Getting Another AE Job! (Mid-2013)

February 6, 2021

Picking up from last time –

And one of my friends texted saying the woman we worked for on my first AE gig was looking for AEs again.

Well, my my! I’ll be. My friend passed my name along to say I was looking again. My old boss called and asked if I’d like to work with her again. I said surely. And I started right after I flew home from the party.

This job was yet again in Burbank and yet again day shift. But at least this time we got bays!

It was nice to be around some of my ol’ homies. I also got to learn some new assistant editor skills here, but I still was mainly responsible for the easier tasks. But I also got a bump from my last AE gig. So, you know, movin’ on up.

There was this super loud machine room I had to spend too much time in. But that was the only part of the job I disliked. So, I could deal with that.

As this job was coming to a close, I started putting the word out that I needed my next gig. I went back to trusty ol’ Staff Me Up. And sure enough, I got hired for a job that would start two weeks before this one ended!

And I’ll pick up here next time!

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