Then A Couple of Fun Side Gigs (2019)

March 2, 2021

Picking up from yesterday –

While I was night AEing, I was always looking for other things. I didn’t want to AE. So, I was trying to generate what might be next.

So, I ended up getting a couple of side gigs. For instance, this is when I worked with Nancy Meyers.

This was around the time I worked for Will Smith as well.

(And sadly the Night AE job was the job I mentioned that I did instead of trying to come back for more and more days at Westbrook. Looking back on it, it might’ve been smarter to just keep going with the Will Smith thing, since it paid more, probably would’ve looked better on a resume/been more interesting. I just had no idea what the stability would be since it was on such a day-to-day basis. And the commute… while I would’ve figured it out… it was just soooooooo long. It would’ve been hard to keep up with practically anything else. So, I dunno *shrug*.)

And this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow!

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