If I Never Hear “Well, Boys Don’t Listen” Again For The Rest Of My Life, It Will Still Be Way Too Soon – Part 2

March 25, 2017

If you’re getting notified about this, FYI, this post is old.

Picking up from yesterday –

Like, look, America. Either you agree with all these derogatory things you’re saying about men all the time like, “well, men are just idiots,” “men don’t get it,” “men don’t listen”… And then you should barely trust them to look after themselves (if you think they can’t function in so many necessary ways). You maybe shouldn’t choose them to be every president we’ve ever had, the majority of CEOs and on and on and on. How do you trust men to run your country if you don’t think their brains work?


You know their brains really are capable of listening and empathy and understanding, but you like to give excuses for why women’s feelings/comfort/needs/etc. don’t matter (even if they’re clearly heard by those men).

So which is it, America? You believe those things that “men don’t listen/don’t comprehend anything/are “stupid,” and therefore women need to start running things and looking after these men who seemingly aren’t fully functional human beings; or you don’t believe those things, at which point, why are you saying them?

Anyway, as per usge, I’m tangenting. So, let’s go back to what I was saying before, which is that my whole entire life people have been saying to me, “well, boys don’t listen.”

When you’re a girl (or at least in my experience, and many I’ve heard), all the way from elementary school, if a boy harms you in any way – hurts your feelings, hurts you physically, whatever, you’re scooped up and told basically that this is what you must expect. It is an unchangeable fact of life. The way fish swim and birds fly – boys can’t listen. So learn to be better for them, and/or just deal with it.

So, you grow up, and you acquiesce, and you try not to get too mad if boys do some inconsiderate things… “Well, of course he forgot to wish me luck on my big thing today. Boys don’t listen.” “Well, of course he still makes fun of me for that thing I don’t like (that I’ve asked him multiple times to stop doing). Boys don’t listen.”

(And that doesn’t mean that you’re never the one who forgets or does inconsiderate things… Women aren’t perfect. (And, I know this may even be shocking, but I’ve known some men who are way more fantastic listeners than me… a woman.) And even though, of course, we’re not perfect, a) we often try to be. B) We’re usually held accountable for things we do, if we mess up (and sometimes even if we don’t)…)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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