What’s The Update On Undergrad, Now That We’re In a New Semester? – Part 2 (It’s a Lot, But It’s an Abundance of Good)

March 11, 2021

Picking up from yesterday –

Professors are great again. At first I sat here and started listing them. I don’t know if you need a whole list, but I guess for anyone looking for good teachers, here is a handful (though I have even more great professors this semester!):

Radar for turntable is amazing. Thavius Beck has been fantastic for one of our senior-level classes. Jennifer Hruska is a genius. Rachel Rome is incredible at explaining programming.

And yes, as you might be able to guess, I made my slate of teachers as diverse as I could. This is my last full semester. I want to squeeze as much as I can out of it, and be taught by different voices!

I’m enjoying it, even though it’s very busy to have this many credits – especially when a fair amount of homework is involved….

Including saxophone lessons/practice. I’m in two lessons right now, because I have to pass two more levels of proficiencies to graduate.

I love to joke about what a great musician I am or whatever [and in some ways, it’s true]. But my brightest saxophone days were a while ago. I haven’t touched it much in years…

In fact, my uncle had it for the longest time, since I didn’t think I needed it anymore!

He very sweetly left me have it back. (He’d literally bought it from me, and was like “I’ve had it long it enough. You have reason you need it. You don’t need to pay me back anything for it” – which was SO kind!)

So, I got my saxophone back and now am trying to get through! You wouldn’t think it’s that much, but it feels like a lot. The songs are technical. And the SCALES! You have to play not just major and minor, but all your modes. And all your modes in 3rds. Arpeggios. Just all the – everything.

A lot of memorization. Just… a lot

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