop Dogg. Of course I said yes! (I think I actually said something more along the lines of “is this real?”)

It was real.

I met up with him and grabbed the ticket, then off I went! I mingled with some cool journalists, then stood in the front row for a Snoop Dog concert!

He was great. He did his hits and he did some throwback songs from Biggie and Tupac. He dedicated “Stand By Me” to the former First Lady whom we wanted to be the Boss Lady.

It was lovely. I had an amazing time.

I stayed ’til the place was shutting down. I kind of wanted to stay even later and go get cheesesteaks with people. But alas, there was a bus leaving at 3:50am. And I had to work the next day (and run a marathon on Sunday). I felt I had a lovely, wonderful, full, fantastic night. So I left.

Even the bus back was fun. I sat across the aisle from someone who’d been to the convention!

The energy was great. I twas a truly magical night… Now I just gotta figure out how to make something happen around her inauguration. 😉

Legoland VIP Experience!!! (Part 4 – A Factory Tour?!)

July 27, 2016

Aurora looking back at legos coming out of machineWell, this is the piece de resistance.

There’s a Factory Tour in the park that’s open to everyone… And then there is the special VIP factory tour where you get to go behind-the-scenes to another side of the factory.

First, I got to go to Renate’s secret office. (It’s not really secret so much, as it is just not open to the public.)

She gave me a Happy Birthday button! (Part of the reason I took this humongous, extravagant trip in June is as a big birthday celebration (which was just an excuse , since my birthday’s in June).

She has pictures up everywhere of multiple people who’ve visited her throughout the years. She also has special Lego figurines and such that people have sent her after becoming her friend during the tour.

She starts by letting me feel the original pure Lego material – what will eventually become Legos. Did you imagine that maybe it was a putty of some kind? I did. And I was wrong. It’s a bunch of tiny pellets! But they are really cool and soft in their own kind of weird hard way. (I know it doesn’t make sense. You gotta go play with them. They are rad.

(Actually, Renate let me take a glove-full home. So, you can come over and play with them if you can’t get to Legoland.)

So, she told me a bit about Legos and the history and her friends. And then we got to go to the Factory place. Oooooh! 🙂

She was able to stop certain parts of the machine and slow things down so that I could see how Legos are made (with wildly different temperatures in different compartments on the same machine!).

She sweetly, calmly explained all the little details as I kept trying to figure out various things I saw go by.

Then she even let me take some fresh Lego pieces!

As we stopped back through her office, she gave me all kinds of little goodies! And then, on your way out, you get your name engraved in a Lego! (What?!)

It was preeeetty dope.

10/10 Would hiiiighly recommend! 🙂

Legoland VIP Experience!!! (Part 3 – A Building Class!)

July 26, 2016

Aurora building her Lego personYou can build yourself as a Lego person!

So, I did(!).

First, you get to take a little tour through the office of the builders. They have big projects they’re working on, and I got to see their workstations – and the special computer program they use to plan pieces for Legoland.

Also, the whole place is so beautifully organized.

There are shelves and shelves of pieces organized by colors and types.

And then, I got to work with the person who, I think, is going to become the first female Master Builder at Legoland LA – which is so exciting.

She taught me how to do a minilander from the ground up. There were so many options! Not only could you wear a dress, you could position the parts so that it looked like there was movement and you were walking in your dress.

You can mix and match colors. I loved that Legos could even look like long curly pigtails.

I spent kinda of a long time there, but when I asked if I was spending an inordinate amount of time, she reassured me that everyone is different and some people totally take a long time. (After all, you’ve gotta get your mini-lander right!)

Aurora and her builder mentor(Side note: During this time, Mackenzie (my guide) took all my goodies from my time at the factory (which I can’t wait to tell you about tomorrow) and put them in a safe storage place.

How wonderful and sweet and convenient is it to have such a guide who thinks ahead and is so helpful? It was awesome to get souvenirs throughout the day, and have them magically disappear and reappear at the end of the day!)

As you work on your little minilander, you’re in kind of a fishbowl, so people walk by and look in at you. It’s fun to wave, but then it makes me feel slightly weird when the people look a little bummed like, “How do I get in there?!” But hopefully no one was actually bummed. And maybe they all went and got VIP experiences – so they’re happy, Legoland’s happy, and so am I.

It was a super fun day (and I still have my little minilander)!

