The 3 Birthday Questions (2020)

June 28, 2020

[Hey, I’m trying to catch up on the blog a little, and I’m realizing that I never published this.]

1) What are you proudest of from this year?

Hmmmmm, probably not a good sign that I can’t immediately think of something. But I guess it has been a weird year haha.

Let’s go with – working up to dancing en pointe! That was pretty cool and valuable. I’m proud of my strength, and artistry, and my ability/desire/drive to get back into something I haven’t done for a while, but missed and loved very much.

2) – the opposite of that question in a way in which you choose to look at it (e.g. your biggest failure, regret, lesson etc.)?

I mean… Besides my big super failure of losing the bonus round on Wheel of Fortune haha –

Don’t ride the fence.

It’s funny because this is not usually a problem for me. But I have two semi-recent examples of it. One is too long of a story to tell here. I’ll just tell it tomorrow. So, you know what I’m talking about haha.

And this year, I did it again with something.

Usually, things are clear to me. I took The Nightly Show job and moved across the country with no notice. I went to The Grand Canyon on a whim.

I traveled around America on a 6-week hiatus on a whim when I decided to just not fly back from a weekend trip in Florida. I quit a job the day my boss said I was “too ambitious,” because I knew I had no future there.

But I’ve realized that if my heart is torn (which might be rare, but does apparently happen), I will live on that fence.

I’ll wonder all day every day if I should quit my job, or give up on someone etc., and drive myself crazy. Whereas, what I should do is PICK one or the other. Forgive and reeeeeeally be IN. Or don’t. And then just go. Don’t go in my heart and stay physically. All that does is drive everyone nuts.

3) What’s your biggest goal for the upcoming year?

I really want to give my freaking kidney away already, please. Goodness gracious haha

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