Learning to Let Go of a Few Thousand Dollars (2014)

February 22, 2021

I’ve kept alluding to the fact that we never got paid for our last ~2 1/2 weeks of work on Living with the Jacksons. Obviously we all wanted to be paid. (And should’ve been!)

Different people went about it in different ways – small claims court, trying to use the channels of the state and labor-law-type things.

It was a very long drawn-out process for ~ $4,000 – $5,000.

But, I’m stubborn. And that’s a good amount of money!

I did push for the money with the channels of government(?) that deal with that. Got a hearing. I forget all the rules now, but I think basically I had to show up, even if they didn’t. And they got a second chance. (I think?)

Also, a small corp had been opened just to pay for this show, and I’m pretty sure they were filing bankruptcy for it. So, all the money that was chase-able was gonna be non-existent.

I got the notice for another hearing while I was already on The Nightly Show.

Between the plane ticket, and the time off work, I was gonna end up spending so much money in the hopes of getting money back that it just wasn’t worth it.

My life had become so wonderful. I had a dream job, was in my dream writing program, living alone in midtown Manhattan. I might be stubborn, but in this case, it was just better to let it go.

No sense in letting this money anchor me to a thing in the past when everything forward looked so much prettier. The money would’ve been nice (especially with how expensive moving is), but life moves on!

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