What’s The Update On Undergrad, Now That We’re In a New Semester? – Part 3 (I’ll Finish It All!)

March 12, 2021

Picking up from yesterday –

I have tutoring every week with an EPD tutor, plus standing time with another tutor in the Creative Technology Center. Plus a saxophone tutor.

Basically, anything they offer, I’m trying to take them up on it.

(I’m also taking a class at LA community college that I need to transfer over for my one remaining history class needed…. meaning, I’m actually basically in 22 credits instead of 19. I did pass my conducting test out, but I still have to do my arranging one. [Edited to add: I passed the test out!])

So… it’s just a lot.

And there is so much really specific technical homework. I’m trying to have a fun time getting creative with as much of it as I can.

I am busting my butt to have as many classes with As as I can. I’d love to finish out my undergrad career at least somewhat strong.

[Edited to add: 8 of 11 classes [16 of 19 credits] were As! Could be a lot worse!]

One thing I think is super cute is that I got to have my old saxophone professor from when I was ‘actually’ in undergrad (all young and in-person and such). And he’s retiring this year! So, I will be in his final class!

It’s SO fun to be with him. He’s unbelievably cool. His name is Jackie Beard. And I feel really luck to have gotten to/get to play saxophone with him!

So yeah, I’ve made actual friends with some of the tutors and that’s been cool. I’m still getting an incredible amount out of it, even online.

The physical computing class is pretty hard… Even just learning to solder (and spell that haha) felt like such an accomplishment. If I get anything I build in this class to work well this semester, I’m gonna call it a win!

So, I think that covers it!

Things are falling in place, and going to plan. It’s all happening.

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