My 1st Egypt Trip – Day 3 – The Sphinx

May 15, 2022

Picking up from yesterday –

So, then we make it to the area where the Sphinx is, and the camel guide I had told me to go just walk around, and that if anyone offers to take my picture, that they’re not offering out of niceness, but they’re doing it just to get money.

[I feel like I was always being warned from people in in Egypt about other people in Egypt, and that everyone always telling me everyone else was always out for money.]

Also, I was slightly annoyed(?), because the camel guide said he’d wait for me. So, it wasn’t like he was taking another person, but I’d paid over $100 for this camel ride! Like, if he’s just chilling, why can’t he come in and take the pics for me? (I asked and he said no.) [He actually encouraged me not to go to the Sphinx. I think he was just trying to see how fast he could cycle through me to try to get to the next person, but I dunno.]

So, anyway, I was just walking around, seeing if maybe I could find a tourist to take a couple photos for me.

And then I met an Egyptian man who was super nice! (But I later learned he just wanted to sleep with me, so like the only person I found who wasn’t motivated by money was motivated by sex. I didn’t sleep with him, so let’s just enjoy the kindness in this little moment where we have it.)

So, he offered to take some pics of me, and I was like “no thank you, no thank you, no thank you.” And he was like “no, let me,” and I was like “I’ve already been warned that I can’t have someone take pictures of me or I’ll have to keep paying money.” (And even if I did want to pay for pictures from someone, I didn’t actually have any cash on me, and I’d left it in my purse in the car – which, who knows if that was smart, but oh well!) And he was like “no, I promise. It’s free.”

So, then I let him start taking pictures. And at that point my camel guide ran over and was like “she said her money’s in the car! She has no cash on her!” And the new Egyptian guy was like “it’s okay. I don’t want money.”

So, my camel guide went back to the side, and then I was walking around the area with this new guide. And he was actually super nice. And he was like “yeah, people are so obsessed with money, and I just want to connect with people.”

And I thought that was cool.

He took me around, and took my pictures, and as I was walking out, I saw he had one of the tables set up of tchotchkes. And then he gave me a tiny little blue pyramid. And I was like “oh, no, thank you, but no.” And he was like, “seriously, I’m happy to gift it, no money expected.”

So, I felt like I had one, nice genuine interaction with someone in Egypt, which was great.

Then I did give him my WhatsApp number, because I was just happy to have someone who seemed genuine and trustworthy in Egypt.

But then he sent me an un-asked for picture in his underwear, and tried to guilt me when I didn’t react favorably. So, alas… Still no luck of any new friends in Egypt (except I did meet someone on the plane who was very nice! So maybe he counts.)

And then I’ll finish up about the pyramids tomorrow.

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