“Berklee Completion Student” – Part 7 (Adding Some Minors)

September 27, 2020

[Still hanging out in the weeds. If you wanna skip forward, you can go here (to the conclusion post). (Yes, there is no link there yet. I need to link it, once I write it haha)]

Picking up from yesterday –

[So, technically I was out of the purview of the Degree Completion people nat this point, so I could change the title of this post, but oh well. I’m gonna finish out the last parts of this all under the same title.]

Since I was going in on school, might as well add some minors, right?

I always love to do too much, and do the max. When I was there, I don’t think they had minors. If they did, they were starting them right as I was leaving, but I don’t think they had them yet.

Now they do!

You can do a max of two. And why not try to max out school?

When picking a minor, there were multiple minors I would’ve been really interested in – dance, for one, would’ve been a dream. Alas, they were not doing virtual dance classes. So, that was not an option.

Music & Society [and really any of their tracks – Africana Studies, Gender Studies, or Global Studies] would’ve been very interesting.

I was super interested in acoustics. I’d love to understand math and spacial things better.

However, the ones that seemed attainable – that had the classes offered virtually, and made it so I didn’t have to do a million (very expensive) credit hours of extra work were Sound Design for Video Games and Creative Coding – mainly because they were made up of a bunch of electives from EPD… that I had to take anyway.

So, once I had my majors set up, I also sent off a form asking the EPD department chair to sign off on the minors. I was told the minors thing could be done at anytime. But let’s just get it all in writing, and taken care of, and in motion.

So, there you have it. Majors set. Minors set.

I’m not gonna keep talking about it under this title, but I will talk more about Berklee and why I chose my majors tomorrow!

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