My Day As A Wheel of Fortune Contestant – Part 8 – The 2nd Puzzle (The Parts That Make Me Feel Better)

May 1, 2020

Picking up from last time –

So, if you know me at all, you know I’m absolutely ultra-competitive, and I really hate to lose. So, of course I hated losing this puzzle.

Here are the things I try to tell myself to make myself feel better hahaha.

  1. So, I had $2,750 with only one instance of one consonant remaining in the puzzle. Thus far, on my first two spins in the puzzle, I had spun one full rotation plus three spots. On my third one, I guess I had a little more oomph, because I had a full rotation plus 5.

    Even if you go back to how I was spinning on the first puzzle, for the most part, I was doing one rotation plus three spots. That wasn’t on purpose. It’s basically impossible to try to aim the wheel with everything going on – especially because even as giant of a fan as I am, I didn’t have the wheel memorized in any kind of way in which I could’ve actually known what was how many away from each spot.

    But anyway, one rotation away plus 3 from where I was would’ve been bankrupt – which would have been a LOT less embarrassing, but it also wouldn’t have gotten me anything.

    Now, one rotation plus 5, had I been able to do that again would’ve been the free play, which would’ve been cool. But, say that I would’ve called U, then 3 away from that is $800, and 5 away is $650, so no giant money values. Like, my reasonably best case scenario would’ve been getting another $4,050 from that puzzle – which is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. But that’s sometimes an editor’s weekly, so to try to put my brain at ease, I don’t think about how awesome it would be to have an extra four grand. I just try to think of it as an attainable amount of money (that at some points of my life have been much easier to get very quickly than others haha).

    Heck, I ‘lost’ more than $4,000 in the first puzzle when I spun a lose a turn. So, money comes and goes, babyyyy!!!

    Now, there is a slightly more far off possibility – had I landed on free play, then 4 in the rotation away was the trip, and of course that would’ve been nice. But I’m gonna drive myself crazy if I just start thinking of all the things it could’ve been.

    Of course I would’ve loved to have played it out to be sure, but it doesn’t look like the absolute mistake (but man oh man would it have been nicer to spin bankrupt than gotten something wrong, aye, aye, aye.
  2. My dad is amazing at “handling” me (as he probably should be after all these years haha – ever since I was a middle schooler hiding under a bench for an hour, crying over a silver in the math pentathlon, or yelling at him, not to say “good job” if I struck out in tiny girl softball, because clearly, empirically, it was not a good job, so how dare he lie like that haha).

    But, he tried to make me feel better as well, by being like “this wasn’t a puzzle you specifically were super expected to know. You’ve never even eaten a Honey Bun in your life. It’s a phrase you’re not really familiar with. You gotta forgive yourself.

    Good advice, daddy.
  3. Lastly, even if I had trusted my gut and gone with “u,” I still might not have known it, quite honestly!

    I can’t say this with certainty, since it didn’t happen, but I think I’m more apt to think of “honey bug,” like a cute little nickname, before I would think of “honey bun.” [And “honey bug” does have tons of google results, so it’s definitely not just a think in my head.

    I mean, I was thinking RSTLNE, so because of that, I maybe would’ve leaned into “honey bun,” but it’s really tough to say.

So, it’s embarrassing. It sucks. I never wanted to call a wrong letter. But alas, here we are. I did it. Well, time to get our heads back in the game.

(Funnily enough, this isn’t me just trying to put a positive silly thing in the blog, like ‘let’s get our head in the game, everybody!’. It was also something that happened during the commercial break.

Contestant coordinator people would go up to contestants, give us water, and people would come fix our make-up. And they’d be like “that puzzle’s over. Anything can happen. Let’s gear up for what’s next!” Almost like you’re a fighter in the ring with your individual coach.

And we’ll move onto the next puzzle tomorrow!

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