Becoming Wheel of Fortune Contestant! (Part 16 – They Explain The Space To Us & A Practice Game)

May 30, 2020

Picking up from yesterday –

They also took us around the set, and showed us everything.

It was sort of funny (and really endearing) to me how some people were so amazed by a television set. In that way, I guess it was nice to be an LA person who’s been on a number of them, and in that way sort of has ‘home field advantage’.

It was just interesting seeing people in real time be maybe even distracted by the ‘lights’ and everything, and just feel extra pressure, whereas I very much felt at home. And when I was practicing and playing, I didn’t even notice the audience, or anything like that. I’m locked into the game, baby!

So, anyway, I know a lot of people on the internet have talked about this, so I think it might be common knowledge. But there is a “used letter board” to the upper left (as you face it) of the puzzle board.

The letters are all lit up. The vowels are separated out. And they’ll go dark once called. So, they explain that to you, and say you can always look up there if you need to be reminded if something has been called or not.

Also, to the left of you in general (not by the board, but more to your actual left, instead of in front of you), is where are the scores are kept – so we can see what people have in that round and total, so you can be doing math to know if you think you should keep spinning.

Those are really the only other places you’ll ever have to look. And most of the time, you should probably be focused on the board.

Then we split up and play a practice game. So, 3 people at a time get to go up to the spots on the wheel while others wait behind. (We’re all kind of whispering behind, and the contestant coordinators are coming around asking us like ‘what do you think that word might be? What might you call?)

And I’m pretty strong at this while I’m playing behind. So, that’s good.

But then when I got up there, there was another crossword puzzle! (I don’t know why the thing I’m usually good at, I could not get ahold of that day!)

But the clue was “______ line” And one of the words was _UNCH. I don’t think there was any other info that would’ve given us the first letter.

And yet AGAIN – not trusting my gut, and going too ‘Wheel of Fortune general rules of thumb’ about it, I said L since L is in RSTLNE. But it was P!

P was in my gut. I was overthinking it. I wish I could say I fully took that lesson in the practice, and did better in the game. But not. I overthought the game too. But whatever. (You already know that from my game posts.)

I do think… I dunno how to put this exactly, because I don’t necessarily think the right phrasing is “over-coached,” because I don’t think the Wheel people did anything wrong at all. They’re trying to help and make sure everyone is ultra-prepared.

But in my opinion, if you’re really prepared going in, and you have your strategies thought about and everything, I think you should stand in your confidence and don’t let other people get in your head.

My standby tape date, I came READY. And then I was in a slightly worse place in my personal life by this point. And so I was just like mentally weaker in the moment, and like I just had too many thoughts/ideas swirling in my head. Gotta get that mental toughness up! But alas. On we go!

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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