First Post-Production Supervisor Job (2014) – Part 2 (‘I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me’)

February 9, 2021

Picking up from last time –

I wanted so badly to like working there. And I tried so hard to find the positives. But it just kept getting worse. The amount of work for the amount of money was becoming untenable. The ethics stuff was getting weird. A certain personality there was hard to deal with. There was just a lot.

But I just wanted so badly to build up good relationships in the industry. And my resume. So, I tried to find any options that made things better without quitting.

I tried to see if I could switch departments. I’d heard maybe field was better. I was not able to do that.

Even tried getting the union involved to see if they wanted to try to flip the place, but nothing much came of that.

At the time, I didn’t say anything publicly about the fact that I didn’t like it there. There was a public Tumblr account that had very funny memes about how awful it was to work there and how cheap they were and everything.

Of course those memes made me laugh. So, I liked one. That’s it! I merely liked one! I didn’t even leave a comment.

Got called into my boss and boss’ boss office the next day to be admonished about it. Like, WHAT?! You guys are monitoring the likes of a post that lightly (and rightly!) makes fun of you?! And not only monitoring that, but you’re admonishing (with a boss 2 levels above them) employees who just LIKE it?!


So, they ask me if I have any issues, as if I’m liking something like that, I must. And I’m like “yeah, actually I do.” And this is where I’ll pick up next time!

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