And tomorrow, I’ll talk all about the factory tour! (Eeeeeeee!)

Legoland VIP Experience!!! (Part 2 – Wake Up The Fish & Reptile Fun)

July 25, 2016

legos in the aquarium tankDid you know Legoland has a Sea Life Aquarium?

I don’t know how or why it was decided that a theme park and an aquarium go together, but it was…. And it was awesome.

There are legos in the displays. (They look beautiful, and they use special glue, so they stay part of the exhibits and don’t end up breaking off and hurting any animals.)

When you choose the “Wake Up The Fish” experience as one of your special choices, you get to go in the aquarium an hour before it even opens, and see it all by yourself.

The aquarium is nice because it’s educational. There are facts all around – not just about the animals, but also on how to do environmentally friendly stuff.

It’s a beautiful (not huge) aquarium. So, it’s easy to make it through in the hour (or maybe even less, depending on how much you like to stop and look).

Aurora petting a reptileAfter the tour around the aquarium, I got to hang in the reptile room (another available choice of the cool options)!

You get to learn about and pet some reptiles (and even see some of your new friends run around the floor when they’re taken out). I love reptiles. So, this was super fun for me.

Before you knew it, it was time to go over to the theme park itself (which had some amazingly ridiculously cool extra options. And I can’t wait to tell you about them tomorrow!).

LEGOLAND VIP EXPERIENCE!!! (June 6, 2016) (Part 1 – The Overview)

July 24, 2016

Aurora playing with lego makingsSince you probably can’t hear me when you’re reading – just know, I said that title SO excitedly –  Le.Go.Land. V.I.P. Expeeeeeeerience, baby!

Oh, goodness gracious. This was awesome.

Every single thing about this was so awesome.

I had gone to Legoland for a very short amount of time when I was being ridiculous with my Los Angeles Go Card.

And when I was looking to have a really full, fun San Diego vacation, I looked into going back to Legoland (which, obviously, I did).

But this time, I did it VIP style!

When I called, I asked if it was totally weird for an adult to get the VIP experience. And thankfully, they told me it was totally not weird – that many adults have done the VIP experience without children, and often seemed to have even more fun than families with kids. (Although, I’m sure families with kids have amazing times as well.)

When you book the VIP experience, you get to choose from various cool choices… (I chose everything they’d give me haha.) And we will tooootally get to those, of course. But first, let me do an overview of all the other cool stuff you get.

You get unlimited free food all day!

I found these chocolate chip cookies I love, and my tour guide let me get 5(!). (I know I probably shouldn’t have had that much sugar.) But I didn’t eat them all there – I took them home and ate them throughout the week…

Anyway, the point is, if you say, “I’m kinda hungry. Would you mind if we grabbed some pizza?” The answer is yes. You can grab any food at any time, and it’s kind of awesome. (Super, totally awesome.)

You also get to go straight to the front of every line! AND after you ride a ride, if you liked it, you can say, “Could I go again, please?” And sure enough, you get to. You don’t even have to get on the ride. You just stay on an extra time.

Aaaaaaaand you get all the photos from every ride you rode that day! (What?!)

If you love to eat and ride rides, and if you love to have photos from those rides, this VIP experience can super quickly become a really incredible deal – very worth the money.

Not only was my tour guide sweet and kind (and so freaking accommodating – the whole day was about me – eating where and when I wanted, going to the bathroom when I felt like it, ramping up or chilling out – just whatever I wanted to do all day, that’s what we did… Granted, I guess that’s what I was paying for. Still)…

Anyway, she was also so knowledgeable! She made it so we saw the entire park in one day without ever feeling stressed or rushed!

This was a fantastic day.

And I’ll talk more about it tomorrow.

Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Half Marathon (June 5, 2016)

July 20, 2016

Aurora De Lucia posing after Rock n Roll San DiegoI’m not sure how much I said earlier in these series of San Diego posts, but by the time I got to San Diego, I was running on empty.

When I arrived in Los Angeles, I had a bad fever and was pretty sick. I went to the doctor who thought I should rest. And of course I was all, “You don’t understand! I have to swim with the whales and dolphins and run a half marathon and all of this stuff!”

To which he basically said, “Okay, here are some antibiotics so you don’t get anyone else sick, and some cough medicine that will put you to sleep. Good luck!”

