My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 2 – The Interview

April 25, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

So, the little “Pat’s chat” part –

Lots of people on the internet made fun of me for being a “theater kid.” And tbh, I probably kind of deserve it.

For the record, I did not super want to talk about that!

Of course I think BMI is cool and everything. I’ve only done, I dunno, about a million-part blog series about it on this very blog. So, yes, I love it.

However, to strangers who don’t know me and are getting to learn a minute or so of info about me, I would NEVER open with what I’m studying. Ever. What you’re aspiring to do is not as interesting – to strangers – as what you’ve done.

But you have to say you “do” something for a living. And it’s not interesting to say you work in TV. They know I work in TV. They made sure I didn’t have any conflicts. I’ve never worked on the Sony lot, or on anything related to Wheel.

But it’s still not interesting when Pat is like “what do you do?” to be like “oh, I’m a TV editor.” So, I couldn’t very well say that. But you can’t just say you do nothing. “Blogger” is not a real job.

So, what we landed on was that I was in my writing program – because I am in it. But if it were up to me, we woulda skipped “what do you do” all together.

I bet I could’ve pushed a whole lot harder for that. But I didn’t want to be trouble or anything. And I just thought it was sort of inescapable, based on all the Wheel interviews I’ve ever seen. So, eh.

One thing that was really fun though, and that I was super looking forward to, is that all the time if someone says they’re “from LA,” Pat will ask something like “but where are you really from?”

So, being a girl who was a baby out here in Culver City – whose parents used to joke about her teeny tiny little sunburned fat rolls (where I’d be tan on the outside of my arm, and you’d push my tiny ‘Michelin Man’ fat rolls on my baby arm apart, and the spaces in between would be all not-tan (a little ‘fun fact’ my parents love to tell haha)) – I was SO excited to say “this is HOME!” Yeeeeeeah! Where are you reeeeally from? I’m a California girl, and e’rybody knows it!

One interesting fact I really liked – and they seemed to too(!) – is that every year on my birthday, I do something I’ve never done before!

Pat even asked me about it. He asked what I did this year, and I was like “bungee jumping forward and backward and in the dark!”

It was fun. But alas, it got cut from broadcast! [Oof haha.]

I’m sorry, America, that you had to learn one of my less interesting facts. Love you xo haha

I’ll pick up here tomorrow!

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