A Little Note On Some Hodgepodge Jobs

February 21, 2021

I also had some various tiny gigs here and there that I basically just forgot about.

While I’m trying to be super thorough (and for the most part, I am!), there were small gigs here and there that got lost to time.

So, while I don’t think it matters “on the record” haha, know there might be a little more out there. [E.g. I don’t think(?) I mentioned when I went back to America’s Got Talent for a week to help out in LA in a future season because they needed small fill in help, so why not? Etc.]

Anything that truly made an impact – a stepping stone, or something that came back around, etc., is accounted for. But small stuff like that may have slipped through the cracks. (Sorry)

And that probably holds true for future parts of the story as well.

[This little side note was probably unnecessary. You’re suuuuper getting well more than the gist. So, I think all is fine. I just – I can’t remember every teeny tiny gig. So, just thought I’d mention that as I go further down the rabbit hole of trying to remember it all/re-piece it all back together!]

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