I did my best to rest in my LA time before I went down to SD… I kind of barely made it down to SD. I kept sleeping and sleeping – saying I’d take the next train, but never getting up off my couch ’cause that sleepy couch syrup really knocked me out!

Until finally, in the middle of the night, I took an uber to try to get down there in time for the panda breakfast (which I did). I struggled through every day getting sleep when and where I could. But I didn’t want to miss out on any of my plans, and I didn’t want to miss out on this half marathon.

(Come on! I was in San Diego! How could I possibly be right there and not do the race… even though sleeping in sounded kind of amazing…)

So, I got up and made my way to the race. One fun new sign I saw around was, “If Donald Trump can run, so can you.” How true, right?

Basically, I just kind of cried through almost the whole race… I’d just been pushing myself a lot. And I felt that kind of whole body sick – just in pain, hot forehead, wanna sleep, the whole shebang. But at that point, I’d been on my antibiotics long enough that I knew I wasn’t getting anybody else sick. And if no one else was being affected, then everything was all good!

So, another half marathon in the books. 13.1 miles wasn’t so bad, and it at least kind of felt like it went by quicker than you’d expect. Yay!

San Diego Zoo Centennial Celebration (June 4, 2016)

July 19, 2016

Aurora and her new friends at the San Diego Zoo dinnerAs I was planning my San Diego trip, it just so happened that the 100 year anniversary dinner was happening while I was out there.

I will admit, I was still pretty sick. So, I was exhausted. But, by golly, I was gonna do that San Diego vacation for all it was worth! So, I went to the dinner.

I sat with a bunch of lovely people who loved animals and the zoo.

(This is a small observation, and I hope doesn’t come off judge-y in any way, but I was surprised by the incredible lack of vegetarians at this dinner. There was some part of me that thought if we were at a dinner to celebrate animals, that there would be all these animal-loving vegetarians… And of course you can love animals and not be a vegetarian… I just expected more. And it was a wee surprising to me… (Random observation.))

Aaaaanyway… The night started off with an animal presentation. They brought out various animals and told us about them as people milled about and had appetizers and drinks. Then we moved down a level of the restaurant for the main meal.

Around the restaurant, they had maps of the zoo and Balboa Park from across the years as things expanded and changed (and even maps were drawn differently).

We also got this nice presentation about how the zoo started and the good work it’s done. And they encouraged us to use our coasters as a fun addition to our selfies for social media. (I thought that part was kind of brilliant!)

Soon, it was time for sleep – as I had to be up at some super early hour the next morning. And I’ll get to the half marathon tomorrow.

San Diego Zoo VIP Tour (June 4, 2016) – Part 2

July 18, 2016

aurora-feeds-a-laughing-kookaburraPicking up from yesterday –

After lunch, I got to go to a classroom. (As much as I love seeing the animals, I like seeing places you don’t go in the zoo on a normal day.)

And then Matilda, the laughing kookaburra came out with her trainer. And I fed her some tiny worms! (Can you believe it? Me? Holding worms – and allowing a bird to eat right out of my hand?!)

Then I got to meet a ground cuscus – one of very few in North America! So, that was pretty cool.

Then… oh then! I walked up on the gorilla roof! We got to see the gorillas from a whole different angle. None came over to be our friend. But it was still fun to be there. (And by the looks on people’s faces looking up from the normal exhibit, it seemed people had skepticism on their faces… “Are those people supposed to be up there?” I’m so bad! 😉

THEN! This was quite possibly the best part.

Yellow footed rock wallabee at the San Diego zoo
(I’m inside of this exhibit, watching this happen!)

I got to go to some pre-exhibit. They were preparing Yellow-footed Rock Wallabies to have a home in the zoo. And they gently get animals used to interacting with people before just putting them out in an exhibit.

So, we had this little book with bios on the animals. (One thing I thought was funny was the listed “favorite activities” – such as “lurking from behind a bush.”)

We got to take notes on them. And then we jumped back in our vehicle and took a little tour to a restricted area. I got to see the outside of the animal hospital.

After that, we took a little trip on the Skyfari Aerial Tram. The line was SO long… So, having the VIP experience was pretty darn dope!

After that, we stopped by the back of the elephant exhibit and I got to see a trainer feed an elephant… He had to feed him specifically to help the elephant take some medicine (which was put in his food).

