When Applying For Wheel of Fortune, I Recommend Skipping the Wheelmobile, and Doing a Video Instead

June 9, 2020

I’m gonna get into the step-by-steps and questions tomorrow. But for now, let me just start by addressing the Wheelmobile, which is where I started, but not where I should’ve started.

I made a fairly terrible mistake with starting by going to a number of Wheelmobile events. Anytime they came anywhere close to a place I could get to (in fact, I even think I specifically flew somewhere once just to do that), I would go.

I would highly recommend against doing this. I think that I used to think, “oh, they must get so many videos, that seeing them in person has to be a better strategy.” But, I think differently now.

It is extraordinarily hard to get seen at a Wheelmobile event. There are tons of people. They have you fill out cards with your info, and then they pick them at random. So, you could be the first person in line and still not get seen.

At one, I sat behind a woman who was brilliant and solved every puzzle with such quickness and ease. She said she’d been going for 7 years and never gotten seen, but she would’ve been great for the show.

So, sure, if it’s in town, and/or if you sent a video and never heard back, and/or if you want to go, go.

But also, I don’t know what the true “point” of the events are, because I thought it was to audition, but I think it’s actually just to hype people for the show? Or maybe a little of both?

They spend a TON of time just being silly and getting the audience to chant things. They’re not running it in a way in which they’re trying to see everyone as fast as possible. They’re just chillin’.

So, just be prepared that you’re not going to anything that feels like an actual “audition.” It feels more like a Wheel of Fortune fan event, which isn’t necessarily bad. But it’s good to know what you’re getting into, just FYI.

I can’t believe it took me so long to send in a video. Even if you think you don’t have anything amazing to wow them with in 30 seconds, even if you think they’re so inundated they’ll never watch, whatever. Might as well try. If they don’t like you, or don’t see it, it’s no different than if you sent in nothing at all.

So, just go to their website and find the section about uploading a video. And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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