My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 1 – The First Two Toss-Ups

April 24, 2020

I don’t 100% know where to start, because I know there are a LOT of questions – including wanting to know everything that leads up to showtime.

I really want to do the play-by-play of the show before I do anything else, because I always feel like game theory comes first, and that’s kind of the meat of it all. So, I’m gonna start with the show, and then I’ll get to the rest of the stuff.

So, the show!

On basically every toss-up in the show, until the last one, I ring before I know it. 3 of 4 times that worked out well for me. Once I just got slightly too ahead of the buzzer.

(And once, I didn’t ring early. I rang after I knew it. And I would’ve been beaten by someone else, except he got it wrong. Overall, I stand by ringing early being the best strategy.)

I kind of co-opted Ken Jennings’ strategy which is to trust yourself that you know the answer. Ring in just before you know it. And then hope that in the split seconds of the ring and the host calling your name, you know it.

I was preeeetty sure the first one was Catching a Great Wave. So, I went for it.

The next one, as I rang in, my brain process was like “That second word is north or south, I bet. And that 3rd word – pacific, right? That makes the most sense for the last word, especially in this theme week. So, if it’s with pacific, it’s most likely south. The South Pacific.

Good thing I got it when I did because what I didn’t realize in person, but you see clearly when you watch the tape is that Ben was ready to jump on that. And I would’ve HATED to go second. That’s the worst spot for sure. The whole game could’ve been different in a terrible way (for me) had I gone second.

Funnily enough, speaking of what order you go in, when I was thinking of strategies for the show, I considered intentionally throwing the second puzzle so I would have the opportunity to go 3rd. I think 3rd is the sweet spot – because you start control of the all important prize puzzle.

I asked a couple of my friends who’d been on Wheel if they thought that was a good idea. They both said no. So much is left up to chance, and you definitely don’t want to go second. So, better to take your $2,000 and at least get in the second-best position (which is to go first).

So, that’s what I did.

And I’ll pick up here with more tomorrow!

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