My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 6 – The 2nd Puzzle (…And I Shouldn’t Have Even CALLED A Vowel!)

April 29, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

Aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye.

What was I DOING?!

So, I obviously have watched and studied Wheel of Fortune a lot. And I know that if you don’t know, you should just spin, because in spinning, it will give you slightly more time to think, and there’s a possibility that you’ll land on Free Play.

Like, intellectually, I know that. But, there was something about the fact that I just reeeeeeally had no sense of what the word was. And we still had S, L, and N left of “RSTLNE” and I just couldn’t plug in fast enough which of those I thought it would be – though reasonably, of course it’s N, because BOS and BIS aren’t real words for Wheel of Fortune. And honey BUS isn’t a thing, I don’t think. BIL, BOL, and BUL aren’t words. So, like… Obviously it’s N, and that would’ve been the safest guess. And part of me was even leaning toward saying N, because I was able to work out some of this in my head, in the moment. But I couldn’t “check my work” fast enough, and I also thought it might be something outside of the RSTLNE letters.

So, right in that moment, I just for some reason thought a vowel would help me more – which I completely own was stupid. I dunno.

And I also thought I would be beyond devastated if I landed on the $10,000 (mystery) space and didn’t actually know the letter. [But we’ll get to what space I ‘probably’ would’ve landed on in a second.]

I didn’t even expect the puzzle to get to me. The person who spins first, it feels like rarely gets to play in the second puzzle. So, I didn’t think it’d be coming to me. And if it did, I especially didn’t think it’d be coming so fast.

Of course I was trying to figure it out. I’m always trying to figure it out. But sadly, in this case, I just couldn’t figure it out fast enough, and I didn’t use good enough reasoning of the right moves to make.

Also, it was kind of interesting because, like I said, I never thought it would get to me. And after watching back Ben’s performance, I kind of think he maybe just called “popular letters.” I mean, I dunno. Obviously, you’d have to ask him. But I don’t see where the T he called would’ve gone, and in the prize puzzle he called an S, when I thought N made much more sense. So, anyway, for whatever reason, it made it to me and –

I played this whole game slightly more conservatively than I envisioned. My goal going into it was gonna be like “vowels? What are those?!” And basically never call them. But gah!

I didn’t call any vowels in the first puzzle, but in this one, I did –

And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

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