A Few More Jobs (2014 – 2015)

February 23, 2021

Picking up from last time –

After Jacksons, I went on to be a post-coordinator for a show called Smile. It was a simple gig. I got to do a lot of it remote, which wasn’t the norm at the time. So, that was cool. I remember randomly working on it in San Francisco, because you could work on it anywhere. So, why not?

Then, I worked on a show called Job or No Job. I remember my boss being SO. NICE. He was supportively following along with me auditioning for BMI! A total dream boss who also made work seem super human.

One tiny thing that sticks out in my mind was that as the night AE, I was invited to the premiere party. They easily could’ve been like “you have to work,” and forgotten about me. But they insisted I be included, which was very sweet. I’d work the people there again, for sure. Loved the vibe.

That show ended. And the person who’d given me my very first AE job hired me to be a union night assist. So, it felt kinda special… which meant I hated that I had to disappoint her…

And that’s where we’ll pick up tomorrow!

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