First Post-Production Supervisor Job (2014) – Part 4 (Heading Out of There!)

February 11, 2021

Picking up from last time –

With such blatant discrimination to my colleagues based on look, and with no way to change things as all my options had been tried and failed, I set out applying to basically every job and giving my absolute all with interviews and thank you cards etc. to land another job – which I did. And we’ll get there next time.

AND not only that. I made sure our awesome night AE got out as well 🙂 A brand new sparking union job.

Once I was sure was my job was locked down, I took all my things with me one Friday and wrote an email I would not be returning. Very sadly I didn’t get to see the night AE [so weird to say ‘the night AE over and over, but obviously name redacted for privacy] leave in a blaze of glory.

But, the lore is that they were VERY upset to see him leave, offered him tons of money to stay, and he was pretty much like “you should’ve offered this to me before.” Mic drop.

One crazy thing about working that job is that it was… I’m pretty sure the worst job I ever had. But. I made some of my best friends in the world there. You know Alex whom we love? Birthday Alex? I met him at that god forsaken job haha.

So, plants grow out of concrete [or whatever metaphor/analogy things works there]. That’s for sure!

And I had an AWESOME job after that – which we’ll get to tomorrow!

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