My 1st Egypt Trip – Day 3 – Great Pyramids Of Giza

May 14, 2022

Going to the pyramids is kinda funny ’cause you just drive on like a normal road, and you park in a parking lot.

Like, it really is such a touristy destination.

I feel like in so many of the pictures people post, it looks so deep in the desert that it seems hard to get there, like you’d have to take special vehicles or camels or whatever. But no. it’s pretty simple.

Then, once you get there, my guide just took me to the guy who was gonna take me around on the camel. So, I don’t know how you find the camel person if your guide doesn’t work it out, but I’m sure you could probably(?) figure it out.

Although area of the pyramids is WILD. I saw a video once of someone showing all the things you might fall prey to at the pyramids. And it showed this guy looking so ‘official’ and blowing a whistle trying to tell people they couldn’t go somewhere, trying to instead lead him to his area to sell them a mini-tour of the pyramids and on and on and on.

And it’s hard! If you’re alone and having trouble communicating because not everyone speaks English, and you’re trying to be respectful of rules and other cultures, it’s easy to be like “oh yeah, I better listen to the whistle guy.”

So, just always be aware, I guess.

But anyway, yeah, my guide drops me with the camel guide. And it feels crazy getting on a camel on the ground, and having it stand up beneath you. It’s just a strange sensation that’s like “whoa, this animal has tall legs.”

So, the camel takes me around, and even though Egypt was hot and crazy and exhausting with always trying to navigate what was going on, I tried to just totally take in that moment and look at the pyramids around me, which was cool.

I did ask if you could go inside the pyramids, and the guy said no, but I’ve heard later that you CAN!

So, I don’t know if people just want to try to keep it quick and not make the tour last too long or what. But I dunno. I guess maybe I’m too trusting because I did not do enough research (obviously) before going.

But the dude did take all the silly pictures of me you see everywhere where they have you pose in ways that make the pyramids look silly in the background (like looking like you’re touching the top tip of it, due to forced perspective).

And then once we got to the end of the ride around the area, looking at the pyramids, I got to go look at the Sphinx.

And that’s where I’ll pick up tomorrow.

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