“Berklee Completion Student” – Part 6 (Talking To My Second Major’s Department Chair)

September 26, 2020

[Still hanging out in the weeds. If you wanna skip forward, you can go here (to the conclusion post). (Yes, there is no link there yet. I need to link it, once I write it haha)]

Picking up from yesterday –

Everything was fully worked out with MP&E (Music Production & Engineering). Then it was off to EPD (Electronic Production & Design.)

This was a chair I did not know, as I’m pretty sure he wasn’t the chair when I was there originally.

His original attitude was basically “well, you haven’t even started, so why not just do the newer catalogue year and you won’t have to substitute anything or do anything weird.”

But he really heard me out, and when he understood all the extra things I’d have to do outside of his major, he made me a plan to keep my base catalogue year, but change things around a bit for EPD.

Not an absolutely insane amount of things had changed… but enough.

So, he laid out the plan. We got it in writing, and we were good to go!

Now, I knew it would be a gamble for EPD. Since I had not yet started the major, the absolute fastest I could go through the major – [and that’s even squishing 2 semesters together, in a way that you have to get a waiver if you want to go slightly faster] – was 4 semesters.

So, that’s me either being able to go remote all the way through summer 2021 (which sadly, in may ways seems so possible, but who knows). Or not finishing. Or going back to Boston.

But since I’m gonna be in school anyway, might as well go forward in both majors and hope for the best.

Worst case scenario, I graduate with MP&E, and end up knowing a lot of extras.

So, everything was set. Everything was signed off on in writing.

For some reason, the Degree Completion people still kept an eye on me. I guess because my situation does feel in their purview. But, I mainly just dealt with the chairs of my departments. [The degree completion people were actually super nice. I just wanted to feel like there were options open, and I wasn’t handcuffed to a plan… that I could… I dunno… add some minors, if I felt like it!]

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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