By that point, Sara and I were basically just running around the zoo to see if there was anything left to pet. So, we headed to the petting zoo and I got to pet this adorable little rabbit named Leia! Then all the kids pet her too, and I felt slightly like, “Am I being so weird right now as this random adult being the first to pet this rabbit all these kids are into?” And then I also felt a little bad for Sara being swarmed by all the kids. But I was happy everyone got to enjoy their time with Leia!

And THEN, we went to this insect place and Sara grabbed a cockroach for me to pet and I DID! It was crazy, but I thought, “I’m here to pet animals, dude. I’m facing all my fears – down to petting a cockroach! Ba-bam!”

That was the end of my fun zoo tour. And then it was time for the special zoo dinner – which I will get to tomorrow.

San Diego Zoo VIP Tour (June 4, 2016) – Part 1

July 17, 2016

Aurora De Lucia at the San Diego ZooWhen I first got there, there was a protest going on by an anti-zoo organization.

I’d just been at the zoo earlier in the week for the Early Morning with the Pandas. And I’d heard about conservation efforts. Not to mention, I was just at Safari Park… I mean, my understanding is that they’re basically helping to rebuild species that are on the verge of extinction.

After my adventures with the San Diego Zoo family, I’m coming in hot “pro-zoo.”

…But I’m also getting pro-zoo information from the zoo itself. So, you know… Bias and all of that.

I truly don’t know what to believe or fight for when it comes to animals and zoo and all of this, and I hope I’m not on the wrong side of the issue or history here…

But anyway, let’s get into the tour itself.

I felt bad for my awesome guide Sara, because she had a huge job in front of her. I’d already met oh so many animals at Safari Park.

But she showed my a great time!

First up, I got to literally crawl inside of an exhibit with these cool Galapagos Tortoises. They like to be pet under their necks. So, we were buddies. (And one was over 130 years old! Can you imagine?)

Then, I got to go to the reptile place and pet a few snakes and an iguana. Some of the reptiles were names after characters from Frozen (Sven and Olaf), which I thought was cute and funny.

After that, I got to pet an adooooorable little 3-banded armadillo. (Armando Santiago is his name.)

We took a trip around to check out the capuchins. I didn’t get to pet any or anything. But a zookeeper talked to me about the cool animals. There was one in there much older than almost everybody else. And he was an adorable, awesome little fighter.

After that, I sat down to a nice little salad lunch while Sara went off to do change some itinerary – to try to find yet more animals to become friends with!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

San Diego Safari Park Roar ‘n’ Snore (June 3 – 4, 2016)

July 16, 2016

Aurora touching animal during the presentationI had already spent a full day at the Safari Park by the time I went outside to wait by those same picnic tables where I’d started, something like 7 hours earlier.

This was a very well-run machine. People came and got to check their luggage in (which was waiting for us at our tents once we got to check out).

There were a couple of trainers holding animals we could pet, even out by the picnic tables, before the night “officially” started.

Once we all got inside the park, we got tram-tours on the way to the campground. We even passed a teeny itsy bitty (well, for hippo standards) hippo that had just been born soon before our tram ride. (Nature!)

Once we got to the campground, we had an amazing dinner filled with delicious vegetarian options. (Yum!)

We got split into various groups, and the groups got to do various activities in different orders.

There was a walking tour, an animal presentation, and some smore-making. And we rotated who did what to make the big group more manageable mini-groups.

We went on a walking tour first. Safari Park is so huge. I’d seen so much throughout the day, and yet I still say new stuff on the walking tour.

At the animal presentation, we got to learn some new facts about some lesser-known animals and everybody (who wanted to) got to pet them!

Then we had smores. (I feel like there’s sugar everywhere nowdays… I need to settle it down a notch – but I still had part of one!) I’d never made a smore before (as far as I can remember). So, that was fun!

They are most certainly not lying in the sleepover materials when they say you’ll fall asleep to the sounds of the wilderness. They were sounds of animals in this vast space as we drifted to sleep.

(Note: Even though it was the *summer* in *San Diego*, it was still cold in a tent at night! Bring warm stuff… (If you’re me. Granted, I’m cold all the time.))

In the morning, we had some breakfast, walked around a little, and that was the night…

By the end of the Roar ‘n’ Snore, I’d spent 24 hours in Safari Park… and I’m still not even confident enough to say that I saw 3/4 of it. That place is HUGE! I would highly recommend going back… And I’d love to go back right now!

Once the Roar ‘n’ Snore was over, it was off to the VIP tour of the zoo.