My Wheel of Fortune Audition Advice

June 10, 2020

  1. Send in a video now. Right now. Right this second. Do it now.The process from me sending in the video to my show airing was almost 2 years. Some people do have the process go faster. It depends on a few factors. But it takes a while. So start NOW.

    That is really, truly, fully my biggest advice. That’s the most important bit. Don’t wait for the Wheelmobile. Don’t worry about your video. Just do. it. now. Go now. Do it now.

  2. As far as what to put in the video, I’m not really sure. I shared what I put in mine. Like most game shows, you probably just want to be excitable/enthusiastic and if you can, show a general understanding of the game.
  3. At the actual in-person audition, just do as best as you can on the test. And when you play the practice game in the audition, have the confidence like you’re on the stage. Talk loudly and clearly, and call smart letters. (And if you land on “free play” in the fake wheel spins, call a vowel to make them happy, even though in normal game play, I’m against it the vast majority of the time – in the audition phase, play how they want you to play. In the real game, do what you want.
  4. Why are you not applying right this second? Do. it. now. That’s the most important takeaway. There’s no time to lose!

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