Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 15 – The Question I Kind Of Wish I Would’ve Asked)

May 29, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

3. Related to that, it doesn’t super matter what their opinion is on it, when it’s your game/time on air. I mean, they’re letting you on the show, so to some extent, you should try to give them what they want, if you can.

And as much as I thought I was very well-studied and knew the game very well, they work there. So, their opinion is gonna be super smart/relevant/not to be dismissed.

But at the end of the day, I think you want to try to make it so that their opinions and coaching don’t seep in tooooo much, because I think one of the real tricks to doing well [not only at this game, but in life] is truly trusting yourself. So, I didn’t want to worry tooooo much about their advice when you have to trust yourself when you’re that studied and read, and it’s your big day.

But the one thing I wish I would’ve asked(!) is if anyone ever in the history of Wheel of Fortune has solved a puzzle with ZERO letters in the puzzle – not one. Just looked at it and solved. Because I kind of assumed at some point, somewhere it must’ve happened.

But I haven’t been able to find anything about it online. And had I known I would’ve been the first ever, I might have done it for funsies. I still kind of doubt I would have. But I might have! It woulda been pretty cool. It would’ve been a fun viral moment.

(But it’s possible that they wouldn’t have known this off the top of their heads, and perhaps it would’ve been seen as a dumb of conceited question, so, I dunno. Maybe it wouldn’t have gone over well in the moment, and maybe it would have. Who knows.)

BUT things are so clear in hindsight – when I knew I already went semi-viral for something I don’t like, so I would’ve rather it been for something cooler. And when I already know I landed on the Express Wedge and won the game. It’s the information I didn’t have at the time that makes me wish I would’ve. And I didn’t have that then, so *shrug*.

And I’ll get back to all the pre-show stuff tomorrow!

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