My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 7 – The 2nd Puzzle (Continued)

April 30, 2020

Picking up from last time –

So, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, it was a crossword puzzle. It’s hard to write out a crossword in letter form, but I had B_ _, and we knew it wasn’t Bee, both because Steve had called E, and because BEE was visible in another part of the puzzle. (I’m assuming he called E to get Honey Bee.)

We had B _ _, B E _ _ and B _ _ _ _ _ remaining.

I was reasonably certain B_ _ _ _ _ was “badger,” so I started by calling R because that is a super common/popular letter. So, once I think I know what a word is, I generally want to call either the most popular/common seeming letter, so hopefully even if it’s not that word, it’s somewhere else, or I want to call the most likely letter to be in that word (e.g. if a suffix is “tion” or in this case “er,” so R won on both counts.

I called it, and it was where I thought it was for honey badger. And then, at the same time, I got BE_R.

Now, that is almost certainly bear. I think there’s an even bigger chance that BE_R is “bear” than that B_ _ _ ER is “badger,” so while I make fun of myself for how conservatively I ended up playing, I went ahead and called A, because why not. I still didn’t know B_ _.

And I was hoping the A would either show up there, or let me know if there were still other vowels that needed to be called that weren’t A (so in that case, buying A wasn’t a teeeeeerrible call – that one kinda makes sense).

So, I went ahead and got the A for assurance [even though what else could’ve been there], and for hope for help with the 3-letter-word (though it did not help me). And then, I went ahead and called D and G for badger, in no special order because they each just had one. So, I just kinda went in order of the word.

And then we’ve already talked about what happened after that. I decided to call a vowel. My gut said U. I second guessed myself. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did. (Trust your Guuuuuuuuuuuut!) And I lost control of the puzzle.

And this is where I’ll pick up next time with three more small silly things about this puzzle.

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